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SBR Kennisoverdracht B.V. Handbook - Soil mix walls: Design and execution
Handbook - Soil mix wallsFor several decades now, the deep mixing method has been used for ground improvement works. A more recent application is the use of soil mix as structural elements for the construction of earth-water retaining structures and cut-off walls. Since 2000, due to the economic and environmental advantages of the method, these particular applications have shown an amazing growth. Nevertheless, in practice, no pragmatic standards or guidelines were available for the design, the execution, the quality control and the maintenance of this kind of applications. This is the reason why the present publication was initiated.The Handbook - Soil mix walls is based on existing literature and the knowledge and experiences of committee members, and includes an extensive description of the design and execution processes. It also establishes the link between the conditions of use (functional requirements), the design and the quality control of the final soil mix structure that is especially important in the construction of soil mix walls.Based on a large test campaign, a methodology is proposed for the design of the soil mix walls for which the interaction between steel and soil mix can possibly be taken into account dependent upon the application. Each potential function of the soil mix wall is described (e.g. earth retaining wall, cut-off wall, bearing capacity, etc.) and the temporary or permanent character of the application (its lifetime) is always considered. Furthermore, the design methodology presented in this handbook is in agreement with the Eurocodes.The Handbook - Soil mix walls also includes aspects such as the hydromechanical characterisation and the durability of the soil mix material, the interaction between steel and soil mix and the monitoring and quality control of soil mix structures. The purpose of this publication is to contribute to the realisation of soil mix walls of high quality and to minimise the risk of calamities or damage.This manual has been drawn up under the responsibility of a joint committee of SBRCURnet (the Netherlands) and the Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI, Belgium). There is a certain difference in the design approach between Belgium and the Netherlands. These differences are also discussed in this handbook.Features:First reference handbook dedicated to the use of soil mix as structural elements for the construction of earth-water retaining structures and cut-off walls.Establishes the link between the functional requirements, the design and the quality control of the final soil mix structure.The design methodology presented in this handbook is in agreement with the Eurocodes.
SBR Kennisoverdracht B.V. Durability of Geosynthetics, Second Edition
This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the life-limiting mechanisms of geosynthetics, the methods available to test and assess lifetime, and the means by which durability can be improved. It provides engineers with the information they need on the durability lifetime, bridging the knowledge gap between them and polymer scientists.The style of the handbook is deliberately non-technical, in that it avoids chemical formulas and makes widespread use of graphs and photographs. Summaries are provided for most sections. It shows how to predict the service life of geosynthetics based on state-of-the-art knowledge and in some cases provides numerical examples. Engineers can use it to decide what they should specify, scientists are shown how to perform extrapolations and derive reduction factors, and assessors are given a separate section indicating how they should treat the information presented to them, including the uncertainties of the methods of testing and extrapolation. While directed primarily at geotextiles, reference is made to geomembranes and their use in landfills, for which a supplementary chapter is added.First edition awarded with the International Geosynthetics Award 2014
SBR Kennisoverdracht B.V. Urban Quay Walls
Since the thirteenth century, quay walls of significant retaining height have been built in the Netherlands in urban environments. Over time, structural revisions were often carried out due to excessive deformations or the use of increasingly larger and deeper vessels. These historic quay walls were seldom designed for the current functional requirements they are subjected to. These mostly older quay walls require more maintenance and revisions to secure a certain degree of safety. In some cases they need to be demolished and completely rebuilt. Urban Quay Walls offers safety protocols and a clear approach on how to inspect, design and maintain urban quay walls. The book offers: - an insight on the development of urban quay walls; - a description of the main forms (as used in The Netherlands); - quicksteps for the inspection of existing quay walls. Urban Quay Walls presents a proposal for a uniform and standardised method to verify the actual state of current quay walls in urban environments. This handbook presents an overview of the development of urban quay walls over the course of time and describes the main types in use in the Netherlands. Subsequently, a method is presented for deciding whether or not a historic quay wall needs to be renovated, renewed or maintained.