Search results for ""Haymarket Books""
Haymarket Books Caged
This poignant play, written by current and formerly incarcerated authors, uses gripping truths and soulful dialogue to reveal the human cost of America’s for-profit justice system. The story follows Omar, pulled back into the prison system after trying to lift his family out of poverty, who struggles to maintain a sense of humanity while fighting to keep his loved ones close. According to, “From institutionalized racism to addiction to the prison-industrial complex, this is a play about a great many large, pressing social challenges, but at its core it is a play about one family and its struggles to remain united as their world steadily crumbles. Impactful, warm, and unrelenting, this play that began as an experiment turns out to be an excellent examination of the human cost of a harsh and inhospitable world.” For every print copy of Caged purchased from Haymarket Books through June 1, Haymarket will donate a copy of the book to prisoners and their families working with the New Jersey Scholarship and Transformative Education in Prisons Consortium (NJ-STEP). All profits from the book will go to a prison re-entry fund run by The Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, New Jersey to help the playwrights secure housing and continue their schooling upon release.
Haymarket Books All Our Trials
Haymarket Books What Nature Boston Review Forum
Haymarket Books Whose Story Is This?: Old Conflicts, New Chapters
Haymarket Books My Seditious Heart: Collected Nonfiction
Praise for Arundhati Roy:“Arundhati Roy combines her brilliant style as a novelist with her powerful commitment to social justice in producing these eloquent, penetrating essays.” —Howard Zinn“Arundhati Roy is one of the most confident and original thinkers of our time.” —Naomi Klein“The scale of what Roy surveys is staggering. Her pointed indictment is devastating.” —The New York Times Book ReviewBookended by her two award-winning novels, The God of Small Things (1997) and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017), My Seditious Heart collects the work of a two-decade period when Arundhati Roy devoted herself to the political essay as a way of opening up space for justice, rights, and freedoms in an increasingly hostile world. Taken together, the essays speak in a voice of unique spirit, marked by compassion, clarity, and courage. Radical and superbly readable, they speak always in defense of the collective, of the individual and of the land, in the face of the destructive logic of financial, social, religious, military, and governmental elites.Arundhati Roy studied architecture in New Delhi where she now lives. She is the author of the novels The God of Small Things, for which she received the 1997 Booker Prize, and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. She has written several nonfiction books, including Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers, Capitalism: A Ghost Story, Walking with the Comrades, Things That Can and Cannot Be Said (with John Cusack), and The End of Imagination. She is the recipient of the 2002 Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize.
Haymarket Books 1919
NPR Best Books of 2019 Chicago Tribune Best Books of 2019 Chicago Review of Books Best Poetry Book of 2019 O Magazine Best Books by Women of Summer 2019 The Millions Must-Read Poetry of June 2019 LitHub Most Anticipated Reads of Summer 2019 The Chicago Race Riot of 1919, the most intense of the riots comprising the nation’s Red Summer, has shaped the last century but is not widely discussed. In 1919, award-winning poet Eve L. Ewing explores the story of this event—which lasted eight days and resulted in thirty-eight deaths and almost 500 injuries—through poems recounting the stories of everyday people trying to survive and thrive in the city. Ewing uses speculative and Afrofuturist lenses to recast history, and illuminates the thin line between the past and the present.
Haymarket Books Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism
Haymarket Books Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers
Haymarket Books The Breakbeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop
Just as blues influenced the Harlem Renaissance and jazz influenced the Black Arts Movement, hip-hop's musical and cultural force has shaped the aesthetics of and given rise to a new generation of American poets. Edited by poets Kevin Coval, Nate Marshall, and Quraysh Ali Lansana, The Breakbeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop is the first anthology of poetry from the hip-hop generation. The Breakbeat Poets are multigenerational and multiracial, employing traditional and wild style poetics to narrate a new landscape.
