Search results for ""Springer International Publishing AG""
Springer International Publishing AG Transfusion Management of the Obstetrical Patient: A Clinical Casebook
This clinical casebook covers transfusion medicine theory and its practical implications for the obstetrical hemorrhage patient through the presentation of cases on actively bleeding patients. Each case features a unique clinical scenario involving a bleeding patient and outlines different aspects of safe and effective transfusion support. The cases contain current evidence on the latest topics in the field, such as the use of antifibrinolytic agents and coagulation factor concentrates in the setting of massive obstetrical hemorrhage. In addition to the actively bleeding patient, the casebook includes other important management topics, including the role of plasma exchange in thrombotic microangiopathies during pregnancy; treatment of hyperhemolysis in a patient with hemoglobinopathy; and recommended management of patients with red cell antibodies found on prenatal testing. Other immunohematology topics such as post-natal management of an RhD negative woman for the prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn due to anti-Rh(D) are included.Written by transfusion medicine, coagulation, obstetrical, and anesthesiology experts, Transfusion Management of the Obstetrical Patient: A Clinical Casebook is a concise yet comprehensive resource for anesthesiologists, obstetricians, pathologists, hematologists, and other practitioners who treat obstetrical hemorrhage patients.
Springer International Publishing AG WELL-BEING: Productivity and Happiness at Work
This book is the second edition of Well-being: Productivity and Happiness at Work that shows how to improve well-being in organizations. As with its predecessor, this new edition is remarkably timely. It explores the latest findings in the research on wellbeing and offers practical guidelines to the reader on how to promote well-being, productivity and happiness at work High levels of well-being at work are good for the employee and the organization. It means lower sickness-absence levels, better retention and more satisfied customers. People with higher levels of well-being live longer, pursue happier lives and are easier to work with. This updated edition provides an extensive overview of resilience at work and how this affects wellbeing. It introduces new topics such as what organizations need to consider about wellbeing in the context of an ageing workforce. It provides new case studies that have been conducted in the last few years including a case study on health and wellbeing in the Civil Service.
Springer International Publishing AG The Strange Demise of the Local in Local Government: Bigger is Not Better
This book challenges the notion that bigger local government is always better. Whilst the central government in Britain has often supported increases in local government size, the book argues that this has been detrimental, and has caused the erosion of distinctive community identities that were previously represented by local authorities empowered to make significant local choices about services and future strategy. Drawing from national and international evidence, it offers an alternative narrative about the size, role, function and purpose of local government to that currently dominating policy discussion. It aims to provide readers who oppose size increases in local government with the evidence and arguments to influence change in their areas. The book will appeal to policymakers working in central and local government, as well as academics interested in public policy, public administration and local government.
Springer International Publishing AG Wireless Networks: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures
In recent years, wireless networks communication has become the fundamental basis of our work, leisure, and communication life from the early GSM mobile phones to the Internet of Things and Internet of Everything communications. All wireless communications technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, wireless sensors, wireless LANs, ZigBee, GSM, and others have their own challenges and security threats. This book addresses some of these challenges focusing on the implication, impact, and mitigations of the stated issues. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of not only the technical and ethical issues presented by the use of wireless networks but also the adversarial application of wireless networks and its associated implications. The authors recommend a number of novel approaches to assist in better detecting, thwarting, and addressing wireless challenges and threats. The book also looks ahead and forecasts what attacks can be carried out in the future through the malicious use of the wireless networks if sufficient defenses are not implemented. The research contained in the book fits well into the larger body of work on various aspects of wireless networks and cyber-security. The book provides a valuable reference for cyber-security experts, practitioners, and network security professionals, particularly those interested in the security of the various wireless networks. It is also aimed at researchers seeking to obtain a more profound knowledge in various types of wireless networks in the context of cyber-security, wireless networks, and cybercrime. Furthermore, the book is an exceptional advanced text for Ph.D. and master’s degree programs in cyber-security, network security, cyber-terrorism, and computer science who are investigating or evaluating a security of a specific wireless network. Each chapter is written by an internationally-renowned expert who has extensive experience in law enforcement, industry, or academia. Furthermore, this book blends advanced research findings with practice-based methods to provide the reader with advanced understanding and relevant skills.
