Search results for ""PRIMO""
Abrams Dear Primo
From first-time Mexican author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh comes the story of two cousins, one in America and one in Mexico, and how their daily lives are different yet similar. Charlie takes the subway to school; Carlitos rides his bike. Charlie plays in fallen leaves; Carlitos plays among the local cacti. Dear Primo covers the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of two very different childhoods, while also emphasizing how alike Charlie and Carlitos are at heart. Spanish words are scattered among the English text, providing a wonderful way to introduce the language and culture of Mexico to young children.Inspired by the ancient art of the Mixtecs and other cultures of Mexico, Tonatiuh incorporates their stylized forms into his own artwork.F&P Level: MF&P Genre: RF
bahoe books Primo Levi
Between the Lines Primo Levi
Alianza Editorial El primo Basilio
Historia de seducción y chantaje, ?El primo Basilio? integra, junto con Madame Bovary, Ana Karenina, La Regenta y Effi Briest, la brillante constelación de lo que podría llamarse ?novelas de adulterio? del siglo XIX. En el marco de una languideciente Lisboa, Eça de Queiroz narra la tediosa y mediocre existencia de la soñadora Luisa, en cuyos confusos sentimientos el canallesco Basilio encontrará terreno abonado para añadir un registro más a la nómina de sus fechorías.
Seagull Books London Ltd Primo Levi: An Identikit
Drawing on twenty years of research, this is the definitive biography of Primo Levi. Over the last seventy years, Primo Levi (1919–87) has been recognized as the foremost literary witness of the extermination of the European Jews. In Primo Levi: An Identikit, a product of twenty years of research, Marco Belpoliti explores Levi’s tormented life, his trajectory as a writer and intellectual, and, above all, his multifaceted and complex oeuvre. Organized in a mosaic format, this volume devotes a different chapter to each of Levi’s books. In addition to tracing the history of each book’s composition, publication, and literary influences, Belpoliti explores their contents across the many worlds of Primo Levi: from chemistry to anthropology, biology to ethology, space flights to linguistics. If This Is a Man, his initially rejected masterpiece, is also reread with a fresh perspective. We learn of dreams, animals, and travel; of literary writing, comedy, and tragedy; of shame, memory, and the relationship with other writers such as Franz Kafka and Georges Perec, Jean Améry and Varlam Shalamov. Fundamental themes such as Judaism, the camp, and testimony innervate the book, which is complemented with photographs and letters found by the author in hitherto unexplored archives. This will be the definitive book on Primo Levi, a treasure trove of stories and reflections that paint a rich, nuanced composite portrait of one of the twentieth century’s most unique and urgent voices.
Seagull Books London Ltd Primo Levi – An Identikit
Drawing on twenty years of research, this is the definitive biography of Primo Levi. Over the last seventy years, Primo Levi (1919–87) has been recognized as the foremost literary witness of the extermination of the European Jews. In Primo Levi: An Identikit, a product of twenty years of research, Marco Belpoliti explores Levi’s tormented life, his trajectory as a writer and intellectual, and, above all, his multifaceted and complex oeuvre. Organized in a mosaic format, this volume devotes a different chapter to each of Levi’s books. In addition to tracing the history of each book’s composition, publication, and literary influences, Belpoliti explores their contents across the many worlds of Primo Levi: from chemistry to anthropology, biology to ethology, space flights to linguistics. If This Is a Man, his initially rejected masterpiece, is also reread with a fresh perspective. We learn of dreams, animals, and travel; of literary writing, comedy, and tragedy; of shame, memory, and the relationship with other writers such as Franz Kafka and Georges Perec, Jean Améry and Varlam Shalamov. Fundamental themes such as Judaism, the camp, and testimony innervate the book, which is complemented by photographs and letters found by the author in hitherto unexplored archives. This will be the definitive book on Primo Levi, a treasure trove of stories and reflections that paint a rich, nuanced composite portrait of one of the twentieth century’s most unique and urgent voices.
