Search results for ""Fulcrum Publishing""
Fulcrum Publishing Breath of Wilderness: The Life of Sigurd Olson
Breath of Wilderness is the story of Olson’s love for wild places and how that love transformed his life, inspiring him to play a key role in the movement to preserve wilderness throughout North America, including the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the largest lakeland wilderness in the country.
Fulcrum Publishing Of Living Stone
Of Living Stone is a new collection of essays (the Contributor's Essays) on the importance and legacy of Vine Deloria, Jr. and his work, featuring thirty-five essays from an eclectic and insightful group of hard scientists (e.g., Margaret Redsteer), social scientists (e.g., Tom Biolsi, anthropology), education specialists (e.g., Cheryl Crazy Bull), legal scholars (e.g., Rebecca Tsosie, Gabe Galanda), activists (e.g., Suzan Harjo ), humorists (e.g., Migizi Pensoneau of the 1491s and more recently seen on Resevation Dogs), Tribal government leaders (e.g., Deron Marquez and Frank Ettawageeshik), artists (e.g., Cannupa Hanska Luger), and three scholars from France who add an international dimension.
Fulcrum Publishing Trees Are Made Of Gas: The Story of Carbon and Climate
Fulcrum Publishing The Ghost Road: Anishinaabe Responses to Indian Hating
Even before the Revolutionary War, American colonists feared and fought “merciless Indian savages,” and through the following centuries, American law and policy have been molded by the relentless tradition of Indian-hating. From proportional representation and restrictions on the right to bear arms, to the break-up of tribal property rights and the destruction of Indian culture and family, the attacks on tribal governance and people continue and remain endemic. More than just a study of the progression of law, this book balances each chapter’s history with the relating of a traditional Anishinaabe story or teaching, providing both context and a roadmap for survival.
Fulcrum Publishing Teaching Reading with Multicultural BKL
This addition to the Books Kids Love series combines the best multicultural children's books with a solid spectrum of reading instruction.
Fulcrum Publishing Tales of a River Rat: Adventures Along the Wild Mississippi
In Tales of a River Rat, famed storyteller and self-described hermit Kenny Salwey informs and entertains readers as he weaves his life story on the Mississippi River. Salwey knows the river ecosystem with an intimacy unavailable to most. Here he shares his love of and knowledge about the mighty river in an accessible manner sure to appeal to all ages.
Fulcrum Publishing Earthsteps: A Rock's Journey through Time
This intriguing and instructional picture book takes readers on one rock's geological odyssey through time. Gorgeous, full-color illustrations and a detailed timeline of a rock's journey teaches students about earth science and the geologic cycle. Includes glossary of geological terms.
Fulcrum Publishing Buffalo Gal: A Memoir
Growing up in the snowblower society of Buffalo, New York, Laura Pedersen's first words were most likely "turn the wheel into a skid." Like many families subsisting in the frigid North during the energy crisis, the Pedersens feared rising prices at the gas pump, argued about the thermostat, fought over the dog to stay warm at night, and often slept in their clothes. While her parents were preoccupied with surviving separation and stagflation, daughter Laura became the neighborhood wild child, skipping school, playing poker, betting on the horses, and trading stocks. Learning how to beat the odds, by high school graduation Pedersen was well prepared to seek her fortune on Wall Street, becoming the youngest person to have a seat on the American Stock Exchange and a millionaire by age 21. Combining laugh-out-loud humor with a slice of social history-her hometown was a flash point for race riots, antiwar protests, and abortion rallies, not to mention bingo, bowling, and Friday night fish fries-Pedersen paints a vivid portrait of an era.
Fulcrum Publishing Where the Tall Grass Grows: Becoming Indigenous and the Mythological Legacy of the American West
In this entertaining and thought-provoking book, noted historian and musician Bobby Bridger explores the impact of Native American culture on the American psyche. The book also examines the impact of indigenous American mythology on contemporary identity and the development of modern popular entertainment, particularly the Hollywood film industry. Renowned for "A Ballad of the West", Bobby Bridger has written three books and has had a career in show business that spans the rockabilly to the cosmic cowboy scene in Austin, Texas; the flowering of folk music; and Broadway theatre. His multifaceted talents have found expression in singing, acting, writing, painting, and sculpting.