Springer International Publishing AG Automatic Control with Interactive Tools
Automatic Control with Interactive Tools is a textbook for undergraduate study of automatic control. Providing a clear course structure, and covering concepts taught in engineering degrees, this book is an ideal companion to those studying or teaching automatic control. The authors have used this text successfully to teach their students.By providing unique interactive tools, which have been designed to illustrate the most important automatic control concepts, Automatic Control with Interactive Tools helps students overcome the potential barriers presented by the significant mathematical content of automatic control courses. Even when they have previously had only the benefit of an introductory control course, the software tools presented will help readers to get to grips with the use of such techniques as differential equations, linear algebra, and differential geometry. This textbook covers the breadth of automatic control topics, including time responses of dynamic systems, the Nyquist criterion and PID control. It switches smoothly between analytical and practical approaches. Automatic Control with Interactive Tools offers a clear introduction to automatic control, ideal for undergraduate students, instructors and anyone wishing to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of the subject
Springer International Publishing AG Psychosocial Care of End-Stage Organ Disease and Transplant Patients
Th is book takes an integrated, evidence-based approach the psychiatricaspects of organ transplantation. Unlike any other text currently on the market, this title presents the core principles of transplant psychiatry through an organ-based structure that includes the heart, lungs, liver, GI organs, kidney, composite tissue, and other key areas of transplantation. Each section is divided into chapters discussing psychosocial, medical, and surgical considerations prior to and post-transplant, such as indications leading to a particular type of transplantation, medical course and complications aft er transplantation, psychiatric and psychosocial considerations before and aft er transplantation, history of each type of organ transplant, and any other special considerations. Th e text ends with special topics in care, including psychopharmacology, substance abuse, psychosocial evaluation of recipients and donors, ethical considerations, cross-cultural aspects, and building the transplant psychiatry practice. It includes excellent learning tools, including over 140 tables and figures for ease of use.Written by interdisciplinary experts, Psychosocial Care of End-Stage Disease and Transplant Patients is a valuable resource for students and medical professionals interested in psychiatry, psychology, psychosomatic medicine, transplant surgery, internists, hospital administrators, pharmacists, nurses, and social workers.
Springer International Publishing AG Social Design: Essays in Memory of Leonid Hurwicz
This book contains invited essays in memory of Leonid Hurwicz spanning a large area of economic, social and other sciences where the implementation or enforcement of institutions and rules requires the design of effective mechanisms. The foundations of these articles are set by social choice concepts; game theory; Nash, Bayesian and Walrasian equilibria; complete and incomplete information. Besides in-depth treatments of well-established parts of mechanism and implementation theory, contributions on novel directions deal, for instance, with a quantum approach to game and decision making under uncertainty; digitalization; and the design of block chain for trading. The outstanding competence and reputation of the authors reflect the appreciation of the fundamental contributions and the lasting admiration of the personality and the work of Leonid Hurwicz.
Springer International Publishing AG Neuropalliative Care: A Guide to Improving the Lives of Patients and Families Affected by Neurologic Disease
This comprehensive guide thoroughly covers all aspects of neuropalliative care, from symptom-specific considerations, to improving communication between clinicians, patients and families. Neuropalliative Care: A Guide to Improving the Lives of Patients and Families Affected by Neurologic Disease addresses clinical considerations for diseases such as dementia, multiple sclerosis, and severe acute brain injury, as well discussing the other challenges facing palliative care patients that are not currently sufficiently met under current models of care. This includes methods of effective communication, supporting the caregiver, how to make difficult treatment decisions in the face of uncertainty, managing grief, guilt and anger, and treating the pain itself. Written by leaders in the field of neuropalliative care, this book is an exceptional, well-rounded resource of neuropalliative care, serving as a reference for all clinicians caring for patients with neurological disease and their families: neurologists and palliative care specialists, physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers, as well as trainees in these areas.
Springer International Publishing AG Nigeria and the Death of Liberal England: Palm Nuts and Prime Ministers, 1914-1916
This book shows how a stormy parliamentary debate over the sale of German properties in Nigeria on 8 November 1916 began the process which brought down Asquith and made Lloyd George prime minister. The colonial secretary, Bonar Law, who was also leader of the Conservative Party, wanted neutral firms to bid. Usually presented as a policy imposed on him by doctrinaire Liberal free-traders, it was in fact that of the colonial government, which hoped that encouraging foreign competition would prevent the Nigerian export economy becoming controlled by a ring of mainly Liverpool firms. Seeing itself as the defender of Nigerian interests, the Colonial Office endorsed this. The large British companies got up an agitation, which was taken over by Sir Edward Carson, the one significant opposition politician, as part of his attack on supposed German influence in high places. Law counter-attacked by arguing that a supposedly patriotic cause masked the greed of an emergent cartel. He succeeded because smaller British and African firms, trying to break into the now profitable produce export trade, had already painted that picture. By defeating Carson in the debate, Law became again an effective party leader, who hoped to re-invigorate the coalition, but instead found himself working with Lloyd George to sideline Asquith. Based on underused sources, and overturning established interpretations, the book situates the debate within the context of the development of the Nigerian economy, the conflicts between the major firms, the role of oils and fats in wartime, and the emergence of Nigerian nationalism.
