Search results for ""Nonsuch Publishing""
Nonsuch Publishing The Private Life of Marie Antoinette
In one of the earliest memoirs of the young Queen of France, Jeanne Louise Henriette Campan - Marie Antoinette's First Lady-in-Waiting and one of her closest and most faithful attendants - paints a dramatic portrait of the queen's personal and political relationship with King Louis XVI of France. First published in two volumes in 1823, this memoir is presented against the backdrop of the French court as it weakened in the madness of an impending revolution. In intricate detail, Campan passionately defends Marie Antoinette's pride and honour in the face of hateful propaganda against her - propaganda that has continued to haunt her even to this day. Honest, touching and compelling, Campan's The Private Life of Marie Antoinette provides a unique insight into the life of one of history's most beguiling women.
Nonsuch Publishing The Other Jerome K Jerome
Selections from the 'other' works of Jerome K. Jerome.
Nonsuch Publishing Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone
Provides an account of the events that had taken place in William Ewart Gladstone's life, from his childhood, education and early political influences through to his roles as leader of Liberal Party and prime minister in three governments. This biography reveals the moral authority Gladstone stamped upon politics during his career through reforms.
Nonsuch Publishing Piccadilly Circus
Presents a pictorial history of Piccadilly Circus through a series of photographs and images.
Nonsuch Publishing Elsie Venner: A Romance of Destiny: Nonsuch Classics
A scathing attack on the idea of American Puritanism and the doctrine of Original Sin, Elsie Venner is the story of a young woman who, having been poisoned by rattlesnake venom while in the womb, emerges into the world half human, half snake. An intelligent and wealthy heiress, she repulses and fascinates those around her in equal measure. She falls in love with a young doctor, but her serpentine characteristics prevent him from returning her affection; her cousin is attracted by her money and, wrongly perceiving the doctor as his rival, determines upon his downfall. First published in 1861, this is a wonderfully inventive novel that meticulously dissects for the reader the social mores of small-town America in the middle of the nineteenth century, as viewed through the prism of Olive Wendell Holmes' powerful imagination.
Nonsuch Publishing The Attache: Or Sam Slick in England: Nonsuch Classics
Regarded by many as the equal of Charles Dickens, Haliburton's incisive social commentary is always expressed with sparkling wit. A dedicated parliamentarian and judge, the creation of the character Sam Slick is widely regarded as Haliburton's crowning achievement. Following the huge popular acclaim that greeted The Clockmaker (1837), the author, bowing to the weight of expectation, brought the fast-talking hero of his narrative, Sam Slick, to England. The Attache; or Sam Slick in England details the adventures of the American wordsmith, as he delivers his brand of home-spun wisdom upon this green and pleasant foreign land.
Nonsuch Publishing Sir William Hamilton
Sir William Hamilton.
Nonsuch Publishing Journal of a Residence Among the Negroes of the West Indies
Journal of a Residence Among the Negroes of the West Indies.
Nonsuch Publishing Viscount Palmerston
Viscount Palmerston.
Nonsuch Publishing Napoleon at Work
Analyses the military tactics and methods adopted by Napoleon Bonaparte in the time leading up to, and during, the Jena Campaign of 1806. This book explores the elements that contributed to his success; from the organisation and movements of staff, to Napoleon's own strategic decision-making, and, more.
Nonsuch Publishing Rumney and the Wentlooge Level
Presents a pictorial history of Rumney through a series of photographs and images.
Nonsuch Publishing Canterbury
Presents a pictorial history of Canterbury through a series of photographs and images. This work features historical captions.
Nonsuch Publishing The Pirate and the Three Cutters: Nonsuch Classics
The Pirate is a stirring tale of adventure on the high seas. Full of action and excitement, it is a ripping yarn from the acknowledged pioneer of the sea-novel. The Three Cutters brings together three disparate sets of seafarers aboard three different vessels: an aristocratic yachting party, officers of the customs service and a crew of smugglers. Infused with the author's love for the sea, this is a thrilling story of cat and mouse off the English coast.
Nonsuch Publishing Sedgefield and Bishop Middleham
A pictorial history of Sedgefield and surrounds through a series of old photographs and images. This selection of over 200 old photographs depicts the villages of Sedgefield, Bishop Middleham and Mainsforth. Also included are photographs of artefacts dating from as long ago as the Iron Age and Medieval period.
