Search results for ""Propolis""
Verlag Unser Wissen Propolis in Medizin und Zahnmedizin
Bayerland Bienenschätze Honig Pollen Propolis Co.
Stocker Leopold Verlag Propolis Gewinnung Rezepte Anwendung Heilkraft aus dem Bienenvolk
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Literature Review on the Benefits of Propolis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beneficial Effects of Propolis on Human Health & Chronic Diseases: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beneficial Effects of Propolis on Human Health & Chronic Diseases: Volume 2
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Microcalorimetric and Microbiological in Vitro Investigations on the Acaricidal, Insecticidal, and Antimicrobial Effects of Propolis
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Beehive Alchemy: Projects and recipes using honey, beeswax, propolis, and pollen to make soap, candles, creams, salves, and more
From crayons to cough drops, cookies to candles, Beehive Alchemy offers a comprehensive introduction to incorporating the miracle of bees into everyday life.Beehive Alchemy is a continuation of Petra Ahnert's best-selling Beeswax Alchemy. With this new book, beekeepers (and bee lovers) will learn about the benefits and attributes of beeswax, honey, propolis, and more alongside a full range of projects and techniques to process and harness the amazing gifts of bees. Inside, you'll find instructions to make Ahnert's award-winning hand-dipped birthday candles, the classic French dessert canele bordelais, and much more, including:Alchemy for the Body Liquid soap with honey Beard balm Olive and honey lotion Alchemy of Light Taper candles Tea lights Pillars Alchemy for the Home Furniture polish Waxed cotton food wraps Woodcutter incense Alchemy in the Studio Beeswax crayons Encaustic Batik Alchemy in the Kitchen Cookies and candies Beverages Fermentations Whether you keep bees or just love them, Beehive Alchemy will become your go-to comprehensive guide for hive-to-home creations.
Propolis The Actual Whole of Music
Emanating from the blackout to move across the water came a desultory flotilla of youth: a saucy and outrageous convoy, unsure of their past, unknowing of their future, aping and japing their way through a reconfiguring world. Amongst them was the author of this officially-requested memoir, whose story - a series of defining relationships, each seemingly prescribed - leaves notions of personal agency forever in question. The Actual Whole of Music is a novel of astonishing power and originality, a reminder that - suspended dust-like and illuminated only in the momentary flash of life - we are relentlessly displaced by forces around, before and after us.
Propolis The Dreaming of Place: Myth, Landscape and the Art of Storytelling
For 35 years, Hugh Lupton has been at the forefront of the storytelling movement in Great Britain. The renewed interest and subsequent flourishing of this tradition is in no small way a result of Lupton’s work, vision and commitment. Underpinning this is a deep understanding of the essential role stories play in the human psyche. From this career-spanning collection, including fiction, poetry, reviews, articles, talks and praise-songs, what emerges is a broad account of why our species remains so deeply connected both to the stories we tell and the land we inhabit; of the relationship between landscape and the way we communicate. This is a story as old as earth itself. Drawing on his vast knowledge of folklore and legends from around the world, as well as an unrivalled experience of live storytelling, Lupton shows us how stories - always formed on the breath before the page - have nourished, taught and guided us for millennia.
Propolis New Leaves On An Old Tree: A Writer's Portfolio
A collection of essays, reviews, lectures and articles spanning the career of Kevin Crossley-Holland, highlighting his position as the pre-eminent English writer of Myth and legend.
Propolis The Assembly of the Severed Head: A Novel of the Mabinogi
A small monastic outpost in 13th Century Wales is rocked to its core when a gruesome discovery is made on the nearby shoreline: a severed human head. It's the first of several to wash up along the surrounding coast, and not long after, the holy brothers stumble across the smouldering ruins of a bardic school with a pile of decapitated bodies inside. Only one survivor, barely alive, is found hiding nearby. He is Cian Brydydd Mawr, the greatest bard of his age, who holds in his head the four `branches' of an ancient, epic Welsh myth cycle: The Mabinogion. Physically weak but strong willed, he asks the monks to put aside their rigid Christian doctrine and commit his oral tales to parchment - before the stories of spirits and shape-shifters, giants and time-travellers, curses and spells, are lost forever...
