Search results for ""Nubeocho""
NubeOcho La llegenda de Zum
Una misteriosa boiraembolcalla Zum cada cinc anys.El matí següent se?n va,emportant-se una cançó,la primera or de la temporadai el nen o la nena més desobedient del poble.
NubeOcho Sleeping Is Not for Me!
NubeOcho Red Is Not Angry Blue Is Not Sad
A light-hearted picture book which takes a different look at colors and emotions!Three friends, Bear, Deer and Squirrel are having a picnic. They are waiting for their friend Fox to join them. When he turns up wearing his blue t-shirt, everyone assumes he’s sad. Fox is confused - why do they think he is sad? He feels happy. Why does blue have to be associated with sadness? And why is red linked to anger? Fox wants to be free to like and wear all different colors!After I Love My Colorful Nails and Benj’s Doll, Luis Amavisca and Alicia Acosta are back together with this fun picture which looks at emotions without attaching them to colors.
Nubeocho Dnde ests cerdito
Nubeocho On the Way Home
NubeOcho Buenas noches
''Goodnight Everyone'' in Spanish! Written and illustrated by international bestseller Chris Haughton, a lulling bedtime read, perfect for parents and children to share together. ¡Lanzamiento en español de Goodnight Everyone, escrito e ilustrado por el bestseller internacional Chris Haughton! Una lectura para antes de ir a dormir.The sun is setting, and everyone in the forest is getting sleepy. The mice, rabbits, and deer all give great big yawns as they snuggle up with their families for the night. But ''someone'' isn''t sleepy just yet. Osita thinks she can stay awake a bit longer. Can she do it? Está anocheciendo y los animales del bosque tienen mucho sueño. No dejan de bostezar: Ou
NubeOcho Peque y yo
When Peque, my dog, died, everyone at home was sad. The next day, a dark cloud began to follow me around and it felt like I had soap in my eyes and an octopus wrapped tightly around my heart...Written by the renowned child author and psychologist, Alicia Acosta, this uplifting, beautifully illustrated story explores themes of loss and grief and the power of memories. Cuando mi perro Peque murió, todos en casa nos pusimos tristes. Al día siguiente, una nube comenzó a seguirme a todos lados, me entró jabón en los ojos y un pulpo me agarró muy fuerte del corazón. De la renombrada autora infantil y psicóloga, Alicia Acosta.
NubeOcho Adoptar un dinosaurio
Let's just say no reader will be able to resist. ~Kirkus Star ReviewI want a dog! I want a cat!No animals at home!I want a dinosaur! If you find one you can have it.And find it she does. Ali wanted a pet, but her parents didn't expect that pet to be A DINOSAUR!A charming and humorous tale that stirs kids' imagination as they read aloud. Come along with Kimo, the sweetest dinosaur of them all, and you won't stop laughing!After reading this tale, you'll want a pet dinosaur too!
NubeOcho Whats that Terrible Growl
A sweet, creative rendering of a young child's imagination. ~BooklistGRRRRRRRRRR!! What is that noise? Is it a hungry, ferocious lion from the savannah? Or a fire-breathing dragon from a far-off land?Mysterious noises haunt this little boy. With every passing page, the anticipation will grow: what's the cause of this big GROWL? A lion? A mean, ugly ogre? A ten-eyed creature from outer space? Or perhaps something else, something unexpected?Stay for the final surprise in this intriguing tale for the smallest ones of the house by A.H. Benjamin and Merel Eyckerman.También disponible en español. (Also available in Spanish.)
Nubeocho Mamamigas
Nubeocho La gran carrera de los animales
Nubeocho The Great Big Animal Race
Nubeocho El cumpleaos de Mateo
NubeOcho Charlie Super F
After getting his glasses in Charlie''s Eyeglasses, Charlie now wants to be a superhero!Charlie wants to be a superhero and gets an incredible costume. He decides that he will be called Super F after the flies he loves so much. But can a superhero wear glasses? And what will his superpower be? Charlie has no doubt: he wants to be invisible!
NubeOcho ¿Quién se comió mi pastel?
