Search results for ""O'Reilly Media""
O'Reilly Media BioCoder #4
BioCoder is a quarterly newsletter for DIYbio, synthetic bio, and anything related. You'll discover: Articles about interesting projects and experiments, such as the glowing plant Articles about tools, both those you buy and those you build Visits to DIYbio laboratories Profiles of key people in the community Announcements of events and other items of interest Safety pointers and tips about good laboratory practice Anything that's interesting or useful: you tell us! And BioCoder is free (for the time being), unless you want a dead-tree version. We'd like BioCoder to become self supporting (maybe even profitable), but we'll worry about that after we've got a few issues under our belt
O'Reilly Media Python Programming on WIN32
Python is growing in popularity; based on download statistics, there are now over 450,000 people using Python, and more than 150,000 people using Python on Windows. Use of the language has been growing at about 40% per year since 1995, and there is every reason to believe that growth will continue. Despite Python's increasing popularity on Windows, Python Programming on Win32 is the first book to demonstrate how to use it as a serious Windows development and administration tool. Unlike scripting on Unix, Windows scripting involves integrating a number of components, such as COM or the various mail and database APIs, with the Win32 programming interface. While experienced Windows C++ programmers can find their way through the various objects, most people need some guidance, and this book is it. It addresses all the basic technologies for common integration tasks on Windows, explaining both the Windows issues and the Python code you need to glue things together. Topics include: * The Python language and the PythonWin extensions * Building a GUI with COM * Adding a Macro language * Distributing the application * Client-side COM for output and data access * Integration with mail and other internet protocols * Managing users and drives This is a vital and unique book. Python Programming on Win32 is an excellent presentation of Windows application development and a solid illustration of how to use Python in the Windows environment.
O'Reilly Media Modular JS Practical ES6
This book provides a highly practical look at ES6, without getting lost in the specification or its implementation details. Armed with practical examples, author Nicolas Bevacqua shows you new ways to deal with asynchronous flow control, declare objects or functions, and create proxies or unique sets, among many other features.
O'Reilly Media Time Series Databases New Ways to Store and Acces Data
Time series data is of growing importance, especially with the rapid expansion of the Internet of Things. This concise guide shows you effective ways to collect, persist, and access large-scale time series data for analysis.
O'Reilly Media Anonymizing Health Data
With this practical book, you will learn proven methods for anonymizing health data to help your organization share meaningful datasets, without exposing patient identity. Leading experts Khaled El Emam and Luk Arbuckle walk you through a risk-based methodology, using case studies from their efforts to de-identify hundreds of datasets.
O'Reilly Media Efficient Android Threading
Many developers using the Android platform have encountered problems when choosing an asynchronous solution to create a snappy user experience. This practical book explains Android's asynchronous toolkit and how you should select the best solution for your problem. The pros and cons of each and every asynchronous technique is explored in detail.
O'Reilly Media Concurrent Programming in Mac OS X and IOS
Wouldn't it be great to take advantage of multicore processors without having to manage threads? This concise book shows you how to use Apple's Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to simplify programming for multiple cores on iOS devices and Mac OS X.
O'Reilly Media Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB
Learn how to create MapReduce views in CouchDB that let you query the document-oriented database for meaningful data. With this short and concise ebook, you'll get step-by-step instructions and lots of sample code to create and explore several MapReduce views, using an example database you construct.
O'Reilly Media Data Mashups in R
Data analysis is more than means and standard deviations. This ebook is a case study of how you can push R into new territory to analyze online real-world data.
O'Reilly Media Basic Arduino Projects
This companion book to MakerShed's Ultimate Arduino Microcontroller Pack provides 26 clearly explained projects that you can build with this top-selling kit right away--including multicolor flashing lights, timers, tools for testing circuits, sound effects, motor control, and sensor devices.
O'Reilly Media Dart Up and Running
Get ready to build modern web apps. This book covers the Dart language, libraries, and tools that help you develop structured, fast, and maintainable web apps that run in any modern browser. The Dart platform has been designed to scale from simple scripts to complex apps, running on both the client and the server.
O'Reilly Media Office 2013
Microsoft Office is the most widely used productivity software in the world, but most people just know the basics. This helpful guide gets you started with the programs in Office 2013, and provides lots of power-user tips and tricks when you're ready for more.
O'Reilly Media Elastic Beanstalk
While it's always been possible to run Java applications on Amazon EC2, Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk makes the process easier - especially if you understand how it works beneath the surface.
