Search results for ""Springer London Ltd""
Springer London Ltd 3D Histology Evaluation of Dermatologic Surgery
There hasn’t been a book concerning "Microscopically Controlled Surgery" published and it is vital to publish a book that details all the different terms and methodology used in microscopically controlled surgery. The goal is to create a practical, concise and simple explanation of 3D-histology with workflows and detailed illustrative material for dermatologists. It is therefore designed to be a goal-oriented manual rather than an exhaustive reference work. It will provide the essential information for all working with patients undergoing this group of treatments.
Springer London Ltd An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values
Directly oriented towards real practical application, this book develops both the basic theoretical framework of extreme value models and the statistical inferential techniques for using these models in practice. Intended for statisticians and non-statisticians alike, the theoretical treatment is elementary, with heuristics often replacing detailed mathematical proof. Most aspects of extreme modeling techniques are covered, including historical techniques (still widely used) and contemporary techniques based on point process models. A wide range of worked examples, using genuine datasets, illustrate the various modeling procedures and a concluding chapter provides a brief introduction to a number of more advanced topics, including Bayesian inference and spatial extremes. All the computations are carried out using S-PLUS, and the corresponding datasets and functions are available via the Internet for readers to recreate examples for themselves. An essential reference for students and researchers in statistics and disciplines such as engineering, finance and environmental science, this book will also appeal to practitioners looking for practical help in solving real problems. Stuart Coles is Reader in Statistics at the University of Bristol, UK, having previously lectured at the universities of Nottingham and Lancaster. In 1992 he was the first recipient of the Royal Statistical Society's research prize. He has published widely in the statistical literature, principally in the area of extreme value modeling.
Springer London Ltd A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How
Suitable for self study Use real examples and real data sets that will be familiar to the audience Introduction to the bootstrap is included – this is a modern method missing in many other books
Springer London Ltd Pocket Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases
For eight decades the Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases has been the standard text from which most medical students and house ofcers have learned rheumatology. I myself will never forget thumbing through an older edition of the Primer as a second-year resident, while waiting to review a perplexing patient with my tutor. Fortunately the tutor was r- ning late with his own patients, so I had time to fip through the book – then much thinner – a couple of times. While turning the pages, per- ing the features of those diseases whose names were still exotic to me, and considering my patient’s history of conductive hearing loss and p- monary nodules, a light went on when I stumbled eventually on a part- ular chapter. I still remember the jaw-dropping efect on my tutor of my announcement then that I had a patient with Wegener’s granulomatosis. I think I became a rheumatologist that very moment! Subsequent editions of the Primer have sufered from the inevitable “obesity creep,” making it an outstanding reference textbook but virtually impossible to fip through quickly while awaiting one’s tutor, and even more difcult to slip into the pocket of a white coat to carry on rounds. For this reason we have created the Pocket Primer, a mini version that cuts the larger book down to its essentials.
Springer London Ltd Artificial Organs
This book deals with organ failure and the way it can be managed artificially without requiring a transplant. Written by a mixture of European and US physicians and surgeons, each of the chapters compares the artificial organ to what is currently available from the transplant point of view to highlight the current and modern available techniques for organ replacement. The book will be a useful reading for postgraduate students and people interested in modern surgical and medical technology.
Springer London Ltd Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques
This book provides a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image p- cessing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a ?rm foundation on which to build and practitioners in search of critical analysis and modern - plementations of the most important techniques. This updated and enhanced paperbackedition ofourcomprehensivetextbookDigital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Approach Using Java packages the original material into a series of compactvolumes, therebysupporting a ?exiblesequenceofcoursesindigital image processing. Tailoring the contents to the scope of individual semester courses is also an attempt to provide a?ordable (and "backpack-compatible") textbooks without comprimising the quality and depth of content. Oneapproachtolearninganewlanguageistobecomeconversantinthecore vocabulary and to start using it right away. At ?rst, you may only know how to ask for directions, order co?ee, and so on, but once you become con?dent with the core, you will start engaging others in "conversations" and rapidly learn how to get things done. This step-by-step approach works equally well in many areas of science and engineering. In this ?rst volume, ostentatiously titled Fundamental Techniques,wehave attemptedtocompilethecore"vocabulary" ofdigitalimageprocessing,starting from the basic concepts and elementary properties of digital images through simple statistics and point operations, fundamental ? ltering techniques, loc- ization of edges and contours, and basic operations on color images. Mastering these most commonly used techniques and algorithms will enable you to start being productive right away.
