Search results for ""Prana""
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Prana Extrem
L.E.O. Prana up your life
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Svadhyaya Breath Journal: A Companion Workbook to Restoring Prana
Svadhyaya (self-reflective) Breath Journal is a companion workbook to Restoring Prana. Restoring Prana is a training manual on transformative breathing for yoga therapists, yoga teachers and bodyworkers and it presents a new way of understanding and applying breath to a wide range of ailments.Each chapter in Restoring Prana ends with specific practices that the reader is asked to track in a breath journal and this workbook provides a pre-formulated journal for this purpose. This workbook follows the chapter chronology of the parent text, with the key concepts highlighted and with space for breath charts, logs and reflection..Svadhyaya Breath Journal is the perfect companion to Restoring Prana and highlights the importance of practical application of theory discussed in the parent book.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Restoring Prana: A Therapeutic Guide to Pranayama and Healing Through the Breath for Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers, and Healthcare Practitioners
One of the most common issues clients face is lack of energy, vitality or prana and this book presents a simple yet revolutionary breathing approach to restore balance. Grounded in the yogic teachings, this text introduces the Buteyko breathing method as a more contemporary way of understanding the original intention of pranayama. Through extensive research, Robin Rothenberg establishes that as with Dr. Buteyko's breath retraining technique, the ancient yogis prescribed breathing less not more. Vedic science and physiology are broken down and explained in accessible ways. The book presents a new understanding and application of breathing to address a wide range of ailments, including COPD, asthma, hay-fever, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, sleep apnoea and neurological conditions.
Ediciones Librería Argentina (ELA) La ciencia del pranayama
El Pranayama es una ciencia exacta que te acerca a la comprensión de cómo se transmite la energía. Respirar conscientemente te permite vivir el presente llenándolo de plenitud.El Pranayama, según Swami Sivananda, ocupa un lugar muy importante en la práctica del Yoga y de la meditación. El Prana está relacionado con la mente; a través de ésta con la voluntad; a través de la voluntad con el alma individual y a través de ésta, con el Alma Suprema. Si sabes cómo controlar las pequeñas olas de Prana que actúan a través de la mente, conocerás entonces el secreto de cómo controlar el Prana universal.El Prana es el principio universal de la energía. Es la fuerza vital que lo impregna todo. Es suministrado por medio del alimento, del agua, del aire, de la energía solar, etc. Absorbemos Prana al respirar. Su excedente se almacena en el cerebro y en los centros nerviosos. Cuando la energía del cuerpo se sublima o transforma, suministra Prana en abundancia al organismo, que es almacenado en
DeVorss & Co ,U.S. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East: Volume 4
First presented as "The India Tour Lessons." Each chapter has text for study as well as guides to teachers for developing and interpreting the material. Among subjects covered: The White Brotherhood, The One Mind Basis of coming social reorganization Prana.
Lotus Press The Secrets of Ayurvedic Massage
Goes beyond the ordinary massage manual and penetrates the Ayurvedic understanding of the life force, Prana. Ayurveda is a system tht treats individuals, and, in accordance with these principles, this guide explains how each type of person should be given the Ayurvedic massage.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Om the Yoga Dog: A Beginner's Guide for Children (and their grown-ups)
Namaste, my name is Om and I am a yoga dog.Meet Om the yoga dog and his friends, Prana the frog and Moksha the elephant! Together they will guide you through easy poses and calming breathing exercises in this simple yet effective introduction to yoga.Playful and packed full of exciting activities, this essential book will teach kids (and their grown-ups) the postures of yoga and equip them with lifelong habits.With helpful, motivating pointers from Om throughout, every technique comes with step by step illustrations to help children big and small become focused, strong and have unlimited fun!