Haymarket Books Abolition
A major collection of essays and speeches from pioneering freedom fighter Angela Y. DavisFor over fifty years, Angela Y. Davis has been at the forefront of collective movements for abolition and feminism and the fight against state violence and oppression. Abolition: Politics, Practices, Promises, the first of two important new volumes, brings together an essential collection of Davis’s writing over the years, showing how her thinking has sharpened and evolved even as she has remained uncompromising in her commitment to collective liberation. In pieces that address the history of abolitionist practice and thought in the United States and globally, the unique contributions of women to abolitionist struggles, and stories and lessons of organizing inside and beyond the prison walls, Davis is always curious, always incisive, and always learning.Rich and rewarding, <
Haymarket Books On Palestine
Haymarket Books Marxist Archaeology Today
Haymarket Books State Capitalism and Development in East Asia Since 1945
Haymarket Books Abolish Rent
Abolish Rent takes aim at one of the foremost engines of inequality and injustice.Rent drives millions into debt, despair, and onto the streets. The social cost of rent is too damn high. Written for anyone fed up with the permanent housing crisis, complicit politicians, and real estate greed, Abolish Rent dissects our housing system from the perspective of those it immiserates. Through brisk, unequivocating analysis and striking stories of resistance, it shows us how tenants can, through organizing and collective action, finally rebalance the scales.From two co-founders of the largest tenants'' union in the country, this deeply reported account of the resurgent tenant movement centers poor and working-class people who are fighting back, staying put, and remaking the city in the process. Authors Tracy Rosenthal and Leonardo Vilchis take us to trilingual strategy meetings, rauc
Haymarket Books The Battle For Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists
In the rubble of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Ricans and ultrarich 'Puertopians' are locked in a pitched struggle over how to remake the island. In this vital and startling investigation, bestselling author and activist Naomi Klein uncovers how the forces of shock politics and disaster capitalism seek to undermine the nation's radical, resilient vision for a 'just recovery.' All royalties from the sale of this book in English and Spanish go directly to JunteGente, a gathering of Puerto Rican organisations resisting disaster capitalism and advancing a fair and healthy recovery for their island.
Haymarket Books Visualizing Palestine
Haymarket Books Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love
Haymarket Books Defund
Haymarket Books Breaking The Sound Barrier
The award-winning host of the daily international current affairs programme Democracy Now! Breaks through the media's lies, sound-bites and silence in this wide-ranging new collection of articles. In a lively and accessible selection of texts, the voices often excluded from the mainstream are given a powerful platform - from courageous American soldiers who oppose the war to victims of police violence. Amy Goodman proves to the powerful that independent journalism can and should take part in the struggle for a just, better world.
Haymarket Books The Communist Manifesto
The definitive introduction to history’s most influential and controversial political document, updated for a new generation of readers.Since it was first written in 1848, The Communist Manifesto has been translated into more languages than any other modern text. All across the world—in countless places and idioms—it has been debated, shared, brandished, invoked, banned, burned, and even declared “dead.” But in an era of escalating political, economic, health, and environmental crises, Marx and Engels’ fierce indictment of capitalism is more relevant than ever, and their Manifesto remains required reading from the classroom to the picket line.Scholar Phil Gasper draws on his decades of teaching and organizing experience to produce a beautifully organized edition of the Manifesto that brings the text to life. By fully annotating the Man
Haymarket Books Environmentalism from Below: How Global People's Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our Planet
A global account of the grassroots environmental movements on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Environmentalism from Below takes readers inside the popular struggles for environmental liberation in the Global South. These communities—among the most vulnerable to but also least responsible for the climate crisis—have long been at the forefront of the fight to protect imperiled worlds. Today, as the world’s forests burn and our oceans acidify, grassroots movements are tenaciously defending the environmental commons and forging just and sustainable ways of living on Earth. Scholar and activist Ashley Dawson constructs a gripping narrative of these movements of climate insurgents, from international solidarity organizations like La Via Campesina and Shack Dwellers International to local struggles in South Africa, Colombia, India, Nigeria, and beyond. Taking up the four critical challenges we face in a warming world—food, urban sustainability, energy transition, and conservation—Dawson shows how the unruly power of environmentalism from below is charting an alternative path forward, from challenging industrial agriculture through fights for food sovereignty and agroecology to resisting extractivism using mass nonviolent protest and sabotage. An urgent, essential intervention, Environmentalism from Below offers a hopeful alternative to the gridlock of UN-based climate negotiations and the narrow nationalism of some Green New Deal efforts. As Dawson reminds us, the fight against ecocide is already being waged worldwide. Building on longstanding traditions of anticolonial struggle, environmentalism from below is a model for a people’s movement for climate justice—one that demands solidarity.