Fulcrum Publishing Words of Power: Voices from Indian America
Here are tribal members -- insights on spirituality, land, leadership, conflict, treaties, environment, men, women, children, education, and peace.
Fulcrum Publishing Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact
Vine Deloria, Jr., leading Native American scholar and author of the best-selling God is Red, addresses the conflict between mainstream scientific theory about our world and the ancestral worldview of Native Americans. Claiming that science has created a largely fictional scenario for American Indians in prehistoric North America, Deloria offers an alternative view of the continent's history as seen through the eyes and memories of Native Americans. Further, he warns future generations of scientists not to repeat the ethnocentric omissions and fallacies of the past by dismissing Native oral tradition as mere legends.
Fulcrum Publishing Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants through Native American Stories and Earth Activities for Children
These Native American stories spark curiosit y and encourage children to discover plants and explore thei r environments. Activities teach children that all living th ings are intertwined and fuelled by the plant-growing energy of the sun. '
Fulcrum Publishing Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children
This inspiring collection of animal stories demonstrate the power and importance of animals in Native Am erican traditions. The related activities help foster childr en''s creative thinking in relation to wildlife ecology and e nvironmental issues. '
Fulcrum Publishing America's Mountains: Guide to Plants and Animals
From the Appalachian Mountains to the Alaskan Range, this book helps readers identify more than 100 plants and animals found in this varied ecosystem.
Fulcrum Publishing Bagging Big Bugs: How to Identify, Collect, and Display the Largest and Most Colorful Insects of the Rocky Mountain Region
This companion to Creepy Crawlies is an in-depth guide to bug collection from northern New Mexico to southern Canada. Through text and photographs, Bagging Big Bugs details the histories, habits, and distribution of more than 100 insects and provides tips about insect collecting, rearing, and displaying methods.
Fulcrum Publishing Native American Animal Stories
The Papago Indians of the American Southwest say butterflies were created to gladden the hearts of children and chase away thoughts of aging and death. How the Butterflies Came to Be is one of twenty-four Native American tales included in Native American Animal Stories. The stories, coming from Mohawk, Hopi, Yaqui, Haida and other cultures, demonstrate the power of animals in Native American traditions. Parents, teachers and children will delight in lovingly told stories about "our relations, the animals." The stories come to life through magical illustrations by Mohawk artists John Kahionhes Fadden and David Fadden. "The stories in this book present some of the basic perspectives that Native North American parents, aunts and uncles use to teach the young. They are phrased in terms that modern youngsters can understand and appreciate ... They enable us to understand that while birds and animals appear to be similar in thought processes to humans, that is simply the way we represent them in our stories. But other creatures do have thought processes, emotions, personal relationships...We must carefully ccord these other creatures the respect that they deserve and the right to live without unnecessary harm. Wanton killings of different animals by some hunters and sportsmen are completely outside the traditional way that native people have treated other species, and if these stories can help develop in young people a strong sense of the wonder of other forms of life, this sharing of Native North American knowledge will certainly have been worth the effort." excerpt from the forward by Vine Deloria, Jr. These stories first appeared in Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac.
Fulcrum Publishing Going Over East (PB): Reflections of a Woman Rancher
This new edition of the reflections of a woman rancher includes an epilogue that shares the author's present-day story.
Fulcrum Publishing The Dogs and I: True Tails from the Mississippi
Calling all dog lovers! Join Kenny Salwey as he remembers the dogs who have shared his life in the backwater swamp along the Upper Mississippi River. From his earliest memories of Brownie, Rover, and Pepper, who helped with chores and hunting trips in the countryside where he grew up, to his faithful black labs Joey and Spider, Kenny recalls the much-loved dogs who enriched his many years hunting, fishing, and just living along the river. These humorous, heartfelt stories will touch anyone who has experienced the companionship of man's best friend.
