Search results for ""Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd""
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Lydia
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Mokgomana
When John Kgoana Nkadimeng travelled from Sekhukhuneland to the Witwatersrand in 1944, he was one of thousands of migrants seeking work in town.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Kantiga Finds the Perfect Name English
Kantiga Finds the Perfect Name is a beautiful tale, infused with some magic that reimagines a popular African folklore for the modern child. There was once a beautiful little girl with a heart as big as her name, Kantiga.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd On That Wave of Gulls
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The leadership navigator: Governance without fear
The Universal Life Cycle (ULC)—the process whereby leaders can identify levels of consciousness and help find harmony and balance, both as individuals and within a corporate or societal setting—is explained in this book. Taking a psychological view, William de Liefde's theory accounts for different types of personalities, and how best to get those personalities to be productive in an organization. Demonstrating how the ULC can assist companies by giving valuable insights into the ability of members of the collective to work together, this account shows how compassion and forgiveness amongst leaders invariably brings both financial success and wisdom.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Revolutionaries House
Storyteller-in-chief, Nthikeng Mohlele, spins another glorious tale: a former high-flying politician who now sleeps under a bridge in Johannesburg's city centre and washes dishes to survive.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd In Whose Place
Since independence, African countries have been confronted with the relics of colonial powers and, in southern Africa, white minority regimes.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Maye Maye
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Shudu Finds Her Magic IsiXhosa
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd 10 Curious Inventors Healers Creators IsiXhosa
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd 10 Inspiring Singers Writers Artists Afrikaans
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Forgotten Scientist Afrikaans
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd I Have Brown Skin and Curly Hair IsiXhosa
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Hadeda la land: A new Madam and Eve collection
This year we are in for a treat: After 25 years, Madam & Eve is still going strong and are back with more hilarious cartoons looking back at another year of the crazy rollercoaster that is daily life and politics in South Africa. Madam & Eve cartoons appear regularly in the Mail & Guardian, The Star, The Saturday Star, Herald, Mercury, Witness, Daily Dispatch, Cape Times, Pretoria News, Diamond Fields Advertiser, Die Volksblad, EC Today, Kokstad Advertiser and The Namibian.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd These are the things that sit with us
This book makes visible undocumented everyday experiences that shaped the lives of ordinary South Africans during the country's brutal and painful past. It is a record of things that "sit" within all of us. By sharing their memories, the storytellers map the scope of the wider, and difficult, conversation about the meaning of justice and the missing parts of the discourse of reconciliation in South Africa. It creates a space for a conversation about South Africa's history and what it means to talk to and to hear the other within the context of this history. In publishing each story in Xhosa, Afrikaans and English, we hope that the book will stimulate conversation among South Africans across languages. We hope that it will enable South Africans to connect with one another in a manner that seeks mutual understanding about the complicated aspects of our shared history and its continuing impact on the lives of individuals and communities. It is for this reason that we have compiled the collection of stories in this book. Stories - people narrating their memories of life under apartheid - can help introduce an alternative understanding of the painful aspects of their traumatic pasts. Twenty years after the TRC, this book is testament to our understanding that justice and reconciliation is not merely an event or a legal process but an on-going process that requires people to talk publicly about the effects of colonialism and apartheid on South Africans, and the need to listen to one another's stories. The book gives publicity to undocumented everyday experiences that shaped the lives of ordinary South Africans during this country's brutal and painful past. As such, it is an effort to depict a conversation about the meaning of transformation. We hope that by sharing their memories in this book, the storytellers will contribute towards a deeper understanding of the suffering that underpins this country and shapes our contemporary dispensation.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Rights to land: A guide to tenure upgrading and restitution in South Africa
The issue of land rights is an ongoing and complex topic of debate for South Africans. Rights to Land comes at a time when land redistribution by the government is underway. This book seeks to understand the issues around land rights and distribution of land in South Africa, and proposes that new policies and processes should be developed and adopted. It further provides an analysis of what went so wrong, and warns that a new phase of restitution may ignite conflicting ethnic claims and facilitate elite capture of land and rural resources. Rights to Land is published in partnership with Good Governance Africa (GGA).