Propolis New Cemetery
A poet, at a desk, in a shed. A shed which is temple, bunker, study and look-out post all rolled into one.Not far away, in the surrounding West Yorkshire countryside, the local council have begun "peeling back turf" to turn a former cow-field into a new cemetery.In this brand new collection from Simon Armitage, day-to-day observations become short and layered meditations addressed to any "reader" within earshot, from the adulterers and learner drivers cruising the cemetery's newly laid tarmac, to the cosmos itself, staring back with its "dumb face." As the graveyard takes shape, its presence on the brow of the hill becomes a lengthening shadow over the imagination, triggering terse, sarcastic responses and quieter personal recollections, leading eventually to a grand litany of local landmarks as the poet stakes out his place among moorland reservoirs blazing with evening sun. In New Cemetery, Armitage faces up to the bylaws of local planning committees and the laws of the universe with his customary deft wit and detached lyricism, but with a stripped-back clarity and lo-fi approach that hints at a new beginning.
Propolis Sea-Change
Jessica Streeting and her family - sister Alice, mother Judith and father Revered Paul Farnham - move east in their ancient London taxi to the deep countryside of Norfolk. It is 1975 and the rector has a new position at the church of St Agnes in the village of Cawston. Here they find a world populated by people who embody both the ancient and new of late 20th century rural life. Children of the soil, whose parents work it and depend on it, living a simple life as old as their church. The musical ones. The clever ones. The artists, accountants, shopkeepers and publicans. Among it all, their vicar plays a role for all people; guide, educator, lighter of the way. Admired and adored he strove to buoy his congregation week after week, unwittingly mythologising himself as he went. The hole he left then, when in a moment he was ripped from the community, was vast. In this epic poem Jess revisits that place, for the first time addressing the grief she so quickly suppressed in the manner of the age. She brings to life in heart-breaking clarity the joy of a world made by industrious children and their imaginations, until unforeseen tragedy muted the colours of that golden time. With a foreword by Stephen Fry - for whom Paul Farnham played an inspirational role - Sea-Change is a book whose potency reminds us not only of the power of shared stories, but also that how they are told can make us all feel like players in their drama.
Propolis Playtime's Over
In the seconds before death, Will finds himself transported from the depths of the North Sea to the end of a deserted pier. Deserted, until Viktor appears... Together they journey across time and place, bearing witness to the beauty of the life Will has turned his back on. scrutinizing the interminable balancing act of being alive, which ultimately led Will to make his final, fatal move. Playtime's Over is a story about resilience and surrender, told with darkly absurd humour. It is both a powerful meditation on mental health in a world with little refuge, and a touching portrait of a friendship forged in the most bizarre circumstances.
Propolis The Ballad of Syd & Morgan
A beautiful young man dressed in Cuban heels and a crushed-velvet jacket cuts a dash as he strides up Silver Street in his native Cambridge, heading for the ornate splendour of King's College. It is 1968. He is the 22 year old Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd, and his destination is home to the great Edwardian novelist, 89 year old E M Forster. What follows is a tender exchange of truths between two men belonging to opposite ends of the 20th century, but who find within each other's company shadows of the same demons, loves and losses as well as the familiar weight of the creative impulse. They become unlikely comrades passing fleetingly through each other's lives. Conjuring the mischievous spirit of Pan, Haydn Middleton has created an exquisite fiction involving two towering figures of English culture. The Ballad of Syd & Morgan is a deeply moving but joyous portrait of the despair and redemption at the heart of artistic endeavour, as well as the essential solace of companionship - wherever it may be found. Exquisite.Brilliantly imagines a meeting between Syd Barrett and EM Forster.Alex Preston, The Observer cultural highlights 2018. A great vision of a meeting that could so easily have happened, making both Morgan and most importantly Syd into real people. Syd has consistently been written off as a simple acid casualty. Brain rotted by the summers of love. This humanises him and for this I'm grateful.Hank Wangford Haydn Middleton's principal challenge, in this engaging novella, is to give the hour-long imaginary encounter between a psychedelic rock god and a veteran novelist a faint sheen of plausibility... Hunkered down on either side of the crackling fire - the one sagacious and intrigued, the other nervous and deferential - novelist and disclaiming rock star soon find they have a great deal in common...The overall effect is surprisingly harmonious. The only surprise, by the end, is that a lost spoken-word collaboration isn't lying somewhere in the vaults at EMI DJ Taylor,TLS Uncannily a very, very good representation of Syd. I felt very close to him reading the book. A gentle conversation between two very interesting minds.Rosemary Breen, sister of Syd Barrett. Beautifully written, brilliant. As poignant as it is playful. Jackie McGlone, Glasgow Herald.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mastitis: Symptoms, Triggers and Treatment