Haymarket Books Por Siempre
A visual and verbal narrative of the grit and gentleness in Southwestern Latinx communities through photography by Antonio Salazar and poetry by José Olivarez, author of Citizen Illegal.Guns, tattoos, pit bulls, and cars appear alongside a tender aubade, a couple holding hands, a baby bathing in a kitchen sink; landscapes and skylines in Phoenix and Los Angeles show palm trees and messy garages; long white socks and acrylic nails of younger generations meet the smiles and traditions of elders. In a society that would rather disappear or ignore its own grittier dimensions, Salazar’s work is both a refusal to be silenced and a love letter to the communities that sing, dance, live, and love, in their own beautiful and dangerous ways.Alongside Salazar’s powerful visual narrative, a series of poetry by José Olivarez appears throughout the book. Each poem “speaks” in its own way—to, of, with, and beyond the subjects of Salazar’s photos—with humor, honesty, and compassion. These artists together in Por Siempre are a force: expanding and lifting each other’s best parts, as those in sincere and caring communities often do.
Haymarket Books On Shedding an Obsolete Past: Bidding Farewell to the American Century
On Shedding an Obsolete Past provides a much-needed and comprehensive critique of recent US national security policies in both the Trump and Biden administrations. These policy decisions have produced a series of costly disappointments and outright failures that have destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands around the world and cost US taxpayers astronomical sums of money. Bacevich provides urgent and critical insights into how these failures occurred and what needs to be done to prevent similar failures in the future. He reminds us that, by understanding the past, we can alter our current trajectory and transform the world for the better.
Haymarket Books Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease
Employment and production in the Appalachian coal industry have plummeted over recent decades. But the lethal black lung disease, once thought to be near-eliminated, affects miners at rates never before recorded.Digging Our Own Graves sets this epidemic in the context of the brutal assault, begun in the 1980s and continued since, on the United Mine Workers of America and the collective power of rank-and-file coal miners in the heart of the Appalachian coalfields. This destruction of militancy and working class power reveals the unacknowledged social and political roots of a health crisis that is still barely acknowledged by the state and coal industry.Barbara Ellen Smith 's essential study, now with an updated introduction and conclusion, charts the struggles of miners and their families from the birth of the Black Lung Movement in 1968 to the present-day importance of demands for environmental justice through proposals like the Green New Deal. Through extensive interviews with participants and her own experiences as an activist, the author provides a vivid portrait of communities struggling for survival against the corporate extraction of labor, mineral wealth, and the very breath of those it sends to dig their own graves.
Haymarket Books Black Power Afterlives: The Enduring Significance of the Black Panther Party
The first book to comprehensively examine how the Black Panther Party has directly shaped the practices and ideas that have animated grassroots activism in the decades since its decline, Black Power Afterlives represents a major scholarly achievement as well as an important resource for today's activists. Through its focus on the enduring impact of the Black Panther Party, this volume expands the historiography of Black Power studies beyond the 1960s-70s and serves as a bridge between studies of the BPP during its organizational existence and studies of present-day Black activism, allowing today's readers and organizers to situate themselves in a long lineage of liberation movements.