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd This is how it is: True stories from South Africa
This Is How It Is is a ""refreshing, poignant and wide-ranging"" (Helen Moffett) collection of real life experiences: 52 stories, prose, and poetry. Some of the writers are grieving the loss of a child or struggling with addiction, abuse, or betrayal. Most of these writers have never been published before. They wrote these stories primarily to bear witness to their lives and the troubled times in which we live. Our world is in trouble; we are not paying attention to what is right in front of us. When the facts don't stir us to reconsider, story can. This anthology encourages us to climb down from the ladder of hierarchy and competition and to join the circle of relationship and humanity by becoming vulnerable enough to share and listen to each other's half-hidden stories.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The politics of transitional justice in the Great Lakes region of Africa
This book discusses the challenge of pursuing justice and reconciliation in the Great Lakes region, one of the most politically volatile regions in Africa, with a specific focus on Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The experiences of these countries is assessed through the prism of 'the politics of transitional justice', and how it has either assisted or hampered the effectiveness of efforts to deal with the atrocities of the past. The book suggests that the failure of past interventions is due to the inability to collectively engage the violations in the individual countries which in effect form part of an inter-state regional conflict system.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Bollywood blonde
Bubbly fine arts graduate Gené is desperate to get into the film industry. She moves to Cape Town and works as a photographer for a tabloid magazine. Gené starts moonlighting on film sets and finds herself on an Indian paint commercial where a big Bollywood producer offers her a six-month stint in his company in Mumbai. Unable to resist the lure and glamour of working in film and traveling the world business class, she leaps at the opportunity and soon finds herself on a plane headed for India. But there is no free curry in Mumbai. On arrival she realizes she is expected to sleep with the producer, and slips into an uneasy, culturally challenging role as his new firangi girlfriend. The producer soon insists on transforming Gené into a size-6 blonde who he can show off on the red carpet. He puts her on a grueling diet and stringent exercise regime. Once a teenage anorexic, this pushes all her deepest buttons of insecurity around her fraught body issues. Even though he is twice her age, overweight, and often rude, she becomes obsessed with him, and is soon convinced that he is cheating on her. She goes on an all-out mission to make him love her. When it becomes clear the producer no longer wants her, she manipulates her way into turning her six-month work stint into a six-year epic stay. In her first year there, she works on 96 commercials and gets drawn into the rich cultural textures of India, experiencing India in a way rarely written about. With access to the who's who in Bollywood, she rubs shoulders with India's most famous glitterati, including the great Bly Avibath, India's most famous actor. Gené also becomes close to Bollywood's top director, Kiran, and they dream about making the film of her life, together. After a traumatic night with the producer in a London hotel, she realizes it's time to leave India and come home. Although she continues to return to Bollywood over the next few years to do films with her hero Bly Avibath, who insists that she work with him, the producer now has little hold over her. On the last film that Gené does with Bly she tells him about her dream to tell her story. He surprises her by buying her a MacBook Pro, which she ends up using to write this book.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd In love and intimate
In In Love & Intimate, Jerry Mofokeng-wa Makhetha takes you into his marriage and shows you how he and his wife have dealt with issues in their marriage as well as how to have a long successful relationship. It is a manual of how you transition from a young newly wedded couple to a couple that has grown, studied, worked, and ministered together. It further explores how couples work and exist independently of each other but can also form also a perfect team. Jerry and his wife have spoken on and facilitated workshops and seminars on love, courtship, and marriage from as early as the 1980s.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Breaking the silence sisterhood
An anthology of poems, short stories, and personal essays, this collection embodies the meaning of sisterhood: relationships in which girls and women give and receive friendship, love, and support. Embracing this theme, the contributors of this compilation define what sisterhood means for them through the voices found in these pieces. Inspiring and heartfelt, this book presents cathartic, moving personal accounts of abuse through creative writing.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd African Women’s protocol
This article discusses the development and agreement of the African Women's Protocol, adopted by African Heads of State in 2003. The authors consider the experience of Oxfam GB in supporting the development and ratification of the Protocol. They make particular reference to the southern African countries of Mozambique, South Africa, and Zambia