Fulcrum Publishing Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method: More Than 100 Hands-On Science Experiments for Children
From monarch butterflies to hissing cockroaches, Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method, Second Edition shows teachers and parents how to use bugs, insects and critters to teach children the five steps of the scientific method: question, hypothesis, methods, result, and conclusion. Focusing on fun as well as education, and operating on the premise that doing is learning, Creepy Crawlies offers more than 100 different activities which will ignite children's curiosity while also building foundations for critical thinking and scientific understanding. This classroom-tested collection of experiments is a perfect resource for teachers or just an afternoon of educational fun at home. The second edition includes updated content and four new insect species: the monarch butterfly, the black swallowtail butterfly, the bessbug, and the Madagascar hissing roach!
Fulcrum Publishing On Digital Advocacy: Toolkit
Outdoor recreation inherently leaves an impact on the land, but we can work to offset that impact by advocating for the earth in our own circles, online, and in our neighborhoods. The question is, can we use the digital space to protect the outdoors while still protecting our human spirit?Whether you hike, bike, camp, climb, hunt, ride, paddle, paint, garden whatever way you get out and enjoy nature, you leave an impact on the outdoors every time you step out your front door. Every step your boots take down dusty trails, every bolt your clip draws into, every time you cruise down a dirt road, till the soil, you leave an impact.This toolkit, accompanied by On Digital Advocacy: Saving the Planet While Preserving our Humanity, is meant to be written in, doodled on, and loved as you take it along with you on your advocacy journey.
Fulcrum Publishing Over, Under, Around and Through: How Hall of Famers Surmount Obstacles
With carefully curated social media and news stories, it can be easy to forget that successful people have had their own hardships to overcome. But everyone faces obstacles and setbacks throughout their life, regardless of race, gender, faith, or social status. In OVER, UNDER, AROUND, AND THROUGH the authors craft biographies of fifty successful women, based on interviews and historical records. In the process, they uncover some of the secrets to how these women surmounted obstacles and used the lessons they learned through hardship to become stronger, smarter, and more resilient. The women featured in the book have all been inducted into halls of fame across the United States and the world, and each of their profiles discusses how they handled significant challenges in their lives. Throughout these biographies, readers are presented with ten key characteristics held by successful people: mental intelligence, emotional intelligence, social support, moral compass - spirituality, determination - perseverance - persistence, optimism, creativity, resilience, action-orientation, and passion. OVER, UNDER, AROUND, AND THROUGH will spark your curiosity about the amazing women featured throughout and is sure to ignite engaging conversations.
Fulcrum Publishing The Professional Guide's Handbook: How to Lead Adventure Travel Trips and Expeditions
Professional guides have a lot of skills to learn and perfect to become successful. In the first book of its kind, The Professional Guide's Handbook covers everything contemporary guides need to know to become successful in their profession. Professional Guide and educator Colby Brokvist covers skills for success, ethical standards, sustainability issues, leadership, and how to utilize all these skills when on the job. The Professional Guide's Handbook offers insight, wisdom, and real-life anecdotes from the author's own worldwide adventures as an expedition leader. Readers will find a thorough and thoughtful text that looks at everything from leadership skills to the importance of stewardship practices in the outdoor industry. They will develop a better understanding of travelers and their expectations to group management frameworks. It will leave readers empowered, enlightened, and ready to lead their next trip with renewed confidence. Colby Brokvist has more than 20 years of experience in the travel and expedition industry and is a technically competent and accomplished outdoorist.
Fulcrum Publishing Walking the Rez Road: Stories, 20th Anniversary Edition
Celebrating two decades in publication, this twentieth-anniversary edition of a timeless classic comprises forty stories and poems that feature Luke Warmwater, a Vietnam veteran who survived the war but has trouble surviving the peace.
Fulcrum Publishing Buffalo Unbound: A Celebration
Writing about the economic collapse and social unrest of her 1970s childhood in Buffalo, New York, Laura Pedersen was struck by how things were finally improving in her beloved hometown. As 2008 began, Buffalo was poised to become the thriving metropolis it had been a hundred years earlier—only instead of grain and steel, the booming industries now included healthcare and banking, education and technology. Folks who'd moved away due to lack of opportunity in the 1980s talked excitedly about returning home. They mised the small-town friendliness and it wasn't nostalgia for a past that no longer existed—Buffalo has long held the well-deserved nickname the City of Good Neighbors.The diaspora has ended. Preservationists are winning out over demolition crews. The lights are back on in a city that's usually associated with blizzards and blight rather than its treasure trove of art, architecture, and culture.