Haymarket Books Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism
Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism chronicles the rise of a new vocabulary in the twenty-first century. From Silicon Valley to the White House, from kindergarten to college, and from the factory floor to the church pulpit, we are all called to be innovators and entrepreneurs, to be curators of an ever-expanding roster of competencies, and to become resilient and flexible in the face of the insults and injuries we confront at work. In the midst of increasing inequality, these keywords teach us to thrive by applying the lessons of a competitive marketplace to every sphere of life. What’s more, by celebrating the values of grit, creativity, and passion at school and at work, they assure us that economic success is nothing less than a moral virtue. Organized alphabetically as a lexicon, Keywords explores the history and common usage of major terms in the everyday language of capitalism. Because the words in this book have successfully infiltrated everyday life in the English-speaking world, their meanings often seem self-evident, even benign. Who could be against empowerment, after all? Keywords uncovers the unexpected histories of words like innovation, which was once synonymous with “false prophecy” before it became the prevailing faith of Silicon Valley. Other words, like best practices and human capital, are relatively new coinages that promise us a kind of freedom within a marketplace extending its reach across the public sector and into our private lives. The new language of capitalism burnishes hierarchy, competition, and exploitation as leadership, collaboration, and sharing, modeling for us the habits of the economically successful person: be visionary, be self-reliant, and never, ever stop working.
Haymarket Books Eyewitnesses To The Russian Revolution
Tells the story of The Russian Revolution with riveting eyewitness accounts. One hundred years ago, workers and peasants in Russia turned the world upside down when they overthrew their Tsar, took over their factories, farms, and schools, and set out to build a new society. In this gripping reader, participants and firsthand observers of the revolution tell the inspiring, heroic, and sometimes tragic story of what happened over the course of 1917. Includes contributions from: Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin, John Reed, Louise Bryans, and others.
Haymarket Books Capitalism's Contradictions: Studies of Economic Thought Before and After Marx
This volume assembles several of the Galician Marxist's most important essays, and serves as an accessible introduction to his project of 'recovering' Marx. Grossman highlights distinctive features of Marx's economic theory through contrasting with his forerunners, from Adam Smith to Jean Charles Sismondi. He moves on to show how many Marxist economists import faulty assumptions from mainstream economics into their analyses, and in the process provides a unique overview of the major debates among Marxists over politics and economics between Marx's death and the rise of Fascism in Germany.
Haymarket Books How Revolutionary Were The Bourgeois Revolutions?
Once of central importance to left historians and activists, recently the concept of the 'bourgeois revolution' has come in for sustained criticism from both Marxists and conservatives. In this abridged edition of How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions?, Neil Davidson expertly distils his theoretical and historical insights about the nature of revolution for general readers. Through research and comprehensive analysis, Davidson demonstrates that what's at stake is far from a stale issue for the history books - understanding struggles of the past offer lessons for today's radicals.
Haymarket Books Left Americana
From the Marxist-tinged anarchism of the Haymarket martyrs to the Occupy Wall Street movement, these essays give a vibrant sense of the central role of the Left in social movements and struggles of the past and present, and highlights some of the amazing individuals, whose unstoppable energies generated remarkable transformations. Left Americana considers both the limitations and successes of Christian socialists, Communists, Maoists, Trotskyists and the 'New Left' activists of the '60s and '70s in creating profound social and political change.
Haymarket Books Trotsky's Challenge: The 'Literary Discussion' of 1924 and the Fight for the Bolshevik Revolution
Trotsky's analysis in Lessons of October ran counter to the efforts of the Bolshevik leaders to depict October as a foundational event in which the Bolshevik Party, and its clear-sighted leader Lenin, played the major role in bringing about the revolution in Russia.
Haymarket Books Repair: Redeeming the Promise of Abolition
Katherine Franke makes a powerful case for reparations for Black Americans by amplifying the stories of formerly enslaved people and calling for repair of the damage caused by the legacy of American slavery. Repair invites readers to explore the historical context for reparations, offering a detailed account of the circumstances that surrounded the emancipation of enslaved Black people in two unique contexts, the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Davis Bend, Mississippi, Jefferson Davis’s former plantation. Through these two critical historical examples, Franke unpacks intergenerational, systemic racism and white privilege at the heart of American society and argues that reparations for slavery are necessary, overdue and possible. Katherine Franke is one of the nation’s leading scholars writing on law, racial justice, and African American history. Her first book was Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality. She is the Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Columbia University and chair of the board of Trustees of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Haymarket Books Europe In Revolt!