Springer International Publishing AG Bioethics and Biopolitics: Theories, Applications and Connections
This volume links three different theoretical approaches that have a common focus on the relationship between biopolitics and bioethics. This collection of papers can be categorized into different domains that are representative of the contemporary usage of biopolitics as a concept. On the one hand, several chapters develop a clear and up-to-date understanding of the primary sources of the concept and related theories of Agamben, Negri or Foucault and approach the question of relevance within the field of bioethics. Another group of papers apply the philosophical concepts and theories of biopolitics (biopower, Homo Sacer, biocitizenship) on very specific currently debated bioethical issues. Some scholars rely on the more mundane understanding of (bio)politics and investigate how its relationship with bioethics could be philosophically conceptualized. Additionally, this work also contains papers that follow a more legally oriented analysis on the effects of contemporary biopolitics on human rights and European law. The authors are philosophers, legal scholars or bioethicists. The major strength of this volume is to provide the reader with major insights and orientation in these different contemporary usages of the concept and theories of biopolitics, within the context of its various ethically relevant applications.
Springer International Publishing AG Fundamentals of Java Programming
Making extensive use of examples, this textbook on Java programming teaches the fundamental skills for getting started in a command-line environment. Meant to be used for a one-semester course to build solid foundations in Java, Fundamentals of Java Programming eschews second-semester content to concentrate on over 180 code examples and 250 exercises.Key object classes (String, Scanner, PrintStream, Arrays, and File) are included to get started in Java programming. The programs are explained with almost line-by-line descriptions, also with chapter-by-chapter coding exercises.Teaching resources include solutions to the exercises, as well as digital lecture slides.
Springer International Publishing AG Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application
This book is a state of the art clinical guide to contemporary materials and techniques for the restoration of individual teeth and implants. It fully reflects the important developments in the field over the past 15 years, including in particular the shift away from wholesale use of crowns towards adhesive dentistry and less invasive extra-coronal restorations. The book opens by considering the principles and evidence base relating to the longevity of restorations of teeth and implants. Importantly, it explains how to ensure “a healthy start” and manage future risks. Material choice and aesthetic issues are then discussed, before all aspects of the planning and provision of extra-coronal restorations are examined in depth. The coverage also includes the adaptation of crowns to existing partial dentures. In line with modern dental education, each chapter begins with clinically relevant learning objectives, and helpful clinical tips are highlighted. The book will be of value for senior dental undergraduates, postgraduates, and practicing dentists and its scientific content will be of interest to dental academics.
Springer International Publishing AG Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: System Optimization and Vehicle Integration
This contributed volume contains the results of the research program “Agreement for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles”, developed in the framework of the Energy Technology Network of the International Energy Agency. The topical focus lies on technology options for the system optimization of hybrid and electric vehicle components and drive train configurations which enhance the energy efficiency of the vehicle. The approach to the topic is genuinely interdisciplinary, covering insights from fields. The target audience primarily comprises researchers and industry experts in the field of automotive engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Springer International Publishing AG A Clinician’s Guide to Suicide Risk Assessment and Management
This book offers mental health clinicians a comprehensive guide to assessing and managing suicide risk. Suicide has now come to be understood as a multidimensionally determined outcome, which stems from the complex interaction of biological, genetic, psychological, sociological and environmental factors. Based on recent evidence and an extensive literature review, the book provides straightforward, essential information that can easily be applied in a wide variety of disciplines.
Springer International Publishing AG Dynamical Zeta Functions and Dynamical Determinants for Hyperbolic Maps: A Functional Approach
The spectra of transfer operators associated to dynamical systems, when acting on suitable Banach spaces, contain key information about the ergodic properties of the systems. Focusing on expanding and hyperbolic maps, this book gives a self-contained account on the relation between zeroes of dynamical determinants, poles of dynamical zeta functions, and the discrete spectra of the transfer operators. In the hyperbolic case, the first key step consists in constructing a suitable Banach space of anisotropic distributions. The first part of the book is devoted to the easier case of expanding endomorphisms, showing how the (isotropic) function spaces relevant there can be studied via Paley–Littlewood decompositions, and allowing easier access to the construction of the anisotropic spaces which is performed in the second part. This is the first book describing the use of anisotropic spaces in dynamics. Aimed at researchers and graduate students, it presents results and techniques developed since the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Springer International Publishing AG Network Coding and Subspace Designs
This book, written by experts from universities and major research laboratories, addresses the hot topic of network coding, a powerful scheme for information transmission in networks that yields near-optimal throughput. It introduces readers to this striking new approach to network coding, in which the network is not simply viewed as a mechanism for delivering packets, but rather an algebraic structure named the subspace, which these packets span. This leads to a new kind of coding theory, employing what are called subspace codes. The book presents selected, highly relevant advanced research output on: Subspace Codes and Rank Metric Codes; Finite Geometries and Subspace Designs; Application of Network Coding; Codes for Distributed Storage Systems. The outcomes reflect research conducted within the framework of the European COST Action IC1104: Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q). Taken together, they offer communications engineers, R&D engineers, researchers and graduate students in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering a comprehensive reference guide to the construction of optimal network codes, as well as efficient encoding and decoding schemes for a given network code.