Miguel Primo de Rivera
Dictadura, populismo y naciónMiguel Primo de Rivera. Dictadura, populismo y nación es la primera biografía exhaustiva sobre el hombre que cambió la historia de España del siglo XX. Frente a las interpretaciones tradicionales que lo definen como un hombre campechano, sin una ideología clara e impulsor de una dictadura paternalista muy alejada del fascismo italiano, esta obra nos describe a un político astuto, ambicioso y con muy pocos escrúpulos, que impulsó un régimen nacionalista, autoritario y profundamente represivo en línea con el resto de las dictaduras europeas contemporáneas.Primo de Rivera fue el creador del populismo de derechas en España al denunciar a los políticos profesionales como élites corruptas y parasitarias de la nación, organizar una comunicación política basada en noticias falsas y presentarse como el líder mesiánico que llevaría a cabo la voluntad del pueblo. Tras más de dos décadas de investigación, Alejandro Quiroga nos ofrece un es
Miguel Primo de Rivera
Miguel Primo de Rivera. Dictadura, populismo y nación es la primera biografía exhaustiva sobre el hombre que cambió la historia de España del siglo XX. Frente a las interpretaciones tra-dicionales que lo definían como un hombre campechano, sin una ideología clara e impulsor de una dictadura paternalista muy alejada del fascismo italiano, esta obra nos describe a un político astuto, ambicioso y con muy pocos escrúpulos, impulsor de un régimen nacionalista, autoritario y profundamente represivo en línea con el resto de dictaduras europeas contem-poráneas y creador del populismo de derechas en España. Alejandro Quiroga nos ofrece el estudio definitivo y fascinante sobre un hombre, un tiempo y un lugar contradictorios, con-vulsos y complejos: una obra fundamental para entender no sólo la historia de España del último siglo, sino también factores clave de la política contemporánea como el populismo y el nacionalismo.
Abrams Books for Young Readers DEAR PRIMO UNA CARTA PARA TI
El hombre que salvó a Primo Levi
Y yo le dije: Mira, te estás arriesgando al hablar conmigo.Y él respondió: No me importa.En Si esto es un hombre, Primo Levi escribió: Creo que es a Lorenzo a quien debo estar vivo hoy. Pero, quién era Lorenzo? Lorenzo Perrone, que así se llamaba, es la pieza del puzzle de la biografía de Primo que nos faltaba por conocer: un albañil piamontés que vivía frente a la valla de Auschwitz III-Monowitz. Un hombre pobre, casi analfabeto que durante seis meses llevó a Levi un plato de sopa cada día para ayudarle a compensar su desnutrición en el Lager. Y no se limitó a ayudarle en sus necesidades más concretas: fue mucho más allá, arriesgando incluso su vida para permitirle comunicarse con su familia. Cuidó de su joven amigo como sólo un padre podría haberlo hecho. La suya fue una amistad extraordinaria que, nacida en el infierno, sobrevivió a la guerra y continuó en Italia hasta la agónica muerte de Lorenzo en 1952, doblegado por el alcohol y la tuberculosis. Primo
La dictadura de primo de Rivera
Los seis años que abarca la dictadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) supone uno de los periodos de la historia de España menos conocidos, quizás, porque no pocos historiadores la han calificado como un paréntesis vacío dentro de la Restauración borbónica. Hoy sabemos que, en absoluto, fue un hombre campechano sin ideología. Fue el impulsor de una dictadura paternalista y un político astuto, con pocos escrúpulos, que promovió un régimen nacionalista en la línea del resto de las dictaduras europeas contemporáneas.Primo de Rivera fue el creador del populismo de derechas en España al denunciar a los políticos como élites corruptas y parasitarias, organizar una comunicación política basada en noticias falsas y presentarse como el líder mesiánico que llevaría a cabo la voluntad del pueblo. También, en aquel breve periodo sucedieron numerosos hechos que cambiaron el país económica y socialmente, además de anticipar algunas de las medidas que posteriormente se adoptarían en la dicta
The University of Chicago Press Musings on Mortality: From Tolstoy to Primo Levi
\u201cAll art and the love of art,\u201d Victor Brombert writes at the beginning of the deeply personal Musings on Mortality, \u201callow us to negate our nothingness.\u201d As a young man returning from World War II, Brombert came to understand this truth as he immersed himself in literature. Death can be found everywhere in literature, he saw, but literature itself is on the side of life. With delicacy and penetrating insight, Brombert traces the theme of mortality in the work of a group of authors who wrote during the past century and a half, teasing out and comparing their views of death as they emerged from vastly different cultural contexts. Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Virginia Woolf, Albert Camus, Giorgio Bassani, J. M. Coetzee, and Primo Levi—these are the writers whose works Brombert plumbs, illuminating their views on the meaning of life and the human condition. But there is more to their work, he shows, than a pervasive interest in mortality: they wrote not only of physical death but also of the threat of moral and spiritual death—and as the twentieth century progressed, they increasingly reflected on the traumatic events of their times and the growing sense of a collective historical tragedy. He probes the individual struggle with death, for example, through Tolstoy's Ivan Ilych and Mann's Aschenbach, while he explores the destruction of whole civilizations in Bassani, Camus, and Primo Levi. For Kafka and Woolf, writing seems to hold the promise of salvation, though that promise is seen as ambiguous and even deceptive, while Coetzee, writing about violence and apartheid South Africa, is deeply concerned with a sense of disgrace. Throughout the book, Brombert roots these writers' reflections in philosophical meditations on mortality. Ultimately, he reveals that by understanding how these authors wrote about mortality, we can grasp the full scope of their literary achievement and vision. Drawing deeply from the well of Brombert's own experience, Musings on Mortality is more than mere literary criticism: it is a moving and elegant book for all to learn and live by.