O'Reilly Media Virtualization A Managers Guide
If you're contemplating the use of virtualization in any area of your network operations, this concise book presents a clear picture of the concepts involved.
O'Reilly Media Oracle RMAN Pocket Reference
This is a guide for DBAs who intend to use Oracle Recovery Manager for database backup and recovery. The first part of the book is primarily task-oriented. After a short section on RMAN architecture, the book shows (in checklist style) how to perform common backup and recovery tasks.
O'Reilly Media MediaWiki
MediaWiki is the world's most popular wiki platform, the software that runs Wikipedia and thousands of other websites. In corporate environments, MediaWiki can transform the way teams write and collaborate. This comprehensive book covers MediaWiki's rich (and sometimes subtle) features, helping you become a wiki expert.
O'Reilly Media Make – Volume 63
O'Reilly Media Building Internet Firewalls 2e
In the five years since the first edition of this classic book was published, Internet use has exploded. The commercial world has rushed headlong into doing business on the Web, often without integrating sound security technologies and policies into their products and methods. The security risks--and the need to protect both business and personal data--have never been greater. We've updated Building Internet Firewalls to address these newer risks. What kinds of security threats does the Internet pose? Some, like password attacks and the exploiting of known security holes, have been around since the early days of networking. And others, like the distributed denial of service attacks that crippled Yahoo, E-Bay, and other major e-commerce sites in early 2000, are in current headlines. Firewalls, critical components of today's computer networks, effectively protect a system from most Internet security threats. They keep damage on one part of the network--such as eavesdropping, a worm program, or file damage--from spreading to the rest of the network. Without firewalls, network security problems can rage out of control, dragging more and more systems down. Like the bestselling and highly respected first edition, Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition, is a practical and detailed step-by-step guide to designing and installing firewalls and configuring Internet services to work with a firewall. Much expanded to include Linux and Windows coverage, the second edition describes: * Firewall technologies: packet filtering, proxying, network address translation, virtual private networks * Architectures such as screening routers, dual-homed hosts, screened hosts, screened subnets, perimeter networks, internal firewalls * Issues involved in a variety of new Internet services and protocols through a firewall * Email and News * Web services and scripting languages (e.g., HTTP, Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, RealAudio, RealVideo) * File transfer and sharing services such as NFS, Samba * Remote access services such as Telnet, the BSD "r" commands, SSH, BackOrifice 2000 * Real-time conferencing services such as ICQ and talk * Naming and directory services (e.g., DNS, NetBT, the Windows Browser) * Authentication and auditing services (e.g., PAM, Kerberos, RADIUS); * Administrative services (e.g., syslog, SNMP, SMS, RIP and other routing protocols, and ping and other network diagnostics) * Intermediary protocols (e. g., RPC, SMB, CORBA, IIOP) * Database protocols (e.g., ODBC, JDBC, and protocols for Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server) The book's complete list of resources includes the location of many publicly available firewall construction tools.
O'Reilly Media Agile for Everybody: Creating fast, flexible, and customer-first organizations
The Agile movement provides real, actionable answers to the question that keeps many company leaders awake at night: How do we stay successful in a fast-changing and unpredictable world? Agile has already transformed how modern companies build and deliver software. This practical book demonstrates how entire organizations—from product managers and engineers to marketers and executives—can put Agile to work. Author Matt LeMay explains Agile in clear, jargon-free terms and provides concrete and actionable steps to help any team put its values and principles into practice. Examples from a wide variety of organizations, including small nonprofits and global financial enterprises, bring to life the on-the-ground realities of Agile across industries and functions. Understand exactly what Agile is and why it matters Use Agile to address your organization’s specific needs and goals Take customer centricity from theory into practice Stop wasting time in "report and critique" meetings and start making better decisions Create a harmonious cycle of learning, collaborating, and delivering Learn from Agile experts at companies like IBM, Spotify, and Coca-Cola
O'Reilly Media Designing Delivery