Fulcrum Publishing Indians of the Pacific Northwest: From the Coming of the White Man to the Present Day
Prior to the onslaught of the Europeans, the Puget Sound area was one of the most heavily populated regions north of Mexico City. The Native Americans who lived there enjoyed a bounty of seafood, waterfowl, and berries, which they expertly collected and preserved. Detailing the associated culture, technologies, and techniques, Vine Deloria Jr. explains in depth this veritable paradise and its ultimate demise. Raising the possibility that the utopian lifestyle enjoyed by the Indians of the Pacific Northwest might have continued in perpetuity had Europeans not sought a Northwest Passage. Deloria describes in devastating detail the ramifications of the Europeans' migration into the territory. With more than two thousand American settlers in the Pacific Northwest by 1852, and with many more to come, the outbreak of disease and the encroachment of land speculators, railroad capitalists, and logging and mining interests forced the Native Americans to give up their ancestral lands and move to reservations. Deloria speaks with a measure of sadness, outrage, and hope, writing a moving account of the Pacific Northwest Indians' struggle that began with the arrival of the white settlers and continues today.
Fulcrum Publishing Lines from a Mined Mind: The Words of John Trudell
Lines from a Mined Mind brings together lyrics and musings from the twenty-five-year recording career of John Trudell, an internationally acclaimed poet, musician, and leader of the American Indian Movement. More than a simple anthology, this collection goes deeper, revealing the incendiary intersection of music and activism.
Fulcrum Publishing Journey to the Mountaintop: On Living and Meaning
A writer and a painter reflect on life and nature as they embark on a shared voyage of discovery in the Catskill Mountains and Kaaterskill Falls. Includes original paintings by acclaimed artist Thomas Locker.
Fulcrum Publishing Muskrat for Supper: Exploring the Natural World with the Last River Rat
This book inspires young people to explore nature's life cycles and understand the concept of the circle of life, as told through the tale of a family that embarks on a hunting and trapping adventure. It is an endearing story that weaves together such themes as sustainable living, our natural environment, and living closer to nature. The first book for children by this acclaimed storyteller and author, Muskrat for Supper includes questions young people have asked Kenny Salwey about his lifestyle as a river rat living off the land. The story will be illustrated with black-and-white photographs as well as nonfiction material to supplement the text.
Fulcrum Publishing The Enduring Wilderness: Protecting Our Natural Heritage through the Wilderness Act
A look at protecting America's wilderness and an explanation of the Wilderness Act.
Fulcrum Publishing Grow Your Own Pizza: Gardening Plans and Recipes for Kids
Gardening plans and recipes for kids.
Fulcrum Publishing Teaching Art with Books Kids Love: Art Elements, Appreciation, and Design with Award-Winning Books
Using award-winning books, Frohardt teaches realism, surrealism, expressionism, naive, and cartoon. Complete directions, enhanced by liberal illustrations, make this a user-friendly resource for grades 3-6.
Fulcrum Publishing Stillbirth, Yet Still Born: Grieving and Honoring Your Precious Baby
When your baby dies before birth, you experience an extraordinary grief. You never get to hear your baby's voice nor see life in your baby's eyes. Still, your baby lived. Your baby came into this world. Your baby's existence is important and real. This small book offers tailored information and support for parents experiencing the early hours, days, and weeks that follow the death and birth of their beloved baby. Stillbirth is always a devastating shock, a heartbreaking collision of birth and death that leaves parents helpless. In this accessible book, you will find comfort and ideas for affirming and honoring your precious baby's life.
Fulcrum Publishing Taino: A Novel
Written" by Guaikán, the elderly Taino man who, in his youth, was adopted by Christopher Columbus and saw history unfold, Taino is the Indian chronicle of the American encounter, the Native view on Columbus and what happened in the Caribbean. This novel, based on a true story, penetrates the historical veil that still enshrines the "discovery.
