Search results for ""Hammersmith Health Books""
Hammersmith Health Books Transforming Trauma: A drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE
Modern medicine's answer to post traumatic stress (PTS or PTSD) and the negative effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) has been pharmaceuticals yet associated mental health problems, including suicide, continue to increase - there has to be a more effective alternative. Dr Herington, a naturopathic doctor with 30 years of experience of working with survivors of traumatic events in Canada and the US, shows how a pharmaceutical-free approach that includes returning the body's biochemistry to balance with natural medicine (lifestyle, nutrition, homeopathy and botanicals) and allowing survivors to tell or reframe their personal story through talking therapies and the creative arts solutions can enable those survivors to regain control of their lives.
Hammersmith Health Books Blind Trust: How Parents with a Sick Child Can Escape the Lies, Hypocrisy and False Promises of Researchers and the Regulatory Authorities
An insider's look into the world of pediatric drug trials: when research outcomes can quite literally represent life or death Many parents of children with serious health problems may wonder why new medicines are initially not approved for minors and, if their condition is rare, why at the same time there is such pressure to enter any young person under 18 into drug trials. So-called 'paediatric' pharmaceutical studies have become an international multi-billion business, with many careers in academia, regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry based on this work, yet much of this activity is founded on a series of flawed concepts that have led to an immeasurable waste of resources and serious, ongoing medical abuse. In this revelatory book, the former head of paediatric drug research at two major pharmaceutical companies provides a guide for parents and non-specialists interested in advancing the health of children--both individuals facing serious disease and groups of children enrolled in testing programs. Rose explains the key differences between clinically-directed and administratively-directed research, what will potentially benefit or harm children, and how laws need to change around the world so that true advances can be made.
Hammersmith Health Books Hope with OCD: A self-help guide to obsessive- compulsive disorder for parents, carers and sufferers
OCD is often trivialized as an issue with cleanliness, but for sufferers and those who live with them and/or care for them, it can be life changing, keeping them the slaves of their anxieties. The most common question asked by parents, partners and friends of OCD sufferers is `What can I do?' Lynn Crilly, based on successful support of her own daughter and other sufferers, finally provides some positive, practical answers. Illustrated with observations and anecdotes from carers and sufferers themselves, Hope with OCD explains the many varieties of OCD, how to spot them, the possible causes and drivers and gives a balanced guide to available treatments - both mainstream and `alternative' - in the context of what has worked in her experience. She gives hope for breaking free to a full, obsession-free life.
Hammersmith Health Books Feeding Your Vegan Child
Whether you are vegan and planning a pregnancy or a health professional needing further information on nutritional guidelines for a vegan infant, this is an essential practical guide. It takes you through all nutritional aspects of pregnancy up to early childhood and on to the teenage years following a purely plant-based diet. You will find practical advice on dietary essentials, menu planning, and recipes together with vegan family stories to highlight the benefits and potential pitfalls of adopting this way of eating. It aims to dispel the common myths surrounding the vegan diet, showing how this can provide all the key nutrients for pregnancy, breastfeeding and, growth and development. It addresses some of the typical concerns: will your child get enough energy? Enough protein? All the essential fatty acids? Enough calcium and vitamin D? As plant-based diets grow in popularity to help the environment as well as personal health, Sandra Hood's long experience of working with vegan families is more relevant than ever.
Hammersmith Health Books COPD: Innovative Breathing Techniques: A natural, stress-free approach to coping with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using the Brice Method
The Brice Method aims to show people with COPD how to recognise and overcome some of the most the common issues that can make breathing so challenging. The Method teaches you: how to listen to your body, and how your posture plays a pivotal role in how you breathe; new breathing techniques that show you how to avoid severe breathlessness, so you can take more natural, relaxed breaths; a series of simple exercises that will help you to open your lungs and mobilise your body; how to coordinate your breathing with movement, and allow your body to remember what should come naturally; how gradually to improve your lung and body fitness and incorporate physical activity back into your life. This book is a `must read’ if you have COPD or care for someone who does.
Hammersmith Health Books When the Time Comes: Stories from the end of life
What do we want for ourselves and our loved ones, 'when the time comes'? Jointly written, collected and curated by a doctor and nurse working in end-of-life care, this collection of personal experiences (of families and healthcare professionals) throws light on social, cultural and individual influences on what is expected but not necessarily wanted and when we need to start asking ourselves and our loved ones - and our patients - about their preferences. In particular, the issue of futile over-treatment getting in the way of peaceful opportunities to be with friends and family and say good-bye arises again and again. Far more universal and pressing than 'the right to die' is the right to have a non-medicalised and not over-extended, good quality end-of-life.