Now that we're moving from a product economy to a digital service economy, software is becoming critical for navigating our everyday lives. The quality of your service depends on how well it helps customers accomplish goals and satisfy needs. Service quality is not about designing capabilities, but about making-and keeping-promises to customers. To help you improve customer satisfaction and create positive brand experiences, this pragmatic book introduces a transdisciplinary approach to digital service delivery. Designing a resilient service today requires a unified effort across front-office and back-office functions and technical and business perspectives. You'll learn how make IT a full partner in the ongoing conversations you have with your customers. Take a unique customer-centered approach to the entire service delivery lifecycle Apply this perspective across development, operations, QA, design, project management, and marketing Implement a specific quality assurance methodology that unifies those disciplines Use the methodology to achieve true resilience, not just stability
O'Reilly Media Mobile and Web Messaging
Learn how to use messaging technologies to build responsive and resilient applications for mobile devices and web browsers. With this hands-on guide, you'll use the STOMP and MQTT messaging protocols to write iOS and web applications capable of sending and receiving GPS and device sensor data, text messages, and alerts. Messaging protocols are not only simple to use, but also conserve network bandwidth, device memory, and batteries. Using this book's step-by-step format, author Jeff Mesnil helps you work with Objective-C and JavaScript libraries, as well as the protocols. All you need to get started are basic programming skills. Understand basic messaging concepts and composition Learn two common messaging models: point-to-point and publish/subscribe Use STOMP to write an iOS application that sends GPS data, and a web app that consumes the data Build an iOS app with MQTT that tracks and broadcasts device motion data, and a web app that displays the data and sends alerts Extend STOMP to filter, prioritize, persist, and expire messages Take a complete tour of STOMP and MQTT, including features not used in the book's sample apps
O'Reilly Media Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps
Isomorphic JavaScript, often described as the holy grail of web application development, refers to running JavaScript code on both the browser client and web application server. This application architecture has become increasingly popular for the benefits of SEO, optimized page load and full control of the UI, and isomorphic libraries are being used at companies like Walmart, Airbnb, Facebook, and Netflix. With this practical book, authors Jason Strimpel and Maxime Najim provide the knowledge you need to build and maintain your own isomorphic JavaScript apps. This book includes: Part 1 identifies different classifications of isomorphic JavaScript apps, and shows you how to set up a development environment Part 2 takes you from theory to practice by showing you how to build out your own isomorphic app Part 3 takes you through existing solutions in the market today, providing you with the knowledge you need to bring isomorphic solutions into your development workflow
O'Reilly Media Make: Technology on Your Time 26
MAKE Volume 26: Karts & Wheels Garage go-kart building is a time-honored hobby for do-it-yourselfers, and we'll show you how to build wheeled wonders that'll have you and the kids racing around the neighborhood in DIY style. Build a longboard skateboard by bending plywood. Build a crazy go-kart driven by a pair of battery-powered drills. Put a mini gasoline engine on a bicycle. And construct an amazing wind-powered cart that can outrun a tailwind. Plus you'll learn how to build the winning vehicle from our online Karts and Wheels contest! In addition to karts, you'll find plenty of other projects that only MAKE could give you: * A flaming tube that keeps time to music and makes sounds waves visible - in fire * An aquarium tank to grow your own Spirulina algae superfood * An electronic music looper that creates cool sounds and lets you build wild rhythm loops
O'Reilly Media Make 25: Technology on Your Time
The first magazine devoted entirely to do-it-yourself technology projects presents its 25th quarterly edition for people who like to tweak, disassemble, recreate, and invent cool new uses for technology. MAKE Volume 25 is all about Arduino, the open-source microcontroller platform.The issue is full of hardware, software, build details, tips and projects.
O'Reilly Media CSS Secrets
In this practical guide, CSS expert Lea Verou provides 47 undocumented techniques and tips to help intermediate-to advanced CSS developers devise elegant solutions to a wide range of everyday web design problems. Rather than focus on design, CSS Secrets shows you how to solve problems with code. You'll learn how to apply Lea's analytical approach to practically every CSS problem you face to attain DRY, maintainable, flexible, lightweight, and standards-compliant results. Inspired by her popular talks at over 60 international web development conferences, Lea Verou provides a wealth of information for topics including: Backgrounds and Borders Shapes Visual Effects Typography User Experience Structure and Layout Transitions and Animations
O'Reilly Media Make: Technology on Your Time: DIY Consumer Electronics: Volume 38
Makers are always identifying ways to invent new products and hack devices to improve their lives and lifestyle. With easily accessible components, open source hardware, and hackable platforms, it's easier and more fun than ever. In MAKE Volume 38, readers will learn to build many projects, including: A Raspberry Pi-powered tablet An Arduino-driven cell phone The Sing-Along Song Devocalizer Amazing CNC furniture projects The Pocket Bot Mini Robot Arm The possibilities are endless with the right tools and build instructions from MAKE.
