Search results for ""Mountain Training""
Mountain Training Hillwalking: The Official Handbook of the Mountain Training Walking Schemes
This is a major reference book for every walker as well as for those who wish to lead groups in the UK and Ireland. It is split into three sections: getting around in the hills, the upland environment and party management, all of which contain colourful illustrations, photos and maps which bring essential techniques to life. This book has been written by Steve Long, with contributions from Plas y Brenin staff, and provides an indispensable guide to the skills required for summer hill walking.The book covers every aspect of walking in the hills: route finding, navigation, clothing and equipment, camping, access and conservation, the environment, the weather, party management, hazards and risk management, dealing with incidents and first aid.This fully updated third edition includes new information about access to the hills and advice for leaders working with people with disabilities. The navigation section has also been expanded to include major updates about digital mapping and GPS devices in this increasingly technological age.In 2014 the publisher, Mountain Training, celebrated 50 years of leading the way and currently overseas thirteen personal skills and leadership schemes in walking, climbing and mountaineering. This book is the official handbook for the Mountain Training walking schemes and is endorsed by the British Mountaineering Council, Mountaineering Council of Scotland and Mountaineering Ireland.
Mountain Training Rock Climbing: Essential Skills and Techniques
ritten by one of the best-known rock-climbing instructors in the UK this is the definitive and comprehensive 'how to climb' textbook (55,000 copies sold), now in its revised and updated third edition. It covers un-roped bouldering and movement skills as well as every aspect of indoor, single and multi-pitch rock climbing, abseiling, problem solving, the climbing environment, the history and development of the sport and much more. This book is a reference tool for every climber, from novice to expert, as well as containing specific ideas for anyone wanting to help coach and instruct others. It is the official handbook for the UK and Ireland qualification system that includes all of Mountain Training's qualifications as well as their Rock Skills courses. It is endorsed by the BMC, Mountaineering Scotland and Mountaineering Ireland. Thoroughly updated to reflect developments in climbing since the second edition, the indoor climbing content has been expanded and several chapters have been rewritten and reordered to support new and developing climbers alike. Its functional design remains, with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and inspiring photos that give a genuine flavour of the breadth of climbing possibilities across the UK and Ireland. It is the second of a series of manuals from Mountain Training UK and Ireland that includes the highly successful 'Hill Walking' and 'Winter Skills'.
Mountain Training Winter Skills: The official handbook of Mountain Training's winter schemes
This is a major reference book for all walkers and climbers who want to explore the mountains of the UK and Ireland in winter conditions, as well as for those who wish to lead groups. It is split into six sections: the winter environment, basic winter skills, snow and avalanche, security on steep ground, winter climbing and winter incidents, all of which contain colourful illustrations, photos and maps which bring essential techniques to life. This book has been written by Andy Cunningham and Allen Fyffe and provides an indispensable guide to the skills required for winter walking and climbing. This third edition has been fully updated, in particular the section on snow and avalanche, as well as some modernising of climbing techniques to align with current methods and equipment. In 2014 the publisher, Mountain Training, celebrated 50 years of leading the way and currently overseas thirteeen qualifications and two personal skills schemes in walking, climbing and mountaineering. This book is the official handbook for Mountain Training's winter qualifications: Winter Mountain Leader, International Mountain Leader and Winter Mountaineering Can Climbing Instructor. It is endorsed by the British Mountaineering Council, Mountaineering Scotland and Mountaineering Ireland.
Mountain Training International Mountain Trekking: A Practical Manual for Trekkers & Leaders
Written by the team that train International Mountain Leaders, this is the definitive and comprehensive textbook on 'how to go trekking in mountains around the world'. It covers every aspect of trekking: planning, travelling, accommodation, in-country support, the environment, staying healthy, dealing with problems, altitude, navigation, weather and hazards such as rivers, rocky ground and snow. It is lavishly illustrated with inspiring photos from six continents. This book is a reference tool for every trekker, from novice to expert, as well as containing specific ideas for anyone wanting to help teach, lead or instruct others. It is the official handbook for the International Mountain Leader scheme and is endorsed by the British Mountaineering Council, Mountaineering Council of Scotland, Mountaineering Ireland and the British Association of International Mountain Leaders. There are further sections on GPS, snowshoeing, equipment lists, rope work, altitude sickness, water purification etc. It has a functional design with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and inspiring photos that give a genuine flavour of what you are up against in the mountains. It is the fifth in the series of manuals from Mountain Training UK that includes the highly successful "Hill Walking", "Rock Climbing", "Winter Skills" and "Navigation in the Mountains".