Ediciones Lea Chakras
For Hindus, energy is Prana (“life force”), and from this tradition comes the notion of chakras: energy nuclei located in an imaginary vertical line along the front of one’s body. Each of the seven chakras contains energy vibrations that influence our organs and various psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects. SebastiÁn Ross describes their uses and functions for novice readers to understand and use these vital energy forms.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Empowering Practices for the Highly Sensitive: An Experiential Guide to Working with Subtle Energies
• Details 30 progressive exercises to help clear, balance, and protect your energy field, release fears, and support you in daily life • Explores how to energetically cleanse and master your emotions and thoughts, balance your subtle energy bodies, and gain inner peace and calm • Explains for each exercise what it is useful for, how to tell the technique is working, and what you are developing through the practice, such as activating your pineal gland, charging up with prana energy, or protecting your system from energy vampires Sensitivity is a gift, once you discover how to embrace your unique nature fully. Understanding and experiencing your core essence is key to learning how not to be overwhelmed by the world. This experiential guide offers a gradually progressive series of 30 structured practices to help clear, balance, and protect your energy field, release fears, and allow you to gain lasting stability and equanimity in daily life. Focusing on energetic and emotional balance, the techniques help you work with your sensitivity and build protection for your subtle energy bodies and your subconscious mind, allowing you to balance your inner world. For each exercise you will know what the practice is useful for, how to tell that the technique is working, and what you are developing through the exercises, such as activating your pineal gland, charging up with prana energy, or protecting your system from energy vampires. Allowing sensitives to stop sacrificing important parts of their unique nature in order to fit in, this guide supports empaths to become more comfortable with their heightened awareness, protect their energetic systems, and embrace full participation in society, where their gifts are sorely needed.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Handbook of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda: An Integrated Practice of Ancient Healing Traditions
A comprehensive reference tool for maximizing healing of the mind, body, and spirit through a holistic synergy of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda • Details the foundational principles of each tradition and the many concepts they share, such as qi and prana, meridians and nadis, and energy centers and chakras • Provides tools for self-assessment including a primer on tongue diagnosis and a mental, emotional, and physical constitutional questionnaire • Offers breathing exercises, dietary regimens, herbal recommendations, and guides for detoxification, including safe and gentle at-home cleansing Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two of the oldest healing systems in use today. Each is a complete art, in and of itself, and has profoundly contributed to the health and well-being of millions of people around the world. Drawing on their shared roots and spiritual principles, Bridgette Shea, L.Ac., MAcOM, shows how these two practices integrate seamlessly, with the two traditions’ individual strengths harmonizing to form a practical basis for prevention, wellness, detoxification, and treatment. The author explains the foundational principles of both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda in detail, providing the reader with a working understanding of both disciplines. She examines shared concepts such as qi and prana, meridians and nadis, and energy centers and chakras.
Yoga. Filosofía de vida
Yoga es un estilo de vida y una profunda filosofía, no solo una secuencia de posturas, como muchos creen erróneamente.El yoga entiende como premisas la no violencia, la aceptación, la correcta acción, el autoconocimiento, la conciencia, la pureza., y no la flexibilidad que puede adquirirse con cualquier práctica. Las posturas o asanas son una profunda relación entre el cuerpo, la respiración y la energía (prana), o sea, materia y energía actuando en resonancia gracias a una mente calmada, en paz; nada que ver con la elongación particular de cada uno. Yoga es ciencia con conciencia, filosofía y sabiduría de vida, y para ello requiere conocimiento, estudio, práctica, entrega, devoción, amor e intelecto; une el saber y el amor, las dos fuerzas más integradoras de la naturaleza.Yoga es ser, no hacer.