O'Reilly Media Bad Data Handbook: Cleaning Up the Data So You Can Get Back to Work
Welcome to data science's dirty secret: real-world data is messy. Data scientists must spend a good deal of time playing software developer, writing code to clean up data before they can actually do anything constructive with it. It's a necessary evil, but you can still make the most of it. This practical book walks you through several real-world examples to demonstrate the theory and practice behind working with and cleaning up dirty data. No one tool solves all of the problems well. Wise data scientists learn many tools and learn where each one shines. To that end, this book takes a polyglot approach: most examples will involve R and Python, but expect the occasional smattering of Groovy and sed/awk fun.
O'Reilly Media MongoDB and Python
"MongoDB and Python" is a cookbook-style text to help Python programmers work with MongoDB. It is full of useful, practical recipes for solving real-world problems ranging from how to do fast geo queries for location-based apps to efficiently indexing your user documents for social-graph lookups to how best to integrate MongoDB with the Pyramid Web framework.
O'Reilly Media Surviving Orbit the DIY Way: Testing the Limits Your Satellite Can and Must Match
Just how harsh is the space environment into which you thrust your DIY satellite? We look at what conditions your satellite must endure, how to test your satellite, and what launch, ground and orbit support you will need. In addition, we provide tips on making your overall plan and schedule, including milestones that will help your satellite survive and thrive in space.
O'Reilly Media Parallel R
R is a wonderful thing, indeed: in recent years this free, open-source product has become a popular toolkit for statistical analysis and programming. Two of R's limitations -- that it is single-threaded and memory-bound -- become especially troublesome in the current era of large-scale data analysis. It's possible to break past these boundaries by putting R on the parallel path. Parallel R will describe how to give R parallel muscle. Coverage will include stalwarts such as snow and multicore, and also newer techniques such as Hadoop and Amazon's cloud computing platform.
O'Reilly Media MAKE 19 : Technology On Your Time
Volume 19 of "MAKE" magazine will reveal hands-on methods for building simple robots. Inside this intriguing issue, you'll find complete instructions for creating robots that are not only lifelike, but are also able to detect and respond to things around them. Create your own DIY Drones and Robotic Flies with projects that will keep you riveted! "MAKE" continues to be a leader in the tech DIY movement due to its uncanny instinct to engage the curiosity, vitality, and passion of the growing community of Makers - DIY enthusiasts, hobbyist engineers/designers, and others who like to tweak, disassemble, recreate, and invent cool new uses for technology in amazing projects they undertake in their backyards, basements, and garages.
O'Reilly Media Beautiful Testing
Just how critical is testing to the success of a software project? And how can you make these tests simple yet maintainable, flexible, and efficient? This unique book offers essays from 25 leading software testers that illustrate the qualities and techniques necessary to make testing an art in itself. Through personal anecdotes, you'll learn how each of these professionals developed best practices for testing a wide range of software projects involving XMPP, GUI tools, Open Map applications, and more. Topics of this book include: OLPC project testing - Mel Chua (The Open Planning Project); Open Maps application testing - Steve Coast (founder of OpenStreetMap); AbiWord open source app testing - Kamran Khan (AbiWord word processor); GNU Compiler Collection tool testing - Mark Mitchell (GCC); GUI Tools - Adam Christian and Mikeal Rogers (OSAF/Mozilla); Python Language testing - Neal Norwitz; Network testing frameworks - Jim Walker (OpenSolaris); and, XMPP Protocol testing - Remko Troncon (Jabber). "Beautiful Testing" provides you with knowledge gained from years of experience that you can put to the test on your own projects.