Hammersmith Health Books Rethinking Pain: How to live well despite chronic pain
A practical and empathetic guide to a revolutionary approach to living well with chronic pain, based on the fundamental principles that: all pain experienced is real; wherever the trouble originates in the body, pain is experienced in the brain; all pain is unique to the individual sufferer; the key to overcoming pain is not to strive to be pain-free but to minimise the experience of it. Dr Miranda, based on her medical practice as a pain specialist and on her experience as a pain patient, shows how to do this through a series of clearly explained tools and strategies.
Hammersmith Health Books Hope Through Poetry: Poems for resilience and self-esteem
From her own experience of mental illness and what she has learned from friends and family, and extensive research, Samantha Crilly shares a collection of more than 50 inspirational poems that give an honest and relatable insight into what it means to have a mental illness and what causes and triggers may lie behind it. Some are light-hearted and humorous, others go very deep, but all shed new light and have a positive ending for the reader. If you have a mental health issue, Samantha's insightful poems are there as comforting companions. For families and carers of sufferers, these poems bring fresh understanding of what your loved one is battling. Through Samantha's experience of recovery they also bring acceptance, strength and Hope.
Hammersmith Health Books Lyme Disease - medical myopia and the hidden global pandemic: A guide to navigating the labyrinth of diagnosis and treatment
Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing vector-borne diseases in the world and urban residents in cities with regularly travelling populations should be considered high risk yet there is a little awareness of the issue among either patients or doctors. Based on years of diagnosing and treating this growing problem in NY City, Dr Raxlen, together with `expert patient' Allie Cashel and a team of international contributors, provides a road map for individuals who suspect they have been infected and are lost in the `medical maze' of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, searching for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. By highlighting the difficulties sufferers face, Raxlen et al aim to increase understanding of the Lyme epidemic worldwide and how sufferers can obtain reliable and effective diagnosis and treatment.
Hammersmith Health Books The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out
Resilience is our psychological 'immune system' - without it we cannot meet life's challenges unscathed. Yet negative formative events may leave us vulnerable. Award-winning therapist Sally Baker draws on her extensive experience and case studies from her own practice to show how to move from negativity to self-empowerment
Hammersmith Health Books How to Feel Differently About Food
Sally Baker and Liz Hogon, informed by helping hundreds of clients achieve a sustained healthy approach to eating, have researched and written How To Feel Differently About Food to break the painful cycle of yo-yo dieting and emotional eating. The book cuts a clear path through the conflicting nutritional information that fills the popular media to reveal the best way to eat for improved health and enhanced mood, boost energy without triggering feelings of hunger and stop wildly fluctuating blood-sugar levels that lead to cravings. They explain how to make informed and appetising food choices and how to implement small but empowering new eating habits from breakfast onwards. Learning new ways of thinking and feeling about food will naturally enable readers to approach food differently. These positive changes are designed to be effortlessly integrated into a busy life with minimum planning and preparation, including how to eat for nourishment, become healthier, lose excess weight if appropriate, and boost mood as well as help to combat anxiety and depression.
Hammersmith Health Books The Six Secrets of Successful Weight Loss
Have you ever, unsuccessfully, tried low-calorie dieting? There are very good reasons why it doesn't work, but somehow they remain a secret...After more than 35 years of clinical practice and helping many thousands of patients to live at their ideal weight, Dr John Mansfield shares his unique approach: weight gain is a condition that has specific causes that can be identified and tackled, and which will be individual to YOU. Discover: - why there is no one-size-fits-all diet that works in the long term - how low-calorie and low-fat dieting contributes to weight gain - how refined carbohydrates result in 'hyperinsulinaemia' and weight problems - how gut yeasts make matters worse - how to tell if your thyroid is also part of the problem - most importantly, the significance of individual food sensitivities: how to identify and tackle what is specific to YOU
Hammersmith Health Books The Power of Colors, 2nd Edition: Discover the Path to Self-Healing and Personal Transformation Through the Use of Colors
Noah Goldhirsh shares the meaning of colors that surround us and how they affect us physically, psychologically and emotionally, showing how we can use their power to understand our strengths and how to maximize these to realize our full potential. With the help of the Wheel of Colors, drawn from Native American culture, she shows us how to discover which colors are best for us and how to use them to overcome our greatest challenges. For this second edition she has included new illustrations and information in response to reader feedback, including diagnosis based on the reflection of the human body in the palms of the hands.