NubeOcho El monstruo más feo del mundo
NubeOcho Witchy Things
NubeOcho La ola de estrellas
NubeOcho The Big Book of Butts
NubeOcho Tormenta de pimienta
NubeOcho The Galinos
NubeOcho El ratón que comía cuentos
NubeOcho I'm a Prince!
NubeOcho ¡Soy un príncipe!
NubeOcho Potser... Llibre de cartró
NubeOcho Squirrel Has Trouble Saying No
NubeOcho La burrita Baldomera
NUBEOCHO Yo quiero mi sombrero
NubeOcho Zebra's Umbrella
NubeOcho Quieres ser mi amigo
Lola and Simón are neighbors, but they never say hello or greet each other. Simon stares at Lola and thinks she may be lonely. She may need a friend. Lola looks at Simón and thinks he may be lonely. He may need a friend. And one day, a shooting star flies across the night sky.Lola y Simón son vecinos, pero nunca se saludan. Lola piensa que su vecino Simón está solo, ¿quién podría ser su amigo? Simón piensa que su vecina Lola está sola. ¿Quién podría ser su amigo? Una noche los dos ven una estrella fugaz.
NubeOcho Mi oso grande mi oso pequeno y yo
It's good to have a bear, but having two is even better! So does this little girl think as she prepares for a thrilling day in the snow, hand-in-hand with her two bears. Together, they will go sledding down the mountain and they will meet a ton of friends in the woods! Lots of fun in this wintery tale by storyteller Margarita del Mazo and illustrator Rocio Bonilla. A tender story about the warmth of winter with the right company. One of the few children's books with a tribute to dads.
NubeOcho Hoy no juegas
Ana and her classmates are being bullied. Going to school used to be fun, but it's turned into a nightmare ever since Emma arrived. She's mean and bossy, and Ana is now the target of her bullying. Ana feels sick, she doesn't want to eat and she's now silent instead of her usual cheerful self.Preschool teacher and author Pilar Serrano tells a story of teamwork and bravery based on her personal experience with her students at school. A necessary book, and a tool to deal with bullying.
Nubeocho La Cebra Manuela
NubeOcho Gracias
¡Hay muchas cosas a las que dar las gracias! A las botas por mostrarnos el camino, al cepillo de dientes por la sonrisa o a la bañera por sus burbujas… Un inspirador álbum que invita a que las niñas y los niños enumeren lo que les hace felices.Un niño da las gracias a todo lo que le gusta: a la lluvia por crear los charcos; al tiranosaurio por ser la palabra más larga que conoce; al amarillo y al azul por el verde…Un relato poético y divertido en el que, a través de la tierna mirada de un niño, se muestra la importancia de las grandes y las pequeñas cosas.-----I thank the moon for the night time. I thank the sun for the day. I thank my boots for knowing the way…There is so much to be thankful for! In this happy and hopeful picture book for the v
Nubeocho Daniela Pirata y la malvada cclope
Nubeocho Matthews Birthday Party
NubeOcho Be Careful, Bruno!
NubeOcho The Incredible Ship of Captain Skip
NubeOcho A Wave of Stars
NubeOcho Cosas de Bruja
NubeOcho Carteras y carteros
NubeOcho The Great Poop Contest
El segundo libro protagonizado por la pandilla de Toletis, Tutankamon, Claudia y el perro Amenofis. Nuevas y originales aventuras en un pequeño pueblo, rodeados de naturaleza y de entrañables y locos personajes.?Crunchi, crunchi? es siempre la respuesta del ardillo Manolito. Las gatas Manchitas y María Antonia se comen las letras ?a? porque piensan que son rosquillas. El burro Zacarías se ha enamorado. Y Toletis parece que va a tener una hermanita que llega de muy lejos.Un mundo de canciones, risas, palabras divertidas, tesoros inauditos y ?blublujas?. Habitado por chatarreros que componen canciones de colores y por sirenas mesopotámicas que tejen bufandas. Un viaje de realismo mágico-ecológico para combatir el aburrimiento, para escapar y soñar.
NubeOcho Larbre dels records
La Guineu havia tingut una vida llarga i feliç, però ara estava cansada.Va mirar el seu bosc estimat una última vegada i va jeure,va respirar profundament i va tancar els ulls per sempre.