O'Reilly Media Programming SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005, Microsoft's next-generation data management and analysis solution, represents a huge leap forward. It comes with a myriad of changes that deliver increased security, scalability, and power--making it the complete data package. Used properly, SQL Server 2005 can help organizations of all sizes meet their data challenges head on. Programming SQL Server 2005 from O'Reilly provides a practical look at this updated version of Microsoft's premier database product. It guides you through all the new features, explaining how they work and how to use them. The first half of the book examines the changes and new features of the SQL Server Engine itself. The second addresses the enhanced features and tools of the platform, including the new services blended into this popular version. Each chapter contains numerous code samples-written in C# and compiled using the Visual Studio 2005 development environment-that show you exactly how to program SQL Server 2005. Programming SQL Server 2005 can help you: * Build, deploy, and manage enterprise applications that are more secure, scalable, and reliable * Maximize IT productivity by reducing the complexity of building, deploying, and managing database applications * Share data across multiple platforms, applications, and devices to make it easier to connect internal and external systems Because the goal of Programming SQL Server 2005 is to introduce all facets of Programming SQL Server 2005, it's beneficial to programmers of all levels. The book can be used as a primer by developers with little experience with SQL Server, as a ramp up to the new programming models for SQL Server 2005 for more experienced programmers, or as background and primer to specific concepts. Any IT professional who wants to learn about SQL Server 2005's comprehensive feature set, interoperability with existing systems, and automation of routine tasks will find the answers in this authoritative guide.
O'Reilly Media .net & Xml
If you're seeking ways to build network-based applications or XML-based web services, Microsoft provides most of the tools you'll need. XML is integrated into the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET, but if you want to get a grasp on how .NET and XML actually work together, that's a different story. With .NET & XML, you can get under the hood to see how the .NET Framework implements XML, giving you the skills to write understandable XML-based code that interoperates with code written with other tools, and even other languages. .NET & XML starts by introducing XML and the .NET Framework, and then teaches you how to read and write XML before moving on to complex methods for manipulating, navigating, transforming, and constraining it. To demonstrate the power of XML in .NET, author Niel Bornstein builds a simple hardware store inventory system throughout the book. As you move from chapter to chapter, you'll absorb increasingly complex information until you have enough knowledge to successfully program your own XML-based applications. This tutorial also contains a quick reference to the API, plus appendices present additional .N ET assemblies that you can use to work with XML, and how to work with the .NET XML configuration file format. One study puts the potential market for new software based on XML at or near $100 billion over the next five years. The .NET Framework gives you a way to become a part of it. But to use XML and .NET effectively, you need to understand how these two technologies work together. This book gives you the insight to take full advantage of the power the two provide.
O'Reilly Media Real-time Phoenix: Build Highly Scalable Systems with Channels
Give users the real-time experience they expect, by using Elixir and Phoenix Channels to build applications that instantly react to changes and reflect the application's true state. Learn how Elixir and Phoenix make it easy and enjoyable to create real-time applications that scale to a large number of users. Apply system design and development best practices to create applications that are easy to maintain. Gain confidence by learning how to break your applications before your users do. Deploy applications with minimized resource use and maximized performance. Real-time applications come with real challenges - persistent connections, multi-server deployment, and strict performance requirements are just a few. Don't try to solve these challenges by yourself - use a framework that handles them for you. Elixir and Phoenix Channels provide a solid foundation on which to build stable and scalable real-time applications. Build applications that thrive for years to come with the best-practices found in this book. Understand the magic of real-time communication by inspecting the WebSocket protocol in action. Avoid performance pitfalls early in the development lifecycle with a catalog of common problems and their solutions. Leverage GenStage to build a data pipeline that improves scalability. Break your application before your users do and confidently deploy them. Build a real-world project using solid application design and testing practices that help make future changes a breeze. Create distributed apps that can scale to many users with tools like Phoenix Tracker. Deploy and monitor your application with confidence and reduce outages. Deliver an exceptional real-time experience to your users, with easy maintenance, reduced operational costs, and maximized performance, using Elixir and Phoenix Channels. What You Need: You'll need Elixir 1.9+ and Erlang/OTP 22+ installed on a Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows machine.
O'Reilly Media The Maker Magician's Handbook
To get started, you'll need only what you can usually find in your home: items like paper, ziploc bags, index cards, coloring utensils, pencils, rubberbands, scissors, etc. As we progress in the world of making magic, we'll explore how to use 3D design tools like Tinkercad (you can register for a free account at You don't need a 3D printer in your home! Libraries, schools, and makerspaces around the world have 3D printers you can use! We'll explore simple programming using Arduino!
O'Reilly Media Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services That Make the 3D Printing Ecosystem
The book is written in a casual, conversational style. It is easily accessible to those who have no prior knowledge in 3D printing, yet the book's message is solidly practical, technically accurate, and consumer-relevant. The chapters include contemporary, real-life learning exercises and insights for how to buy, use and maintain 3D printers. It also covers free 3D modeling software, as well as 3D printing services for those who don't want to immediately invest in the purchase of a 3D printer. Particular focus is placed on free and paid resources, the various choices available in 3D printing, and tutorials and troubleshooting guides.
