Search results for ""Rudolf Steiner Press""
Rudolf Steiner Press Four Modern Mystery Dramas: The Doorway of Initiation – The Trial of the Soul – The Guardian of the Threshold – The Souls Awaken
The Doorway of Initiation – The Trial of the Soul – The Guardian of the Threshold – The Souls Awaken Rudolf Steiner’s four modern mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma, transporting us to landscapes of soul and spirit where supra-sensory beings are visible, active and influential. Through perception of these hidden worlds, we are given tools to comprehend the background to the struggles we face in everyday life – both in human relationships and in our attempts to practise spiritual development. Written between the years 1910 and 1913, during periods of intense inner and outer work, the dramas are powerful testimonies to Steiner’s artistic creativity. By manifesting soul and spirit forms on stage, they foreshadow a dramatic art of the future. Rudolf Steiner planned for all four mystery dramas to be performed in August 1923, but this was no longer possible because of the burning of the first Goetheanum on New Year’s Eve, 1922. They were eventually performed together for the first time in 1930 and since then have been staged regularly, in many languages, throughout the world. This fresh rendering into English by Richard Ramsbotham also features an extensive introduction by him.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Value of Thinking: For a Cognition that Satisfies the Human Being The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science
‘As soon as you start thinking about the living sphere, you have to make the thought itself mobile. The thought must begin to gain inner mobility through your own power.’ – Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner divides these absorbing, previously-untranslated lectures into three sections, opening with ‘The Value of Thinking’. Here, he discusses the quality of thinking itself, contrasting ‘dead physical cognition’, ‘living imaginative cognition’, ‘inspired cognition’, and the latter’s connection with previous periods of human and planetary development. He clarifies how ‘visionary clairvoyance’ can relate to individual intelligence, and also speaks of the submergence of ideas – the effects of sad or joyful experiences and feelings – into the unconscious. These can be ‘life-promoting’ or ‘life-inhibiting’. In the second section he speaks about ‘The Relationship between Spiritual Science and Natural Science’, using a contemporary publication as a case study for how texts can be fruitfully analysed. He characterizes the spiritual-scientific method as allowing facts or personalities to speak for themselves, rather than making personal judgements. Finally, he deliberates on ‘Episodic Observations about Space, Time, Movement’ – kinetic formula and concepts such as the speed of light – introducing, directly from his spiritual observations, notions such as ‘light ether’. The lectures are supplemented with an introduction, comprehensive notes, line drawings and an index.
Rudolf Steiner Press The The Fall of the Spirits Of Darkness: The Spiritual Background to the Outer World: Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Vol. 1
Speaking towards the end of the catastrophic Great War, Rudolf Steiner reveals the spiritual roots of the crises of our times. Since 1879, he says, human minds have been influenced by backward angels, ‘spirits of darkness’, who – following their defeat in battle with Archangel Michael – were forced out of the heavens and ‘fell’ to the earth. This war in the spiritual worlds had consequences, and it is essential that people today are sufficiently awake to the retrogressive influences around them. In a positive sense, we can choose freely to engage with the spirits of light, who seek to emancipate human beings from bonds of race, nation and blood. In this extraordinary series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner throws light on hidden aspects of world affairs. With the Bolshevik Revolution having just taken place, he discusses events in Russia and humanity’s attempts to build theoretically perfect social orders. Steiner also speaks about the roles and spiritual backgrounds of significant individuals, such as the mystics Johann Valentin Andreae, Vladimir Soloviev and Saint-Martin, the American and British politicians Woodrow Wilson and Lloyd George, and world-historic figures including Charles Darwin and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The new edition of this classic work features a revised translation, notes and extensive appendices by editor Frederick Amrine, plus a new introduction by Christopher Schaefer.
Rudolf Steiner Press Polarities in the Evolution of Humanity: West and East - Materialism and Mysticism - Knowledge and Belief
'The present age needs to understand that human beings must hold the balance between the two extremes, between the ahrimanic and the luciferic poles. People always tend to go in one direction... The Christ stands in the middle, holding the balance.' - Rudolf Steiner These eleven lectures were given in post-war Stuttgart against a backdrop of struggle and uncertainty - not only within society at large but also within the anthroposophical movement. Rudolf Steiner and his supporters were working to introduce 'threefold' social ideas and - given Steiner's public profile - were coming under increasing personal and sometimes physical attack. Steiner responds to this turbulent situation by revealing the spiritual background to the forces of decline working in contemporary civilization. He speaks of retrogressive powers - spiritual beings referred to as luciferic or ahrimanic - that work directly into human culture, manifesting, for example, in what he refers to as the 'initiation streams' of Western secret societies, the Church-allied impulse of Jesuitism and the Bolshevik force of Leninism. The spiritual agents of adversity also encourage polarised thinking and false opposites such as East verses West, materialism and mysticism, or knowledge and belief. Only the threefold principle - represented by Christ - allows us to create a balance in the midst of these existential conflicts. This freshly-reworked translation is complemented with notes, an index and an introduction by Matthew Barton.
Rudolf Steiner Press Nature and Spirit Beings: Their Activity in our Visible World
'Suppose you have seen an event, have formed an idea about it, and you say something that is not true - in other words, something that is a lie. Then what flows from the object is correct and what flows from you is false and this collision is a terrible explosion; and each time you do this, you attach a gruesome being to your karma which you cannot get rid of again until you have made good what you lied about.' - Rudolf Steiner In a previously-untranslated volume of lectures, Rudolf Steiner presents shattering insights regarding the interaction of human and spiritual beings. He speaks, for example, about how perfumes can give certain spirits access to people on earth, or how phantoms, spectres and demons can be created through human deficiencies - or even how the arts of architecture, sculpture, painting and music allow 'good' or 'hideous' entities to enter our world. As he states: 'Learning about the effects of spiritual beings is of much greater help than moral preaching. A future humanity will know what it is creating through lies, hypocrisy and slander.' The lectures are divided into two broad thematic groups: the first relating to the inner path of knowledge and its relation to the yearly festivals, and the second focusing on the work of elemental beings in our everyday world. The 18 lectures are complemented with notes, an index and an introduction by Christian von Arnim.