Springer International Publishing AG Power and Energy Systems Engineering Economics: Best Practice Manual
Power and Energy industry is a highly capital intensive business field. Furthermore there is a very close interlinkage between technologies and economics that requires engineers and economists to have a common understanding of project evaluation approaches and methodologies. The book’s overall objective is to provide a comprehensive but concise coverage of engineering economics required for techno-economic evaluation of investments in power and energy system projects. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on transferring practical know-how rather than pure theoretical knowledge. This is also demonstrated in numerous examples derived from experience of respective projects.The book comprises seven chapters. The text part is supported by about 25 tables, 40 figures, 55 application examples and 7 Case Studies.Target audience of the book are primarily international consultants, staff members of engineering companies, utility personnel, energy economists and lawyers, as well as employees of government agencies entrusted with regulating the energy and utility sector and, finally, students in related fields of engineering and economics.
Springer International Publishing AG Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and its Histories
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book breaks new ground by situating animals and their diseases at the very heart of modern medicine. In demonstrating their historical significance as subjects and shapers of medicine, it offers important insights into past animal lives, and reveals that what we think of as ‘human’ medicine was in fact deeply zoological.Each chapter analyses an important episode in which animals changed and were changed by medicine. Ranging across the animal inhabitants of Britain’s zoos, sick sheep on Scottish farms, unproductive livestock in developing countries, and the tapeworms of California and Beirut, they illuminate the multi-species dimensions of modern medicine and its rich historical connections with biology, zoology, agriculture and veterinary medicine. The modern movement for One Health – whose history is also analyzed – is therefore revealed as just the latest attempt to improve health by working across species and disciplines. This book will appeal to historians of animals, science and medicine, to those involved in the promotion and practice of One Health today.
Springer International Publishing AG Atlas of Upper Extremity Trauma: A Clinical Perspective
Demonstrating current management techniques for traumatic fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity, this atlas utilizes a practical, how-to structure, discussing philosophy, approach, patient positioning, prepping, draping, and surgical techniques for each type of injury. Generously illustrated with intraoperative photos, the chapters of this atlas are arranged by anatomic location, from the clavicle and shoulder down to the fingers, with each chapter briefly describing the thought processes involved in choosing surgical interventions and applied anatomy approaches, fixation selections, and techniques. Actual case examples, cadaver photos and plentiful radiographs illustrate the text for a strongly visual presentation, and a list of "Eglsederisms" - pithy bits of advice for residents and veteran surgeons alike - set the stage for a highly demonstrative resource for orthopedic and trauma surgeons, residents and fellows.
Springer International Publishing AG Youth and Justice in Western States, 1815-1950: From Punishment to Welfare
This book explores the treatment of junevile offenders in modern Western history. The last few decades have witnessed major debates over youth justice policies. Juvenile and youth justice legislation has been reviewed in a number of countries. Despite the fact that new perspectives, such as restorative justice, have emerged, the debates have largely focused on issues that bring us back to the inception of juvenile justice: namely whether youth justice ought to be more akin to punitive adult criminal justice, or more sensitive to the welfare of youths. This issue has been at the core of policy choices that have given juvenile justice its orientations since the beginning of the twentieth century. It also gave shape to the evolution that paved the way for the creation of juvenile courts in the nineteenth century. Understanding those early debates is essential if we are to understand current debates, and place them into perspective. Based on primary archival research, this comprehensive study begins by presenting the roots, birth and evolution of juvenile justice, from the nineteenth century up to the beginning of the twenty-first. The second part deals with nineteenth century responses to juvenile delinquency in England and Canada, while the third focuses on the welfare orientation that characterized juvenile courts in the first half of the twentieth century in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Finally, the fourth part focuses on the perspective of the youths and their families in Belgium, France and Canada.
Springer International Publishing AG Groups and Markets: General Equilibrium with Multi-member Households
This monograph studies multi-member households or, more generally, socio-economic groups from a purely theoretical perspective and within a general equilibrium framework, in contrast to a sizeable empirical literature. The approach is based on the belief that households, their composition, decisions and behavior within a competitive market economy deserve thorough examination. The authors set out to link the formation, composition, decision-making, and stability of households. They develop general equilibrium models of pure exchange economies in which households can have several, typically heterogeneous members and act as collective decision-making units on the one hand and as competitive market participants on the other hand. Moreover, the more advanced models combine traditional exchange (markets for commodities) and matching (markets for people or partners) and develop implications for welfare, social structures, and economic policy.In the field of family economics, Hans Haller and Hans Gersbach have pioneered a ‘market’ approach that applies the tools of general equilibrium theory to the analysis of household behavior. This very interesting book presents an overview of their methods and results. This is an inspiring work. Pierre-André Chiappori, Columbia University, USAThe sophisticated, insightful and challenging analysis presented in this book extends the theory of the multi-person household along an important but relatively neglected dimension, that of general equilibrium theory. It also challenges GE theorists themselves to follow Paul Samuelson in taking seriously the real attributes of that fundamental building block, the household, as a social group whose decisions may not satisfy the standard axioms of individual choice. This synthesis and extension of their earlier work by Gersbach and Haller will prove to be a seminal contribution in its field. Ray Rees, LMU Munich, Germany
Springer International Publishing AG Canadian Music and American Culture: Get Away From Me
This collection explores Canadian music’s commentaries on American culture. ‘American Woman, get away from me!’ - one of the most resonant musical statements to come out of Canada - is a cry of love and hate for its neighbour. Canada’s close, inescapable entanglement with the superpower to the south provides a unique yet representative case study of the benefits and detriments of the global American culture machine. Literature scholars apply textual and cultural analysis to a selection of Anglo-Canadian music – from Joni Mitchell to Peaches, via such artists as Neil Young, Rush, and the Tragically Hip – to explore the generic borrowings and social criticism, the desires and failures of Canada’s musical relationship with the USA. This innovative volume will appeal to those interested in Music, Canadian Studies, and American Studies.