Watkins Media The Essential Guide to Chakras
Chakras are the body''s subtle energy centers, vital toour physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. This comprehensive book provides a detailed guide to the characteristics of each chakra and how you can work with them to heal and balance every aspect of your life. Beginning with an outline of the key energy concepts, including prana, the nadis and kundalini energy, the book goes on to explain the basic techniques for working with chakras, including: meditating on yantras, the geometric representation of chakra energies, mantras, exercises, and journaling. This highly accessible guide explores each chakra in depth, describing key characteristics and related physical disorders, providing helpful yoga poses and breathing techniques, and giving clear information on how to recognize the signs that a specific chakra is overactive, underactive or balanced. You will also discover how the chakras relate to each other and find advice on protecting yourself while working ene
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stanislavsky and Yoga
This book deals with one of the most important sources of the Stanislavsky System - Yoga, its practice and philosophy. Sergei Tcherkasski carefully collects records on Yoga in Stanislavsky's writings from different periods and discusses hidden references which are not explained by Stanislavsky himself due to the censorship in his day. Vivid examples of Yoga based training from the rehearsal practice of the Moscow Art Theatre and many of Stanislavsky's studios (the First Studio in 1910s, the Second Studio and Opera Studio of the Bolshoi Theatre in 1920s, Opera-Dramatic Studio in 1930s) are provided.The focus of Tcherkasski's research consists of a comparative reading of the Stanislavsky System and Yogi Ramacharaka's books, which were a main source for Stanislavsky. Accordingly, Tcherkasski analyzes elements of the System based on Yoga principles. Among them are: relaxation of muscles (muscular release), communication and prana, emission of rays and reception of rays, beaming of aura, sending of prana, attention, visualizations (mental images). Special attention is paid to the idea of the superconscious in Yoga, and in Ramacharaka's and Stanislavsky's theories.Tcherkasski's wide-ranging analysis has resulted in new and intriguing discoveries about the Russian master. Furthermore, he reveals the extent to which Stanislavsky anticipated modern discoveries in neurobiology and cognitive science.In this book Tcherkasski acts as a researcher, historian, theatre director, and experienced acting teacher. He argues that some forty per cent of basic exercises in any Stanislavsky based actor training program of today are rooted in Yoga. Actors, teachers, and students will find it interesting to discover that they are following in the footsteps of Yoga in their everyday Stanislavsky based training and rehearsals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stanislavsky and Yoga
This book deals with one of the most important sources of the Stanislavsky System - Yoga, its practice and philosophy. Sergei Tcherkasski carefully collects records on Yoga in Stanislavsky's writings from different periods and discusses hidden references which are not explained by Stanislavsky himself due to the censorship in his day. Vivid examples of Yoga based training from the rehearsal practice of the Moscow Art Theatre and many of Stanislavsky's studios (the First Studio in 1910s, the Second Studio and Opera Studio of the Bolshoi Theatre in 1920s, Opera-Dramatic Studio in 1930s) are provided.The focus of Tcherkasski's research consists of a comparative reading of the Stanislavsky System and Yogi Ramacharaka's books, which were a main source for Stanislavsky. Accordingly, Tcherkasski analyzes elements of the System based on Yoga principles. Among them are: relaxation of muscles (muscular release), communication and prana, emission of rays and reception of rays, beaming of aura, sending of prana, attention, visualizations (mental images). Special attention is paid to the idea of the superconscious in Yoga, and in Ramacharaka's and Stanislavsky's theories.Tcherkasski's wide-ranging analysis has resulted in new and intriguing discoveries about the Russian master. Furthermore, he reveals the extent to which Stanislavsky anticipated modern discoveries in neurobiology and cognitive science.In this book Tcherkasski acts as a researcher, historian, theatre director, and experienced acting teacher. He argues that some forty per cent of basic exercises in any Stanislavsky based actor training program of today are rooted in Yoga. Actors, teachers, and students will find it interesting to discover that they are following in the footsteps of Yoga in their everyday Stanislavsky based training and rehearsals.