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Human sexuality in Africa: Beyond reproduction
It can generally be assumed that there are two reasons for people to have sex - to have children and to have fun. This title looks at the fun aspects. In Africa, a lot is known about the sexual and reproductive health aspects of sexulity through large-scale surveys, including the World Fertlity surveys and demographic and health surveys. Furthermore, anthropologists have largely documented the exotic rites de passage and marriage in traditional societies while popular media has, in recent years, made signigifcant inroads in breaking the silence surrounding sexuality. Yet, mcuh remains to be discovered regarding the positive and non-heterosexual expressions of sexuality in Africa. The papers presented in this title are charaterised by a wide-ranging view and tone that is often speculative and best viewed as a provocative introduction to an important field of enquiry, rather han as a state-of-the-art assessment of sexuality in Africa. It is hoped that the chapters will stimulate further thought and research, especially since most make no pretence of offering the final word on the topics they discuss.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Kitchen casualties
A title by a South African artist that deals with the ties that bind and divide families. Kitchen casualties traces the lives of four generations of women, and the effect that a terrible secret has on them, their development and their relationships with one another and their children. The story unfolds as the main character prepares for her daughter's farewell party. The imminent departure to Scothland of her only child, prompts her to bring a legacy of personal abuse to closure. The action takes place during the course of a day, with numerous flashbacks to the past. It is through these flashbacks and memories that the stories unfold against the backdrop of the kitchen - the heart of the home - where the fragrant smells of home-cooked meals often provide a perfect smokescreen for abuse and denial. Kitchen casualties explores the effects of sexual abuse through the generations within a rich tapestry that is framed by the mists and natural beauty of the Cape coastline and coloured with a richness and texture of experience, interwoven with truth and lies, language and fantasy.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Taste Freedom
Neil Roake's love of good food has brought him happy friends and a skewer-full of awards, including Best Barbeque and Outdoor Cookbook in the World at the international Gourmand Awards for Life's A Beach Cottage. Now he's put his money where his mouth is and opened Freedom Cafe at Concierge Boutique Bungalows in Durban. As Glynis Horning writes in the Forward, 'Only a few of us have the energy and sheer bloody nerve to break loose and risk what we have to be fully and freely ourselves.' Neil is one. You can taste the Freedom in these vibrant pages of food from the Cafe - a celebration of his mantra, 'local, fresh, direct.' His recipes and the colourful tales behind them are sensationally illustrated with photographs by Tony Christie, and artwork from his Modern Museum design studio.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Steve Biko
A brief yet lively introduction to antiapartheid activist Steve Biko, this biography argues that Biko was the most important political figure to have emerged in South Africa between Nelson Mandela's arrest in the early 1960s and his release in 1990. Written by some of the leading experts in their fields, this informative and accessible volume demonstrates just how fundamental Biko was to the transformation of South Africa in the second half of the 20th century—and how relevant he remains today. The book covers his life and thought, his influence and his legacy, as well as the impact Biko had on the Black Power movement.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Deeper than colour
Morbid yet gripping, this work tells a tale seldom recounted in the new South Africa: the effects of supporting apartheid on the white population. Exploring the gulf between how we perceive ourselves versus how others view us, this narrative follows Angus Smith, who is gradually revealed to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychotic and unreliable, Angus transitions from a terminally disaffected husband to a perversely inspired engineer of his own fate. A bitter and disturbing but compulsively readable book, it raises unsettling questions about a socially fractured society.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd In the dark with my dress on fire: My life in Cape Town, London, Havana and home again