Springer London Ltd An Introduction to Toxicology
This book provides a readable introduction to modern toxicology with a particular focus on the mechanisms underlying the induction of toxicity by foreign substances. Since bioactivation is central to many toxic syndromes, special interest is devoted to chemicals that undergo conversion to toxic metabolites that induce toxic effects as diverse as cancer, birth defects and organ injury. The molecular consequences accompanying damage to cellular DNA and proteins is explored together with the relevance of toxicological paradigms to human diseases caused by alcohol and tobacco. The discipline of toxicology has developed rapidly since the thalidomide disaster in the 1960’s as scientists worldwide seek to understand the adverse health effects of human medicines, environmental pollutants, consumer chemicals and industrial reagents. An Introduction to Toxicology is intended to supplement the recommended reading list of undergraduate and graduate programs in toxicology and pharmacology as an enjoyable, accessible primer with illustrations that “unpack” the concepts being discussed in the text.
Springer London Ltd Offshore Risk Assessment Vol. 2: Principles, Modelling and Applications of QRA Studies
This is the first textbook to address quantified risk assessment (QRA) as specifically applied to offshore installations and operations. As the second part of the two-volume updated and expanded fourth edition, it adds a new focus on the recent development of Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs), which are essentially autonomous installations that combine digitalization, big data, drones and machine learning, and can be supported by W2W (walk-to-work) vessels. These minimalistic installations with no helideck and very limited safety systems will require a new approach to risk assessment and emergency planning, especially during manned periods involving W2W vessels. Separate chapters analyse the main hazards for offshore structures: fire, explosion, collision, and falling objects, as well as structural and marine hazards. The book explores possible simplifications of risk assessment for traditional manned installations. Risk mitigation and control are also discussed, as well as how the results of quantitative risk assessment studies should be presented. In closing, the book provides an updated approach to environmental risk assessment. The book offers a comprehensive reference guide for academics and students of marine/offshore risk assessment and management. It will also be of interest to professionals in the industry, as well as contractors, suppliers, consultants and regulatory authorities.
Springer London Ltd Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is a comprehensive treatment of marine mechanical systems (MMS) involved in processes of great importance such as oil drilling and mineral recovery. Ranging from nonlinear dynamic modeling and stability analysis of flexible riser systems, through advanced control design for an installation system with a single rigid payload attached by thrusters, to robust adaptive control for mooring systems, it is an authoritative reference on the dynamics and control of MMS. Readers will gain not only a complete picture of MMS at the system level, but also a better understanding of the technical considerations involved and solutions to problems that commonly arise from dealing with them. The text provides: · a complete framework of dynamical analysis and control design for marine mechanical systems;· new results on the dynamical analysis of riser, mooring and installation systems together with a general modeling method for a class of MMS;· a general method and strategy for realizing the control objectives of marine systems with guaranteed stability the effectiveness of which is illustrated by extensive numerical simulation; and · approximation-based control schemes using neural networks for installation of subsea structures with attached thrusters in the presence of time-varying environmental disturbances and parametric uncertainties.Most of the results presented are analytical with repeatable design algorithms with proven closed-loop stability and performance analysis of the proposed controllers is rigorous and detailed.Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is primarily intended for researchers and engineers in the system and control community, but graduate students studying control and marine engineering will also find it a useful resource as will practitioners working on the design, running or maintenance of offshore platforms.
Springer London Ltd Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory
This text is a rigorous introduction to ergodic theory, developing the machinery of conditional measures and expectations, mixing, and recurrence. Beginning by developing the basics of ergodic theory and progressing to describe some recent applications to number theory, this book goes beyond the standard texts in this topic. Applications include Weyl's polynomial equidistribution theorem, the ergodic proof of Szemeredi's theorem, the connection between the continued fraction map and the modular surface, and a proof of the equidistribution of horocycle orbits. Ergodic Theory with a view towards Number Theory will appeal to mathematicians with some standard background in measure theory and functional analysis. No background in ergodic theory or Lie theory is assumed, and a number of exercises and hints to problems are included, making this the perfect companion for graduate students and researchers in ergodic theory, homogenous dynamics or number theory.
