Search results for ""MP-IMF International Monetar""
MP-IMF International Monetar World Economic Outlook April 2018 Cyclical Upswing Structural Change
Describes the world economic outlook as of April 2018, projecting that advanced economies will continue to expand above their potential growth rates before decelerating, while growth in emerging markets in developing economies will rise before levelling off.
MP-IMF International Monetar Affordable Rental Housing Making It Part of Europes Recovery
MP-IMF International Monetar Race to the Next Income Frontier French Edition How Senegal and Other LowIncome Countries Can Reach the Finish Line
Economic transformation and diversification require solutions that take account of the political economy of reform. This book explores the process of economic transformation, using Senegal as an example.
MP-IMF International Monetar Brazil Boom Bust and the Road to Recovery
MP-IMF International Monetar Resolving Nonperforming Loans in SubSaharan Africa in the Aftermath of the COVID19 Crisis
MP-IMF International Monetar Public investment efficiency in subSaharan African countries
Demonstrates a positive correlation between public investment efficiency and the quality of institutions, suggesting that devel-oping stronger institutions in sub-Saharan Africa could lead to a significant improvement in investment efficiency.
MP-IMF International Monetar Consumer Price Index Manual Concepts and Methods 2020
Presents comprehensive information and explanations on compiling a consumer price index (CPI). The manual provides an overview of the methods and practices national statistical offices (NSOs) should consider when making decisions on how to deal with the various problems in the compilation of a CPI.
MP-IMF International Monetar Financial Crises Causes Consequences and Policy Responses
Provides a comprehensive overview of research into financial crises and policy lessons learned. The book covers a wide range of crises, including banking, balance of payments, and sovereign debt crises. The collection of research in this book provides an excellent overview of critical policy areas, with valuable lessons on how countries can better monitor their economies and financial systems.
MP-IMF International Monetar Dollarization in SubSaharan Africa Experiences and Lessons
MP-IMF International Monetar FinTech in SubSaharan African countries
FinTech is a major force shaping the structure of the financial industry in sub-Saharan Africa. FinTech is emerging as a technological enabler in the region, improving financial inclusion and serving as a catalyst for the emergence of innovations in other sectors, such as agriculture and infrastructure.
MP-IMF International Monetar Rapid Credit Growth In Central And Eastern Europ Endless Boom or Early Warning
This book represents the latest developments and policy debate on the rapid growth of banking sector credit to the private sector, which continues to occupy the minds of academics and policymakers alike in many Central and Eastern European countries. The contributions discuss ways to assess and respond to excessive credit growth.