Hammersmith Health Books Time to Repair: How Yoga Can Restore Body and Mind in 5 Minutes a Day
When recovering from injury, infection or surgery and/or aggressive medical treatments we may need help with healing over and above rest and a good diet. Vicky Fox's expertise in yoga for those with cancer diagnosis has given her practical understanding of how yoga can promote healing in the gentlest yet most fundamental ways but that patients are often held back by perceived lack of time to learn new skills and put them into practice. In this practical, illustrated guide to developing a yoga practice that supports healing, 5 minutes at a time, Vicky shows how to help the body restore balance, optimising the natural potential to repair following adverse events. Yoga is about becoming more flexible physically and psychologically/emotionally. The book builds on findings that it can help with insomnia, anxiety, bone density, inflammation, immunity, strength, balance and overall wellbeing - provided we can find the time, but that need be only 5 minutes a day.
Hammersmith Health Books Living PCOS Free: How to regain your hormonal health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder worldwide, affecting at least 1 in 10 women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB). It is the number one cause of infertility. Alarmingly, 3 in 4 of those with PCOS remain undiagnosed because of the complex nature of the condition. This practical guide will show you how to successfully manage your condition using proven lifestyle approaches alongside western medicine. With over 35 years' of clinical experience, Dr Nitu Bajekal, AKA 'the 'Plant-Based Gynae,' breaks through misinformation, providing clarity and support to help you tackle your symptoms - from irregular periods to acne and anxiety. The book features an easy-to-follow 21-day plan for hormonal health along with plant-based recipes and illuminating case histories.
Hammersmith Health Books The Plant-Based Dietitian's Guide to Fertility: From pre-conception to healthy delivery
A guide to optimising male and female fertility via a whole food plant-based diet and lifestyle interventions, drawing on the growing evidence that animal products and trans fats can have a detrimental impact on fertility and supporting the beneficial effects of plant-based eating. The role of macro- and micro-nutrients, the nutrients and fibre found only in whole plants, and the importance of tackling sleep and stress issues are explained together with guidance on how to harness the latest knowledge. Lisa Simon draws on her personal experience of overcoming fertility issues with a plant-based diet and on her professional work with many clients seeking a healthy and successful pregnancy.
Hammersmith Health Books Understanding BRCA: Living with the breast cancer gene
At the age of 35 and following the death of her mother from ovarian cancer, Clarissa Foster was found to carry a harmful mutation in the BRCA2 gene which drastically increased her risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. She searched for a book that would help her to understand the full extent of what it meant to carry a harmful mutation, the options available to her to lower her risk and, most importantly, how it would feel to undergo risk-reducing surgery. Finding nothing that answered her needs, she set about reading all the available medical literature and liaising with relevant medical professionals to answer her questions. This book is the result of that research and of the decision she took based on it - to have a bilateral mastectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. Within the context of her own painful experience of family cancer and of elective surgery, Clarissa explains what the BRCA mutation is, what it signifies, what the individual's choices are and what the fall out can be in terms of a woman's body image, identity and sexual functioning. In recognition of the book's power to help people with a diagnosed or suspected BRCA mutation, it was Highly Commended in the 2018 BMA Book Awards and Clarissa received the Beryl Bainbridge First-time Author Award in 2019.
Hammersmith Health Books Recovery from Injury, Surgery and Infection
This Pocketbook provides a comprehensive list of the foods richest in the nutrients required for healing - at some time during their lifetime, everyone suffers an injury of some kind and many are not aware that there are numerous natural foods that can help the body heal faster. Some should be consumed internally and some should be used externally, and there are some that can be used both ways. The natural foods detailed here are also important additions when recovering from any illness or infection as they strengthen the immune system
Hammersmith Health Books Love Your Bones: The Essential Guide to Ending Osteoporosis and Building a Healthy Skeleton
Millions of women and increasing numbers of men worldwide are suffering the pain and debility associated with osteoporosis. For the 1 in 3 women over age 65 already affected by the disease, the cost in both financial and personal terms is astronomical. In this thought-provoking book, Max Tuck shows not only how we can prevent bone loss but also how we can rebuild bone density, giving detailed guidance on how to do this, including essential specific exercises. Based on proven science, the latest technological developments, a passion for nutritious food and her long experience as a Health Educator and Veterinary Surgeon, Max's comprehensive action plan will enable you to slash your fracture risk and improve your health, even into advanced age. With an easy to follow and entertaining writing style, she provides new hope and inspiration for a stronger and more vibrant future.
