Search results for ""MER""
Dover Publications Inc. La Mer
Badger Publishing Mer-boy
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Collection MER
Marcos Martín Blanco and Elena Rueda began to acquire artworks in 1979. Over the years, the MER Foundation has gathered more than 800 works and includes important pieces from the best contemporary artists. The collection specialises in European and American figuration since 1980. This attention to figuration as distinct from painting and photography, has led Marcos and Elena to seek the masterpieces of artists such as Eric Fischl, Francesco Clemente, David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Ruff, Marlen Dumas, Lisa Yuscavage, Merilyn Minter, Luis Gordillo and Cecily Brown. The collection includes more than 180 artists: Miquel Barceló, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Mompó, Palazuelo, Gordillo, Zóbel or Soledad Sevilla, among the Spanish artists, and Warhol, LeWitt, Oelen, Basquiat, David Sala or Julian Schnabel, among the international ones. In 2004 it was awarded the Collecting Prize by the ARCO art fair. This catalogue includes two introductory texts by Patricio Pron and Dan Cameron, one a more literary and personal appraisal of the founder and the collection, and the other one a technical and critical view.
SERPENTS TAIL Mer de Glace Masks
At 30, Will is the epitome of the New Man: successful, a skilled mountaineer, happy in his "equal and open" marriage. Then he falls in love with Kathleen, and his charmed life begins to fall apart as he discovers the strength of their passion and his inability to control it.
Pocket Peril en mer d'Iroise
McEvoy Foundation for the Arts La mère la mer
The first exhibition organized by San Francisco’s McEvoy Foundation for the Arts—established in 2017 by Nion McEvoy of Chronicle Books—brings together an impressive selection of works from McEvoy’s own collection alongside that of his mother, Nan Tucker McEvoy, both world-renowned collectors whose family legacy began with the founding of the San Francisco Chronicle in 1865. This impressively executed catalog illustrates the Foundation’s wide-ranging debut show, which highlighted the family collections’ strengths, documented here alongside an essay by curator Kevin Moore and an introduction by Nion McEvoy. A particular emphasis on Californian artists (Richard Diebenkorn, David Hockney, Ed Ruscha, Wayne Thiebaud) is matched by a wide array of recent acquisitions by artists including Anne Collier, Roe Ethridge, Nan Goldin, Carsten Höller, Ragnar Kjartansson, Zoe Leonard, James Welling and Christopher Williams, across mediums including sculpture, photography, installation, painting, video and illustration.
Marzellen Verlag GmbH Wie säht mer noch ens
MER Paper Kunsthalle In Memory of the Exhibition: Published by: Mer. Paper Kunsthalle
Classiques Garnier Arthur, La Mer Et La Guerre
Encre Marine Encore ! Encore La Mer: Chroniques Oceanes
Classiques Garnier Un Royaume Dans La Mer
Kensington Publishing Murder at Chateau sur Mer
Les Belles Lettres Les Romains Et La Mer
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La mer Méditerranée face au changement global 1: Conditions de la production phytoplanctonique en mer Ligure
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La mer Méditerranée face au changement global 2: Dynamique biologique et évolution de la mer Ligure
Ecole des Loisirs Une bouteille dans la mer de Gaza
Kleinerts Musikforlag Gehør På Klaver - Med Mer 1: Piano
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Chroniques de la Guerre Sur Mer
Le Livre de poche Le silence de la mer et autres recits
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG La Mer 3 Symphonic Sketches Eulenburg Audio Score
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Cantata No 212 Mer Hahn En Neue Oberkeet
Peeters Publishers Molene: Une Ile Tournee vers la Mer
Molene est une petite ile situee a la pointe de la Bretagne. Jusqu'a une epoque recente, ses habitants ont vecu essentiellement de la peche. Dans le dernier quart du XXe siecle, en raison de la crise de la peche et du vieillissement de sa population, sa situation economique et sociale s'est profondement modifiee. Cette etude ethno-historique de la communaute molenaise et de ses activites socio-economiques (peche de crustaces, poissons et goemons...), menee a partir d'enquetes de terrain et de recherches en archives, permet de comprendre les raisons du declin de sa principale activite et de l'exode de ses habitants. Comment survivre sur une ile en cette fin de XXe siecle? C'est une des questions posees tout au long de l'ouvrage qui traite en filigrane des questions d'insularite.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Secret Beast Club: The Mer-People of Crystal Pier
Join the club, find the magic!The third book in the brilliant Secret Beast Club series - brimming with adventure, friendship and an amazing array of magical creatures! A must-read for fans of Beast Quest and Bad Mermaids.Aisha and Jayden and the rest of the Secret Beast Club are back and ready for a whole new adventure!A mysterious necklace has been found in Liverpool by Ocean Jones, the owner of a local sightseeing company. She claims the necklace belongs to a real mer-person, promoting her boat tours with promise of a real sighting.The Secret Beast Club know that a mer-person's necklace holds powerful magic and wouldn't be carelessly lost . . .Feeling sure that Ocean isn't telling the whole truth, the Secret Beast Club vow to investigate. But this is their most dangerous mission yet - the sea is treacherous and mer-people have a natural mistrust of humans - will the Secret Beast Club save the day, and protect the mer-peoples' hidden home, before they too succumb to power of mer-magic?'Magical, inclusive and exciting' The Bookseller on The Secret Beast Club series
Dover Publications Inc. La Mer And Other Works For Piano Four Hands
Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Méditerranée, mer de l'exil: Actes du 31e colloque de la Villa Kérylos à Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 8 et 9 octobre 2021
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG La Mer 3 Symphonic Sketches Orchestra study score ETP 1321
Marzellen Verlag GmbH Mer treffe uns ungerm Sttz Anekdtcher op Klsch