Mastitis is the most widespread and economically important disease of dairy cattle occurring throughout the world. It is of particular concern for farmers in developing countries like India. The economic loss due to mastitis is associated with reduced milk production, discard of milk due to antibiotic residues, treatment and management costs, and occasional deaths. The menace has a serious zoonotic threat due to shedding of bacteria and their toxins through the milk. Mastitis is caused by a wide spectrum of pathogens and, it is categorized into contagious and environmental mastitis. The major contagious pathogens include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Mycoplasma spp. and Corynebacterium bovis. The environmental mastitis can be induced by those pathogens residing in the environment such as E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis. On the basis of symptoms, mastitis can be classified into either clinical or sub-clinical. Clinical mastitis is characterized by sudden onset, alterations of milk composition and appearance, decreased milk production, and the presence of the cardinal signs of inflammation in the udder. In contrast, in sub-clinical mastitis, no cardinal signs are detected although the milk production is decreased and the somatic cell count is increased. The diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis is a real challenge in the dairy industry. The book contains a total of 7 chapters including a research chapter (chapter 6) for control of mastitis, a global problem with public health menace. Persons associated with antimicrobial stewardship and drug control policies may go through chapters 5 and 7 for getting some suggestions and clarifications for their consideration. The use of propolis for mastitis control is an innuendo for the reduction of antimicrobial misuse. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in pathogens isolated from ewes and goats with mastitis has been recorded. This approach is in line with the antimicrobial stewardship, with the aim of limiting the selection for antimicrobial resistant strains. Propolis ethanol extracts showed a good bactericidal activity against mastitis pathogens as well as the capacity to inhibit biofilm formation and to disrupt established biofilm. These results strongly suggest that propolis may be part of a mastitis control strategy. The present book is a comprehensive attempt to cover the relevant topics of bovine mastitis such as physiology of milk secreation with associated biomarkers, immune responses of udder, updated etiology, current trends in conventional treatment and management, prospect of herbal preparations and propolis as supportive treatment options. The book will cater the need of the veterinary/dairy science/one health students, professionals, researchers and moreover, the progressive farmers who wish to understand the basics of the menace. Any suggestions from any corner for the improvement of the book will be gladly acknowledged.
Springer International Publishing AG Bee Products - Chemical and Biological Properties
This book presents an updated discussion of the chemical composition and biological properties of the main bee products. Specific attention is focused on the beneficial biological activities of bee products in human health. Honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen and bee venom are used as nutriment and in traditional medicine. Their composition is rather variable and depends on the floral source and external factors, such as seasonal, environmental conditions and processing. Bee products are rich in several essential nutrients and non essential nutrients, as sugars, minerals, proteins, free amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and polyphenols, that seem to be closely related to their biological functions. The effects of these products in nutrition, aging and age-related diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and pathogen infections are discussed.
Workman Publishing Sweet Remedies: Healing Herbal Honeys
Taking medicine just got a whole lot sweeter! Honey is well known for its healing properties. When infused with the additional benefits of medicinal herbs and fruits, it turns natural remedies that can be unpleasant tasting into a treat to take. Author Dawn Combs makes these traditional herbal honeys — called “electuaries” — and has created her own formulations for addressing a variety of common health ailments. With Sweet Remedies, readers will learn her methods for making electuaries in their home kitchens, using recipes that range from Ache Ease and Sleep Well to Heartful and Calcium for Kids, along with instructions for making simple honey infusions and oxymels — a combination of herbs, honey, and vinegar. Additional recipes offer creative ways to get a daily dose of healing by using herbal honeys in no-bake cookies, smoothies, cocktails, candies, and more. For those with access to the hive, Combs includes an overview of other bee-produced products with healing properties — including pollen, propolis, and royal jelly — and offers advice on how to harvest them sustainably.
DK The Bee Book: Discover the Wonder of Bees and How to Protect Them for Generations to Come
The Bee Book shows you step-by-step how to create a bee-friendly garden, get started in beekeeping, and harness the power of honey for well-being.Fully illustrated with full-color photographs throughout, this beautiful guide covers everything you need to know to start your own backyard hive, from setup to harvest. Practical beekeeping techniques are explained with clear step-by-step sequences, photos, and diagrams so you'll be prepared to establish your own colony, deal with diseases, collect a swarm, and much more.A comprehensive gardening chapter features planting plans to fill container and border gardens, bee "hotel" and habitat projects, and an at-a-glance flower gallery of bees' favorite plants. The Bee Book also shows you how to harvest honey, beeswax, and propolis from the hive and use these ingredients in 38 recipes for home remedies, beauty treatments, and candle-making.Discover the wonder of bees in nature, in your garden, and in the hive with The Bee Book, lavishly bound in a beautiful gold-foil and texture cover and perfect for gift giving.