The global recession has had political consequences across the world, but nowhere greater than in the periphery of Europe. In response, a massive wave of resistance has erupted across the continent. Europe in Revolt! examines the key parties and figures behind this insurgency, with insider coverage of both the roots of the social crisis and the radicals seeking to reverse it.
Haymarket Books Russia: From Worker's State To State Capitalism
In the Russian revolution of 1917, workers took control of a major country for the first time in history. To millions throughout the world, the Russian workers' state offered new hope. People everywhere turned from the grim alternatives of a declining capitalism - unemployment, poverty, the threat of new wars - to place their hopes in the government that the soviets, councils of working people, put into power in Russia. And for a short time, their hopes were realized. Never before had such sweeping changes in society been carried out in so short a time.
Haymarket Books Karl Marx: Historical Materialism, Volume 85
The re-publication of Karl Korsch's Karl Marx (originally published in 1938) makes available to a new generation of readers the most concise account of Karl Marx's thought by one of the major figures of 20th-century Western Marxism. It brings Marx's work to life for non-specialist readers. As Michael Buckmiller writes in his new introduction to the work, Korsch wanted his book to serve as a passport into the non-dogmatic sections of the American labour movement. The result is a bracing, concise and accessible overview of the entirety of Marx's thought, and a pungent history of Marxism.
Haymarket Books We Cannot Escape History: Nations, States and Revolutions
These essays focus on the two great themes of nation and revolution, and the third which links them: the state. Ranging from the extent to which nationalism can be a component of left-wing politics to the difference between bourgeois and socialist revolutions, the book concludes with an extended discussion of the different meanings history has for conservatives, radicals and Marxists.
Haymarket Books Mandate Of Heaven: Marx and Mao in Modern China
This updated edition of Mandate of Heaven - with a new introduction by the author - discusses China's transformation from a poor country devastated by war into a major world power. How did this change come about? What are the real living conditions of the peasants and the workers? MANDATE OF HEAVEN seeks to answer these questions and more.
Haymarket Books Gramsci And Languages: Unification, Diversity, Hegemony: Historical Materialism, Volume 59
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) is one of the most-translated Italian authors of all time. After WWII, his thought became influential and remained relevant for decades. Today it is generally agreed that his Marxism has highly original and personal features, as confirmed by the fact that his international influence has continued to grow since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gramsci and Language offers an explanation of this originality and traces the origins of certain features of Gramsci's political thought by looking at his interest in language.
Haymarket Books Economic Nationalism And Globalization: Lessons From Latin America And Central Europe: Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 48
Henryk Szlajfer offers, against the background of developments in Latin America (mainly Brazil) and Central Europe (mainly Poland) in times of first globalisation from late 19th century until late 1930s, a reinterpretation of economic nationalism both as an analytical category and historical experience. Critically explored are attempts at proto-economic nationalism in early 19th century Poland and Latin America.
Haymarket Books Red Sky in the Morning
Haymarket Books El Argumento Por Socialismo: Spanish Language Edition
Global capitalism is in its worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unemployment is growing. America's imperial wars rage on. In this brilliant polemic, translated to Spanish, Alan Maass argues that the alternative is a democratically planned economy based on workers' control.
Haymarket Books The American Way Of War: How the Empire Brought Itself to Ruin
The creator of the indispensable website dissects the US urge to dominate the world. Since 2001, he has written regular reports for his popular site providing a badly needed insight into US militarism and its effects both at home and abroad. Engelhardt documents Washington's ongoing commitment to aggressive militarism and reveals damning information about the reliance of the US on their air force. He also exposes how the US empire has deep historical roots that precede the Bush administration and continue into Obama's reign.