In the Dark with My Dress on Fire is the remarkable life story of Blanche La Guma, a South African woman who dedicated her life to ending apartheid through her various roles as professional nurse, wife and mother, and underground Communist activist. Born into a poor, working-class coloured family in Cape Town, Blanche met her future husband, the novelist Alex La Guma, while training as a nurse-midwife in the early 1950s. Together they fought apartheid at great personal risk before continuing the struggle in exile in London and Havana, Cuba. Harassed, banned, and imprisoned in solitary confinement for her political convictions, Blanche worked as a nurse-midwife in poor black communities on the Cape Flats. With Alex constantly detained or under house arrest, she was the family's only breadwinner, a role she would continue throughout their life together. When Blanche was not working, visiting her husband in prison, or protecting their two young sons Eugene and Barto from harassment by the security police, she met secretly at night with fellow anti-apartheid Communists. As a young nurse she led the fight against "nursing apartheid" in Cape Town and she provided safe houses for anti-apartheid leaders such as Walter Sisulu and Govan Mbeki. Forced into exile with her family in 1966, Blanche continued her struggle for justice in London, advocating for better maternal care in a large urban hospital and managing a Soviet Union publications office. When Alex was called to Havana, Cuba, in 1978 as chief representative of the African National Congress (ANC) in the Caribbean, she joined him as a full partner, which included their mentoring of ANC students sent to Cuba after the 1976 Soweto Uprising. Her story provides a rare first-hand account of life as a South African in Fidel Castro's Cuba until Alex's death by heart attack in 1985. Told vividly, passionately, and at times humorously, In the Dark with My Dress on Fire is a compelling account of Blanche La Guma's struggle against apartheid on three continents. It's the story of a courageous woman who paid dearly for her commitments yet returned with dignity to a free and democratic South Africa.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Au Pair
Falling madly in love, even when you know that by loving you risk all you could happen to anyone. The Au Pair bravely goes where no other book has gone, and tells the story which so many women have experienced, with complete honesty. There is no other lesbian account that addresses the issues faced in the title as directly, and as openly. Furthermore, it is a tale that everyone who has encountered similar circumstances will be able to identify with, and benefit from. Whether it is a mother, whose daughter reveals herself to be gay, or a young woman, trying to come to terms with her sexuality. The Au Pair is a true story of a British wife and mother of three whose life is turned upside down when she meets and falls in love with her pretty and much younger Afrikaans au pair. In essence this is an unconventional love story, a candid memoir of how two women found each other at an inopportune time of their lives. How they overcame and faced reactions of their relationship from their families and friends; and ultimately dealing with their own guilt. Written as it happened, one can feel the urgency and passion woven intricately through the pages of this jaw-dropping and at times humorous memoir.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Insider's Guide
Part tourist guide, part monograph, this book journeys through South Africa’s amazing wildlife reserves. Indicating what types of animals to find and in which provinces to find them, this record not only contains stunning pictures and pertinent, detailed information but also teaches wildlife enthusiasts how to capture South Africa’s beauty on camera. The first of a three part series that will include Namibia and Botswana, it is sure to interest tourists and professional and amateur photographers alike.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Big Dan’s Sofie
An insightful look into South Africa in the 1930s and 1940s, this novel tells an unlikely love story. When Sofie goes to work for Big Dan—a forester whose wife is terminally ill—she takes care of his neglected children and gains an education while helping them with their homework. After the lady of the house passes away, Big Dan finds himself increasingly drawn to Sofie and her tender yet straightforward ways. Eventually, the two fall in love and marry. Despite her simple background, Sofie manages to draw a deeply complicated family together with wisdom and understanding beyond her upbringing. As Sophie tackles the prejudices of her fellow villagers with veracity and brutal honesty, this tale demonstrates that grace and wisdom are the products of character and not social standing.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Nosipho comes to stay
Thandi's parents have died of AIDS, and she must go to live with her Gogo. Memories of her family are woven throughout the making of a special doll - a doll made from a few oddly shaped rags, but who shows Thandi how to find comfort and hope.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Long Trousers
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Transplant men
An investigation within an investigation, this richly imagined tale follows an organ recipient, Guy Hawthorne, and the person who performed his heart transplant. The mystery opens with an unexplained violent death and a video tape left with the body, leading to a story of modern medicine and the psychological twists that lie at the heart of celebrity and obsession. Infused with the halfway modern spirit of South Africa in the 1960s, this poetic and haunting thriller captures the tensions of the times, weaving together fiction and fact in a gripping storyline.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd An eloquent picture gallery: The South African portrait photographs of Gustav Theodor Fritsch, 1863-1865