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner and Social Reform: Threefolding and other proposals
How might we improve the way we organize society, so that human beings can live in greater peace, dignity and justice? Against a background of chronic discontent and social conflict around the globe, Richard Masters presents a comprehensive survey of Rudolf Steiner's work on societal reform, sifting through and summarizing the content of dozens of books, lectures and discussions. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is not known today for his social thinking, but he wrote and spoke at length on such issues during and after WWI, engaging with audiences ranging from royalty, politicians and business owners to illiterate, dispossessed factory workers. Central to his ideas was his 'threefold' approach to politics, economics and culture, arguing that their roles should be clarified and the three spheres allowed to thrive independently. Drawing on the full range of source material - including much not yet available in English - the author reveals the continuing relevance of Steiner's work to our contemporary situation. With an emphasis on accessibility, he builds up the subject methodically, studying the main ideas from differing perspectives. He also provides candid reflections on the degree to which Steiner's proposals are still applicable to current policy and practice. Authoritative and yet jargon-free, Rudolf Steiner and Social Reform offers innovative and stimulating ideas for anyone concerned with the state of our world.
Rudolf Steiner Press Your Spiritual Journey: A Travel Guide. Anthroposophical Aspects of Changing Human Consciousness
In a series of short studies enlivened with colour illustrations, Henk van Oort takes the reader on a spiritual journey through a variety of topics relating to everyday experience. With chapters as diverse as ‘The Human Will’, ‘Quantum Physics’ and ‘Good and Evil’, the book’s common theme is the dynamic nature of human consciousness. This unique spiritual ‘travel guide’ opens up surprising new vistas to the ever-changing reality in which we live, helping us understand who we really are as human beings. The author demonstrates how our knowledge of the world is in a constant process of evolution. Tying together the disparate elements of the book is the inexhaustible spiritual source from which we receive inspiration and energy for life. Van Oort shows that our familiar material world finds its origins in the world of spirit. With a focus on Rudolf Steiner’s insights supplemented with the work of many other thinkers, Your Spiritual Journey reveals new pathways to our life’s earthly adventure. HENK VAN OORT, born in 1943, trained as a primary teacher before taking a Masters degree in English at the Amsterdam University. He has taught for more than 40 years in primary and secondary education, including class teaching in a Steiner school, teaching English and running educational courses and seminars for teachers and parents. His interest in literature and poetry led to appearances at storytelling and poetry seminars, and his introductory courses to anthroposophy continue to be highly successful. Based in Bergen N.H. in the Netherlands, Henk van Oort is married and the father of three grown-up children. He is the author of Anthroposophy, A Concise Introduction, A-Z Anthroposophy, The Inner Rainbow and Challenging Children.
Rudolf Steiner Press Finding Inner Balance: Meditative exercises for mindfulness, empathy and strengthening the will
In the midst of life we can find ourselves pulled in many different directions and it is easy to lose our sense of self. Is it possible to find and strengthen the inner core of who we are? Can we rediscover our inner equilibrium and tranquillity without retreating from the world? Since ancient times people have sought to re-establish inner balance by using specific meditative practices. The ‘soul exercises’ described in this booklet are derived from Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy, but also acknowledge the Buddhist tradition of mindfulness. Offering strategies to boost self-confidence, self-reliance, inner stability and concentration, they are intended for anyone seeking personal growth. The exercises are perfect for enriching everyday life, but can also help in times of stress, mental and emotional crisis, burn-out and in the context of psychiatric and psychosomatic therapies. In a series of short chapters illustrated with beautiful colour photos, this booklet offers accessible and easy-to-follow commentary and instructions on creating a path of inner development and balance. KLAUS ADAMS, born 1961, trained as a nurse at Herdecke district hospital. He has worked as a nurse at Friedrich-Husemann Clinic in Buchenbach, near Freiburg, Germany, since 1990. He took further training in psychiatry and is a practice manager and expert in anthroposophic nursing and an IKAM auditor (International Coordination Centre for Anthroposophic Medicine at the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum). He has taught for many years on healthcare and nursing training courses, is a tutor for soul exercises and other aspects of anthroposophic psychiatry, and has authored various publications on anthroposophic psychiatric nursing. WOLFGANG RISSMANN M.D., born 1948, studied medicine in Freiburg, Germany, and Vienna, subsequently specializing in psychiatry. From 1987 to 2013 he was chief physician at the Friedrich-Husemann Clinic in Buchenbach near Freiburg. Since 2014 he has run a private practice for psychiatry in Hamburg. He works in training of medical students, physicians and other medical professionals in the field of anthroposophic medicine and psychiatry. MARKO ROKNIC, born 1958, trained as a nurse at Herdecke district hospital. From 1990 to 2009 he was a nurse at the Friedrich-Husemann Clinic in Buchenbach near Freiburg, Germany, and since 2009 has been a nursing manager at Sonneneck Psychosomatic Clinic in Badenweiler, Germany. He took further training in psychiatric nursing and is an expert in anthroposophic nursing, a trainer in Wegman/Hauschka rhythmic massage, and a health pedagogue (AfW Freiburg). He sits on the advisory board of the association for anthroposophic nursing, and has taught for many years in healthcare and nursing training. He is a tutor for soul exercises and other aspects of anthroposophic psychiatry, and has authored various publications on health education and nursing.
Rudolf Steiner Press Europe: A Cosmic Picture
European thought and culture has had an enduring impact worldwide – but Europe has also been a focus of conflict and war on a global scale. With its international influence, Europe bears a responsibility, in example and practise, for humanity’s further development. First published in English in 1975, this timely facsimile reprint of Maria Schindler’s classic work provides valuable spiritual insight into Europe’s contribution to human civilisation – its past as well as its future tasks – at a critical time in the continent’s destiny. Based on decades of first-hand experience and multi-lingual study, the author weaves a pictorial tapestry of Europe’s biographical history in all its human, earthly and cosmic content. In past centuries, says Schindler, world-changing events were centred in the destinies of single countries or nations. Today, the individual needs of nations must be brought into harmony with the requirements of mankind as a whole. The enormity of humanity’s problems demand fresh insights based on new solutions with firm foundations. The author presents her intimate knowledge of European folklore and languages in connection with Willi Sucher’s `star wisdom’, the researches of Dr W. J. Stein and Dr Eugen Kolisko, and the inspiration of Rudolf Steiner and his cosmological and spiritual science of the universe and humanity. Featuring 52 illustrations and numerous diagrams.
