Search results for ""MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ""
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Cities and Flooding A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century
Covers the causes, probability and impacts of floods; the measures that can be used to manage flood risk, balancing structural and non-structural solutions in an integrated fashion; and the means by which these measures can be financed and implemented, and their progress monitored and evaluated.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Natural Hazards UnNatural Disasters
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ RiskBased Tax Audits Approaches and Country Experiences
This book serves as a toolkit on risk-based audits and brings together country experiences for implementing risk-based audit systems. Risk management is an important element of effective and efficient compliance management in revenue administration.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Urban Poverty and Violence in Jamaica
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Parliaments as Peacebuilders in ConflictAffected Countries
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ The New Microfinance Handbook A Financial Market System Perspective
The object of this book is to provide a strategic guide to help assess the financial service needs of the poor and to determine how a diversified financial sector can address these needs. The book aims to facilitate access to and usage of financial products and services that genuinely meet the many needs of the poor through various sustainable financial service providers.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Doing A Dam Better
Describes how skillful management, effective communications, and technical expertise helped to reach consensus and nurtured private-public partnerships, engaged stakeholders, strengthened Lao PDR's development framework and poverty reduction efforts, and addressed the project's environmental and social impacts.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Addressing Chinas Water Scarcity
Presents an overview of China's water scarcity situation, assesses the policy and institutional requirements for addressing it, and recommends key areas for strengthening and reform. This report covers water governance, water rights, water pricing and affordability, watershed ecological compensation, and water pollution control.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Innovation Systems
The World Bank has gained significant experience in supporting innovation systems projects. This text concentrates its analysis on projects financed by the Bank during 1990-2003, together with some successful earlier examples and reviews some 51 projects involving over USD4.2 billion in Bank support.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ The Road to Academic Excellence The Making of WorldClass Research Universities
Extends the analysis of the framework presented in The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities (Salmi 2009) and by examining the recent experience of 11 universities in nine countries that have grappled with the challenges of building successful research institutions in difficult circumstances and learning from the lessons of these experiences.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure
Examines the theory underlying different instruments of land-based finance, such as betterment levies, developer exactions, impact fees, and the exchange of publicly owned land assets for infrastructure. This book shows how different land-based financing tools have been implemented, and the lessons learned from these experiences.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ A Global View of Business Insolvency Systems Law Justice and Development Series
Analyses how legal systems around the world respond to the general default of business debtors. It emphasizes the close inter-relationship among various elements of an insolvency regime, examining them not so much as sets of discrete rules as system-wide attempts to reconcile competing policy goals.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Atlas of Global Development A Visual Guide to the Worlds Greatest Challenges
Based upon data from the World Bank's World Development Indicators, this volume provides information on crucial global topics such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, corruption, environmental sustainability, migration, and growing populations. It also includes easy-to-read, colorful world maps, tables, graphs, text, and photographs.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Africas Silk Road
Finds that China and India's South-South commerce with Africa is about far more than natural resources, opening the way for Africa to become a processor of commodities and a competitive supplier of goods and services to these countries - a major departure from its long established relations with the North.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ World Development Report 2011 Conflict Security and Development
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Higher Education Financing in the New EU Member Leveling the Playing Field
Summarizes the experiences of such EU countries as the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia - the EU8, in the reform of higher education systems in a period of growing demand; changing patters of access; rapid expansion and increased participation rates; and an apparent dilution of average quality.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook
Offers information on land and natural resource management issues that are of operational relevance to practitioners in the tropics and sub-tropics. This book covers a comprehensive range of topics on the technical issues of land and natural resource management. It is illustrated with graphs and photos.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ The Road to Results Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations
Suitable for those involved in development evaluation, this title provides procedures and examples on how to set up a monitoring and evaluation system, how to conduct participatory evaluations and do social mapping, and how to construct a 'rigorous' quasi-experimental design to answer an impact question.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ The Road to Sustained Growth in Jamaica
The Jamaican economic story is marked by the paradoxes of low growth in GDP and high employment despite high investment and important achievements in poverty reduction. This paper attempts to explain these paradoxes and concludes that one possible explanation is that GDP has been understated.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Enhancing Chinas Competitiveness through Lifelong Learning
Discusses the issues involved in building a lifelong learning system in China, including: a coherent policy framework, a sound incentive and institutional framework, a sound regulatory environment, a coordinated governance process, a reliable management information system, a link with the global system, and the optimal use of limited resources.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Climate Impacts on Energy Systems
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Rethinking the East Asian Miracle
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ China 2030 Building a Modern Harmonious and Creative Society
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Climate Change and the World Bank Group Phase I I The Challenge of LowCarbon Development
Examines the World Bank Group's far-reaching portfolio of projects in energy, forestry, transport, coal power, and technology transfer. It reviews what has worked, what hasn't, and why, and presents some key findings.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Energy from Biomass A Review of Combustion and Gasification Technologies
Reviews the state of the art of biomass combustion and gasification systems, their advantages and disadvantages. It also encourages investment in use of these technologies to enable developing countries to better exploit their biomass resources and help close the gap between their energy needs and their energy supply.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ BLUEPRINT 2050
Protection and management of coastal and marine areas are important mechanisms for alleviating poverty in the developing tropics. Tanzania has had considerable practical experience with a diversity of models for marine protection. Blueprint 2050 outlines a vision of what a protected area system could look like in 50 years.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Information Infrastructure The World Bank Groups Experience A Joint Operations Evalauation DepartmentOperations Evaluation Group