El universo nos ofrece energía, y de ello todas las civilizaciones han sido por demás conscientes. Los antiguos chinos la denominaron chi y basaron buena parte de su medicina tradicional en ella. Los japoneses, por su parte, la llamaron ki. Los hindúes, a su vez, la denominaron prana. Y es precisamente de la rica tradición hindú de donde se deriva la noción de chakras: núcleos energéticos ubicados en una suerte de línea vertical imaginaria que va desde el perineo hasta la zona del aura, que está por encima de la coronilla. Los chakras son siete (al menos, los que considera como principales la tradición hindú), y cada uno de ellos tiene una vibración energética determinada, se relaciona con un aspecto de nuestra vida; influye sobre una serie de órganos y funciones del organismo; modela parte de nuestro aspecto psicológico, emocional y espiritual, y abre toda una serie de correspondencias. Este libro nos invita a un fascinante recorrido por ellos para alcanzar la verdadera vitalidad ener
Gaia Ediciones Meditacin el arte del xtasis sobre la meditacin y las tcnicas de meditacin
En este libro Osho, el conocido místico contemporáneo, profundiza en el tema de la meditación y sugiere diversas técnicas especialmente diseñas y adecuadas para el buscador moderno occidental.A lo largo de la primera parte, Osho nos describe en detalle los fundamentos de la meditación y expone las bases de sus técnicas.En la segunda, el autor responde las preguntas de los asistentes a sus charlas y ahonda en cuestiones como la relación del LSD y las drogas con la meditación, qué es el alma, en qué consiste el ser testigo, la iniciación del Maestro, las manifestaciones del prana en los siete cuerpos y la relación de la kundalini con la energía sexual, entre otras.Por último, la obra describe paso a paso algunas técnicas tradicionales reinventadas por Osho y las instrucciones completas de las cuatro Meditaciones Activas OSHO más populares.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Krishnamacharya on Kuṇḍalinī: The Origins and Coherence of His Position
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini explores a distinctive teaching of 'the father of modern yoga', T. Krishnamacharya. Whereas most yoga traditions teach that kundalini is a serpentine energy that rises, Krishnamacharya defined it differently. To him, kundalini is a serpentine blockage which prevents prana (breath or life-force) from rising and which represents avidya (spiritual ignorance). Simon Atkinson draws from over 20 years of study and practice under teachers following Krishnamacharya. He combines analysis of quotations from yoga workshops with a detailed study of traditional Sanskrit texts. He traces the textual origins of Krishnamacharya's position to two sects of Visnu-worshiping temple priests, and shows how it is compatible with a stream of South Asian thought where snakes represent something to be overcome. Atkinson challenges claims that Krishnamacharya's position can be found in his religious tradition of Srivaisnavism. He questions the tradition's reliance on textual sources, showing how the coherence of Krishnamacharya's position can only be maintained by employing elaborate arguments and rejecting texts that teach otherwise. Atkinson also explores how Krishnamacharya's teaching on kundalini influences how yoga is practised. He argues that Krishnamacharya's position is best viewed as a model for experience that guides practice.
Watkins Media Limited The Aleister Crowley Manual: Thelemic Magick for Modern Times
Marco Visconti has taught Aleister Crowley's Magick to hundreds of aspirants, proving to himself and others its transmutative powers. This book brings together the effective techniques and practices from those lessons. We all live very busy lives in increasingly small spaces, but this book shows that to practice magick you don’t need fancy tools or robes or marbles halls. Magick is truly for everyone, because all you need to practice it is a will set in stone. Each chapter in this manual is a lesson, which will add a new tool to your magical arsenal: the nature of the Body of Light what Prana is and how to harness it the 4 Hermetic Elements that make up the foundations of the Magical Pyramid the Quintessence the Pentagram Hexagram rituals the Astral Light invoked through the Middle Pillar The benefits gained from bringing Magick into your life are manifold. You will gain a deeper understanding of your role in the universe, the ability to communicate with the Other, and the wisdom that comes from such relationships. Overall these practices offer a new and deeper sense of awareness of your own role in the universe.
Collective Ink So You Want To be A Healer?
This book is the perfect handbook for all aspiring healers, containing easy to follow exercises and meditations to help cultivate the healing skills. The book explores the scientific as well as the metaphysical facts, with a detailed analysis of the different types of healing methods, ranging from magnetic and pranic healing, to spiritual and mental healing. Through antiquity gifted individuals have administered healing to the sick, from the Biblical accounts of Jesus, to the more radical practises of Rasputin the so-called Mad Monk. Why do some people possess that certain something that they are able to impart to others? What is personal magnetism, and why is that a powerful healing force? Apart from the exercises to help with the development of healing skill, So You Want To Be A Healer analyses the actual process, with a detailed look at the chakra system and the subtle anatomy. Eastern masters used the term Prana to describe all energy in the universe; this book explains how this energy may be harnessed to be used to heal others at a great distance.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Colour Healing Manual: The Complete Colour Therapy Programme
The healing properties of colour and light have been recognised since ancient times; today colour therapy techniques are used to great effect in a range of complementary therapies and for personal wellbeing. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to colour healing and offers step-by-step instructions for treatment.The opening chapters provide an overview of the science behind light and colour, and a brief history of colour healing from Ancient Greece to modern day. The characteristics of different colours are then given, as well as an explanation of how each colour relates to particular body parts and the major and minor chakras. The core of the book offers a complete treatment programme, teaching diagnostic techniques and a variety of approaches including healing with prana energy, healing with touch, healing with a colour therapy instrument, and absent healing.With useful illustrations and diagrams throughout, this book will be an essential guide for colour therapists, colourpuncture practitioners, kinesiologists, reflexologists and energy healers, as well as anyone with an interest in the restorative power of colour.