Nonsuch Publishing Around Northallerton
A history of Northallerton.
Nonsuch Publishing The Voyage of the Discovery: Volume Two: Captain Robert F. Scott
A narrative of Captain Scott's expedition to the Antarctic. This book provides a record of various aspects of the expedition which set out from Dundee in 1901, from the realities of daily routine to their wonder at discovering strange landscapes, as well as the trials of harsh weather conditions, food shortages and illness.
Nonsuch Publishing The Sinking of the Titanic
When she set sail from Southampton on her maiden voyage to New York on 10 April 1912, RMS Titanic, the pride of the White Star fleet, was the largest ocean liner in the world. Deemed 'practically unsinkable' because of her double-bottomed hull and watertight compartments, she carried over 2,000 passengers and crew, although only sufficient lifeboats for just over half that number. Four days out of Southampton, on the night of 14 April, she struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank within a matter of hours; around 1,500 lives were lost. Logan Marshall interviewed the survivors in the immediate aftermath of the disaster and in this book he recorded the facts as they were known. Well established as part of the canon of Titanic literature, this book is a must-have for anyone with an interest in the ship and her sorrowful fate.
Nonsuch Publishing Wood Leighton: Nonsuch Classics
Wood Leighton is written by one of Victorian literature's most prolific authors, the writer and poet Mary Howitt.
Nonsuch Publishing The Lessons of War: The Experiences of Seven Future Leaders in the First World War
Examines the experiences of seven national leaders during the First World War including Adolf Hitler, Charles de Gaulle, Benito Mussolini, Gustav Mannerheim, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Harold Macmillan and Herbert Hoover.
Nonsuch Publishing Georgian Cheltenham
As a spa town, Georgian Cheltenham was visited by thousands seeking the solace of its healing waters, but as a pleasure resort it attracted distinguished and/or fashionable people of the day. This book focuses on the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, beginning with the visit of King George in 1788, which really brought it to prominence.
Nonsuch Publishing The Cornish Coast: Pocket Images
The Cornish Coast is justly famous for its grand cliffs, lovely harbours and sandy bays. It is beautiful but dangerous, and hundreds of ships have been wrecked here over the years. In this book we travel from Calstock on the quiet River Tamar to Plymouth Sound, and around the south and north coasts to end at Morwenstow, where Hawker wrote the Cornish anthem - 'Trelawney'. Over two hundred well-chosen photographs cover some seventy locations and a period of about seventy years - from the 1890s to the 1960s. The subjects include cliffs, harbours, beaches, coves, ships, churches, rivers, pubs and houses, with people at work and play, to create a vivid visual impression of a period at once familiar and remote. This book will evoke nostalgic memories for many, and will give pleasure to everyone who loves Cornwall.
Nonsuch Publishing Catholics in Cardiff: Pocket Images
A history of Catholics in Cardiff.
Nonsuch Publishing Around Fareham - The Second Selection: Pocket Images
This book is Alice James' second selection of Fareham pictures in the Archive Photograph Series. In this volume she extends her attention to the areas around the town, including Wallington, Old Turnpike, Knowle, Wickham and Portchester as well as Fareham itself.This is an area that is being developed at a very rapid pace. Through the 220 high-quality images in this book, experienced local author, Alice James shows some of these changes. Her collection vigorously compares and contrasts those areas that have succumbed to the dramatic force of progress.Included in the selection are some recent photographs that demonstrate the extensive changes of the past two decades, as well as many pictures showing how Fareham and its environs appeared earlier in the twentieth century.Through the use of evocative and often poignant pictures, as well as captions which impart a wealth of local knowledge, the author brings the past of this beautiful part of Hampshire to life.
Nonsuch Publishing Suburban Sketches: Nonsuch Classics
Suburban Sketches is a series of short stories focusing on the details of life in late 19th century American suburbia. Written in a witty and animated style, these sketches capture the colourful characters of varying race and rank who inhabit the town of Old Charlesbridge and the events which shaped their daily existence.
Nonsuch Publishing Frodsham and Helsby: Pocket Images
Pocket Images Frodsham & Helsby.