Hammersmith Health Books Air-Purifying Houseplants
In the late '80s, NASA studied houseplants as a way to purify the air in space facilities. They found a range of plants that filter out common volatile organic compounds. In the same way, these plants can help clean the indoor air here on Earth, which is typically far more polluted than outdoor air - and not only can they remove airborne contaminants but some are also nutritious herbs for both medicinal and cooking use. Many also contain volatile oils which can be used to clean both the home and the body without the toxins of conventional products. In Air-purifying Houseplants find out how you can even prevent `sick building syndrome', and how to work with indoor plants to reduce the risk of contracting colds and other viruses, decrease blood pressure, lift the mood, reduce mental fatigue and improve sleep.
Hammersmith Health Books The Essential Carer's Guide to Dementia
"Tell me what to expect at each stage of dementia, and how to deal with it," Mary Jordan's clients frequently ask her. The advice she gives, one-to-one while working for a national dementia charity and in the workshops she runs for carers, forms the basis of this practical guide. In the Essential Carer's Guide to Dementia, Mary explains what you can expect when you receive a diagnosis of one of the many causes of dementia and what you can do to manage life going forward - how you can slow the progress of symptoms and how you can maximise available support. The earlier you start, the better you will be able to cope.
Hammersmith Health Books What You Need to Know About Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Are you constantly exhausted? Does sleep not refresh you? Is your balance not what it was? Do you have tingling or even burning in your fingers and toes? Then your problem may be vitamin B12 deficiency. Your doctor may test you for this but your blood levels look OK so what should you do then? Or you may receive treatment but not feel any better? This book is a guide to the complexities of this deceptively simple problem - how it can be diagnosed, how it can be treated, and how those who have it can cope with the lifelong repercussions. Incorporating the latest research, and the input of the thousands of members of the Pernicious Anaemia Society, this book is both practical and engaging, illustrated with many personal stories that will resonate with sufferers and their friends and families.
Hammersmith Health Books The Power of Animal Messages, 2nd Edition: Discover the Secret Gifts, Significant Insights and Guidance We Receive from the Animals We Meet
A path to self-knowledge through understanding the secret gifts we receive from the animals we encounter Noah Goldhirsh explains the ANIMM method, which adapts traditional Native American practices to the contemporary world as a means of communicating through animals, allowing us to receive messages from the universe and understand important situations in our lives through the animals we meet - some physically, and others virtually. Throughout history, human cultures have had strong connections with animals. The animals communicate with us through their behavior, the sounds they make, their body language, and direct, easily interpreted spiritual messages. The Power of Animal Messages includes 54 animal cards and 150 number cards to cut out that will allow you to discover your personal Totem Animals and connect to your inner strengths. For this second edition, Noah Goldhirsh has included new illustrations and information in response to reader feedback, including animals that are with us regularly and their beneficial effect on our lives.
Hammersmith Health Books Eat Well to Age Well: Recipes for health and happiness
Experienced cookery teacher and writer Beverley Jarvis has put together this book of 75+ delicious recipes to inspire her super-ager peers to eat well, with all the nutrients that are increasingly needed as we get older, and to cook whole foods from scratch quickly and easily so that meals are enjoyable but never a chore. Her guiding principles, developed through her ongoing work with the organisation U3A (university of the third age), are: (mostly) no more than 35 minutes to prepare and cook; use short-cuts provided these don't compromise nutritional quality; physical activity is good but use tips to make cooking less physically demanding; use fresh, health-enhancing ingredients. With most recipes being for two people this is the perfect book for empty-nesters and those who have recently retired. The book is completed with some dinner party recipes which take longer to prepare and cook, but are well worth the wait.
Hammersmith Health Books Conquer Type 2 Diabetes: How a fat, middle-aged man lost 31 kilos and reversed his type 2 diabetes
Type-2 diabetes doesn't have to be a lifelong condition; for many people, especially those who have been recently diagnosed, it's possible to reverse the symptoms of this malignant disease. But how can that be done? In 2017 the author, inspired by results obtained from research done at Newcastle University, UK, decided to try and kick the disease by following a carefully structured, low-carb, whole-food diet and starting a modest exercise regime. Conquer Type 2 Diabetes describes what he did to lose 31 kilos and all his diabetes signs (high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure) and symptoms. It explains how he managed carbs, calories, sugars and weight loss, plus the light exercise regime he adopted to strengthen his chances. In so doing he answers the question so many people have been asking him - what did you do to shed an illness that affects more than 400 million people worldwide and is conventionally regarded as incurable and progressive? The book includes the author's meal and exercise plan and 40 mouth-watering low-carb recipes to ensure eating can remain a pleasure and something to look forward to while reversing type 2.