Hay House Inc The Power of Vital Force: Fuel Your Energy, Purpose, and Performance with Ancient Secrets of Breath and Meditation
The less energy we have, the less we are alive; the more energy we have, the more we thrive - in every part of our lives. Vital Force combines ancient wisdom with the principles of psychology and self-help, offering a fresh approach to happiness and success. This book explores the fundamental concept of prana, or 'life energy', from the perspective of the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of Vedanta. As the ancient sages described it, this fundamental force is what drives our physical, creative, mental, emotional and sexual energy. Rajshree Patel, a senior teacher with the Art of Living Foundation - the largest organization in the world teaching spiritual wisdom and practice in the Vedic tradition - shares a much-needed new approach to managing our mind, regulating our emotions and increasing our energy. Going beyond the usual meditation tools, she offers easy, accessible techniques ranging from breathwork to nutrition to a cold-water foot bath that instantly shifts energy flow, all designed to reset and rejuvenate our systems for maximum life force.
Octopus Publishing Group The Ayurveda Kitchen: Transform your kitchen into a sanctuary for health - with 80 perfectly balanced recipes
'Anne Heigham has brought the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda into these energizing recipes that nourish the doshas.Anne Heigham has brought the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda into these energizing recipes that nourish the doshas.' Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician'Let food be your first medicine and the kitchen your first pharmacy.' Taittiriya UpanishadBy using the principles of Ayurveda, which is one of the fastest growing health practices, and a little vision, transform your kitchen into a space that nourishes your body, mind and soul.With this beautiful introduction to Ayurveda, learn how to use your kitchen as a natural pharmacy to improve your health and prevent imbalances with key Ayurvedic ingredients, 80 perfectly balanced vegetarian recipes and simple home remedies. Ayurveda aims to bring health back into balance, nourishing agni (metabolic fire) and prana (life force), while clearing ama (metabolic waste or 'sludge'). Just imagine fresh, vibrant herbs growing, seeds sprouting and pickles fermenting. Discover how to perform a kitchen sadhana at the beginning of each season, mix your own spice blends and balance recipes according to what you need and how you feel.Sections include:Introduction to AyurvedaAyurveda and seasonal eatingThe kitchen pharmacyRecipes from the Ayurveda kitchenRecipes include:Sweet potato and pea tortillaNourishing spiced pumpkin soupRefuelling rice and red lentil ballsCarrot and beetroot celebration cake
Workman Publishing Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance
Finding self-acceptance both on and off the mat. In Sanskrit, yoga means to “yoke.” To yoke mind and body, movement and breath, light and dark, the good and the bad. This larger idea of “yoke” is what Jessamyn Stanley calls the yoga of the everyday—a yoga that is not just about perfecting your downward dog but about applying the hard lessons learned on the mat to the even harder daily project of living. In a series of deeply honest, funny autobiographical essays, Jessamyn explores everything from imposter syndrome to cannabis to why it’s a full-time job loving yourself, all through the lens of yoke. She calls out an American yoga complex that prefers debating the merits of cotton versus polyblend leggings rather than owning up to its overwhelming Whiteness. She questions why the Western take on yoga so often misses—or misuses—the tradition’s spiritual dimension. And reveals what she calls her own “whole-ass problematic”: Growing up Baháí, loving astrology, learning to meditate, finding prana in music. And in the end, Jessamyn invites every reader to find the authentic spirit of yoke—linking that good and that bad, that light and that dark.