In the early 1860s, Gustav Fritsch, a 25-year-old German medical doctor and anthropologist, travelled through southern Africa on a scientific expedition to study the 'native races', making great use of the new medium of photography. Fritsch's portraits of southern African people are extraordinary images, bringing to life a whole gallery of both known and unknown figures with astonishing veracity. Retrieved from archives in Germany and reproduced here in their entirety for the first time, these photographs can now be reclaimed as part of our common cultural heritage. They are accompanied by several essays that describe Fritsch's journey and scientific project and set them in the context of his racial theories and life's work.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Zumanomics: Which way to shared prosperity in South Africa? Challenge for new government
Outlining key social and economic realities that confront South Africa's new government, this collection of 11 essays by top economic and political analysts debates the problems facing newly elected socialist-leaning president Jacob Zuma. Politically, the widespread world recession has South Africans on both the left and the right calling for change in the economy, and these articles offer 70 key recommendations for bolstering the country's business climate. Controversial issues include interest rates, labor markets, the breakaway COPE party, and how far to the Left a Zuma government can swing, given the economic constraints on their options.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Counting sleeping beauties
A fictional account of a Jewish family’s journey from Nazi Germany to post–World War II South Africa, this breathtaking novel follows their everyday struggles living in Johannesburg in the 1950s. Through the voices of Hannah, the daughter of the house, her mother Susan, grandmother Leah, and domestic worker Sina, the story explores the cultural and generational parallels and differences and the unraveling of a family. The stories of Leah in the shtetl in Lithuania, Sina in her village outside Pietersburg, and Hannah in a quiet Johannesburg suburb are told in a compassionate narrative that is both disturbing and illuminating.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The long trousers
In this new story, we find Gaps in the midst of frantic, colourful wedding preparations. His big sister is about to get married. Now Gaps faces another problem: Father Nguni Bull has given him a brand new pair of trousers to wear to the wedding, but they are much too long! Gaps asks every cow in his family to shorten the trousers, but they are all too busy preparing for the wedding. Gaps gives up and goes to bed, leaving his trousers lying in the kitchen. Very early the next morning, as the cows enter the kitchen, they see the neglected trousers...and each in turn shortens them, with hilarious results. But Gaps comes out tops yet again!
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd What are you doing?
The Little Explorers series takes children on a journey to teach them more about the world around them. Each title is beautifully illustrated and easy for children to read themselves. Approved by the National Department of Education as a Foundation Phase reader for Grades 1, 2 and 3. Shapes are Everywhere shows children how to find different shapes in the beautiful world around us. What are You Doing? introduces children to the many different ways that children can find the written word. Stop, Look and Listen shows children essential elements of road safety while dodging wild animals in a national park. It's Time! takes us through all the things that happen in a normal day. Oh No! is the story of poor Dangoes, who has many things to do but falls ill and can't do them. She gets better, but then it starts to rain! Lele Dreams takes the reader on a fantastical journey to the clouds and the sea.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Take two veg and call me in the morning
A collection of recent cartoons, these scathing and hilarious depictions document 2007 as an eventful year of political folly in South Africa. With a special eye for the ridiculous, this commentary provides opportunity to laugh at the often bizarre antics of political figures, and the sharp, unique wit makes for both an entertaining and intellectually stimulating read.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Meanwhile don’t push and squeeze
Meanwhile don't push and squeeze is an account of the year that writer spent teaching at a university in Hangzhou, China. Filled with puzzlement and discovery, it is enriched by the writings of Berold's enthusiastic students and those of his articulate companion. Berold's passion for literature soon takes him well beyond limits of his contract as a 'foreign expert'. This is a wide-ranging and at times very funny title, filled with fresh, startling images of 21st Century China. Robert Berold spent a year teaching creative writing in China, and this is his poetic and delightful record of that year.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Postcards from Soweto
A series of lively, colourful stories from South Africa's most famous township - snapshots of life and the characters that inhabit the area.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Call on the wind