Hammersmith Health Books Five-A-Day Plus One: The Vitamin B12 Cookbook
Adequate vitamin B12 is essential for physical and mental health yet the NHS estimated in 2018 that one in 10 people over 75 and one in 20 people aged 65 to 74 were deficient. A deficiency may be due to pernicious anaemia (an autoimmune problem), in which case the only recourse is to inject B12 regularly, but it is much more likely to be due to medications (both metformin and omeprazole disrupt B12 metabolism), gastritis (from a poor diet, alcohol etc) or a poorly planned vegan diet, in which case eating more B12 can and will make a difference. Five-a-Day Plus One is a collection of B12-rich, family-friendly recipes that will go a good way to addressing the B12 gap deliciously and affordably, protecting you and your loved ones from anaemia, chronic infection, chronic fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, confusion and even dementia - and much more. (Many of the recipes are relatively traditional, highlighting that our diets have become much poorer in vitamin B12 in recent decades. On-trend contemporary diets are not necessarily the best!)
Hammersmith Health Books One Step Ahead of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is generally regarded as a progressive disease related to aging, ‘wear & tear’ and former injury that can be kept at bay with anti-inflammatories and painkillers but will lead inevitably to disability, surgery and joint replacement. But do not despair! As Professor Sir Sam Everington, London GP and a board member of NHS Clinical Commissioners, says: 'This book is not just about length of life, it is about something much more important - a happy and healthy life, whatever is thrown at you. It is about self-motivation and wellbeing. It should be prescribed on the NHS by all doctors. It can't be, but if you have osteoarthritis or want to live a happier and healthier life, buying this book is the best investment you could make.' Health writer and long-term arthritis sufferer/tamer Frances Ive has been researching and experimenting with ways to live well with osteoarthritis for many years and has developed this new, holistic, practical guide embracing exercise, diet, weight loss, complementary therapies and other strategies that will allow a full and active life. While existing books focus on nutrition/diet alone, or on the dangers of prescription drugs, One Step Ahead of Osteoarthritis looks at a wide range of approaches and how each can contribute to being healthy and pain free.
Hammersmith Health Books Preparing for Birth
As a highly experienced community midwife and teacher, Bridget Sheeran knows that pregnancy should be a time for vital physical and mental preparation. The body and mind do much of this automatically but there are many ways to support this process, and to resist the day-to-day stresses that can hinder it. Through detailed images for colouring-in, Bridget invites pregnant women to allow their natural curiosity to rise up and lead them to discover how they can help themselves through the process of birth. As women relate to their interpretation of the illustrations, this book can powerfully: Allow them in their own time to focus on their needs in pregnancy, birth and becoming a mother; Motivate them to prepare for birth and the responsibility of caring for a newborn; Enable personal well-being through relieving stress via the 'right brain' activity of colouring-in; Motivate women to evaluate their personal resources and find the support structures they will need to do the most important job in the world: give birth and nurture their baby.
Hammersmith Health Books Let Roots be Your Medicine
The roots of plants have been used as medicines and nutritious food for thousands of years. Many have astonishing properties which can heal and remedy most human ailments and diseases without the harmful side-effects of powerful medications. They should be an important part of the daily diet but most are often neglected. This A to Z pocket guide of root vegetables includes their nutritional values and which health issues they can help to treat and prevent.
Hammersmith Health Books Paleo-Ketogenic: The Why and the How: Just what this doctor ordered
Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson's new book brings together all the guidance offered across their many other publications to show why a paleo-ketogenic diet is evolutionarily correct, and therefore the healthiest option, and how it can be practised affordably, easily and sustainably so that chronic 'diseases of civilisation' can be prevented or reversed. Discover how to prevent 'the upper fermenting gut' - the cause of the current epidemic of oesophageal cancer and other digestive problems. Find out how to clear out chronic infections and toxins and what to expect while doing so. Pick and choose from a selection of delicious low-carb whole-food recipes that will provide a high level of nutrients in the right balance. Just do it!
Hammersmith Health Books The Underactive Thyroid: Do it yourself because your doctor won't
Hypothyroidism is one of the commonest yet the worst treated condition in Western medicine. Why? Because today's doctor only treats blood tests, not patients even though they may have all the classic signs and symptoms. Dr Myhill, supported by Craig Robinson, shows us what those signs and symptoms are, all stemming from the metabolism running slow, and what the problems with diagnostic blood tests are that mean they cannot be relied on in isolation. Advocating lifestyle measures, iodine and natural desiccated thyroid where found to be necessary, the authors also show us the consequences of untreated hypothyroidism at every stage of life and why it is so important to take remedying the problem safely into your own hands if your doctor won't give you the diagnosis and treatment you need.