Watkins Media Limited The Power of Breath: Yoga Breathing for Inner Balance, Health and Harmony
Breathing is the most fundamental of our body's physical processes and our most intimate companion, yet most of us give it little or no thought in our daily lives. However, once fully acknowledged and harnessed, the power of the breath is unlimited – easing stress and anxiety, boosting energy and stamina, enhancing self-confidence, sharpening the ability to focus, strengthening quality of voice and even helping to relieve pain. A Sanskrit proverb claims, 'If you breathe well, you will live long on earth.' Renowned yoga teacher Swami Saradananda aims with The Power of Breath to give gentle yet powerful guidance on the art of breathing. The introduction explains the basics of breathing and the complex connection between the breath and the subtle body as seen in yogic terms, as well as offering advice on rediscovering natural breathing and preparing for breathing exercises. The sections that follow then lead the reader through five types of breath as classified in the yogic tradition, each related to a particular type of energy, or life force – vitalizing (prana), nourishing (samana), expansive (vyana), cleansing (apana) and expressive (udana). Over 30 life-enriching breathing exercises are explained within these sections, each one beautifully illustrated for clarity and maximum visual appeal. A final section of mini breathing programmes helps you to target specific common ailments and issues such as asthma, skin disorders, depression, lethargy and phobias as well as harnessing your breath to enhance vocal, dramatic or sports performance. With evocative artwork, inspiring photography and easy-to-follow guidance, this book will enhance and affirm your daily life through the power of breathwork.
Rudolf Steiner Press Energizing Water: Flowform Technology and the Power of Nature
The poor quality of water, as well as its restricted supply and availability, is one of the biggest challenges of our time, with presently two-fifth's of the world's population unable to find adequate fresh water for essential usage. Over 40 years' research has been carried out on the positive effects that rhythms and specific water flow has on water's capacity to support life. Energizing Water presents this cutting-edge research to the general and professional reader at a time when interest in finding solutions to water's huge worldwide problems�is growing rapidly. Three aspects determine water quality: its chemical constituents (including its oxygen levels); its organic aspects (with the danger of contamination by effluent, pathogens and algae); and its 'energetic' nature. The latter facet has been recognized from time immemorial by traditional societies, who have developed their own sciences in relation to water quality, using terms such as prana and chi for energy. Now, through the introduction of quantum physics into the life sciences, modern science is beginning to accept this concept, measuring energy as light emission. Research into energetic water quality - and particularly into the creation of moulded surfaces that support biological purification of the chemical and organic elements, as well as enlivening the energetic attributes - goes back to George Adams' and John Wilkes' pioneering work in the 1960s. The invention of Flowform technology in 1970 carried this research further, providing the world with one of the first modern-day, biomimicry�eco-technologies. This creative technology applies nature's best methods to produce extraordinary results, and this book outlines the background story on research and application of the Flowform method today.
Sounds True Inc The Yoga Plate: Bring Your Practice into the Kitchen with 108 Simple and Nourishing Vegan Recipes
“The Yoga Plate brings us compassion and living right for our families, our planet and our animals—a beautiful offering for good all around.” —Julie Piatt and Rich Roll, bestselling authors, wellness leaders, chefs, and podcast hosts Discover 108 nourishing and delicious vegan recipes in the first modern cookbook to marry yoga’s principle of ahimsa with nutrition We take a lot of care when it comes to choosing the proper clothing for yoga, the right accessories, the best studio—but primary to these considerations is an often overlooked yet vital component of practice: our diet. How we eat might be the most important aspect of an effective practice. How we eat is a huge component to the practice because it represents how we treat and nourish ourselves. By changing the way we eat physically and consciously, we can put ourselves on the path to greater well-being. In The Yoga Plate, LA-based yoga power couple Tamal and Victoria Dodge introduce readers to the philosophy of yoga as it is reflected in our eating choices. The 108 recipes are designed according to the concept of ahimsa, or non-harm. “Consciously or not, we can cause a lot of harm with our eating habits,” explain the authors. “Living with ahimsa means we try to cause the least harm possible to all living creatures.” Each recipe takes you through your daily practice of yoga, starting with “Morning Meditations,” where you’ll find smoothies and breakfasts to fuel and power you through the day; “A Plate Full of Prana,” with snacks, soups, and salads to revitalize your system; “A Bowl Full of Yin,” with recipes to help cultivate a centered mood; and “Sweet Savasana” for restorative and beneficial dessert options. A well-rounded yoga practice includes a conscious approach to the things we eat. With The Yoga Plate, readers can make each meal a sacred activity to support both our practice and well-being.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Science of Subtle Energy: The Healing Power of Dark Matter