Rudolf Steiner Press Eurythmy as Visible Singing
`The study of music is the study of the human being. The two are inseparable, and eurythmy is the art which brings this most clearly to expression. In these lectures, Rudolf Steiner guides us along a path toward an understanding of the human form as music comes to rest – the movements of eurythmy bringing this music back to life.’ – Dorothea Mier `Fundamentally speaking, music is the human being, and indeed it is from music that we rightly learn how to free ourselves from matter.’ – Rudolf Steiner The focus of these eight lectures is the source of movement and gesture in the human being. The movement in musical experience is thus traced back to its origin in the human instrument itself. Like the degrees of the musical scale, Rudolf Steiner leads his select audience of young artists through eight stages, focusing on the living principles of discovery and renewal. Eurythmy was born in the turbulent decades of the early twentieth century. From an individual question as to whether it was possible to create an art based on meaningful movement, Rudolf Steiner responded with fresh creative possibilities for a renewal of the arts in their totality. The new art of eurythmy was an unexpected gift. Today, music eurythmy, along with its counterpart based on speech, is practiced as an art, taught as a subject in schools, enjoyed as a social activity and applied as a therapy. This definitive translation of Steiner’s original lecture course on eurythmy includes a facsimile, transcription and translation of the lecturer’s notes, together with an introduction and index. The volume is supplemented with an extensive `companion’, featuring full commentary and notes compiled by Alan Stott, as well as a translation of Josef Matthias Hauer’s Interpreting Melos.
Rudolf Steiner Press Meditations for Harmony and Healing: Finding The Greater Self
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered to assist generally in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality. Matthew Barton has translated and selected Steiner's verses, sensitively arranging them by theme. In this collection - to promote harmony and healing - Rudolf Steiner helps us discover a renewed sense of our true place in the world. The verses show how we can learn to know ourselves by looking outwards to the substances and processes at work in the cosmos, and in contrast to know the world by looking inwards to the microcosmic depths of the human self. By integrating spirit and matter within, we heal divisions in our relationships with others. For modern people, increasingly divorced from a living relationship with nature, these verses help to unfold a world of interconnections.
Rudolf Steiner Press Meditations for the Dead: Connecting to those who have Died
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered to assist generally in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality. Matthew Barton has translated and selected Steiner's verses, sensitively arranging them by theme. In this collection - for maintaining a connection to those who have died - Rudolf Steiner offers hope and consolation to the bereaved. The first section features words of wisdom on death and its deeper, spiritual meaning; the second part consists of verses which stress the continued links between the living and the dead, indicating how our thoughts can help those who have departed earthly life. The final section is devoted to verses which express something of what the dead experience in their new existence.
Rudolf Steiner Press Observing Nature's Secret: Practical Exercises for Perceiving Soul and Spirit
`[The student] should look at the world with keen, healthy senses and quickened power of observation, and then give himself up to the feeling that arises within him... This feeling penetrates the superficial aspect of things and in so doing touches their secrets.' - Rudolf Steiner How can one progress from the ordinary, everyday vision of the senses to a perception of the subtle life- and spiritual forces around us - the very forces that shape nature? Basing his work on the research of both J. W. Goethe and Rudolf Steiner, Roger Druitt begins with the fundamental question, `What can you see?' He presents a series of practical exercises for observing nature which, through diligent practise, allow for the maturation of subtle capacities of perception. Considering multiple species of leaves, for example, leads to the concept of `leaf' itself. After this basic groundwork is established, steps can be taken towards a comprehension of further aspects, such as metamorphosis, gesture and type. Druitt demonstrates how this method - what he calls `anthroposophical phenomenology' - can be applied in other fields of nature observation, opening the way for its use in all areas of life. In each case, whether working with bees, rocks, stars or colour, he shows how one can access the `individuality' manifested in what is studied. Through a thorough step-by-step process we are led to the ultimate task: that of redeeming the beings of nature and of the earth itself.
Rudolf Steiner Press Conscious Society: Anthroposophy and the Social Question
Delivered in the context of post-war cultural and social chaos, these lectures form part of Rudolf Steiner’s energetic efforts to cultivate social understanding and renew culture through his innovative ideas based on `threefolding’. Steiner develops a subtle and discerning perception of how social dynamics could change and heal if they were founded on real insight into our threefold nature as individuals, social beings and economic participants in the world. He doesn’t offer a programmatic agenda for change, but a real foundation from which change can organically grow. Social forms and reforms, says Steiner, are `created together’, not imposed by lone geniuses. Nevertheless, the detail of some of the thoughts and ideas he presents here as a possible model – down to the economic specifics of commodity, labour, taxation, ground rent and capitalism itself – are staggering in their clarity and originality. This is no mystic effusion but a heartfelt plea, backed by profound insights, to change our thinking and the world we live in. As he points out, thoughts create reality, and so it is vital how and what we think. Among the many contemporary and highly-relevant topics Steiner discusses here are: the nature of money and capital; taxation and the state; free enterprise and initiative; capitalism and Marxism; the relationship between employer and employee; `added value’ theory and the concept of commodity; and `class consciousness’, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.
Rudolf Steiner Press The World of Bees
`The whole hive is really pervaded by the life of love. The individual bees relinquish love but develop it instead throughout the hive. And so we start to understand bee existence if we recognize that the bee lives in an air, an atmosphere, that is entirely impregnated with love.’ From time immemorial, human culture has been fascinated by bees. Mythic pictures and writings tell of our close affinity and connection with these complex creatures, as well as the inestimable value of honey and wax. In recent years, bees have come to prominence again in the media, with reports of colony collapse and the wholesale demise of bee populations, forcing us to awaken to the critical role they play in human existence. Rudolf Steiner’s unique talks reveal the hidden wisdom at work in bee colonies. Speaking in Switzerland in 1923, in response to concerns from beekeepers amongst his local workforce, Steiner delivered a series of addresses whose multi-layered content, structure and wording is unparalleled. In The World of Bees, editor Martin Dettli, a longstanding beekeeper, uses Steiner’s seminal bee lectures as the main framework of the book, augmenting them with further relevant passages from Steiner’s collected works. Dettli also provides substantial commentaries on the texts, placing them within the context of contemporary beekeeping. This new anthology is an essential handbook for anyone interested in beekeeping or the indispensable work that bees do for humanity. It features chapters on the origins of bees, human beings and beekeeping, the organism of the hive, the social qualities of bees, their relationship with wasps and ants, plants and elemental beings, the efficacy of honey, bee venom, as well as scientific aspects such as silica and formic acid processes and a critique of modern beekeeping.