Hammersmith Health Books Yoga for Cancer: The A to Z of C
Specialist yoga teacher Vicky Fox shows how to mitigate the side effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment using yoga ('breath-informed movement'), starting with A for Anxiety and working through to Z for ZZZZZZZZZ (sleep/insomnia) to help anyone diagnosed with any type of cancer cope with the symptoms and the symptoms of treatment. They won't have to read it from cover to cover but can dip into it at will to access information about a specific side effect or symptom relevant to them personally. The book takes readers through breathing exercises (pranayama), physical postures (asana), hand gestures (mudras) and sounds/meditations (mantras) that can support, ease and make life more comfortable.
Hammersmith Health Books Green Mother: Families fit for the future
Say the authors: 'Modern Western life is eroding the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of our children so seriously that the very survival of our species is threatened. More children than ever are fat and fatigued, learning disabled and emotionally damaged and the responsibility lies with us. We are killing with kindness in an attempt to provide a stress-free, safe environment for our most loved. Green Mother is for those who want the best of both worlds - to reap the advantages of modern Western life but recognise and eschew its pitfalls. This book aims to give parents, would-be parents, grandparents, siblings and all members of 'the Tribe' that surround a new baby, the theoretical and intellectual imperatives to tread this difficult path, together with the practical day-to-day realities that must be overcome and the encouragement to do so.'
Hammersmith Health Books The Perrin Technique: How to diagnose and treat CFS/ME and fibromyalgia via the lymphatic drainage of the brain
Are you suffering from CFS/ME and/or fibromyalgia? Are you caring for someone with these conditions? Is someone close to you a sufferer? Almost certainly it will have taken your doctor some time to arrive at the diagnosis of CFS/ME and once there you may have been offered little more than 'graded exercise' and antidepressants to help with the condition. In the interim you may have tried many alternative approaches including changes in diet and lifestyle and a complex cocktail of dietary supplements. These may have helped but if the root cause is poor/blocked lymphatic drainage from the brain and this is left untreated you are unlikely to recover your full health. After many years of careful study and research, supported by recent published articles and coupled with practical hands-on experience, Dr Raymond Perrin has arrived at the firm conclusion that CFS/ME is a structural disorder with definite diagnosable physical signs. He has developed the Perrin Technique to stimulate lymphatic drainage from the brain and spinal cord and restore the health of the sympathetic nervous system - the secret of setting you on the path to recovery. In this second, greatly expanded edition of The Perrin Technique: Fibromyalgia syndrome is also included; Much new scientific evidence to support the theories hypothesised in the first edition; New illustrative case histories; A much more comprehensive guide to the manual treatment of CFS/ME and FMS; A comprehensive glossary; An A-Z of symptoms and how they related to lymphatic drainage problems. The Perrin Technique 2nd edition gives you the chance to take charge of your own structural health with a sound scientific research base to support the fundamental importance of the relationship between the nervous and lymphatic systems.
Hammersmith Health Books The Energy Equation: From the Naked Ape to the Knackered Ape
Energy as a foundation of good health-how we can get it and keep it Whether we are elite athletes, office workers, or students struggling with assignments, we all need energy and can only optimise our performance with optimal energy levels. And if our energy demand exceeds our energy supply we eventually have to stop. In her NHS and then independent medical practice, Dr Myhill has increasingly specialised in helping patients with pathologically low levels of energy. Through this she has learned of the centrality of having sufficient energy to live well and stay healthy, and of balancing energy generation with energy use. In this, her simplest and most readable account of the fundamentals of good health, supported by editor and former patient Craig Robinson, Dr Myhill provides all we need to ensure the energy equation is resolving in our favour.
Hammersmith Health Books The Beginner's Guide to Sanity: a self-help book for people with psychosis
Psychosis is possibly the most feared symptom of mental health disorders, other than suicide, as the sufferer loses touch with reality and can be an extreme danger to themselves and occasionally others. It is particularly associated with schizophrenia, but also manic episodes of bipolar disorder, extreme stress and emotional trauma and substance abuse. Erica Crampton, a former psychosis/schizophrenia patient and now mental health activist and writer, and Stephen Lawrie, Professor of Psychiatry in Edinburgh, UK, have come together to write this practical and positive guide to the tools for recovery to help people with psychosis, or at risk of developing psychosis, and their family and friends, lead a happier, more rewarding life. Written in the style of a travel guide, with lifestyle and wellbeing advice to improve outcomes as well as guidance on conventional treatments, each approach is given a `sanity check' regarding its reliability.