A scientifically-based exploration of the invisible forces that shape our world• Shares the results of the author’s rigorous, repeatable, and predictable experiments with subtle energy • Shows how the mind interacts with matter by means of subtle energy--the key to the placebo effect, the healing power of affirmations and prayers, and energy medicine • Demonstrates how to harness subtle energy and explains the author’s technology to generate subtle energy formulations with practical applications Instruments of modern physics can measure the energies of the electromagnetic spectrum, but these energies only account for roughly 4 percent of the total identifiable mass-energy of the universe. What makes up the remaining 96%? In this scientifically based yet accessible analysis, Yury Kronn, Ph.D., explores the nature of the remaining 96% of the universe’s mass-energies. Contemporary science calls this massenergy “dark matter,” and the ancients called it life force, prana, or chi. Kronn shows how this subtle energy belongs to the subatomic world and how it follows laws that are fundamentally different from those known to contemporary science.Sharing the results of his rigorous, repeatable, and predictable experiments with subtle energy, the author looks at the possible mechanisms of subtle energy’s interaction with physical matter and with the human body. He shows how the mind interacts with matter by means of subtle energy—giving us the key to understanding the placebo effect and extrasensory perception as well as the healing power of affirmations and energy medicine. Kronn demonstrates how it’s possible to harness subtle energy and explains his development of Vital Force Technology, which integrates ancient knowledge of the life force with modern technology to generate specific subtle energy formulations for practical applications. He presents his experimental results creating subtle energy formulas to positively influence the germination of seeds and the growth of plants. He also demonstrates the possibility of using subtle energy for creating clean and energetic-pollution-free environments for vitality and better healing. Outlining the many benefits of subtle energy technology to individuals, societies, and the planet as a whole, Kronn reveals how the transformative power of subtle energy arises from the vast potential of human consciousness.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Yoga of Light: Awaken Chakra Energies through the Triangles of Light
Move into a fifth-dimensional way of living by engaging the energy lines between the chakras that form energetic triangles of light • Includes illustrated, step-by-step instructions for yoga asanas with explanations of the triangles of light created by each as well as their specific health benefits • Explains how the triangles of light energize the body, wake up our cells, and connect us to our own inner light • Introduces the 10 major and 21 minor chakras that form the triangles of light • Paper with French flaps We are all beings of light. Our bodies are pervaded and rejuvenated by energy lines between our major and minor chakras. When we practice yoga asanas (postures), these energy lines create triangles of light that connect us to universal light and energy. Focusing on them and feeling them during yoga practice can raise our vibrational frequency and help us move toward yoga’s eighth step--the state of enlightenment. Drawing on yoga’s original teachings, Yoga of Light reveals how to awaken and energize the chakra triangles of light with the practice of asanas, breathing, visualization, and meditation. Exploring the universal web of light and our place within it, as well as the body’s electromagnetic field, or aura, yoga expert Pauline Wills provides a concise introduction to the ten major and twenty-one minor chakras instrumental in forming the yoga triangles of light. You will discover how visualizing and, eventually, feeling these triangles as you practice the postures energizes the body, allowing you to connect to your own inner light. This wakes up all cells in the body and imbues them with increased energy. The triangles also firmly connect us to the sacred geometry of the universe, aligning us with the greater cosmos. The author includes an illustrated, step-by-step guide to the asanas, detailing how to perform them correctly, and clearly explains and depicts the triangles of light formed within each posture and their specific health benefits. She also includes a series of exercises and breathing techniques to affect and increase control of prana, the life force within the body, as well as simple exercises, warm-up movements, meditations, and visualizations to help familiarize yourself with the major chakras instrumental in forming the triangles of light.Yoga of Light reveals how, by working with the triangles of light, we can each become more aware of our connection to the web of light and the greater universe. This book, for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, shows how anyone can increase the benefits of their yoga practice by engaging and energizing the triangles of light.