O'Reilly Media Make: Volume 69
O'Reilly Media Easy Electronics
O'Reilly Media mBots for Makers
The mBot robotics platform is a hugely popular kit because of the quality of components and price. With hundreds of thousands of these kits out there in homes, schools and makerspaces, there is much untapped potential. Getting Started with mBots is for non-technical parents, kids and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering or breadboarding.
O'Reilly Media ASP in a Nutshell
ASP in a Nutshell provides the high-quality reference documentation that web application developers really need to create effective Active Server Pages. It focuses on how features are used in a real application and highlights little-known or undocumented features. This book also includes an overview of the interaction between the latest release of Internet Information Server (version 5) and ASP 3.0, with an introduction to the IIS object model and the objects it comprises. The examples shown in this section and throughout the book are illustrated in VBScript. The main components of this book are: *Active Server Pages Introduction. Brief overview of the ASP application paradigm with examples in VBScript. Also included is an introduction to Microsoft's Internet Information Server 5.0, the IIS object model, and the objects that it comprises. *Object Reference. Each object is discussed in the following manner: descriptions, properties, collections, methods, events, accessory files/required DLLs, and remarks, including real-world uses, tips and tricks, and author's experience (where applicable). The objects--Application, Response, Request, Server, Session, ObjectContext, and ASPError, as well as ASP Directives, Global.ASA, and Server-Side Includes--all follow this paradigm. *Component Reference. This section follows the same paradigm found in Object Reference. The discussion covers all of the additional components included with IIS, such as ActiveX Data Objects, the Ad Rotator, the Browser capabilities component, the File System Object, and more. *Appendixes. Gives examples in one or two objects and components using Perl, REXX, and Python in ASP. Like other books in the "In a Nutshell" series this book offers the facts, including critical background information, in a no-nonsense manner that users will refer to again and again. It is a detailed reference that enables even experienced web developers to advance their ASP applications to new levels.
O'Reilly Media Transact-SQL Cookbook
This unique cookbook contains a wealth of solutions to problems that SQL programmers face all the time. The recipes inside range from how to perform simple tasks, like importing external data, to ways of handling issues that are more complicated, like set algebra. Authors Ales Spetic and Jonathan Gennick, two authorities with extensive database and SQL programming experience, include a discussion with each recipe to explain the logic and concepts underlying the solution. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the closest thing to a standard query language that currently exists, and Transact-SQL -- a full-featured programming language that dramatically extends the power of SQL -- is the procedural language of choice for both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL Server systems. The Transact-SQL Cookbook is designed so you can use the recipes directly, as a source of ideas, or as a way to learn a little more about SQL and what you can do with it. Topics covered include: *Audit logging. In addition to recipes for implementing an audit log, this chapter also includes recipes for: improving performance where large log tables are involved; supporting multiple-languages; and simulating server push. *Hierarchies. Recipes show you how to manipulate hierarchical data using Transact-SQL. *Importing data. This chapter introduces concepts like normalization and recipes useful for working with imported data tables. *Sets. Recipes demonstrate different operations, such as how to find common elements, summarize the data in a set, and find the element in a set that represents an extreme. *Statistics. This chapter?s recipes show you how to effectively use SQL for common statistical operations from means and standard deviations to weighted moving averages. *Temporal data. Recipes demonstrate how to construct queries against time-based data. *Data Structures. This chapter shows how to manipulate data structures like stacks, queues, matrices, and arrays. With an abundance of recipes to help you get your job done more efficiently, the Transact-SQL Cookbook is sure to become an essential part of your library.
O'Reilly Media Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
Apache is the most popular Web server on the Internet because it is free, reliable, and extensible. The availability of the source code and the modular design of Apache makes it possible to extend Web server functionality through the Apache API. For the most part, however, the Apache API has only been available to C programmers, and requires rebuilding the Apache server from source. mod_perl, the popular Apache module used primarily for enhanced CGI performance, changed all that by making the Apache API available to Perl programmers. With mod_perl, it becomes simple to develop Apache modules with Perl and install them without having to rebuild the Web server. Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C teaches you how to extend the capabilities of your Web server regardless of whether you use Perl or C as your programming language. The book explains the design of Apache, mod_perl, and the Apache API. It then demonstrates how to use them to perform for tasks like the following: Rewriting CGI scripts as Apache modules to vastly improve performance Server-side filtering of HTML documents, to embed special markup or code (much like SSI) Enhancing server log functionality Converting file formats on the fly Implementing dynamic navigation bars Incorporating database access into CGI scripts Customizing access control and authorization to block robots or to use an external database for passwords The authors are Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern. Lincoln is the successful author of How to Set Up and Maintain a World Wide Web Site and the developer of the widely used Perl module. Doug is a consultant and the creator of the innovative mod_perl Apache module.