Nonsuch Publishing Ask Mamma: Or the Richest Commoner in England: Nonsuch Classics
This delightful and irreverent tale of romance in Victorian England follows the exploits of two generations of the Pringle family as they climb the social ladder.
Nonsuch Publishing Figaro's Fleet
In 1776 the American rebel colonists were desperately in need of arms and financial backing, and the Frenchman Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais came rapidly to their aid. Radical dramatist, business tycoon and former spy, he was the ideal man to encourage a revolution in the making, and he promptly set up a fictitious shipping firm to supply and transport munitions to the Americans; by September 1777 he had sent five million livres’ worth of supplies. American victories in three revolutionary battles owed much to this one remarkable man’s efforts. With its thriller-like episodes, moments of intense drama, and equally high comedy, Figaro’s Fleet provides an entertaining insight into the ‘cloak and dagger’ financing of the first revolution of the modern world.
Nonsuch Publishing Harry Peckham's Tour
Harry Peckham was educated at Winchester College and New College, Oxford, before being called to the Bar and becoming, in time, a King's Counsel, a Commissioner for Bankrupts and Recorder of Chichester. He was also a witty rake, a keen sportsman (he was a member of the committee that drew up the laws of cricket) and a relentless tourist. Harry Peckham's Tour is a collection of letters he wrote in 1769 while travelling through the Netherlands, Belgium and France and contains insights into the society and culture of the places that he visited, including Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, Paris, Rouen and Calais. Perceptive and funny, Harry Peckham's Tour is written in a very engaging style and is a delight to read. This edition contains a new introduction and notes by Martin Brayne and is the only available version of Peckham's text.
Nonsuch Publishing Cranford: Nonsuch Classics
Presents a collection of linked short stories about the inhabitants of the eponymous small provincial town. Interweaving comic episodes with social comment, this title is a celebration of the better side of human nature, in which kindness and generosity of spirit triumph over adversity.
Nonsuch Publishing The Spiritual Quixote: Or, the Summer's Ramble of Mr Geoffry Wildgoose
Follows the religious and romantic adventures of its hero, a young Oxford man, who, living in retirement with his mother in the country, decides to become an evangelist, although mainly from the lack of any other more interesting occupation.
Nonsuch Publishing Garsington
A history of Garsington.
Nonsuch Publishing Cheltenham at War in Old Photographs: Britain in Old Photographs
During the Second World War photographic film was rationed and photography was strictly controlled. Despite these limitations it is surprising how many pictures of the war years have survived, often hidden away in photograph albums or school and company archives, never seen by the general public. Cheltenham at War, however, brings together over two hundred of these unique images. Well-researched captions put the photographs in context, and contain many fascinating details of life during the war. The emphasis throughout Cheltenham at War is on people - despairing at the bomb damage, pulling together in salvage campaigns and rejoicing at the victory that followed. Schools were evacuated, evacuees and prisoners of war arrived and there was even a mock invasion, but a semblance of normality was maintained: for example, football and cricket teams still competed and weddings took place. These events are also recorded here. This book will evoke nostalgic memories for all who spent their war years in the town, and will be of interest to everyone who knows and loves Cheltenham.
Nonsuch Publishing Hythe The Second Selection
A history of Hythe.
Nonsuch Publishing The Rakes
From John Wilmot, the drunken and debauched 2nd Earl of Rochester to Albert Edward, the playboy Prince of Wales (and later King Edward VII), this book chronicles the lives and adventures of some of England's rakes. It focuses on seven representative rakes from the Restoration to the late Victorian era.
Nonsuch Publishing Around Stocksbridge
A history of Stocksbridge.
Nonsuch Publishing Castle Cary, North Cadbury and Wincanton
Presents a pictorial history of Castle Cary, North Cadbury and Wincanton through a series of photographs and images. This work features historical captions.
Nonsuch Publishing Minehead to Watchet
Presents a pictorial history of Minehead through a series of photographs and images.