Haymarket Books Marx, Critical Theory And Religion: A Critique Of Rational Choice: Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 6
Marxism has tended to ignore religion assuming it is something that would eventually disappear even though it retained theological elements. This collection of essays brings together a group of scholars who use frameworks provided by Marx and Critical Theory in analyzing religion. Its goal is to establish a critical theory of religion within the sociology of religion as an alternative to rational choice.
Haymarket Books Liberal Modernity And Its Adversaries: Freedom, Liberalism And Anti-liberalism In The 21st Century: Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 10
This is a book about modern liberal society and its adversaries. It rediscovers and rehabilitates much maligned liberalism as the ideal system of. It rediscovers liberal modernity as a free, equal and just social system and time, exposing anti-liberal adversaries, especially conservatism, as ideologies and systems most inappropriate with and destructive of civilization. The book rediscovers liberal modernity as the master process and destination of Western civilization, and its adversaries as the ghosts of a dead past.
Haymarket Books Tomorrow's Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa
In Tomorrow's Battlefield, award-winning journalist and best-selling author Nick Turse exposes the shocking true story of the US military's spreading secret wars in Africa. You won't see segments about it on the nightly news or read about it on the front page of American newspapers, but the Pentagon is fighting a new shadow war on Africa, helping to destabalise whole countries and preparing the ground for future blowback. Behind closed doors, U.S. officers now claim that Africa is the battlefield of tomorrow, today.''
Haymarket Books Abolition Feminisms: Organizing, Survival, and Transformative Practice
This groundbreaking double-volume engages the theme of abolition feminisms, a political tradition grounded in radical anti-violence organizing, Black feminist and feminist of color rebellion, survivor knowledge production, strategies devised inside and across prison walls, and a full, fierce refusal of race-gender pathology and punitive control. This analysis disrupts the politics of carceral feminism as conversations about the ramifications of the prison-industrial complex continue.
Haymarket Books The Bourgeois Charm of Karl Marx & the Ideological Irony of American Jurisprudence
The Bourgeois Charm of Karl Marx & the Ideological Irony of American Jurisprudence employs a well-known body of work, Marx's, to explain the inevitable limits of scholarship, in the hope of encouraging academic boldness and diversity, especially within American jurisprudence.While scholarly meaning-making has been addressed in specific academic areas—mostly linguistics and philosophy—it has never been addressed in a triangular relationship between the text and its instigator, as well as its subsequent interpellator. Furthermore, while addressed as a result of difference, it has never been addressed for today's liberal theory, which includes liberal jurisprudence, through the mirror of Marxist difference.Scholarship is the unique product of the instigator's private and public subjectivity, as all theory is aimed to be communicated and used by the scholarly community and beyond. Understanding its public life, textual instigators aim to control its meaning employing various research methods to observe reality and then to convey their narrative, or 'philosophy'. But meaning is not fixed; it is negotiated by instigators and those theories interpellate according to their own private and public subjectivity, which covers their ideology. Negotiated meaning is always a surprise to both parties involved, surprise which is at once ironic and ideological.
Haymarket Books Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on the US-Israeli War Against the Palestinians
Israel's Operation Cast Lead thrust the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip into the center of the debate about the Israel/Palestine conflict. In this updated and expanded edition, Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé survey the fallout from Israel's conduct in Gaza, including their latest incursions, and place it in historical context. Noam Chomsky is widely regarded to be one of the foremost critics of US foreign policy in the world. He has published numerous groundbreaking books, articles, and essays on global politics, history, and linguistics. Since 2003 he has written a monthly column for the New York Times syndicate. His recent books include Masters of Mankind and Hopes and Prospects. Haymarket Books recently released updated editions of twelve of his classic books. Ilan Pappé is the bestselling author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: A History of Modern Palestine and The Israel/Palestine Question. Frank Barat is a human rights activist and author. He was the coordinator of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine and is now the president of the Palestine Legal Action Network. His books include Freedom is a Constant Struggle, Gaza in Crisis, Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation, and On Palestine.