Springer London Ltd Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain: Pelvic Organ Disorders
This 2nd revised edition covers management and treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunctions in men and women, pelvic organ prolapse, issues concerning the elderly, neurologically impaired patients and those with pelvic pain. New chapters cover quality of life, treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunction in children, the history of pelvic floor muscle exercise and manual therapy. The use of real-time ultrasound to evaluate pelvic floor muscle contractility is discussed, and a new section covers ethical issues in the management of incontinence. This is a useful reference and practical guide for health professionals dealing with incontinence and pelvic floor disorders.
Springer London Ltd Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment
Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment, Third Edition covers not only diagnostic assessment, but also comorbidity patterns as well as differential diagnosis of ADHD with for example bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. The symptom overlap and misdiagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome in girls and women with the inattentive subtype of ADHD, ADD is explored. The chronic delayed sleep phase syndrome associated with ADHD based on disturbances in the circadian rhythm, and the possible consequences for general health (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer) are discussed. There are sections on ADHD and intelligence, criminality, sexuality, dyslexia and autism. Adult ADHD can be treated effectively but as yet the disorder is not always recognised by professionals and this book aims to help correct this.Diagnostic tools are included, such as the structured Diagnostic Interview for Adult ADHD (DIVA), and an ultra-short and somewhat longer screening tool, all based on the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD. Treatment options cover psychoeducation and motivation and individual and group coaching; long-acting stimulants and other new drugs for treating ADHD; use of melatonin to treat the delayed sleep-phase disorder. Useful information is included on the setting up and organisation of a department for adult ADHD with a multidisciplinary team. References, websites and useful international addresses have all been updated. Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment, Third Edition is intended for students, junior doctors/residents, psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental healthcare professionals and interested parties and provides a quick overview of the current state of the science and of the methods used in diagnosis and treatment.Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment, Third Edition was originally published by Pearson Assessment and Information BV, The Netherlands.
Springer London Ltd Matrix Groups: An Introduction to Lie Group Theory
This book offers a first taste of the theory of Lie groups, focusing mainly on matrix groups: closed subgroups of real and complex general linear groups. The first part studies examples and describes classical families of simply connected compact groups. The second section introduces the idea of a lie group and explores the associated notion of a homogeneous space using orbits of smooth actions. The emphasis throughout is on accessibility.
Springer London Ltd Writing for Computer Science
All researchers need to write or speak about their work, and to have research that is worth presenting. Based on the author's decades of experience as a researcher and advisor, this third edition provides detailed guidance on writing and presentations and a comprehensive introduction to research methods, the how-to of being a successful scientist. Topics include:· Development of ideas into research questions;· How to find, read, evaluate and referee other research;· Design and evaluation of experiments and appropriate use of statistics;· Ethics, the principles of science and examples of science gone wrong.Much of the book is a step-by-step guide to effective communication, with advice on: · Writing style and editing;· Figures, graphs and tables;· Mathematics and algorithms;· Literature reviews and referees’ reports;· Structuring of arguments and results into papers and theses;· Writing of other professional documents;· Presentation of talks and posters.Written in an accessible style and including handy checklists and exercises, Writing for Computer Science is not only an introduction to the doing and describing of research, but is a valuable reference for working scientists in the computing and mathematical sciences.
Springer London Ltd Advances in Laparoscopy of the Abdominal Wall Hernia
Advances in Laparoscopy of the Abdominal Wall Hernia is fully illustrated, comprehensive guide which describes in detail the most up-to-date techniques used in the laparoscopic repair of hernias. Written by world renowned authors, this manual reviews laparoscopic techniques used in the repair of inguinal hernias and ventral incisional hernias. Among the topics explored within this updated, engaging and informative text are: • Techniques such as Extraperitoneal (TEP) and transabdominal (TAPP) hernia repair • Fundamentals of ventral hernia repair • A detailed overview of mesh fixation in laparoscopic surgery • Methods to deal with rarer hernias and those of atypical location Advances in Laparoscopy of the Abdominal Wall Hernia is a valuable reference tool that would be of great benefit to surgeons and medical practitioners working in this field.
Springer London Ltd Walking in Space
Over the past 35 years more than 100 individual astronauts and cosmonauts have performed nearly 200 EVAs, (spacewalks), either singularly or in teams in Earth orbit, deep space or on the Moon. In 'Walking in Space: Development of Space Walking Techniques' the author, Dave Shayler, shows how hardware and crew members are prepared for, protected and supported during every EVA. He demonstrates how past experiences have led to improved training techniques and how this, in turn, has provided many successes and future developments.