Hammersmith Health Books A User's Manual for the Human Body: How Traditional Chinese Medicine helps the body to heal itself
The User's Manual is a transformative guide to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the 21st century, showing how these differ from those underlying Western medicine, what that means in practice and how we can help our bodies to heal themselves and thereby achieve a longer, healthier life. Books about TCM tend to be thousands of years old, very detailed and without reference to contemporary scientific knowledge. As a former computer engineer, Alex Wu draws parallels between the way a computer functions and the functioning of the human body in order to interpret the key concepts within Chinese medicine so that they become significantly easier to understand for today's readers. As he explains, Chinese medicine provides a dramatically different point of view to that of Western medicine, in particular its foundation belief that the body has a powerful self-healing system that must be nurtured and encouraged, not stifled with symptom-suppressing treatments. Taking the simple examples of gout, psoriasis, the common cold and today's obesity epidemic, the author explores the TCM and conventional medical approaches, showing how promoting body energy and self-healing can resolve the `incurable'. Alex Wu says: `Many readers have used the simple methods described in this book to achieve a healthy lifestyle and thereby improve their health within a short time... Modern medicine has not made significant advances in many chronic conditions for many years. It may be that the problem stems from its basic philosophy.' Here is an opportunity to look at health and medicine from a completely different point of view.
Hammersmith Health Books The PK Cookbook: Go Paleo-Keto and Get the Best of Both Worlds
Dr Sarah Myhill has been helping sufferers from debilitating chronic conditions for over 30 years with an approach that combines all the benefits of current scientific knowledge and medical testing and treatments with an expanding appreciation of the importance of nutrition and lifestyle. Her book with Craig Robinson, Prevent and Cure Diabetes, saw her arrive at the conclusion that the diet we should ALL be eating is one that combines Paleo principles (eating pre-agricultural, seasonal foods) with Ketogenic ones (fuel the body with fats and fibre, not with carbs). That book tells us WHY; now in this down-to-earth, highly practical cookbook, Sarah and Craig tell us HOW.
Hammersmith Health Books Reversing Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD is regarded as 'incurable' by mainstream medicine, with dialysis and/or transplant as the only possible outcomes, yet author Felix Mueller and his many followers have used lifestyle changes to reverse their disease and drastically improve their kidney function. This book shows us how!
Hammersmith Health Books Prevent and Cure Diabetes: Delicious Diets, Not Dangerous Drugs
Diabetes type 2 - which results from insensitivity to insulin - and its precursor, metabolic syndrome, are reaching epidemic proportions yet if the root causes can be addressed the condition can be both prevented and reversed. Diabetes type 1 (autoimmune - arising from insufficient insulin) is caused by other factors (primary risk factors are dairy products, vitamin D deficiency and vaccines) but is also more prevalent today than ever before. Dr Myhill has long experience of helping her patients overcome diabetes and related problems of uncontrolled blood sugar and low energy; this informs her account of how and why burning fat rather than carbs is healthier, more natural and more efficient, and how the necessary 'metabolic flexibility' can be achieved. With the support of her co-author Craig Robinson, she also addresses the many other risk factors for diabetes, including environmental toxins, drugs (prescribed, over-the-counter and illegal), medical conditions and poor lifestyle choices, and how the multiple health problems that follow from poorly controlled blood sugar levels can be avoided.
Hammersmith Health Books Dodging Dementia: Understanding MCI and other risk factors: Second edition of The Essential Guide to Avoiding Dementia
Whether you have a close relative with dementia, a history of high-risk factors for this condition, or a diagnosis of MCI (mild cognitive impairment) you may be concerned to know how personally 'at risk' you or a loved one is, and what you can do to 'dodge' what is definitely not inevitable. In this second edition of her highly regarded Essential Guide to Avoiding Dementia, Mary Jordan guides readers through the many factors associated with developing dementia and the science behind our current understanding, including: diet, exercise, trauma, pharmaceuticals, genetics, social isolation, sleep, neurological deficits such as hearing loss, insulin resistance and diabetes type 2. Based on her professional and personal experience of working, Mary offers a programme from which the individual reader can choose what works for them and their individual risks and circumstances.
Hammersmith Health Books The Gut Chronicles: An Uncensored Journey Into the World of Digestive Health and Illness
A no-nonsense, at times humorous, guide to gut health and disease, backed by the most recent science and drawing on lived examples from the author's professional practice and personal health history and including gut health basics, the building blocks of food, the gut microbiome and the seven commonest gut conditions, finishing with a roadmap to a blissful gut. With this book, you will get to appreciate the complex nature of the human gut but also learn to nourish your internal ecosystem and cope with the most common gut conditions: Reflux disease, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Food Intolerance and Haemorrhoids. Sandra shares her 'four pillars' approach and addresses the fundamental relationship between gut health and mental health, finishing with recipes to help you translate the nutritional science into gut-loving meals.