Nonsuch Publishing Handy Andy: A Tale of Irish Life: Nonsuch Classics
Handy Andy is the most enduringly popular of the novels of Samuel Lover, author, artist and musician. The laughing philosopher of the story is Andy Rooney, a fellow who had 'the most singularly ingenious knack of doing everything the wrong way. More than simply a comic novel, it has been described as a 'pill to purge melancholy'. Lover may be equally remembered as a painter, most notably for his miniature portrait of Paganini, and for his many ballads. There is a wonderful musicality in the language which, combined with the accomplished artist's eye for composition, makes this comic tale of Irish Life a volume to treasure.
Nonsuch Publishing Dreams, Waking Thoughts and Incidents
Presents a series of letters composed by the author as a result of a Grand Tour in 1780-81. Serving as a travel journal, this composition gives glimpses into the inner thoughts and dreams of the man who was to become known in later life as the 'Fool of Fonthill'.
Nonsuch Publishing Below High Hunsley
Below High Hunsley.
Nonsuch Publishing Three Diggers: Nonsuch Classics
Based on real events on the Australian goldfields in the 1850s, Three Diggers chronicles the adventures of three gold prospectors caught up in the civil unrest in Victoria in 1854.
Nonsuch Publishing Two Old Men's Tales: Nonsuch Classics
Two Old Men's Tales.
Nonsuch Publishing The White Monkey: Nonsuch Classics
Fleur, the daughter of Soames Forsyte, having been disappointed in love and then married to Michael Mont, toys with the affections of her husband and his best friend, Wilfred Desert. The two men are left in a position of uncertainty to compete for a love that is not guaranteed to either. In this classic, in the end, as it must, love wins out.
Nonsuch Publishing Rural Rides of the Bristol Churchgoer
This collection of articles by Joseph Leech, first published in the Bristol Times in the mid-19 century, took a swipe at contemporary society, particularly the Church and fellow churchgoers. Leech on occasion attacks his contemporaries and invited libel action several times but overall his work was humorous and playfully satirical.
Nonsuch Publishing Winslow: Pocket Images
A pictorial history of Winslow, presented through a series of photographs and images. It also includes historical captions.
Nonsuch Publishing Ancient Trackways of Wessex
An account of the ancient trackways across the area known as Wessex, the old kingdom of the West Saxons, once ruled by King Alfred the Great: roughly speaking, Berkshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset and Somerset as well as parts of Devon, Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds. With Salisbury Plain at its centre, the chalk hills and downs of southern England radiate out in all directions, and the ridgeways provided natural routes from one place to another, along which the early inhabitants of Britain travelled.Ancient Trackways of Wessex is a practical walker's guide to the pathways across this chalkland as well as a study of such matters as topography, history, sights to be seen and the relevant Ordnance Survey maps. It is arranged into walks along particular routes between given points and includes photographs and simple maps. Meticulously and comprehensively researched, Ancient Trackways of Wessex is a delightful exploration of this enchanting corner of England.
Nonsuch Publishing Kathleen: The Life of Kathleen Ferrier 1912-1953
Kathleen Ferrier has a reputation as the greatest lyric contralto of the twentiety century. Her story, from her humble beginnings as a telephone operator in Blackburn to the height of international fame as one of the world's leading concert artists and her untimely death at the age of forty-one, is told told with compelling insight and perception, using a variety of sources, from photographs, diaries, and private letters to the memoirs and recollections of those who knew her best. Despite having no formal musical training, Kathleen worked with all the celebrated conductors of the time, and is remembered for her performances of music by Brahms, Schubert and Mahler, as well as a handful of operatic roles. Enlarging considerably on many alternative biographies, this excellent account captures the warmth, humour and charm of a figure whose astonishing life and career proved to be, sadly, all too brief.
Nonsuch Publishing Seeing England: Antiquaries, Travellers and Naturalists
In the seventeenth century antiquarianism was a well-respected profession and antiquarian works were in demand, particularly amongst the gentry, who were especially interested in establishing lineage and the descent of land tenure. Although intended primarily as a source of information about who owned what and where, they often contained fascinating descriptions of the English landscape. Charles Lancaster has examined the town and county surveys of this period and selected the most interesting examples to illustrate the variety and richness of these depictions. Organised by region, he has provided detailed introductions to each excerpt. Including such writers as John Stow, William Dugdale, Elias Ashmole, Daniel Defoe, Gilbert White and Celia Fiennes, this is a book that will appeal to anyone with an interest in both national and local history and to lovers of English scenery.