Rudolf Steiner Press Initiation Science: And the Development of the Human Mind
In an astonishing series of lectures on the science of spiritual knowledge, Rudolf Steiner begins by addressing an audience in Dornach, Switzerland - where, only months earlier, his architectural masterpiece, the first Goetheanum, had been destroyed by fire. He discusses the nature of our planetary system, revealing the planets that are characterised by freedom and those that determine destiny. The spirits of the moon live in seclusion, preserving 'original wisdom' and reflecting powers connected to sexuality, whereas the sun creates harmony. Jupiter is 'the thinker', whilst the spirits on Saturn act as 'living memory'. Speaking in London, Steiner states that the things that happen to people in sleep are more important than anything that occurs during waking hours! Human beings, he says, must learn to see themselves as an image of spirits and spiritual activities on earth. In a break from the theme, and returning to Dornach, Rudolf Steiner reports on his recent visit to England and Wales, where he attended an educational conference in Ilkley, a Summer School in Penmaenmawr and a school for the disadvantaged in the East End of London. Steiner speaks of the particular atmosphere he experienced in West Yorkshire and North Wales, where remnants of Druid spirituality live in the surroundings. The latter theme emerges strongly in the next lectures, which examine the Druid priest's sun initiation and perception of moon spirits. The Druids investigated the secrets of the universe, influencing both social and religious life. Steiner also describes the mythic being of Woden, who signified the birth of intellectuality and the subsequent fear of death - which, he asserts, can be healed by the Mystery of Golgotha. In the final section, Rudolf Steiner discusses: 'The past, present and future development of the human mind'. Again, he references the importance of Druid culture, noting that the ground plans of the stone circles in Penmaenmawr are similar to that of the first Goetheanum. He also points to the crucial roles of the ancient Mysteries and Christ's deed in human development.
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner's Mission and Ita Wegman
'Because I felt that he knew how things were, I said simply:"I will stay with you." Then he said significant things to me that I was not to repeat. A very ancient karma existing between him and myself was renewed. It was not until many years later that I first realised the significance of that meeting.' - Ita Wegman Ita Wegman was one of Rudolf Steiner's most important co-workers, collaborating with him principally in the field of Medicine - co-authoring the key book Extending Practical Medicine and heading the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science. In the background to that external work, however, was an esoteric connection. In this seminal work of karma research, the authors attempt, sensitively and with responsibility, to shed light on that spiritual and karmic history. Written for members of the Anthroposophical Society, this book is a profound study of a series of different incarnations linked to the figures of Ita Wegman and Rudolf Steiner. Spread over six disparate lifetimes, they range from Gilgamesh and Eabani (Enkidu) in Uruk, ancient Chaldea, to the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, the twentieth-century setting of the world centre of anthroposophy. Based on copious historical research, verbal statements and not a little spiritual insight, this rare and valuable work, reprinted here for the first time, features many illustrations and facsimiles of documents and personal letters.
Rudolf Steiner Press Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies: Volume 8
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These profoundly esoteric commentaries examine the underlying laws of reincarnation and karma, and explore in detail the incarnations of specific historical figures. In Rudolf Steiner's words, the study of karma is '...a matter of penetrating into the most profound mysteries of existence, for within the sphere of karma and the course it takes lie those processes which are the basis of the other phenomena of world existence...' In this eighth and final volume of the series, Rudolf Steiner offers insights on a variety of subjects, including Cosmic Christianity, the Michael impulse, the Arthur and Grail streams of wisdom, as well as the individualities of Gregory VII, Haeckel, Swedenborg, Loyola, Haroun al Raschid, Byron, Voltaire and others.
Rudolf Steiner Press Self-Knowledge: The Journey to Wisdom. Higher Knowledge, the Guardian of the Threshold and the Power of Christ
Many spiritual traditions speak of a 'guardian' or 'dweller' who protects the threshold to the spiritual world, warning the unprepared to pause in their quest for access to higher knowledge. The Guardian reveals the consequences of our negative actions and points to the full reality of our untransformed nature. This experience is said to be one of the deepest and most harrowing on the inner path, but is an essential precondition to any form of true initiation. The words 'Know thyself' were inscribed at the forecourt of the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo. Those who sought initiation in 'the mysteries' were thus instructed first to look within themselves. Likewise today, as spiritual seekers we need true self-knowledge, to distinguish between what belongs to our consciousness and what is objectively part of the spiritual environment. Rudolf Steiner taught that as long as we draw back from such knowledge, our spiritual quest will be unsuccessful. When we begin engaging with anthroposophy, it becomes clear that Steiner's teachings are not a doctrine or set of dogmas, but a path towards deeper insights. In this essential handbook, the editor has drawn together many of Rudolf Steiner's statements on the intricate and arduous path of self-knowledge, offering ongoing support and guidance. Chapters include: The Importance of Self-Knowledge for Acquiring Higher Knowledge; Seeking to Form an Idea of the 'Guardian of the Threshold'; The Guardian of the Threshold and Some Characteristics of Supersensible Consciousness; Morality on the Path of Knowledge; Self-Knowledge and Nearness to Christ; The Powers of Christ in Our Own Life; Knowing Ourselves in the Other; Self-Knowledge - World-Knowledge.