Springer International Publishing AG High Performance Soft Magnetic Materials
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the current state-of-the-art in soft magnetic materials and related applications, with particular focus on amorphous and nanocrystalline magnetic wires and ribbons and sensor applications. Expert chapters cover preparation, processing, tuning of magnetic properties, modeling, and applications. Cost-effective soft magnetic materials are required in a range of industrial sectors, such as magnetic sensors and actuators, microelectronics, cell phones, security, automobiles, medicine, health monitoring, aerospace, informatics, and electrical engineering. This book presents both fundamentals and applications to enable academic and industry researchers to pursue further developments of these key materials. This highly interdisciplinary volume represents essential reading for researchers in materials science, magnetism, electrodynamics, and modeling who are interested in working with soft magnets.
Springer International Publishing AG Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases of Livestock
This book provides comprehensive knowledge on diseases in livestock that are caused by viruses, parasites and bacteria. Emerging and re-emerging pathogens are presented in detail for various animal groups and in-depth insights into pathogenesis and epidemiology will be provided for each of them. In addition, state-of-the-art treatment possibilities, control measures as well as vaccination strategies are discussed. The recent years have witnessed a sharp increase in the number of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases of livestock and many of these, including Influenza, Corona and Hanta are of public health importance. The reasons for this development are manifold:changes in the climate, life cycle of vectors and increased global travel. Also, due to extensive deforestation, livestock are increasingly coming in direct contact with wild animals that are reservoirs of many emerging pathogens. Recent progress in diagnosis and management of emerging infectious diseases are also topic of this book.
Springer International Publishing AG Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract
Since the publication of the 1/e in 1977, Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract has consolidated its position as the leading textbook of gynecological pathology. An essential reference for all pathologists and residents, this thoroughly updated Seventh Edition includes more than 1400 illustrations in color, informative tables and 22 revised chapters written by internationally recognized experts.Discussion of each specific entity is organized to include general information, etiology, and epidemiology followed by clinical features, pathologic findings, differential diagnosis, clinical behavior, and treatment. This clear organization is applied throughout the book and allows the reader to quickly access key information in every chapter.Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract remains the gold-standard reference for practicing pathologists and trainees, as well as for obstetric/gynecology practitioners and residents. Please find the index under “Back Matter” freely available on SpringerLink
Springer International Publishing AG Knowledge and Networks
This book discusses a core question in many fields of the social sciences, namely how to create, share and adopt new knowledge. It creates an original space for conversation between two lines of research that have developed largely in parallel for a long time: social network theory and the geography of knowledge. This book considers that relational thinking has become increasingly important for scholars to capture societal outcomes by studying social relations and networks, whereas the role of place, space and spatial scales has been somewhat neglected outside an emergent geography of knowledge.The individual contributions help integrate network arguments of connectivity, geographical arguments of contiguity and contextuality into a more comprehensive understanding of the ways in which people and organizations are constrained by and make use of space and networks for learning and innovation. Experts in the fields of geography, sociology, economics, political science, psychology, management and organizational studies develop conceptual models and propose empirical research that illustrates the ways in which networks and geography play together in processes of innovation, learning, leadership, and power.This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Springer International Publishing AG Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Computer-based Approach using Mathematica® and Gaussian
This is the physical chemistry textbook for students with an affinity for computers! It offers basic and advanced knowledge for students in the second year of chemistry masters studies and beyond. In seven chapters, the book presents thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum mechanics and molecular structure (including an introduction to quantum chemical calculations), molecular symmetry and crystals. The application of physical-chemical knowledge and problem solving is demonstrated in a chapter on water, treating both the water molecule as well as water in condensed phases.Instead of a traditional textbook top-down approach, this book presents the subjects on the basis of examples, exploring and running computer programs (Mathematica®), discussing the results of molecular orbital calculations (performed using Gaussian) on small molecules and turning to suitable reference works to obtain thermodynamic data. Selected Mathematica® codes are explained at the end of each chapter and cross-referenced with the text, enabling students to plot functions, solve equations, fit data, normalize probability functions, manipulate matrices and test physical models. In addition, the book presents clear and step-by-step explanations and provides detailed and complete answers to all exercises. In this way, it creates an active learning environment that can prepare students for pursuing their own research projects further down the road.Students who are not yet familiar with Mathematica® or Gaussian will find a valuable introduction to computer-based problem solving in the molecular sciences. Other computer applications can alternatively be used. For every chapter learning goals are clearly listed in the beginning, so that readers can easily spot the highlights, and a glossary in the end of the chapter offers a quick look-up of important terms.