Fulcrum Publishing Duty Calls
Fulcrum Publishing On Farms and Rural Communities
Fulcrum Publishing The Sea of Grass: A Family Tale from the American Heartland
This historical fiction novel is inspired by real people and events that were shaped by the land, animals, and plants of the Central Plains and by the long sweep of Indigenous history in the grasslands. Major events are presented from a Pawnee perspective to capture the outlook of the Echo-Hawk ancestors. The oral tradition from ten generations of Echo-Hawk's family tell the stories of the spiritual side of Native life, and give voice to the rich culture and cosmology of the Pawnee Nation.
Fulcrum Publishing Water Runs Through This Book
Winner of:2015 Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award (SONWA)Through photographs, verse and narration, this book celebrates the most essential ingredient to life: water. Author and educator, Nancy Bo Flood and award-winning photographer, Jan Sonnenmair, combine imagination and information to explore this ever-changing and mysterious element. Water Runs Through This Book teaches how water runs through all aspects of our lives. Including everyday tips to help conserve, it will inspire children and adults to value water resources and to become better global citizens.
Fulcrum Publishing On Digital Advocacy: Saving the Planet While Preserving Our Humanity
The book you didn’t know you needed about advocacy in the digital age.On Digital Advocacy is an exploration of the intersection of advocacy, stewardship, social media, and our humanity. We all share a responsibility to protect our planet––especially those of us in the outdoor industry––and in the digital age, access to advocacy is abundant. Social media hands us the tools to get educated, gather resources, organize, and empower ourselves on whatever slice of the “save the planet” pie tickles your appetite to do good. The opportunity and potential for digital advocacy is dizzying––but what happens when we begin to tangle our personal identities with our pursuit of saving a dying earth? As users of public lands, we have an ethical responsibility to the planet. As inhabitants of our identities, we have an ethical responsibility to ourselves, too. Can we use the digital space to protect the outdoors while still protecting our human spirit?
Fulcrum Publishing Doom with a View: Historical and Cultural Contexts of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant
Fulcrum Publishing Native American Games and Stories
Provides young readers with Native American stories and games that both educate and entertain.
Fulcrum Publishing Storybooks for Tough Times
This ideal resource for handling difficult issues with young people is organised by topics as diverse as death, adoption, homelessness, and siblings.
Fulcrum Publishing Stories in My Pocket: Tales Kids Can Tell
This book teaches anyone to be a good storyteller.
Fulcrum Publishing Women Artists of the West: Five Portraits in Creativity and Courage
Told in a unique first-person creative nonfiction narrative, Women Artists of the West profiles five important women artists who lived, worked, and created in the early years of the twentieth century—Georgia O'Keeffe, Maria Martinez, Dorothea Lange, Laura Gilpin, Mary-Russell Colton.
Fulcrum Publishing Intensive Parenting: Surviving the Emotional Journey through the NICU
Parenthood transforms you. Even before this crisis, you may have experienced a wide range of feelings triggered by pregnancy, birth, and welcoming a new baby. The NICU experience challenges your emotional coping, your developing parental identity, your relationship skills, and your ability to adjust. Intensive Parenting explores the emotions of parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit, from in-hospital through issues and concerns after the child is home.
Fulcrum Publishing Women Icons of the West: Five Women Who Forged the American Frontier
Step back in time and experience the spirit of the West through the eyes of five women: Clara Brown, Sara WInnemucca, Nellie Cashman, Isabella Bird, and Margaret Brown. From a newly freed slave to a refined Englishwoman, from a Native American to a miner's wife, these women, vastly different at first glance, have much to teach about perserverance and courage.
Fulcrum Publishing The Gonzo Way: A Celebration of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
In The Gonzo Way, Anita Thompson pays tribute to her late husband as a writer and as a citizen, through her own words and through interviews with those who knew him best, including Tom Wolfe, George McGovern, and Douglas Brinkley.
Fulcrum Publishing Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child: The Emotional Journey
The premature birth of a baby is both a medical and family crisis. Within the pages of this comprehensive guide, parents will find compassionate support, practical suggestions for coping and adjusting, and advice that empowers them to handle an array of emotions.
Fulcrum Publishing America's Seashores: Guide to Plants and Animals
Provides the perfect balance of science and fun with captivating illustrations and compelling facts about the myriad of life that inhabit these special places.