Rudolf Steiner Press Spirit as Sculptor of the Human Organism
'Let us be courageous and not draw back in fear when realities of the world of spirit that play into human life are unveiled. You see, the future of humanity depends on us learning to live with the world of spirit in the same way that we live with the physical world here on earth.' - Rudolf Steiner In a wide-ranging series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner demonstrates the integral nature of spirit and matter and their manifold connections. Speaking to audiences in London, Holland, Germany and Switzerland, Steiner explains how, through a process of evolving consciousness, humanity lost its knowledge and direct experience of the spiritual sources of existence, but now needs to reconnect with them. Spirit is the essence and power of life which, in Steiner's vivid image, 'strikes a match in our whole being' when we allow it to inform us fully. Our world cannot be understood only in physical terms but is inseparable from the divine realities continually creating and sustaining it. Reconnecting with the spirit calls upon us to heal the fractures between everyday consciousness and the metaphysical realms in which we are already embedded. In Steiner's descriptions, there is no end to the numerous reconnections possible: between our past, present and future; between the active, individualizing principle of the 'I' and the physical human body it works upon and shapes; between our physical actions and limb movements in one life and the forming or sculpting of our head in a future one; and above all, between the moral actions and insights we develop whilst alive on earth and our developing 'eye' for spiritual reality in the life after death, with all that this can mean for the future of human evolution. Taking a truly holistic approach, Rudolf Steiner tackles an eclectic series of subjects throughout these sixteen lectures - all united by the common theme of rediscovering how spirit pervades life. Apart from a focus on education in several lectures, he discusses: experiences during sleep; the human spirit and soul between death and a new birth; how spirit 'sculpts' the human organism; Christ from the perspective of anthroposophy; the battle for human nature between luciferic and ahrimanic beings; karma and the creation of conditions for our return to a new life on earth; human experience of the etheric cosmos; and the human being's faculties of hearing, speaking, singing, walking, and thinking. Together, these lectures offer a cornucopia of spiritual insights and wisdom for the present day. 16 lectures, various cities, 1922, CW 218
Rudolf Steiner Press Eurythmy and the Impulse of Dance
'Eurythmy is that very thing which dancers with a true idealism have been unconsciously seeking - that inner harmony and balance that was a natural condition of the Greeks, visible in their statues and carved figures, so that, even in a standing pose, movement seems to flow through them.' Eurythmy is an expressive art of movement in which specific gestures relate to the sounds and rhythms of speech, to the tones and rhythms of music and to soul experiences, such as joy and sorrow. In this succinct and accessible booklet, the authors present a clear introduction to this contemporary art form in the context of the impulse of dance today. What is eurythmy, and how does it relate to other arts of movement and dance? What is eurythmy's purpose, and why did Rudolf Steiner create it in the early twentieth century? These and many more questions are answered in this extended essay, supplemented by 35 sketches of eurythmy figures by Rudolf Steiner that illustrate gestures of movement, feeling and character.
Rudolf Steiner Press Unifying Humanity Spiritually: Through the Christ Impulse
'Fundamentally, all of spiritual science ultimately aims to understand human beings in their essence, in their tasks and endeavours - in their necessary endeavours in the course of development.' - Rudolf Steiner In the midst of the division and destruction of the Great War, Rudolf Steiner speaks of the spiritual unification of all human beings. Rather than preaching a traditional morality, however, he states esoteric facts as he perceives them, based on spiritual-scientific research. These observations relate to the powerful universal impulse of Christ - a healing spiritual force that works through the various nations and races, irrespective of creed or colour - as a source of potential unity. Rudolf Steiner describes this impulse as the central core of human evolution. It allows for a conscious and newly-acquired connection between all human beings, in the context of the continuing diversification and fragmentation of the human race. The central motif in these lectures relates to the appearance of Christ on earth - knowledge of his historical incarnation, as well as Christ's manifestation in the present and future periods of human development. Rudolf Steiner creates an arc from the pre-Christian mysteries through Gnosticism and the older studies of the early Church Fathers, to Scholasticism and neo-Scholasticism. After ancient faculties of clairvoyance had began to fade, he explains, human beings could no longer see beyond the world of outer appearances, and direct perceptions of Christ were therefore no longer possible. And so the question arose as to how limitations on human knowledge could be overcome - a question which remains pertinent in our time. Steiner asserts that only a transformation of thinking, enabling a living and conscious inner conceptual life, can allow for a true understanding of the relationship between the earthly Jesus and the cosmic Christ. Such living thinking leads in turn to direct experience. Other topics in this volume include the birth date of the 'two Jesus children'; the wisdom of Gnostic teachings; the provenance of the Cross; the mysteries of the Christmas festival; insights into ancient Christmas plays, and reflections on individual consciousness of karma in the future
Rudolf Steiner Press Universal Spirituality and Human Physicality: Bridging the Divide: The Search for the New Isis and the Divine Sophia
'Our contemporaries - who wish to keep to a narrow-minded and superficial outlook, are annoyed to find that spiritual science continually seeks the whole picture - that it has to create a bridge between the body and the soul, and truly explores how the psyche becomes corporeal and the body becomes psychological.' How do the soul and the spirit live in human physical bodies? In our materialistic age, in which the very existence of the metaphysical is widely rejected, such questions are rarely posed let alone addressed. In this exceptional series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner speaks in scientific detail about the connection of the subtle aspects of human nature - our soul and spirit - to our physical constitution. At the heart of this course are the well-loved 'Bridge' lectures, which appear in English for the first time in their wider context. Steiner discusses the solid, fluid, air and warmth bodies, and how these are connected with the various ethers, the 'I' and human blood. He goes on to describe how ideals and ideas impact the various aspects of the human constitution - how morality is a source of 'world creativity' - with moral thinking imbuing life into substance and will. Moral ideas have a positive effect, he says, whereas theoretical ones have a negative impact. In the realm of the moral, a new natural world comes into being, and thus the moral order and the natural order are intertwined. This volume also features Steiner's classic lecture on the Isis legend and its renewal today as divine wisdom - Sophia. Other themes include the mystery of Christ as the connection between the spiritual and physical sun; the permeation of the life of thought with will (love) and permeation of the life of will with thoughts (wisdom); the path to freedom and love and their importance in the universe; the metamorphosis of head and limbs through successive lives on earth; the threefold nature of the human form (head, thorax, limbs), the threefold nature of the soul (thinking, feeling, will) and the threefold nature of the spirit (waking, dreaming, sleeping).