Springer London Ltd Electronic Value Exchange: Origins of the VISA Electronic Payment System
Electronic Value Exchange examines in detail the transformation of the VISA electronic payment system from a collection of non-integrated, localized, paper-based bank credit card programs into the cooperative, global, electronic value exchange network it is today. Topics and features: provides a history of the VISA system from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s; presents a historical narrative based on research gathered from personal documents and interviews with key actors; investigates, for the first time, both the technological and social infrastructures necessary for the VISA system to operate; supplies a detailed case study, highlighting the mutual shaping of technology and social relations, and the influence that earlier information processing practices have on the way firms adopt computers and telecommunications; examines how “gateways” in transactional networks can reinforce or undermine established social boundaries, and reviews the establishment of trust in new payment devices.
Springer London Ltd Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web. First Edition
Ontological Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development process, the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. During the last decade, increasing attention has been focused on ontologies and Ontological Engineering. Ontologies are now widely used in Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science; in applications related to knowledge management, natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent integration information, information retrieval, integration of databases, b- informatics, and education; and in new emerging fields like the Semantic Web. Primary goals of this book are to acquaint students, researchers and developers of information systems with the basic concepts and major issues of Ontological Engineering, as well as to make ontologies more understandable to those computer science engineers that integrate ontologies into their information systems. We have paid special attention to the influence that ontologies have on the Semantic Web. Pointers to the Semantic Web appear in all the chapters, but specially in the chapter on ontology languages and tools.
Springer London Ltd Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice
Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice is a collection of classical and contemporary writing associated with learning and systemic change in contexts ranging from cities, to rural development to education to nursing to water management to public policy. It is likely to be of interest to anyone trying to understand how to think systemically and to act and interact effectively in situations experienced as complex, messy and changing. While mainly concerned with professional praxis, where theory and practice inform each other, there is much here that can apply at a personal level. This book offers conceptual tools and suggestions for new ways of being and acting in the world in relation to each other, that arise from both old and new understandings of communities, learning and systems. Starting with twentieth century insights into social learning, learning systems and appreciative systems from Donald Schön and Sir Geoffrey Vickers, the book goes on to consider the contemporary traditions of critical social learning systems and communities of practice, pioneered by Richard Bawden and Etienne Wenger and their colleagues. A synthesis of the ideas raised, written by the editor, concludes this reader. The theory and practice of social learning systems and communities of practice appear to have much to offer in influencing and managing systemic change for a better world.
Springer London Ltd Laser Material Processing
The informal style of Laser Material Processing (4th Edition) will guide you smoothly from the basics of laser physics to the detailed treatment of all the major materials processing techniques for which lasers are now essential. • Helps you to understand how the laser works and to decide which laser is best for your purposes. • New chapters on laser physics, drilling, micro- and nanomanufacturing and biomedical laser processing reflect the changes in the field since the last edition, updating and completing the range of practical knowledge about the processes possible with lasers already familiar to established users of this well-known text. • Provides a firm grounding in the safety aspects of laser use. • Now with end-of-chapter exercises to help students assimilate information as they learn. • The authors’ lively presentation is supported by a number of original cartoons by Patrick Wright and Noel Ford which will bring a smile to your face and ease the learning process.
Springer London Ltd Forensic Computing
In the second edition of this very successful book, Tony Sammes and Brian Jenkinson show how the contents of computer systems can be recovered, even when hidden or subverted by criminals. Equally important, they demonstrate how to insure that computer evidence is admissible in court. Updated to meet ACPO 2003 guidelines, Forensic Computing: A Practitioner's Guide offers: methods for recovering evidence information from computer systems; principles of password protection and data encryption; evaluation procedures used in circumventing a system’s internal security safeguards, and full search and seizure protocols for experts and police officers.