Skyhorse Publishing The Good Living Guide to Beekeeping: Secrets of the Hive, Stories from the Field, and a Practical Guide That Explains It All
Beekeeping is nothing newthe ancient Egyptians were well versed in the benefits of living with beesbut in recent years, there has been a surge of folks struck with the desire to build and nurture a hive of their own. Beekeeping has become the passion of farmers in rural Vermont, urbanites with rooftops in LA, and thousands of people in between. This book is for beginners and experts alike, with all the basic information you need to get started, as well as stories and tips that will inspire and instruct the most seasoned beekeeper.In this guide, you will learn how to:Choose a spot for your hiveBuild a hive with simple tools and materialsBuy bees or attract them to your hiveHarvest the fruits of the bees’ laborMake beeswax candles and lip balmUtilize honey, wax, and propolis for medicinal purposesAnd much more!Cummings offers readers something truly uniquea book that comes alongside you like a wise friend, offering sage advice as well as humorous anecdotes and fascinating interviews with beekeepers across the country. Equally good for reading while curled up inside during the long winter as for carrying with you to the hives mid-summer, this will be a welcome addition to any bee enthusiast’s library.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Bee Book: The Wonder of Bees – How to Protect them – Beekeeping Know-how
Bees pollinate plants, produce honey, and create marvellous social colonies. They also need our help. There is nothing quite like a bee, and nothing quite like The Bee Book. This essential guide to all things apiary takes you into the hive and reveals the remarkable lives of these essential pollinators, from their incredible influence on the evolution of flowers to the role of an individual worker bee within her colony. Bee species have existed for millions of years - but, as a result of pesticides and the climate crisis, their numbers are now threatened like never before.Discover how you can support bee populations where you live, with advice on creating bee hotels and nectar-rich wild gardens, or take the next step and try your hand at beekeeping. The Bee Book contains all the essential information you need to set up your own hive, establish your own colony, and care for your bees. It even includes ideas for making the most of the honey, beeswax, and propolis your hive will produce, including a honey and clay face mask, soothing cough drops, and luxurious body butter. Whether you're interested in bees, beekeeping, or simply wish to support local biodiversity, The Bee Book contains everything you need to know and more.
Temple Lodge Publishing The Genius of Bees and the Elemental Beings: How the Spiritual World Works Through Bees for Nature and Humanity
'The most important task of the bees, apart from the preparation of honey, wax and propolis, is the healing of the atmosphere! The honey bee, apis mellifera, alone, is able to perform this task. This is its first and foremost purpose.' - Ralf RoessnerDescribing the Genius of Bees as the 'group consciousness' of the hive, Ralf Roessner presents an extraordinary commentary based on first-hand spiritual-scientific research and experience. He studies the mission of the Genius of Bees, the hexagonal structure of 'the crystalline heaven' within which the bees operate, and the healing of the world through their work. Roessner elucidates the relationships between the Genius of Bees, the elemental world and the human being. He also speaks of his personal experiences with the organic 'earth hive', giving instructions on how they are made, and offers practical advice on tackling the varroa mite. In this unique and original work, the author, '...attempts to describe the secrets of creation as far as he has experienced these himself'. As he goes on to clarify: 'Many matters, which could only be vaguely perceived in former times, can now be investigated in a spiritual-scientific manner.A secret is only a secret to the extent it escapes the individual human being's powers of consciousness'. Anyone seeking deeper insights into the world of the honey bee will be enriched by the content of this book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Honey: Composition and Health Benefits
Honey A vital understanding of the health effects of this renowned natural food Honey is among the most famous and widely available natural food products in the world, and its flavor profiles are well understood. Despite its use as a natural remedy by many societies, however, there has until recently been no systematic attempt to assess the scientific basis for claims about honey’s health benefits. The ubiquity of honey and honey-derived natural remedies make such an assessment highly desirable. Honey: Composition and Health Benefits offers a systematic assessment for the first time, analyzing the substances that make up honey and their health effects, both separately and in combination. Dedicating full chapters to each of honey’s constituent materials, this book provides the first full-length and comprehensive treatment of this natural food. It also includes content on other honey products such as royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom. It promises to shed scientific light on centuries of tradition. Honey readers will also find: Detailed treatment of honey’s constituent carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and more Closing chapters dealing with contaminants and toxins found in honey A vast and distinguished team of global contributors with decades of expertise Honey promises to be essential for food scientists, nutritionists, and health scientists, both in academic research and in industry.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals: 18 Infection-Fighting Herbs and Essential Oils