Springer International Publishing AG Metadata: Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web
This book offers a comprehensive guide to the world of metadata, from its origins in the ancient cities of the Middle East, to the Semantic Web of today. The author takes us on a journey through the centuries-old history of metadata up to the modern world of crowdsourcing and Google, showing how metadata works and what it is made of. The author explores how it has been used ideologically and how it can never be objective. He argues how central it is to human cultures and the way they develop. Metadata: Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web is for all readers with an interest in how we humans organize our knowledge and why this is important. It is suitable for those new to the subject as well as those know its basics. It also makes an excellent introduction for students of information science and librarianship.
Springer International Publishing AG Secure Data Deletion
This book is the first to develop a systematized approach for the comparison and evaluation of secure deletion solutions. The book focuses on novel secure deletion solutions targeting specific real-world environments where secure deletion is problematic: mobile storage and remote storage. The author surveys related work, organizes existing solutions in terms of their interfaces, presents a taxonomy of adversaries differing in their capabilities, and then builds a system and adversarial model based on the survey of related work.The book is useful for both academics, researchers and graduate students, and for practitioners who may integrate its results into deployed systems.
Springer International Publishing AG Big Data Concepts, Theories, and Applications
This book covers three major parts of Big Data: concepts, theories and applications. Written by world-renowned leaders in Big Data, this book explores the problems, possible solutions and directions for Big Data in research and practice. It also focuses on high level concepts such as definitions of Big Data from different angles; surveys in research and applications; and existing tools, mechanisms, and systems in practice. Each chapter is independent from the other chapters, allowing users to read any chapter directly. After examining the practical side of Big Data, this book presents theoretical perspectives. The theoretical research ranges from Big Data representation, modeling and topology to distribution and dimension reducing. Chapters also investigate the many disciplines that involve Big Data, such as statistics, data mining, machine learning, networking, algorithms, security and differential geometry. The last section of this book introduces Big Data applications from different communities, such as business, engineering and science. Big Data Concepts, Theories and Applications is designed as a reference for researchers and advanced level students in computer science, electrical engineering and mathematics. Practitioners who focus on information systems, big data, data mining, business analysis and other related fields will also find this material valuable.
Springer International Publishing AG Protocols for Pre-Field Screening of Mutants for Salt Tolerance in Rice, Wheat and Barley
This book offers effective, low-cost and user-friendly protocols for the pre-field selection of salt-tolerant mutants in cereal crops. It presents simple methods for measuring soil salinity, including soil sampling and the analysis of water-soluble salts, and describes a detailed, but simple, screening test for salt tolerance in rice, wheat and barley seedlings, which uses hydroponics. The protocols are devised for use by plant breeders and can be easily accommodated into breeding practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Atlas of Animal Anatomy and Histology
This atlas presents the basic concepts and principles of functional animal anatomy and histology thereby furthering our understanding of evolutionary concepts and adaptation to the environment. It provides a step-by-step dissection guide with numerous colour photographs of the animals featured. It also presents images of the major organs along with histological sections of those organs. A wide range of interactive tutorials gives readers the opportunity to evaluate their understanding of the basic anatomy and histology of the organs of the animals presented.
Springer International Publishing AG New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy: A Roadmap for Usage and Exploitation of Big Data in Europe
In this book readers will find technological discussions on the existing and emerging technologies across the different stages of the big data value chain. They will learn about legal aspects of big data, the social impact, and about education needs and requirements. And they will discover the business perspective and how big data technology can be exploited to deliver value within different sectors of the economy. The book is structured in four parts: Part I “The Big Data Opportunity” explores the value potential of big data with a particular focus on the European context. It also describes the legal, business and social dimensions that need to be addressed, and briefly introduces the European Commission’s BIG project. Part II “The Big Data Value Chain” details the complete big data lifecycle from a technical point of view, ranging from data acquisition, analysis, curation and storage, to data usage and exploitation. Next, Part III “Usage and Exploitation of Big Data” illustrates the value creation possibilities of big data applications in various sectors, including industry, healthcare, finance, energy, media and public services. Finally, Part IV “A Roadmap for Big Data Research” identifies and prioritizes the cross-sectorial requirements for big data research, and outlines the most urgent and challenging technological, economic, political and societal issues for big data in Europe.This compendium summarizes more than two years of work performed by a leading group of major European research centers and industries in the context of the BIG project. It brings together research findings, forecasts and estimates related to this challenging technological context that is becoming the major axis of the new digitally transformed business environment.