Hammersmith Health Books Hope with Anxiety: A self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers
Anxiety is a familiar word, one which seems hard to escape in today's busy world. It affects more than 280 million people worldwide from all walks of life, and can be a completely debilitating and isolating mental illness. In this new book, Lynn Crilly brings her warm, non-judgemental, family-friendly approach to bear on a the rising tide of contemporary anxiety, exacerbated by political and economic uncertainty, climate change, social media and a world that is being transformed ever more rapidly. She looks at how anxiety manifests, how it relates to other mental health problems and what the many options are for treatment and restoring well-being. As ever, she draws on a wide range of health practitioners to explain therapeutic options - both mainstream and alternative - and thereby provide a truly varied toolkit with something for every individual to try. Throughout, case histories support, confirm and illustrate the practical information, always with the emphasis on hope for leading a fulfilled life unconstrained by the effects of anxiety.
Hammersmith Health Books Beat Chronic Disease: The Nutrition Solution: Use Functional Nutrition to Recover Your Health
Fleur Brown, Functional Nutritionist for nearly 25 years, shares her experience of helping thousands of clients with chronic health problems recover their health, vitality and well-being. She shows you how to: Become your own health detective to investigate the root causes of your problems; Take charge of your health holistically; Take steps to regain your well-being and live a full life without pain or excessive fatigue. Fleur explains the principles of functional nutrition and how to apply them so that her readers can understand and overcome their condition(s) based on her extensive clinical experience. She draws on detailed case histories to illustrate these principles and writes: 'Over the years, I have learnt and fine-tuned a new approach to helping my clients recover their health. This approach explores a wide range of the possible contributory factors that may be causing your health problems - not just diet. Using the clinical knowledge I have gained over many years, I would like to show you how to get back on the road to living a full life - a life without pain, a life with renewed vitality and energy, and with hope and a healthy future to look forward to.' Exploring the issues for you using Fleur Brown's personally developed protocols is what makes this book a unique resource for all those seeking answers.
Hammersmith Health Books The Dementia Whisperer: Scenes from the Frontline of Caring
Agnes Juhasz, writing with great humanity and understanding, draws on many years of working with people with dementia to show how she has learned to communicate and work collaboratively with sufferers and find the essence of the person hiding behind the symptoms of the disease. Based around real-life stories she shows what she has found works and does not work, and candidly reveals her own emotions of frustration, irritation and - sometimes - amusement, and how she has learnt to cope with these. Her honesty in describing the highs and lows of being a carer is an inspiration to all those struggling to find the positive side of an illness we have all come to fear.
Hammersmith Health Books Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalitis and Long Covid THIRD EDITION
The third, fully revised and updated edition of Dr Sarah Myhill's classic guide to the causes of, and solutions to, chronic fatigue, focusing on problems with energy-delivery systems and mitchondria, the powerhouses of our cells
Hammersmith Health Books Crypto-infections: Denial, censorship and suppression - the truth about what lies behind chronic disease
The accepted message is that humankind has largely conquered infectious disease with a mixture of antibiotics and vaccines yet it is becoming clear that chronic hidden or latent infections (crypto-infections) lie behind many of today's big killers, including heart disease and cancer. As an exemplar of how the organisms responsible can hide in plain sight, causing devastation while the medical world is in denial, Borrelia burgdorferi - the bacterium responsible for Lyme disease - has led Dr Perronne to clash with his fellow specialists in infectious disease (ID) and challenge the status quo. From his experience as one of France's - and the world's - leading ID specialists, he examines the threats that both Lyme in particular and crypto-infections generally pose and how we can rise to the challenge.
Hammersmith Health Books Hope with Depression: a self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers
Depression affects more than 300 million people worldwide from all walks of life, and can be a completely debilitating and isolating mental illness. Lynn Crilly speaks from personal and professional experience, having suffered depression herself, and provides much needed positive, practical answers, illustrated with observations and anecdotes from carers and sufferers themselves, Hope with Depression explains the many varieties of depression, how to spot them and the possible causes and drivers, and gives a balanced guide to available treatments - both mainstream and `alternative' - in the context of what has worked in Lynn's experience. This is a practical, supportive guide for anyone with this condition or helping someone with depression, be they a family member, teacher, sports coach, workplace colleague or friend. It recognises that each person's illness and recovery will differ and having detailed knowledge and a full toolkit of treatment options is the way to empower each individual with hope for recovery.