Explains how to use medicinal herbs and essential oils to fight infectious illness, strengthen the immune system, and combat antibiotic resistance. Nature offers us many natural antibiotics from the plant kingdom that work powerfully against germs while also being gentle on the body. Knowledge of these safe and natural antibiotics and antivirals is more crucial now than ever as modern antibiotics become less and less effective due to the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant germs. Natural antibiotics even offer an opportunity to reverse antibiotic resistance by reducing the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics to only the most critical cases. In this practical guide, Christopher Vasey presents 18 of the most potent antibiotic and antiviral herbs from around the world and one beehive remedy, propolis. He details how to use them effectively as mother tinctures and essential oils as well as what illnesses each is best suited to treat. Drawing on the latest research, he explains how microbes can’t build resistance against these natural substances due to the many molecules in their make-up and their large spectrum of action in the body, which makes them effective against viruses as well. Offering a way to break free from the threat of antibiotic-resistant germs and improve the body’s immune system and internal terrain, this guide gives each of us the ability to fight infections naturally.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Non-traditional Approaches to Combat Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
This book provides a detailed overview of the progress and challenges of non-traditional approaches for tackling antimicrobial resistance. The first chapter covers the factors that make microbes more likely to develop multidrug resistance. The book goes on to discuss the antimicrobial properties of propolis, essential oils and other microbial constituents that are used or under investigation to treat multidrug-resistant infections. Additionally, it covers alternative compounds that work as antimicrobial agents, their mechanisms of action, and how they might be utilized in conjunction with conventional drugs to circumvent drug resistance. The book explores the application of phage therapy and recent advancements in phage-based infection control with an emphasis on multidrug-resistant infections and discusses drug repurposing as a strategy to develop new antimicrobial agents efficiently and expeditiously. Additionally, it discusses the uses of nanoparticles in the treatment of infections brought on by multidrug-resistant pathogens and examines the use of different nanotechnology-based approaches to fudge microbial resistance mechanisms. It concludes by reviewing recent studies on microbial quorum-sensing systems and focuses on the significance of quorum-sensing systems in controlling microbial resistance mechanisms and at the same time highlights the importance and role of antimicrobial stewardship program to fight microbial infections. The book is an invaluable source of knowledge and information for academics, basic and clinical researchers, clinicians, and paramedic staff involved in one way or the other in the development and use of antimicrobial agents and strategies to combat multidrug resistance.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters
Bee shamanism may well be the most ancient and enigmatic branch of shamanism. It exists throughout the world--wherever in fact the honeybee exists. Its medicinal tools--such as honey, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly--are now in common usage, and even the origins of Chinese acupuncture can be traced back to the ancient practice of applying bee stings to the body’s meridians. In this authoritative ethnography and spiritual memoir, Simon Buxton, an elder of the Path of Pollen, reveals for the first time the richness of this tradition: its subtle intelligence; its sights, sounds, and smells; and its unique ceremonies, which until now have been known only to initiates. Buxton unknowingly took his first steps on the Path of Pollen at age nine, when a neighbor--an Austrian bee shaman--cured him of a near-fatal bout of encephalitis. This early contact prepared him for his later meeting with an elder of the tradition who took him on as an apprentice. Following an intense initiation that opened him to the mysteries of the hive mind, Buxton learned over the next 13 years the practices, rituals, and tools of bee shamanism. He experienced the healing and spiritual powers of honey and other bee products, including the “flying ointment” once used by medieval witches, as well as ritual initiations with the female members of the tradition--the Mellisae--and the application of magico-sexual “nektars” that promote longevity and ecstasy. The Shamanic Way of the Beeis a rare view into the secret wisdom of this age-old tradition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery
Introduces readers to the growing applications of nutraceuticals and other natural product derivatives This comprehensive book presents a prophylactic and therapeutic approach to chronic disease prevention strategy by highlighting the translational potential of plant-derived dietary and non-dietary factors from epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies. It also shares the experiences of highly reputed experts working in the area of phytomedicine and nutraceutical agents in chemoprevention, to promote the significance of natural products and dietary factors as an elite priority for containing chronic diseases in the human population. Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery starts by examining natural food sources for the control of glycemia and the prevention of diabetic complications. It then looks at the anti-aging effects of sulfur-containing amino acids and nutraceuticals, and the potential of garcinia fruits to combat metabolic syndrome. Other topics covered include honey- and propolis-mediated regulation of protein networks in cancer cells; recent trends in drug discovery against Alzheimer’s disease; the therapeutic potential of metalloherbal nanoceuticals; and much more. Offers an alternative, natural approach to the prevention of chronic diseases Emphasizes the potential of plant-derived dietary and non-dietary factors from epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies Features contributions from world-renowned experts in the field of phytomedicine and nutraceutical agents in chemoprevention Includes prevention strategies in normal/risk populations through routine inclusion of specific dietary regimens and as therapeutic strategy for better management through adjuvant interventions with conventional treatment protocols Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery will appeal to graduate students and professionals in cell and molecular biology, translational research, pharmacology/drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, and clinical nutrition.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Flower Magic of the Druids: How to Craft Potions, Spells, and Enchantments
Flowers are found in magic traditions around the world, from ancient Egypt, China, and India to the Norse and Native Americans. Yet many of today’s well-established flower traditions--like bridal bouquets--originated in the Druidic magical lore of Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. As fifth-generation Druid Jon G. Hughes explains, flowers hold a preeminent position in Druidic folk magic with their own special branch of magical workings. In this practical guide, Hughes details how to use flowers in magical practice, focusing on flowering plants with a long history of magical use going back to Druidic times yet many of which are commonly found throughout the world such as buttercup, blackberry, and dog rose. He discusses what type of flower and form of flower magic is best for specific enchantments and rituals in the areas of love and sex magic, healing and focusing, and protection. He looks at the magical use of fresh flowers and provides detailed instruction on every stage of the harvesting, crafting, and practical use of flower magic potions, including a comprehensive herbarium of all the flowers that may be used. Examining the complex relationship between flowers and bees, the author looks at the physical and spiritual gifts of bees, such as honey, propolis, and bee’s wax, and the importance of bee culture in Druidic flower magic, including the tradition of the honeymoon, the significance of the hexagram, and medieval beekeeper lore. Inviting you into the gentle yet powerful realm of Druidic flower magic, the author also details how to plan, plant, and take care of your own magical flower garden with all the botanicals you will need to pursue the path of flower magic.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Natural Remedies for Inflammation
From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medications. In this practical guide to natural remedies for inflammation, naturopath Christopher Vasey explores 38 anti-inflammatory herbs, such as laurel, basil, turmeric, and devil's claw, as well as other natural substances, such as propolis and fish oil. He explains which conditions each addresses most effectively, proper dosage, and the best methods of ingestion. Vasey explains how, like fever, inflammation is a defensive reaction of the body and also carries out a cleansing process, which natural remedies support but pharmaceuticals can destabilize by contributing more toxins to the internal terrain. He examines many of the most common inflammation-related ailments--such as allergies, asthma, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, cystitis, tendonitis, arthritis, eczema, and sciatica--and explains which medicinal plant or food supplement is best suited to safely alleviate unpleasant symptoms while helping the body complete the healing the inflammation was initiated to perform. Revealing the important role of omega-3s in defending the body against inflammation and reducing the damage caused by chronic inflammation, Vasey explores what foods are rich in these key molecules, how much must be eaten to defend the body, and what omega-3 supplements are most suited to your body's needs. The author also examines how to deacidify the body, as acids have an inflammatory effect, as well as how to use hydrotherapy to calm inflammation.
Propolis Devoured
1973. Swallow's Farmhouse in deep, rural Norfolk is home to Your People, a commune of free-thinkers and poets seeking a better way. But beneath the veneer of a nurturing, alternative lifestyle, an atmosphere of jealousy and threat is pushing utopia towards the brink of its inevitable collapse. Raising herself amidst the chaos is a twelve year old survivor, desperately preoccupied with her transition into womanhood. With her mute sister, beloved dog and the re-defining force of her emerging appetites, she marches resolutely towards her future, venturing - with hilarious and horrifying results - through the minefield of an adult world built on hypocrisy and misplaced ideals.