Ricordi BMG Il Primo Libro De Madrigali a Sei Voce
University of Toronto Press Primo Levi and the Identity of a Survivor
Primo Levi (1919–1987) was an Italian chemist, writer, and Holocaust survivor who used a combination of testimony, essays, and creative writing to explore crucial themes related to the Shoah. His voice is among the most important to emerge from this dark chapter in human history. In Primo Levi and the Identity of a Survivor, Nancy Harrowitz examines the complex role that Levi’s Jewish identity played in his choices of how to portray his survival, as well as in his exposition of topics such as bystander complicity. Her analysis uncovers a survivor’s shame that deeply influenced the personas he created to recount his experiences. Exploring a range of Levi’s works, including Survival at Auschwitz and lesser-known works of fiction and poetry, she illustrates key issues within his development as a writer. At the heart of Levi’s discourse, Harrowitz argues, lies a complex interplay of narrative modes that reveals his brilliance as a theorist of testimony.
Skira Giuseppe Capogrossi: Catalogo ragionato: Tomo primo 1920-1949
The Catalogue Raisonné of the work of Giuseppe Capogrossi (Rome 1900-1972) presents for the first time all the painter’s works up to 1949, in other words up to the birth of the sign with the works shown at the Galleria del Secolo in Rome in January 1950. Beginning from his earliest paintings, executed in around 1920, the Catalogue records in detail the artist’s path towards the development of an increasingly abstract language and then the invention of his famous “signs”. The volume is completed by critical essays, a detailed biographical timeline and an exhaustive bibliography which make the Catalogue an essential instrument of study for scholars, experts and art lovers.
La dictadura de Primo de Rivera 19231930
El golpe de Estado del general Miguel Primo de Rivera dio comienzo a una dictadura militar (1923-1930) sin complejos, que se autoproclamó capaz de resolver problemas antiguos con ideas y protagonistas renovados. El declive de la Restauración, el auge del intervencionismo militar y el propio interés de Alfonso XIII, acorralado por las responsabilidades en el desastre de Annual, contribuyeron a su triunfo. Primo de Rivera, que gozó de gran popularidad durante los primeros años, se estrenó como un líder simpático y benévolo, pero con el paso del tiempo sus palabras y acciones se revelaron llenas de paradojas y contradicciones. Ni regeneracionismo, ni responsabilidades sobre Marruecos, ni nada de lo prometido en el manifiesto del 13 de septiembre llegó a materializarse. El presunto orden social se convirtió en una amenaza para todos los discrepantes y hasta el legado económico de obras públicas y modernización, la mayor baza del periodo, tuvo un reparto muy desigual entre la población. Coi
Edizioni Terra Santa Berro Il Tuo Primo Sorriso: Caleidoscopio Di Parole d'Amore
Fordham University Press Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall
More than twenty years ago, the Italian chemist, writer and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi fell to his death from the stairwell of his apartment building in Turin. Within hours, a debate exploded as to whether his death was an accident or a suicide and, if the latter, how this might force us to reinterpret his legacy as a writer and “survivor.” Many weighed in with thoughtful and sometimes provocative commentary, but the debate over his death has sometimes overshadowed the larger significance of his place as a thinker “after Auschwitz.” This volume contains essays that deal directly with Levi and his work; others tangentially use Levi’s writings or ideas to explore larger issues in Holocaust studies, philosophy, theology, and the problem of representation. They are included here in the spirit that Levi described himself: proud of being “impure” and a “centaur,” cognizant that asymmetry is the fundamental structure of organic life. “I became a Jew in Auschwitz,” Levi once wrote, comparing the concentration camp to a “university” of life. Yet he could also paradoxically admit, in an interview late in life, “There is Auschwitz, and so there cannot be God.” Rather than seek to untangle these contradictions, Levi embraced them. This volume seeks to embrace them as well.
