Search results for ""SPCK""
SPCK Publishing Book of Enoch: Spck Classic
The Book of Enoch is an invaluable resource for all who are interested in the origins of Christianity. It was known and used by the earliest churches and sheds light on many concepts found in the New Testament, such as demonology, future judgment, the Messiah and the Messianic Kingdom, the title 'Son of Man' and the resurrection.
SPCK Publishing The SPCK Dictionary of Theology and Hermeneutics
Anthony Thiselton’s major works have been hugely influential in both biblical studies and theology. This dictionary will be the first book of its kind to take full account of key developments in biblical hermeneutics as well as historical and contemporary systematic theology. Each section has its separate bibliography. Hence the work combines some shorter articles, sometimes constituting explanatory teaching tools of 50-100 words, with longer articles which embody reflection and research.
SPCK SPCK Charity Christmas Cards Pack of 10 2 Designs
Charity Christmas featuring 2 designs: Calligraphy, in Gold Text
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Floral Foliage
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? These cards are crafted with you in mind. Simple, special, personal and plainspoken – with their beautiful designs, these cards do all the talking. In packs of 10, sustainably sourced. Comes in 2 floral designs, one featuring the festive text ‘Tidings of Comfort and Joy’ against a solid eggshell blue background, and another containing ‘Joy to the World’ against a white foliage over-layer.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Festive Scene
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? These cards are crafted with you in mind. Simple, special, personal and plainspoken – with their beautiful designs, these cards do all the talking. In packs of 10, sustainably sourced. Comes in 2 designs, featuring festive foliage with golden ‘O Holy Night’ text and ‘Glory to the Newborn King’ in red over an icy white and red flowery backdrop.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Christmas Carols
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? These cards are crafted with you in mind. Simple, special, personal and plainspoken – with their beautiful designs, these cards do all the talking. In packs of 10, sustainably sourced. Comes in 2 typographic designs, one featuring the word ‘Joy’ in large, red text with the other containing ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ over a black background.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Festive Text
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? These cards are crafted with you in mind. Simple, special, personal and plainspoken – with their beautiful designs, these cards do all the talking. In packs of 10, sustainably sourced. Comes in 2 equally celestial backgrounds, one containing ‘Peace on Earth’ against a snowy forest background in white text and another featuring a sparkling ‘Star of Wonder’ blue and pink over-layer.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards with Bible Verse, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Bold Typography
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? Complete with Bible verse, these sustainably sourced Christmas cards are the perfect choice. Printed on 300gsm uncoated white stock and with an accompanying recycled Kraft envelope, these cards come in packs of ten, featuring two beautiful designs. Each card contains a 'Happy Christmas' greeting, along with the following Bible verse: 'So the Word became human and made his home among us' - John 1.14 All profits from the purchase of these cards will support SPCK's charitable work.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards with Bible Verse, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Winter Scenes
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? Complete with Bible verse, these sustainably sourced Christmas cards are the perfect choice. Printed on 300gsm uncoated white stock and with an accompanying recycled Kraft envelope, these cards come in packs of ten, featuring two beautiful designs. Each card contains a 'Happy Christmas' greeting, along with the following Bible verse: 'The Saviour - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!' - Luke 2.11 All profits from the purchase of these cards will support SPCK's charitable work.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards with Bible Verse, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Winter Wildlife
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? Complete with Bible verse, these sustainably sourced Christmas cards are the perfect choice. Printed on 300gsm uncoated white stock and with an accompanying recycled Kraft envelope, these cards come in packs of ten, featuring two beautiful designs. Each card contains a 'Happy Christmas' greeting, along with the following Bible verse: 'The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means "God is with us").' - Isaiah 7.14 All profits from the purchase of these cards will support SPCK's charitable work.
SPCK Publishing SPCK Charity Christmas Cards with Bible Verse, Pack of 10, 2 Designs: Modern Christmas
Looking for a special card to give to your loved ones this Christmas? Complete with Bible verse, these sustainably sourced Christmas cards are the perfect choice. Printed on 300gsm uncoated white stock and with an accompanying recycled Kraft envelope, these cards come in packs of ten, featuring two beautiful designs. Each card contains a 'Happy Christmas' greeting, along with the following Bible verse: 'The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.' - John 1.9 All profits from the purchase of these cards will support SPCK's charitable work.
SPCK Publishing The SPCK Bible Guide: An Illustrated Survey Of All The Books Of The Bible - Their Contents, Themes And Teachings
The SPCK Bible Guide is designed as a navigational tool for readers who want to gain a broad overview of the Bible, grasp its major themes and understand its key teachings. Both Old and New Testaments are broken down into easy-to-manage sections - each containing a narrative summary, key quotations, and a helpful commentary explaining the essential concerns of the original authors. The book may be used with any good translation of the Bible, and includes the seven books contained in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament used by the early Church). Bible quotations are from the NRSV. The Guide is the ideal entry-point for people of all religious backgrounds who want to gain a clear and comprehensive view of what the Bible contains and what it means for today.
SPCK Bouncing Forwards Notes on Resilience Courage and Change
A book to help you see the strength in your scars and how hardship can become fuel for a more hopeful future.
SPCK The Use of Symbols in Worship
Attempts to set the place of symbols in the context of our contemporary cultural and to elucidate an understanding of liturgical symbols. This book also aims to provide some theological and historical background to the symbols and then to offer practical guidance as to the place and use of symbols in the whole range of Common Worship services.
SPCK It Aint Over Till Its Over
A book full of hope to inspire us to keep going and to finish life well
SPCK Whose Promised Land
SPCK My New Normal
SPCK Gnb Dyslexia Mark
SPCK Jesus A Very Brief History
Short, accessible introduction to the historical Jesus and his continuing influence on the world and how we understand it
SPCK Thomas Merton Contemplation and Political Action
A fresh exploration of Merton's life and thought, focussing on his role as a Christian activist. An inspirational book that will encourage readers to work towards a more just world, written by an author who combines a contemplative life with political action.
SPCK War Cries
The first ever collection of military prayers produced for a wide Christian readership.
SPCK God Remembered Rachel Womens Stories in the Old Testament and Why they Matter
A lively investigation into key narratives involving women in the Bible. Designed for use by individuals or groups, with questions for reflection or discussion at the end of each chapter.
SPCK Clergy in a Complex Age
An unmissable new volume for clergy
SPCK Blown Away
SPCK Saint Patrick The Man And His Works
The Man and his Works
SPCK Curacies and How to Survive Them
Offers explanations of – and practical solutions to – many of the trials and tribulations that occur in the critical early years of life in the pastoral ministry.