Mountain Training Navigation in the Mountains: The Definitive Guide for Hill Walkers, Mountaineers & Leaders - the Official Navigation Book for All Mountain Leader Training Schemes
Written by one of the best known navigation instructors in the UK this is the definitive and comprehensive 'how to navigate' textbook. It covers every aspect of mountain navigation; summer, winter and overseas, using traditional map and compass as well as devices such as GPS and digital software applications. This book is a reference tool for every walker and mountaineer, from novice to expert, as well as containing specific ideas for anyone wanting to help teach and instruct others. It is the official navigation handbook for the UK qualification system that includes the Mountain Leader, Winter Mountain Leader, International Mountain Leader, Mountaineering Instructor and Walking Group Leader and is endorsed by the BMC, MCofS and MI. There are chapters on the Fundamentals, Navigation Techniques, Winter Navigation, Overseas Navigation, Global Positioning system, Digital Mapping Software and Teaching Navigation. It has a functional design with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and inspiring photos that give a genuine flavour of what you are up against in the mountains. It is the fourth in a series of manuals from Mountain Leader Training UK which includes the highly successful "Hill Walking", "Rock Climbing" and "Winter Skills". Carlo Forte is a well known expert on mountain navigation and is an International Mountain Leader and Mountaineering Instructor. He is currently the Chief Instructor at the national mountain centre, Plas y Brenin.
Mountain Training Mynydda - Llawlyfr Swyddogol Y Cynnlluniau Arweinwyr Mynydd Ac Arweinwyr Grwpiau Cerdded
This is the Welsh language edition of the UK's best selling instructional hill walking book published by Mountain Leader Training UK - Hillwalking, the official handbook of the Mountain Leader and Walking Group Leader schemes (9780954151102). Dyma'r llawlyfr swyddogol ar gyfer y cynlluniau Arweinwyr Mynydda ac Arweinwyr Grwpiau Cerdded, mae'n llawn o wybodaeth a thechnegau hanfodol. Rhennir y llyfr yn dair rhan: Mynd o Gwmpas yn y Mynydd, Cynefin y Mynydd, a Rheoli Grwpiau. Ceir gwybodaeth am: Mordwyo a Chyfarpar. Deall yr Amgylchedd ac adnabod y Peryglon. Rheoli Risgiau, Sgiliau Arweinyddiaeth ac Alldeithiau. Datblygiadau Newydd mewn GPS, Arolygu Grwpiau o Bell, Deddfwriaeth Mynediad a Gwaith Rhaffau. Hefyd llawer o technegau defnyddiol sydd yn galluogi ceddwyr i cydgyfnerthu sgilliau bodoli a datblygu rhai newydd. Bu Hyfforddi Arweinwyr Mynydda ar y blaen ym maes datblygu sgiliau cerddwyr am dros ddeugain mlynedd. Dyma'r llyfr cyntaf o gyfres o lawlyfrau ar gyfer cerddwyr a dringwyr. Cynhyrchwyd y llyfr drwy gydweithrediad rhwng yr awduron ym Mhlas y Brenin, Canolfan Ymddiriedolaeth Hyfforddi Mynydda, a'r arbenigwyr yn Hyfforddi Arweinwyr Mynydda. Y BMC (Cyngor Mynydda Prydain), yw'r corff sy'n cynrychioli dringwyr, cerddwyr mynyddoedd, a mynyddwyr yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Bu'r corff yn falch o'r cyfle i ariannu costau cyfieithu'r cyhoeddiad pwysig hwn. Mae Mynydda'n llawlyfr hanfodol i bawb sydd am fynd tua'r bryniau a'r mynyddoedd. English translation of the above: Packed with essential information and techniques, this book is the official handbook for the Mountain Leader and Walking Group Leader Schemes. The book is split into three parts: Getting Around in the Hills, The Upland Environment and Group Management. Chapters include information on: Navigation and Equipment; Understanding the Environment and recognising its Hazards including the latest information on water safety for walkers; Risk Management, Leadership and Expedition Skills; New Developments in GPS, Remote Supervision of Groups, Access Legislation and Rope Work; and, also many tried and tested techniques that enable walkers to consolidate existing skills and develop new ones. The book is a reference tool for every walker as well as for those who wish to lead in the hills. Its functional design with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and accurate relief and line maps make this book an indispensable guide to the skills required for summer hill walking. Mountain Leader Training has been at the forefront in the development of walkers' skills for forty years. This book is the first of a series of manuals for walkers and climbers and has been produced by collaboration between the authors at the Mountain Training Trust's centre, Plas y Brenin, and experts within Mountain Leader Training.
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd 1001 Climbing Tips: The essential climbers’ guide: from rock, ice and big-wall climbing to diet, training and mountain survival
Imagine an alien came down to Earth, stuck a probe into a climber’s brain – one who’d been climbing for over thirty years – and then transmogrified the contents into a big book of climbing tips. Well, 1001 Climbing Tips by Andy Kirkpatrick is just such a book.This is no regular instruction manual – it’s much more useful than that. This is a massive collection of all those little tips that make a real difference when at the crag, in the mountains, or when you’re planning your next big trip. It’s for anyone who hangs off stuff, or just hangs around in the mountains. These tips are based on three decades of climbing obsession, as well as nineteen ascents of El Cap, numerous Alpine north faces, trips to the polar ice caps, and many other scary climbs and expeditions.The following areas are covered: Basics, Safety, Big Wall, Ice, Mixed, Mountain, Training, and Stuff.