Rudolf Steiner Press Disease, Karma and Healing: Spiritual-Scientific Enquiries into the Nature of the Human Being
Today, illness is almost universally regarded as either a nuisance or a grave misfortune. In contrast to this conventional thinking, Rudolf Steiner places the suffering caused by disease in a broad vista that includes an understanding of karma and personal metamorphosis. Illness comes to expression in the physical body, but mostly does not originate in it, says Steiner, and thus a key part of the physician's work involves gaining insight into the whole nature of an individual - his essential core being. From this perspective, illness offers us the opportunity for deeper healing. Throughout this volume Rudolf Steiner draws our attention to the greater scope of the smallest phenomena - even a seemingly insignificant headache. He casts vivid light on things we normally take for granted, such as the human capacity to laugh or cry, and in the process broadens our vision of human existence. The apparently mundane human experiences of forgetting and remembering are intrinsic to our humanity, for example, and have unsuspected moral and spiritual dimensions. Steiner's insights are never merely 'lofty' or nebulously 'spiritual' but time and again connect with the minutest realities of everyday life. In these 18 lectures, delivered on a weekly basis as part of an ongoing course covering 'the whole field of spiritual science', Steiner elaborates in detail on the diverse interplay of the human being's constituting aspects (physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego or 'I') in relation to rhythmic processes, developing consciousness, the history of human evolution, and our connection with the cosmos. Within this broad canvas, some of his themes acquire a very distinctive focus - such as vivid accounts of the 'intimate history' of Christianity, 'creating out of nothing', the interior of the earth, and health and illness. Other topics include: the nature of pain, suffering, pleasure and bliss; the four human group souls of lion, bull, eagle and man; the significance of the Ten Commandments; the nature of original sin; the deed of Christ and the adversary powers of Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras; evolution and involution; the Atlantean period - and even Friedrich Nietzsche's madness!
Rudolf Steiner Press Constitution of the School of Spiritual Science: An Introductory Guide
'If the intentions of the Christmas Conference are to be carried out, the Anthroposophical Society will in future have to fulfil, as far as possible, the esoteric aspirations of its members. With this end in view, the School, consisting of three Classes, will be established within the General Society.' - Rudolf Steiner, January 1924 A year after the burning of the first Goetheanum building in Dornach, Switzerland, Rudolf Steiner refounded the Anthroposophical Society during the Christmas Conference of 1923/24. At the heart of the Society he created 'the School of Spiritual Science', which has the specific task of presenting 'the esoteric aspect', and leading its members to knowledge and experience of the spirit. The School was to have 'Sections' to represent various fields of human endeavour, such as Medicine and Education, and three 'Classes', with the First Class to be established immediately by Rudolf Steiner. This short book is a collection of articles (from the Society Newsletter) and lectures by Rudolf Steiner from 1924, introducing and explaining the purpose of the School of Spiritual Science to members of the Anthroposophical Society. It forms a companion volume to The Foundation Stone / The Life, Nature and Cultivation of Anthroposophy.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Inner Nature of Man: And Our Life Between Death and Rebirth
'When we know how to enter deeply into the realm of the soul, we reach understanding of the harmony that exists between successive lives on earth and the whole of the physical world outside us.' - Rudolf Steiner In these eight lectures, given during the Great War as thousands of young men were being killed in battle, Rudolf Steiner - the great initiate of the twentieth century - describes the dramatic reality of the spiritual worlds encountered by human beings after death. He speaks of the joys and sufferings experienced in those worlds by people of different character; the vision of the 'ideal human being' that souls experience; the cosmic 'midnight hour'; the processes leading to rebirth in the world of the senses; the deeper causes behind such phenomena as materialism and criminality; and why, in the flesh, we lose our instinctive perception of the spiritual worlds. Steiner describes how knowledge of the spiritual realms, as well as the life beyond death and before birth, can be built on the foundations of modern science. Indeed, he speaks of mankind's involvement in science and its many achievements as necessary steps on the path towards a modern spirituality and true understanding of the soul, and describes in detail some of the methods by which direct perception of the worlds of soul and spirit can be developed.
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner's Vision of Love: Spiritual Science and the Logic of the Heart
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, is a pivotal figure in contemporary esoteric thought. Through his books and lectures he provided an impetus for the spiritual renewal of many human activities, including education (Steiner Waldorf schools), agriculture, medicine, economics, the arts and religion. Steiner showed how mankind has been evolving and explained the role of the great spiritual world leaders in the process. Above all he showed how the impulse to evolution given by Christ's death and resurrection - what he referred to as the Mystery of Golgotha - is of unique importance in the human being's struggle to reach the summit of evolution: union with the higher self. Bernard Nesfield-Cookson here shows how Rudolf Steiner's vision of love, the transformative power brought by Christ, unites the forces of the head and heart towards a spiritual awakening among mankind. Gathering together references to the 'logic of the heart' from throughout Steiner's work, the author encapsulates the great teacher's revelations on the meaning of love, and indicates the supreme importance of the greatest of all deeds of love: the Mystery of Golgotha.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Goetheanum: A Guided Tour Through the Building, Its Surroundings and Its History
'I first saw the Goetheanum as a fifteen-year-old through binoculars. I was fascinated and wanted to know more about this incredible building. What am I seeing? Why these forms? What happens in this building?' - Hans Hasler The Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, was conceived as a visible expression of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual philosophy - a living experience of anthroposophy in the form of art. Whilst Steiner conveyed his ideas and concepts in many books and lectures, the Goetheanum - with its pioneering concrete forms built in the 1920s - is a manifestation of spirituality in architecture, painting and sculpture. This essential handbook, packed with colour photos and illustrations, gives a broad background to Rudolf Steiner's architectural masterpiece and the work that goes on within it. Hasler explains how the present Goetheanum was built, and describes its recently remodelled great hall and stage, with its painted ceiling and sculpted walls. He details the building's context and landscape design, the other significant structures in its vicinity, and gives a description of the first, wooden, Goetheanum and its destruction by fire. Today the Goetheanum's remarkable external contours house theatres and studios, laboratories, offices and libraries. Apart from its major stages for drama and eurythmy, it serves as the headquarters of the Anthroposophical Society and the School of Spiritual Science, with the latter's sections for medicine, agriculture, education, the arts, science, and so on. The Goetheanum is also home to numerous conferences, meetings and events. This book provides a marvellous visual and textual guide to one of the most original buildings of our time.