Springer Verlag Logica: Volume 1 - Dimostrazioni e modelli al primo ordine
Gli autori, basandosi sulla loro esperienza di ricerca, propongono in due volumi un testo di riferimento per acquisire una solida formazione specialistica nella logica.Nei due volumi vengono presentati in maniera innovativa e rigorosa temi di logica tradizionalmente affrontati nei corsi universitari di secondo livello.Questo primo volume è dedicato ai teoremi fondamentali sulla logica del primo ordine e alle loro principali conseguenze.Il testo è rivolto in particolare agli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale.
Hal Leonard Corporation Il Mio Primo Grieg My First Grieg Piano Solo
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd Echoes of a Lost Voice: Encounters with Primo Levi
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Il Collezionismo Di Antichita Classiche a Capri Tra Ottocento E Primo Novecento
Viella Editrice L'Italia Repubblicana. Costruzione, Consolidamento, Trasformazioni 1: Il Primo Ventennio Democratico (1946-1966)
Princeton University Press The Consolations of Writing: Literary Strategies of Resistance from Boethius to Primo Levi
Boethius wrote The Consolation of Philosophy as a prisoner condemned to death for treason, circumstances that are reflected in the themes and concerns of its evocative poetry and dialogue between the prisoner and his mentor, Lady Philosophy. This classic philosophical statement of late antiquity has had an enduring influence on Western thought. It is also the earliest example of what Rivkah Zim identifies as a distinctive and vitally important medium of literary resistance: writing in captivity by prisoners of conscience and persecuted minorities. The Consolations of Writing reveals why the great contributors to this tradition of prison writing are among the most crucial figures in Western literature. Zim pairs writers from different periods and cultural settings, carefully examining the rhetorical strategies they used in captivity, often under the threat of death. She looks at Boethius and Dietrich Bonhoeffer as philosophers and theologians writing in defense of their ideas, and Thomas More and Antonio Gramsci as politicians in dialogue with established concepts of church and state. Different ideas of grace and disgrace occupied John Bunyan and Oscar Wilde in prison; Madame Roland and Anne Frank wrote themselves into history in various forms of memoir; and Jean Cassou and Irina Ratushinskaya voiced their resistance to totalitarianism through lyric poetry that saved their lives and inspired others. Finally, Primo Levi's writing after his release from Auschwitz recalls and decodes the obscenity of systematic genocide and its aftermath. A moving and powerful testament, The Consolations of Writing speaks to some of the most profound questions about life, enriching our understanding of what it is to be human.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Elaiussa Sebaste I: Primo Rapporto Sulle Campagne Di Scavo 1995-1997
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Nossalita, Falsa Nossalita E Magia: Negli Illeciti Agricoli E Pastorali Della Codificazione Decemvirale Al Primo Principato
Edizioni Terra Santa Paolo VI Pellegrino in Terra Santa: Immagini E Testimonianze del Primo Pontefice Nella Terra Di Gesu
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Lo Spazio del Non-Allineamento a Roma Fra Tarda Repubblica E Primo Principato
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Picturae Etruscorum in Vasculis: La Raccolta Vaticana E Il Collezionismo Di Vasi Antichi Nel Primo Settecento
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die 'Chronica de Beato Brunone Primo Cartusiensium' Heinrich Arnoldis Von Alfeld: Edition, Kommentar Und Ubersetzung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Erodiano E Commodo Traduzione E Commento Storico Al Primo Libro Della Storia Dellimpero Dopo Marco 195 Hypomnemata
Alessandro Galimberti legt mit diesem Buch den ersten historischen Kommentar zum ersten Buch Herodians vor.
Ediciones Nova Spartaria La Dictadura de Primo de Rivera y el fin del reinado de Alfonso XIII 19231931
Hueber Verlag GmbH In bocca al lupo ragazzi 2 bungsheft corso di italiano per la scuola secondaria di primo grado 1114 anni quaderno di lavoro
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Frammenti Di Vita E Rapporti Culturali Nell'italia del Primo Novecento: Lettere Inedite Di Croce, Gentile, Prezzolini, Savemini... a Giuseppe Lombardo Radice
Hueber Verlag GmbH In bocca al lupo ragazzi 1 libro dello studente Kursbuch mit AudioCD Corso di italiano per la scuola secondaria di primo grado 1114 anni
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sprachkunst. Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft / Sprachkunst Jahrgang XLVI/2015 2.Halbband: Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft. Primo Levi. in Memoriam. Edited by Manuela Consonni and Federico Italiano
Hueber Verlag GmbH In bocca al lupo ragazzi 1 bungsheft corso di italiano per la scuola secondaria di primo grado 1114 anni quaderno di lavoro
PRIMO Small Guide, Big Journey