Springer International Publishing AG TMD and Orthodontics: A clinical guide for the orthodontist
This evidence-based book, featuring contributions from world-renowned experts, discusses in detail the functional anatomy of the temporomandibular joint as well as the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and medicolegal implications of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD).Despite advances in our understanding of the aetiology of TMD and in developing current treatment rationales, a number of issues remain controversial. These include the extent to which the temporomandibular joint should be a central focus of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment, as well as the role that occlusion and malocclusion play in precipitating TMD symptoms. Indeed, few subjects in dentistry and the specialty of orthodontics are open to as many interpretations or misinterpretations as TMD. This textbook provides clinical orthodontists with essential information and guidance that will assist them in understanding and effectively managing this complex multilayered problem. Throughout, clear clinical guidelines are presented on the basis of current scientific and clinical evidence. TMD and Orthodontics will be a highly valuable chairside resource for orthodontists everywhere.
Springer International Publishing AG Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
This book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the theory (physical principles), design, and practical implementations of various sensors for scientific, industrial, and consumer applications. This latest edition focuses on the sensing technologies driven by the expanding use of sensors in mobile devices. These new miniature sensors will be described, with an emphasis on smart sensors which have embedded processing systems. The chapter on chemical sensors has also been expanded to present the latest developments.Digital systems, however complex and intelligent they may be, must receive information from the outside world that is generally analog and not electrical. Sensors are interface devices between various physical values and the electronic circuits that "understand" only a language of moving electrical charges. In other words, sensors are the eyes, ears, and noses of silicon chips.Unlike other books on sensors, the Handbook of Modern Sensors is organized according to the measured variables (temperature, pressure, position, etc.). This book is a reference text for students, researchers interested in modern instrumentation (applied physicists and engineers), sensor designers, application engineers and technicians whose job it is to understand, select and/or design sensors for practical systems.
Springer International Publishing AG Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2014: Proceedings of the 6th ICSAT
This volume collects the research papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies (ICSAT), Gothenburg, 2014. The topical focus lies on latest advances in vehicle technology related to sustainable mobility. ICSAT is the core and state-of-the-art conference in the field of new technologies for transportation. Research contributions from the US, Australia, Europe and Asia illustrate the pivotal role of the conference. The book provides an excellent overview of R&D activities at OEMs as well as in leading universities and laboratories.
Springer International Publishing AG A Solar Car Primer: A Guide to the Design and Construction of Solar-Powered Racing Vehicles
This exciting primer on Solar Racing literally starts from the ground up, describing how the interactions of a vehicle with its environment circumscribe its ultimate success, from aerodynamics to resistance and propulsion. By demonstrating how to mathematically model these underlying physical phenomena, the author helps solar racing competitors carefully select key characteristics of the vehicle, such as weight and shape, to produce optimal speed. Energy conversion and demand are given particular attention, followed by chapters devoted to examining solar racers’ design, manufacture and testing using a structured problem-solving process to keep projects on track and on schedule. A chapter devoted to energy management strategies provides invaluable tips on maximizing average speed during a race. Complex issues such as ventilation system analysis and performance simulation are covered in dedicated appendices. The financial aspect of project design is not neglected, as both fund-raising and cost estimation are given in-depth consideration.
Springer International Publishing AG Flowering Plants. Monocots: Poaceae
This volume is the outcome of a modern phylogenetic analysis of the grass family based on multiple sources of data, in particular molecular systematic studies resulting from a concerted effort by researchers worldwide, including the author. In the classification given here grasses are subdivided into 12 subfamilies with 29 tribes and over 700 genera. The keys and descriptions for the taxa above the rank of genus are hierarchical, i.e. they concentrate upon characters which are deemed to be synapomorphic for the lineages and may be applicable only to their early-diverging taxa.Beyond the treatment of phylogeny and formal taxonomy, the author presents a wide range of information on topics such as the structural characters of grasses, their related functional aspects and particularly corresponding findings from the field of developmental genetics with inclusion of genes and gene products instrumental in the shaping of morphological traits (in which this volume appears unique within this book series); further topics addressed include the contentious time of origin of the family, the emigration of the originally shade-loving grasses out of the forest to form vast grasslands accompanied by the switch of many members to C4 photosynthesis, the impact of herbivores on the silica cycle housed in the grass phytoliths, the reproductive biology of grasses, the domestication of major cereal crops and the affinities of grasses within the newly circumscribed order Poales.This volume provides a comprehensive overview of existing knowledge on the Poaceae (Gramineae), with major implications in terms of key scientific challenges awaiting future research. It certainly will be of interest both for the grass specialist and also the generalist seeking state-of-the-art information on the diversity of grasses, the most ecologically and economically important of the families of flowering plants.