Feminist Press at The City University of New York The Mer-child: A Legend for Children and Other Adults
Editions Heimdal Gold Beach: From Ver-Sur-Mer to Arromanches - 6 June 1944
Of D-Day, everybody remembers the American paratroopers dropping over Sainte-Mère-Eglise, the bloodbath at Omaha Beach, the heroic capture of the Point du Hoc, or again the 177 French Commandoes landing at Ouistreham. What everybody forgets was that in the middle of this front, there was a sector, Gold Beach, where the Allied offensive turned out to be particularly effective, so much so that by the evening of 6 June the 25 000 British soldiers who set foot on the beaches at Asnelles and Ver-sur-mer had reached their objectives, in particular the control of the Caen-Bayeux road and liberated Bayeux the next day. But Gold Beach was also the story of the technical expertise resulting in the building of the artificial port at Arromanches and changing Port-en-Bessin into a “petrol station” supplying the whole of the Allied armada. It was in the Gold Beach sector that Sergeant Stan Hallis earned his Victoria Cross (the highest British military award) in recompense for his acts of bravery, the only one awarded in Normandy. It was for all these reasons that the British Government chose Gold Beach and in particular the village of Ver-sur-Mer to set up the Memorial bearing the names of some 21 000 United Kingdom soldiers killed on D-Day or during the Battle of Normandy. A book was therefore needed for Gold Beach to obtain a rightful place of its own in history among the five landing beaches. Thanks to the exceptional documentation gathered over more than half a century by Philippe Bauduin, a recognised specialist of D-Day, born in Ver-sur-mer, this richly illustrated book reminds you of what was at stake in this sector of D-Day, and tells the story of what happened there, nearest the participants. After the success of Jour-J, ce qu’on ne vous a pas raconté, les secrets du Débarquement, published in 2016, Philippe Bauduin and Jean-Charles continue their work together with this most recent book devoted to 6 June 1944.
Editions Heimdal Gold Beach: de Vers Sur Mer À Arromanches, 6 Jun 1944
Peeters Publishers Peuples de la Mer, Phéniciens, Puniques: Études d'épigraphie et d'histoire méditerranéenne
The volume contains studies dealing with Mediterranean history in the first millennium B.C., based mainly on epigraphic data. Chapter I concerns the Philistines and the kingdom of "terra firma", established by "Sea Peoples" on the Lower and Middle Orontes and in the Aleppo area, showing their Mycenaean background. Their obvious relations with the Phoenicians lead to the presentation of the newly identified material referring to the goddess Tanit, best known from Carthage, but coming from the Levant. Information provided by classical sources is then discussed in two chapters dealing with Herodotus and with later sources giving some information on Phoenician and Punic law and jurisprudence. The second part of the book consists in an analysis of Phoenician, Punic, and Neo-Punic inscriptions which so far have not been fully deciphered or interpreted. Most of them come from North Africa, but inscriptions from Ibiza and Sardinia are examined as well. Some of them offer the possibility of better understanding the molk-sacrifice and its human implications, especially in the second and first centuries B.C. Attention is paid also to the meaning and the implications of some personal names appearing in those inscriptions.
Books on Demand Le Rhône à pied du glacier à la mer
Classiques Garnier Tempetes En Mer: Permanence Et Evolution d'Un Topos Litteraire (Xvie-Xviiie Siecle)
Classiques Garnier Mers Interieures: Chateaubriand, La Mer Et Les Memoires d'Outre-Tombe
Titan Books Ltd The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Skyrim Library, Vol. II: Man, Mer, and Beast
Delve deeper into the lore behind one of the most successful and critically acclaimed fantasy games of all time, Skyrim. Featuring in-game texts on factions, landscapes, creatures, heroes, and dragons.
Archaeopress Corpus des amphores romaines produites dans les centres de mer Noire: Collections des musées de la côte turque de la mer Noire (Ereğli, Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon et Amasya)
The Black Sea cities of Turkey's northern coast – Ereğli , Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon, and inland Amasya – are endowed with museums whose holdings include important collections of amphorae. Their state of preservation is also exceptional since the majority were recovered intact from the sea. Most were produced in the big manufacturing centres around the Black Sea during the Roman period, between the 2nd/3rd centuries BCE and the 7th century CE. This Corpus brings them together and analyses them in the light of recent investigations. The production lines of Sinop and Colchis are especially well represented and can be followed without interruption over several centuries. The size of the assemblage – ca. 450 vessels – provides an overview of manufacturing trends for Black Sea amphorae, and brings out the similarities and differences in technique and morphology that distinguished one workshop from another. Research on this corpus has also offered an opportunity to consider questions inherent to amphora studies, such as what commercial goods they contained; how vessel shapes related to the regional resources for which they were designed; standardized volumes; and the use of amphoras in paying the annona.
V&R unipress GmbH Formen der Erinnerung.: Sanary-sur-Mer als Ort des Exils deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller
Stenlake Publishing Les Chemins de Fer de la Baie de Somme: Le Resea des Bains de Mer
Hachette Livre - BNF Le Grand Voyage Du Pays Des Hurons, Situé En l'Amérique Vers La Mer Douce, (Éd.1632)
Classiques Garnier Les Defis de la Souverainete Maritime: Navigations Napolitaines En Mer Ottomane (1734-1856)
Le Livre de poche Maigret en mer du Nord: Un crime en Hollande; Le pendu de Saint-Pholien
Klett Sprachen GmbH Le silence de la mer Ce jourl Nouvelles Franzsische Lektre fr das 6 Lernjahr Oberstufe
Verlag Peter Lang Wendepunkte - Tournants: Beitraege Zur Klaus-Mann-Tagung Aus Anlass Seines 100. Geburtstages, Sanary-Sur-Mer 2006