O'Reilly Media Virtual Private Networks 2e
Historically, only large companies could afford secure networks, which they created from expensive leased lines. Smaller folks had to make do with the relatively untrusted Internet. Nowadays, even large companies have to go outside their private nets, because so many people telecommute or log in while they're on the road. How do you provide a low-cost, secure electronic network for your organization? The solution is a virtual private network: a collection of technologies that creates secure connections or "tunnels" over regular Internet lines -- connections that can be easily used by anybody logging in from anywhere. A number of products now exist to help you develop that solution. This book tells you how to plan and build a VPN. It starts with general concerns like costs, configuration, and how a VPN fits in with other networking technologies like firewalls. It continues with detailed descriptions of how to install and use VPN technologies that are available for Windows NT and UNIX, such as PPTP and L2TP, Altavista Tunnel, Cisco PIX, and the secure shell (SSH). New features in the second edition include SSH, which is a popular VPN solution for UNIX systems, and an expanded description of the IPSec standard, for which several vendors have announced support. Topics include: How the VPN compares to other available networking technologies Introduction to encryption, firewalls, the IPSec standard, and other technologies that let VPNs work Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and LT2P The Altavista Tunnel The Cisco PIX Firewall Secure Shell (SSH) Maintenance and troubleshooting
O'Reilly Media Tcl/Tk Pocket Reference: Programming Tools
The Tcl/Tk combination is increasingly popular because it lets you produce sophisticated graphical interfaces with a few easy commands, develop and change scripts quickly, and conveniently tie together existing utilities or programming libraries. The Tcl/Tk Pocket Reference,a handy reference guide to the basic Tcl language elements, Tcl and Tk commands, and Tk widgets, is a companion volume to Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell.
O'Reilly Media GNU Emacs Pocket Reference
GNU Emacs is the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. It is also the most powerful and flexible. Unlike all other text editors, GNU Emacs is a complete working environment -- you can stay within Emacs all day without leaving. The GNU Emacs Pocket Reference is a companion volume to O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs, which tells you how to get started with the GNU Emacs editor and, as you become more proficient, it will help you learn how to use Emacs more effectively. This small book, covering Emacs version 20, is a handy reference guide to the basic elements of this powerful editor, presenting the Emacs commands in an easy-to-use tabular format.
O'Reilly Media ADO: ActiveX Data Objects: Covers 2.6
Getting data across platforms and formats is a cornerstone of present-day applications development. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is both an introduction and a complete reference to ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), Microsoft's universal data access solution. You'll learn how to easily access data in multiple formats--such as email messages, Access databases, Word documents, and SQL databases--even on different platforms, without spending extra time learning every last detail about each format. Author Jason Roff shows by example how to use ADO with your programming language of choice to save programming time, so you can concentrate on the content and quality of your application rather than the nitty-gritty of specific data formats. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects includes:; Chapters dedicated to the Connection, Recordset, Field, and Command objects and the Properties collection; A complete, detailed reference listing every ADO object, method, property, and event, in convenient alphabetical order; Chapters on ADO architecture, data shaping, the ADO Event Model; An appendix containing enumeration tables used by ADO objects and collections, listed alphabetically; Brief introductions to RDS, ADO.N ET, and SQL ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is a versatile one-stop guide to both the theory and practice of programming with ADO through Version 2.6. The thorough reference section and topic-specific chapters will help you find quick answers about the details of objects, collections, methods, and properties of ADO. And the abundance of practical code examples will give you a good grasp of how to use ADO's strong points most effectively.
O'Reilly Media Developing Java Beans
This volume is an introduction to Java's component architecture. It describes how to write Beans, which are software components that can be used in visual programming environments. This book discusses event adapters, serialization, introspection, property editors, and customizers, and shows how to use Beans within ActiveX controls.