Rudolf Steiner Press Signature of the Celestial Spheres: Discovering Order in the Solar System
"A milestone in modern research on the the harmony of the spheres." - Novalis magazine "This book reignites the debate on the harmony of the spheres." - Das Goetheanum Is the solar system ordered, or is it simply the result of random and chaotic accidents? This book takes us on a powerful and compelling journey of discovery, revealing the celestial spheres' astonishingly complex patterns. The movements of the planets are found to correspond accurately with simple geometric figures and musical intervals, pointing to an exciting new perspective on the ancient idea of a "harmony of the spheres". Hartmut Warm's detailed presentation incorporates the distances, velocities and periods of conjunction of the planets, as well as the rotations of the Sun, Moon and Venus. Numerous graphics - including colour plates - illustrate the extraordinary beauty of the geometrical forms that result when the movements of several planets are viewed in relation to one another. In addition, the author describes and analyses the concepts of the "music of the spheres", with special consideration given to Johannes Kepler's revolutionary ideas. Current scientific beliefs about the origin of the universe and the solar system are explained, enabling the reader to understand fully how Warm's remarkable research supplements contemporary materialistic views of the cosmos. An appendix includes his mathematical and astronomical methods of calculation as well as detailed discussion of their accuracy and validity based on modern astronomical algorithms.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Mystery of Meeting: Relationships as a Path of Discovery
"Our relationships - with our family, colleagues, friends, lovers, partners - are decisive factors in our lives. More than outer success, wealth or fame, they make the difference between joy and sorrow, development and stagnation, fulfilment and frustration. They both stimulate and require us to reflect on our own initiatives and reactions. They lead us to thresholds of emotion and discovery. If we can navigate these thresholds with our eyes open, relationships can become a path of initiation, taking us beyond our self-centred isolation into new and inspiring worlds of experience." What really happens in relationships? Why do they affect us so deeply? Why do we long for a sense of community yet so aggressively assert our individualism? What are the risks and benefits of genuine human encounter? Drawing on far-reaching perspectives from psychology, philosophy, management and economics, The Mystery of Meeting explores these questions from a unique viewpoint, offering insight and guidance for developing healthy relationships. The author elaborates powerful ways of working with the dynamics of relationships within personal, community and business contexts. Encountering another person, he says, is a "threshold-experience". Each individual is an unknown world, and through meeting we are confronted with developmental challenges as well as opportunities for profound personal development. This stimulating book presents groundbreaking ideas for managers, professionals, educators, communicators, and anyone who wishes to improve everyday relationships.
Rudolf Steiner Press Verses and Meditations
Featuring over 90 of Rudolf Steiner's best-loved verses and meditations, this volume collects a range of material on various themes, such as working with spiritual beings, connecting with loved ones who have passed over, developing selfhood, and celebrating festivals and seasons. Countless people have worked with these meditations over the decades and can testify to their power, as well as the strength and comfort they offer the meditant. Although various translations from the German exist for many of the verses, George and Mary Adams's renderings can truly be said to be 'classic', and are the most widely used within the English-speaking anthroposophical movement that has grown up around Steiner's work. George Adams acted as Rudolf Steiner's personal interpreter when he lectured in Britain, and thus developed an intuitive understanding of Steiner's deepest impulses connected to esoteric work. Those who know these verses will be delighted that they are available again, while those who approach them for the first time will discover a treasure of wisdom as well as abundant tools for personal transformation. This edition also features the original German texts where applicable.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Body
'A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved.' In this popular lecture, Rudolf Steiner reveals that the angels - the spirits closest to human beings - are seeking to create images in human astral bodies. These images are given with the intention of bringing about 'definite conditions in the social life of the future' related to brotherhood, religious freedom, and conscious spirituality. Other spiritual beings, however, are working against the angels. If, as a consequence of their disruption, humanity sleeps though the angels' spiritual revelation, the consequences will be dire, and aberrations connected to sexuality, the misuse of medicine, and the misapplication of mechanical forces will begin to manifest.
Rudolf Steiner Press Christmas: An Introductory Reader
Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life.Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Christmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes.
Rudolf Steiner Press Study of Man: General Education Course
Although these lectures were given to teachers as preparatory material, they are by no means concerned only with education. Study of Man is Steiner's most succinct presentation of his human-centred spiritual psychology, accessible to anyone interested in the riddles of human existence. His approach is unique in that it takes account not only of influences working into humanity from the past, but also of future states of consciousness and being. Reprinted here in the original 'classic' Harwood/Fox translation, the lectures were delivered in 1919 to the teachers of the Waldorf school in Stuttgart, the first to be founded on the work of Rudolf Steiner. Over the years, since the exponential growth of Steiner education around the world, this volume has become the basic study text for teachers in Steiner schools. But as well as providing a grounding for the work of educators, Study of Man will be of keen interest to parents, counsellors, psychologists, and students of Steiner's philosophy. For the latter, this volume provides a fundamental picture of the human being according to the anthroposophical understanding of the world.
Rudolf Steiner Press An Introduction to Steiner Education: The Waldorf School
Rudolf Steiner s educational system long established and respected on the European continent is gradually spreading around the world. Its radical principles, based on a view of the human being as composed of body, soul, and spirit, allows for a truly holistic and balanced education that nourishes the whole child. The author explains, in a clear and lively style, many aspects of Steiner s educational theories, especially the three stages of child development and how the Waldorf curriculum provides a healthy understanding, nurturing, and support for these phases. Edmunds discusses the role of the class teacher, the main lesson, the four temperaments, attitudes toward discipline, competition, and examinations. His answers are based on the author s many years of rich and varied experience as an educator of both children and adults. This is an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of Steiner/Waldorf education, whether for teachers or anyone who would like to know more about Steiner s ideas. It is especially useful for parents who are looking for a holistic education for their children."
Rudolf Steiner Press Whitsun and Ascension: An Introductory Reader
Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on the festivals of Whitsun and Ascension. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes.
Rudolf Steiner Press An Exercise for Karmic Insight
"There is the possibility of a comparatively quick maturing of insight into karmic relationships if, for a considerable time, we try patiently, and with inner energy, to picture with greater and greater consciousness an experience which would otherwise simply take its course, without being properly grasped, and fade away in the course of life..." In this unique lecture, Rudolf Steiner presents a practical exercise for gaining insight into karma. He draws our attention to the ordinary events of life, encouraging us to take an image of a single event and meditate on it. He describes the method in great detail, and explains how, over several days and nights, the image becomes incorporated into our various spiritual bodies. Eventually, this image reaches our physical body in a transformed state, leading to a perception of a previous earth life and the cause of the event first pictured in meditation...
Rudolf Steiner Press Easter: An Introductory Reader
Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Easter. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes.