Springer London Ltd Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is a comprehensive treatment of marine mechanical systems (MMS) involved in processes of great importance such as oil drilling and mineral recovery. Ranging from nonlinear dynamic modeling and stability analysis of flexible riser systems, through advanced control design for an installation system with a single rigid payload attached by thrusters, to robust adaptive control for mooring systems, it is an authoritative reference on the dynamics and control of MMS. Readers will gain not only a complete picture of MMS at the system level, but also a better understanding of the technical considerations involved and solutions to problems that commonly arise from dealing with them. The text provides: · a complete framework of dynamical analysis and control design for marine mechanical systems;· new results on the dynamical analysis of riser, mooring and installation systems together with a general modeling method for a class of MMS;· a general method and strategy for realizing the control objectives of marine systems with guaranteed stability the effectiveness of which is illustrated by extensive numerical simulation; and · approximation-based control schemes using neural networks for installation of subsea structures with attached thrusters in the presence of time-varying environmental disturbances and parametric uncertainties.Most of the results presented are analytical with repeatable design algorithms with proven closed-loop stability and performance analysis of the proposed controllers is rigorous and detailed.Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is primarily intended for researchers and engineers in the system and control community, but graduate students studying control and marine engineering will also find it a useful resource as will practitioners working on the design, running or maintenance of offshore platforms.
Springer London Ltd Mathematical Writing
This book teaches the art of writing mathematics, an essential -and difficult- skill for any mathematics student. The book begins with an informal introduction on basic writing principles and a review of the essential dictionary for mathematics. Writing techniques are developed gradually, from the small to the large: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, to end with short compositions. These may represent the introduction of a concept, the abstract of a presentation or the proof of a theorem. Along the way the student will learn how to establish a coherent notation, mix words and symbols effectively, write neat formulae, and structure a definition.Some elements of logic and all common methods of proofs are featured, including various versions of induction and existence proofs. The book concludes with advice on specific aspects of thesis writing (choosing of a title, composing an abstract, compiling a bibliography) illustrated by large number of real-life examples. Many exercises are included; over 150 of them have complete solutions, to facilitate self-study.Mathematical Writing will be of interest to all mathematics students who want to raise the quality of their coursework, reports, exams, and dissertations.
Springer London Ltd Managing Depression in Clinical Practice
An estimated 21 million people are diagnosed each year with a major depressive disorder in the USA, Western Europe and Japan. The economic cost of depression and its impact on sufferers and those around them is enormous. There are numerous therapy choices available, which can be daunting for the clinician trying to achieve the best treatment regimen. Managing Depression in Clinical Practice provides a concise overview of the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and management of this debilitating condition. The book gives practical coverage of depression in special populations, the management of treatment non-response and long-term treatment. Managing Depression in Clinical Practice is intended as an accessible text for family practitioners and psychiatrists in training and in practice. It will also be of interest to specialist nurses and allied health professionals working in the field.
Springer London Ltd ECG Diagnosis in Clinical Practice
Over the last century the ECG has been used by clinicians to make major clinical decisions with regard to electric pacing, the use of thrombolytic drugs in acute myocardial infarction and the timing of surgery. In conjunction with a chest X-ray and the echocardiogram it is a fundamental part of the initial investigation of a patient with suspected heart disease. These electrical squiggles have always been difficult for students to understand. In part the problem has been that the formatting of the ECG has only become standard in the last two decades. Some important books have not provided the full twelve-lead ECG. On occasion the interpretation of the ECG has been related to complex explanations of the shapes of the electrical signals. For the practising physician much of the interpretation is a matter of pattern recognition.
Springer London Ltd Product Reliability: Specification and Performance
As an overview of reliability performance and specification in new product development, Product Reliability is suitable for managers responsible for new product development. The methodology for making decisions relating to reliability performance and specification will be of use to engineers involved in product design and development. This book can be used as a text for graduate courses on design, manufacturing, new product development and operations management and in various engineering disciplines.
Springer London Ltd Developing Services for the Wireless Internet
Developing Services for the Wireless Internet offers state-of-the-art technological knowledge and practical know-how to practitioners – project managers, software architects and designers, process engineers and quality assurance workers. The book supports the developers of services and applications for mobile phones, PDAs and smart phones. This new emerging domain is characterized by a very fast pace of change in the underlying technology, exposing products and applications to a constant risk of obsolescence. The relative youth of this field means that knowledge is comparatively limited. The book identifies an approach to mitigate the above risks by focusing on: The development process, the underlying technology and its effects on connectivity, and software architectures. It provides an essential tool kit for all working in this field.