Call on the Wind tells the story of Isaak and Liesa, young people growing up in a small Griqua fishing village on the Tsitsikamma coast. Isaak and Liesa struggle with their life choices and their love for one another. Does Isaak leave the villiage and become a musician, or does he feel too responsible for the livelihood of the village? Can Liesa acknowledge her true feelings for Isaak? The backdrop to their story is that of the fate of their community, and their struggle for survival. Together with its historical truth, the characters of the community and the flavour of their interactions, this novel carries an authentic and uniquely South African ring to it. David Donald has woven an exciting story of tragedy and bravery, of action and poignancy, and ultimately one of a strong spirit of resilience. David Donald is an Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology of the University of Cape Town.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Art and Revolution: The Life and Death of Thami Mnyele
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Dialogue of the deaf: Essays on Africa and the United Nations
As part of the ongoing and necessary effort to create a UN that is truly representative of all its members, this title attempts to present the African perspective far more clearly and persuasively than has previously been the case. The argument in the title can be summed up in this excerpt: "Africa and the West have engaged in a "dialogue of the deaf " at the UN and other international forums since the continent's "lost decade" of the 1980s. The dialogue runs as follows: Africans call for an annulment of what they see as an unpayable external debt of $290 billion and note that they have paid back $550 billion out of an initial debt of $540 billion between 1970 and 2002; the West continues to roll over the debt and offers periodic "debt relief" for an ailing African patient. Africans call for the West to meet aid targets of 0.7 per cent of Gross National Product (GNP) set as far back as 1970; the West responds by continuing to maintain average annual aid levels of about 0.3 per cent and to make persistent unmet promises to reach the target of 0.7 per cent. Finally, Africans call on the rich world to live up to its free trade principles by eliminating agricultural subsidies that prevent the continent from growing out of poverty; the West continues to maintain subsidies of over $311 billion that by 2001 had surpassed the entire economic strength of sub-Saharan Africa." This title is a contribution to African efforts to engage the UN to achieve these noble goals.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd A patented world?: Privatisation of life and knowledge
Individuals and corporations increasingly own our world. New property rights now enable the private possession of life and ideas, driven by the profit motive. Genetically engineered crops, patented computer programmes, harvesting of human cells, and the exploitation of biodiversity, molecules and atoms for private profit are just some of the issues examined in this title, making it an essential read for anybody who has wondered, "What does this mean for me?" This collection of essays analyses this steady erosion of our human rights and destiny. Among the many examples illustrated in A patented world? are - An American company owns the patents on two breast cancer genes and for the next 20 years it can exclude any, but its own researchers, from testing or using the genes in search of a genetic cure for breast cancer. The company can set whatever price it chooses for the exclusive right to test for the presence of these genes. The present price of sending a tissue sample to its laboratory is US$2760. Another is the case of a Mr Moore in America who went to court to secure the property right to cells from his own spleen. He lost the case and doctors created a billion-dollar cell line from his "naturally occurring raw material".
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The new Suffolk hymnbook
A professor contemplates the ruin of his life while delivering a passionate final lecture; a city girl suffers an unaccountably cruel twist of fate in a stranger's apartment; a rising executive flies blindly toward his past; and, darkly fleeting, a young boy haunts the lives of all who cross his path. In The new Suffolk hymnbook, it is the district of Suffolk that binds them together.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Ngorongoro visitor map guide
Ngorongoro is, without doubt, one of the world's truly amazing places. It has been called the "8th Wonder of the World", and in 1979 was designated a World Heritage Site. At 20km across, and over 600m deep, it is the largest unbroken, unflooded crater on the planet. Adjacent to the Ngorongoro Crater is the other equally spectacular volcanic scenery such as Embakaai, Olmoti and the frequently erupting Maasai "Mountain of God", Oldonyo Lengai. And yet, despite its dramatic and violent past, Ngorongoro Crater and the surrounding Ngorongoro Conservation Area (the NCA), play host to an incredible concentration of wildlife. But this wildlife extravaganza has also been home to humans for millions of years. At Oldupai Gorge have been found some of the oldest humanoid remains ever discovered. Over thousands of years, different people have come and gone, and today, over 40 000 Maasai and their herds still live and follow their traditional way of life, within the NCA.