Rudolf Steiner Press An Occult Physiology
Given the upsurge of interest in complementary therapies and treatments, medical researchers are gradually being pressured to reassess and expand existing knowledge about the structure and organization of the human body. But in spite of the advances in modern technology, there are vast areas of human physiological activity, which continue to remain undetectable. Such processes, indicates Rudolf Steiner, are connected to spiritual forces. In these revealing lectures Steiner concentrates on the relationship of such forces to the physical organs. In particular, he discusses the organs, which make up our digestive and respiratory systems; the significance of 'warmth' in the function of the blood and its effects upon the ego; and the evolutionary process implicit in the formation of the spinal column and brain. All are dealt with in a scientific manner that will appeal equally to doctors and therapists, as well as students of Steiner's spiritual philosophy. At the same time they are remarkably accessible to the general reader.
Rudolf Steiner Press Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
In addition to the outer manifestation of Christianity as we know it from history, there exists a second, hidden stream of Christian thought and development, sometimes referred to as 'esoteric Christianity' or 'Rosicrucian Christianity'. Displaying an intimate knowledge of his subject, Rudolf Steiner throws light on this once secret, spiritual movement. But rather than relying on historical tradition or teaching, he presents wisdom and insight directly from the original metaphysical sources of esoteric Christianity. In these dynamic lectures, Steiner describes the influence of Christ's power throughout history, the workings of karma, the role of the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, as well as the vital work of Christian Rosenkreutz, Jeshu ben Pandira and other key historical figures. This new edition - indispensable for serious students of esotericism - contains all 23 lectures and addresses of the original German collection. It features previously scattered, classic lectures such as 'The Etherisation of the Blood', 'Faith, Love, Hope' and 'Cosmic Ego and Human Ego'.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Holy Grail: The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception. With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries. Samples of his work are to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of the Holy Grail. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn. Chapters: From the Mysteries to Christianity; Death and Resurrection in Ancient Egypt – the Miracle of Initiation; The Mystery of Golgotha; The Mystery of the Higher Ego – the Holy Grail; The Grail and the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity; The Gnostic Crisis and the Loss of the Mysteries; Stages of Evolution – Archaic Clairvoyance; The Role of the Mysteries; The Secret of Evolution – the Holy Grail.
Rudolf Steiner Press From Mammoths to Mediums...: Answers to Questions
Rudolf Steiner Press The Wise Enchanter: A Journey Through the Alphabet
Words are disappearing from the world. Something is lurking in the deepest waters, devouring all the words that are no longer used. No one has noticed, but the world is slowly growing darker.For many years no children have come to the Enchanted Islands in search of Wisdom, and the Wise Enchanter is growing old. Four children from the corners of the earth have been sent on a quest to rediscover each letter, unlock the treasure of language, and thereby grow wise.Time is running out; if the children do not reach the castle of the Wise Enchanter in time, Wisdom and light may vanish from the world altogether.
Rudolf Steiner Press Threefold Mary
This precious little book contains three lectures -- "The Mystery of the Virgin Mary in Body, Soul, and Spirit" -- presented during the Christmas Holy Nights of 1950/51. On November 1, 1950, Pius XII proclaimed the Dogma of the Assumption--Mary's bodily assumption into heaven--which sent shock waves throughout the Christian world. C.G. Jung, for example, wrote his Answer to Job in response. Emil Bock's response was these lectures, which answer some of the issues and broaden the scope to include not only the Mary-Sophia mystery in human history, but also the meaning of the feminine element in the evolution of consciousness. Anyone interested in an anthroposophic perspective on Mary in body, soul, and spirit will gain much from this book.
Rudolf Steiner Press Life of the Human Soul: And its Relation to World Evolution
How are we connected to the world around us? This question, says Rudolf Steiner, is one that lives subliminally, drawing us into the depths of the psyche. There, our candle of consciousness tends to flicker and go out. But spiritual schooling can relight it, so that we learn to perceive realms of our being beyond the restricted self. Whilst Steiner was undertaking major lecture tours of Germany and England, he took time to address his followers at the world centre of anthroposophy in Dornach, Switzerland. He speaks here on three major topics: 'The Life of the Human Soul', 'Spiritual Striving in Relation to Earth's Evolution' and 'The Contrast Between East and West'. The common theme, however, is our mutual responsibility for what the human being and the world will eventually become - which, according to Steiner, is far from a foregone conclusion. Even the way we think can change and affect the future: the degree, for example, to which we concentrate our picturing in meditation, infusing head thinking with warmth of heart. Rudolf Steiner reveals a hugely complex picture of interrelationships between humanity and the cosmos. Our head, heart, lungs and limbs all reveal subtly different qualities of connection with the invisible realities that continue to sustain us. Our eyes, for instance, only gradually evolved into organs of sight and were once vital organs, as our lungs are now. The lungs, in turn, will similarly evolve to provide us with another form of perception.As is usually the case, Steiner addresses a wide variety of topics in addition to those above. Included in this volume are thoughts on the significance of the cinema; the nature of the halo; technology as the 'true foundation' of the modern worldview; asceticism in the Middle Ages; the world of machines and the world of rite and worship; yoga and modern meditation exercises; pain as an awakener of knowledge; the emergence of the belief in ghosts; and the connection between stomach acid and soul qualities
Rudolf Steiner Press An Introduction to Anthroposophical Medicine: Extending the Art of Healing
This work is a basic introduction to anthroposophical medicine.
Rudolf Steiner Press Rudolf Steiner: A Biography
Rudolf Steiner Press Memories of Rudolf Steiner: And Marie Steiner-von Sivers
'I rang the bell, the door opened, and there stood Rudolf Steiner in person. I was so taken aback that I dropped the basket which burst open and all my clothes and underclothes, together with my other belongings, were lying at the feet of the Doctor. A ball of wool got away and rolled between Dr Steiner's feet into the long corridor. Somewhat surprised, but amused, he said: "I have never been greeted in this way."' Anna Samweber (1884-1969), an active coworker in Berlin with Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers, presents a lively, homely, and often moving collection of anecdotes and recollections. Recorded by Jacob Streit during an intensive two-day session, this short work offers a warm, illuminating and intimate picture of Rudolf Steiner, the man and his work, during a critical phase in the development of anthroposophy.