Search results for ""PoliPointPress, LLC""
PoliPointPress, LLC Rules of Disengagement
Lessons from veterans and active duty service members in opposition to US interventionist military policy Rules of Disengagement examines the reasons men and women in the military have disobeyed orders and resisted the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It takes readers into the courtroom where sailors, soldiers, and Marines have argued that these wars are illegal under international law and unconstitutional under US law. Through the voices of active duty service members and veterans, it explores the growing conviction among our troops that the wars are wrong. While the Obama Administration’s pledge to remove all American troops from Iraq by the end of 2011 is encouraging – and in no small way likely attributable to resistance by our armed forces – it continues to fight in Afghanistan, and the military may soon have a heightened presence elsewhere in the Middle East and in Africa. As such, Rules of Disengagement provides inspiration and lessons for anyone who opposes an interventionist US military policy.
PoliPointPress, LLC Figures of Speech: First Amendment Heroes and Villains
For the last 25 years, William Bennett Turner has taught a course on the First Amendment at UC Berkeley. His book, Figures of Speech, describes the colorful characters who have played roles in important First Amendment controversies. Choosing figures and cases from his own personal experience, Turner illustrates broad First Amendment principles and describes how we've arrived at our contemporary understanding of the First Amendment's meaning.
PoliPointPress, LLC Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy
For the second time this decade, the US economy is sinking into a recession due to the collapse of a financial bubble. The most recent calamity is likely to produce a downturn deeper and longer than the stock market crash of 2001. Dean Baker argues not only that competent economists should have recognized the developing housing bubble, but also that policy makers and the media cheerfully neglected those economists who did predict danger. Baker doesnt engage in 20-20 hindsight, but documents the fundamental policy changes since 1980 that destabilized the economy and eroded the broad prosperity of the post-war period. His expert analysis explains the outcomes clearly so we can prevent similar financial disasters in the future.