Springer London Ltd Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery: Primary Repair of Facial Injuries
The idea behind this book is to produce a fully comprehensive and highly illustrated “how to” technical reference manual, demonstrating surgical procedures in a step by step manner. This book also covers assessment and investigations, but focuses on the surgical and non surgical management of all aspect of maxillofacial trauma.It will include most, if not all, of the surgical approaches and techniques used, for all injuries. This volume includes emergency procedures and the various techniques in repair of fractures and soft tissue injuries, from the simple to the complex. Each step is illustrated photographically or with line diagrams, with explanatory text.This will enable surgical trainees and surgeons with limited trauma experience to understand how and why any particular procedure is undertaken.
Springer London Ltd Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics 2011: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics (EIEM 2011)
As future generation electrical, information engineering and mechatronics become specialized and fragmented, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that many topics in these areas have common threads and, because of this, advances in one discipline may be transmitted to others. The 2011 International Conference on Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics (EIEM 2011) is the first conference that attempts to follow the above idea of hybridization in electrical, information engineering, mechatronics and applications.This Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics provides a forum for engineers and scientists to address the most innovative research and development including technical challenges and social, legal, political, and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, works in progress and experience on all aspects of electrical, information engineering, mechatronics and applications. Engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government will find a insights into the solutions that combine ideas from multiple disciplines in order to achieve something more significant than the sum of the individual parts in all aspects of electrical, information engineering, mechatronics and applications.
Springer London Ltd Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics
Helps to ease the transition between school/college and university mathematics by (re)introducing readers to a range of topics that they will meet in the first year of a degree course in the mathematical sciences, refreshing their knowledge of basic techniques and focussing on areas that are often perceived as the most challenging. Each chapter starts with a "Test Yourself" section so that readers can monitor their progress and readily identify areas where their understanding is incomplete. A range of exercises, complete with full solutions, makes the book ideal for self-study.
Springer London Ltd Model Predictive Control
The second edition of "Model Predictive Control" provides a thorough introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of the most commonly used MPC strategies. It bridges the gap between the powerful but often abstract techniques of control researchers and the more empirical approach of practitioners. The book demonstrates that a powerful technique does not always require complex control algorithms. Many new exercises and examples have also been added throughout. Solutions available for download from the authors' website save the tutor time and enable the student to follow results more closely even when the tutor isn't present.
Springer London Ltd Logic and Structure
Dirk van Dalen’s popular textbook Logic and Structure, now in its fifth edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the basics of classical and intuitionistic logic, model theory and Gödel’s famous incompleteness theorem. Propositional and predicate logic are presented in an easy-to-read style using Gentzen’s natural deduction. The book proceeds with some basic concepts and facts of model theory: a discussion on compactness, Skolem-Löwenheim, non-standard models and quantifier elimination. The discussion of classical logic is concluded with a concise exposition of second-order logic. In view of the growing recognition of constructive methods and principles, intuitionistic logic and Kripke semantics is carefully explored. A number of specific constructive features, such as apartness and equality, the Gödel translation, the disjunction and existence property are also included. The last chapter on Gödel's first incompleteness theorem is self-contained and provides a systematic exposition of the necessary recursion theory. This new edition has been properly revised and contains a new section on ultra-products.
Springer London Ltd Cancer Chemotherapy in Clinical Practice
A simple introduction explaining the broad principles underlying chemotherapy, this book gives trainees a framework within which they can place the specific aspects of cancer chemotherapy they encounter in their everyday experience. The first part of this book is unique in explaining the recent developments in the field in terms of their point of action in the natural history of cancer. The second and third sections contain a more straightforward description of practical aspects of chemotherapy, and the current place of drug treatment in everyday cancer management, including the outcomes of that treatment.
Springer London Ltd Digital Media: The Future
This volume presents state-of-the-art research from a wide area of subjects brought about by the digital convergence of computing, television, telecommunications and the World-Wide Web. It represents a unique snapshot of trends across a wide range of subjects including virtual environments; virtual reality; telepresence; human-computer interface design; interactivity; avatars; and the Internet. Both researchers and practitioners will find it an invaluable source of reference.
Springer London Ltd Systems Thinkers
This book presents a biographical history of the field of systems thinking, by examining the life and work of thirty of its major thinkers. It discusses each thinker’s key contributions, the way this contribution was expressed in practice and the relationship between their life and ideas. This discussion is supported by an extract from the thinker’s own writing, to give a flavour of their work and to give readers a sense of which thinkers are most relevant to their own interests.