Springer International Publishing AG Toxicological Risk Assessment for Beginners
This book serves as a comprehensive introductory guide to the practical aspects of risk assessment. Chapters include clearly defined objectives and summaries. The book includes: hazard identification, dose-response, exposure assessment, risk characterization, chemical mixtures, epidemiology, emerging issues and global perspectives with accessible language. The book concludes with a set of hypothetical case studies.Toxicological Risk Assessment for Beginners aims not to create an expert, but rather to provide readers with their first understanding of the risk assessment topic. This book was designed with the student in mind. We simplify a complex process for beginners and balance theory with practical aspects, but remain fluid enough to increase difficulty with case studies. By incorporating an action based, step by step approach to learning the risk assessment process, this book provides its readers with an elementary understanding of how the risk assessment process is initiated, developed and finished, making it a valuable guide for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early career scientists in industry.
Springer International Publishing AG Studies on "Perfect" Hyperbranched Chains Free in Solution and Confined in a Cylindrical Pore
Lianwei Li's Ph.D. thesis solves a long-standing problem in polymer physics: how does a hyperbranched chain pass through a cylindrical pore smaller than its size under an elongational flow field? The question was asked by the Nobel Laureate, the late Professor de Gennes in the 70s but has never been seriously addressed through real experiments. This thesis outlines how Lianwei Li developed a novel polymerization strategy using a seesaw-type macromonomer to prepare a set of "defect-free" hyperbranched chagins with different overall molar masses and controllable uniform subchain lengths. The author then unearthed how the critical (minimum) flow rate at which a hyperbranched chain can pass through the pore, is dependent on the overall molar mass and the subchain length. The experimental results give a unified description of polymer chains with different topologies passing through a small cylindrical pore, which enables us to separate chains by their topologies instead of their sizes in ultrafiltration. In addition, this research also reveals how the chain structure of amphiphilic hyperbranched block and graft copolymers affect their solution properties, including the establishments of several classic scaling laws that relate the chain size and the intrinsic viscosity to the overall molar mass and the subchain length, respectively. This work has led to numerous publications in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.
Springer International Publishing AG Applied Statistical Methods in Agriculture, Health and Life Sciences
This textbook teaches crucial statistical methods to answer research questions using a unique range of statistical software programs, including MINITAB and R. This textbook is developed for undergraduate students in agriculture, nursing, biology and biomedical research. Graduate students will also find it to be a useful way to refresh their statistics skills and to reference software options. The unique combination of examples is approached using MINITAB and R for their individual strengths. Subjects covered include among others data description, probability distributions, experimental design, regression analysis, randomized design and biological assay. Unlike other biostatistics textbooks, this text also includes outliers, influential observations in regression and an introduction to survival analysis. Material is taken from the author's extensive teaching and research in Africa, USA and the UK. Sample problems, references and electronic supplementary material accompany each chapter.
Springer International Publishing AG Practical Applications of the Philosophy of Science: Thinking about Research
Explores the practical applicability of the philosophy of science to scientific research, but also considers its relevance to practice within the realms of technology, design, crafts, and even within the world of arts and the humanities. The attempt to engage working scientists with the issues raised by the philosophy of science may profitably be extended to examine its applicability to any other fields of knowledge that encompass a problem-solving dimension. Drawing on his experience as a research and development scientist in the biomedical device industry, the author shows how the principles of the philosophy of science illuminate the research process. The book is structured on the concept of the inspirational text; it consists of short chapters, each of which provides an accessible discussion of an aspect of the philosophy of science. Each chapter concludes with a list of practical pointers towards the development of attitudes and skills which will benefit the student researcher.
Springer International Publishing AG Necrotising Enterocolitis in Clinical Practice
This book consolidates all the relevant aspects to provide clinicians and especially trainees with an overview of this condition which informs clinical practice and aids critical appraisal of new research in this area.The topic of NEC is often a single chapter in a paediatric surgical or neonatology text.
Springer International Publishing AG Geography of Time Place Movement and Networks Volume 3
This volume discusses the intersections of multiple human journeys and the importance of places and place settings, such as battlefield re-enactments, heritage fairs, pilgrimage sites and faith journeys.
Springer International Publishing AG The Origins of Language
This book offers an introduction to the multidisciplinary subject of evolutionary linguistics, which seeks to explain the biological origins of language and its subsequent development in humans.
Springer International Publishing AG Thermodynamics and Equilibria in Earth System Sciences An Introduction
This introduction to thermodynamics and equilibria aims to provide the basic concepts of relevance for atmospheric, marine, climate, and environmental sciences and to prepare students for more advanced classes in physical chemistry, mineralogy, and petrology.This is an open access book.
Springer International Publishing AG Arsenic Toxicity Remediation
The chapters contained here present the status quo in different parts of the world and provide essential information on arsenic exposure risks for humans as well as possible measures for tackling arsenic poisoning.
Springer International Publishing AG Formal Aspects of Component Software: 19th International Conference, FACS 2023, Virtual Event, October 19-20, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software, FACS 2023, which took place virtually during October 19-20, 2023.The 11 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: cloud computing, cyber-physical and critical systems, and the Internet of Things.