Springer London Ltd Manual of Heart Failure Management
Practical simple reference for understanding current management of heart failure Provides pathophysiology and pharmacology to explain the key points Focuses mostly on patient management issues
Springer London Ltd Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision
This book deals with various image processing and machine vision problems efficiently with splines and includes: the significance of Bernstein Polynomial in splines, detailed coverage of Beta-splines applications which are relatively new, Splines in motion tracking, various deformative models and their uses. Finally the book covers wavelet splines which are efficient and effective in different image applications.
Springer London Ltd Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control
The classic text on robot manipulators now covers visual control, motion planning and mobile robots too!Based on the successful Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators by Sciavicco and Siciliano (Springer, 2000), Robotics provides the basic know-how on the foundations of robotics: modelling, planning and control. It has been expanded to include coverage of mobile robots, visual control and motion planning. A variety of problems is raised throughout, and the proper tools to find engineering-oriented solutions are introduced and explained.The text includes coverage of fundamental topics like kinematics, and trajectory planning and related technological aspects including actuators and sensors.To impart practical skill, examples and case studies are carefully worked out and interwoven through the text, with frequent resort to simulation. In addition, end-of-chapter exercises are proposed, and the book is accompanied by an electronic solutions manual containing the MATLAB® code for computer problems; this is available free of charge to those adopting this volume as a textbook for courses.
Springer London Ltd Further Linear Algebra
Most of the introductory courses on linear algebra develop the basic theory of finite dimensional vector spaces, and in so doing relate the notion of a linear mapping to that of a matrix. Generally speaking, such courses culminate in the diagonalisation of certain matrices and the application of this process to various situations. Such is the case, for example, in our previous SUMS volume Basic Linear Algebra. The present text is a continuation of that volume, and has the objective of introducing the reader to more advanced properties of vector spaces and linear mappings, and consequently of matrices. For readers who are not familiar with the contents of Basic Linear Algebra we provide an introductory chapter that consists of a compact summary of the prerequisites for the present volume. In order to consolidate the student's understanding we have included a large num ber of illustrative and worked examples, as well as many exercises that are strategi cally placed throughout the text. Solutions to the exercises are also provided. Many applications of linear algebra require careful, and at times rather tedious, calculations by hand. Very often these are subject to error, so the assistance of a com puter is welcome. As far as computation in algebra is concerned, there are several packages available. Here we include, in the spirit of a tutorial, a chapter that gives 1 a brief introduction to the use of MAPLE in dealing with numerical and algebraic problems in linear algebra.
Springer London Ltd Basic Linear Algebra
Basic Linear Algebra is a text for first year students leading from concrete examples to abstract theorems, via tutorial-type exercises. More exercises (of the kind a student may expect in examination papers) are grouped at the end of each section. The book covers the most important basics of any first course on linear algebra, explaining the algebra of matrices with applications to analytic geometry, systems of linear equations, difference equations and complex numbers. Linear equations are treated via Hermite normal forms which provides a successful and concrete explanation of the notion of linear independence. Another important highlight is the connection between linear mappings and matrices leading to the change of basis theorem which opens the door to the notion of similarity. This new and revised edition features additional exercises and coverage of Cramer's rule (omitted from the first edition). However, it is the new, extra chapter on computer assistance that will be of particular interest to readers: this will take the form of a tutorial on the use of the "LinearAlgebra" package in MAPLE 7 and will deal with all the aspects of linear algebra developed within the book.
Springer London Ltd Quaternions for Computer Graphics
If you have ever wondered what quaternions are — then look no further, John Vince will show you how simple and useful they are. This 2nd edition has been completely revised and includes extra detail on the invention of quaternions, a complete review of the text and equations, all figures are in colour, extra worked examples, an expanded index, and a bibliography arranged for each chapter. Quaternions for Computer Graphics includes chapters on number sets and algebra, imaginary and complex numbers, the complex plane, rotation transforms, and a comprehensive description of quaternions in the context of rotation. The book will appeal to students of computer graphics, computer science and mathematics, as well as programmers, researchers, academics and professional practitioners interested in learning about quaternions. John Vince explains in an easy-to-understand language, with the aid of useful figures, how quaternions emerged, gave birth to modern vector analysis, disappeared, and reemerged to be adopted by the flight simulation industry and computer graphics. This book will give you the confidence to use quaternions within your every-day mathematics, and explore more advanced texts.