Search results for ""Fidelis Publishing, LLC""
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Seer
After his death, including a tour of heaven, Will realizes Earth's great need and agrees to return to help. With Jesus' instruction and their occasional visits to Old Testament times and prophets, our hero learns through failure and mishaps (always with a touch of Myers's humor), how to prepare for the battles God has called him to fight.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Jeremiah: Courage in a Cancel Culture: A 40-Day Journey Through the Word
A part of the Stand on the Word Study Guide series, Tony Perkins takes us on a 40 Day Journey through the book of Jeremiah. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. In fact, each day’ s study includes some questions for reflection and a place for notes. The prophet Jeremiah was given a tough assignment, much like believers in America today. He courageously delivered God’ s message to a culture trying to cancel him. The author challenges us through God’ s word to Jeremiah to stand courageous for God in the face our cancel culture.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Rendezvous with God - Volume One: A Novel
“If you have ever wished for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, Rendezvous with God may be the next best thing. Bringing Jesus into contemporary times, Bill Myers shows us what Jesus came to do, and why He had to do it. This little book packs a powerful punch.”—Angela Hunt, New York Times bestselling author of The Jerusalem Road series. “A teacher and a storyteller, Bill Myers welcomes, disarms, then edifies in this tight and seamless weave of story and truth. It’s innovative, “outside the box,” but that’s why it works so well, bringing the reader profound and practical wisdom, the heart of Jesus, in modern, Everyman terms—and always with the quick-draw Myers wit. Jesus talked to me through this book. I was blessed, and from some of my inner shadows, set free. Follow along. Let it minister.”—Frank Peretti, New York Times bestselling author of This Present Darkness, The Visitation, and Illusion. “Gritty. Unflinching. In your face. Emotionally wrenching. Rendezvous with God is Bill Myers at the top of his imaginative game. A rip-roaring read you can neither tear yourself away from, nor dare experience without thinking.”— Jerry Jenkins, New York Times bestseller, novelist, and biographer. Writer of the Left Behind series.A reclusive college professor\u2019s life is turned upside down by his impulsive, runaway niece who decides she\u2019s going to live with him. To make matters worse, he begins slipping back in time to watch various Gospel narratives unfold that include off-the-record discussions with Jesus Christ. Soon he realizes his conversations tie directly into the drama, pain, and bitter-sweet comedy of his own life.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Wonderful Birthday
It's the day Ruthie has been waiting for all year her birthday! Little does she know God has planned a birthday that's out of this world! The Creator of the stars and skies takes Ruthie on an outer space adventure, displaying his magnificent love for her. Ruthie meets friends from different planets who tell her about the goodness of God that comes with being in relationship with Him. Through Ruthie's cosmic birthday adventure, young readers will be filled with awe and wonder of a God who loves them beyond the galaxies!
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Invisible War Volume 1
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Stinger Proxy: A Novel
Most everyone is familiar with the story of Charlie Wilson’s War, immortalized on the big screen by actor Tom Hanks in the title role. What most people aren’t familiar with are the countless stories of the boots on the ground who helped the determined Congressman Charlie Wilson execute his mission to help free the people of Afghanistan from Soviet occupation. The Stinger Proxy, a novel based on Congressman Rick Crawford’s personal experience as an Army bomb tech who served in “Charlie Wilson’s War," is one such story.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Toward a More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story
It has sadly become evident that over the past seventy years, Americans have become increasingly ignorant of our nation's founding principles. Civic education and American history have either not been taught or have been deliberately mistaught throughout our nation's public—and in numerous cases, even our private—education system. This lack of education or misinformation has placed our nation in great peril, and we are seeing the consequences unfold daily in our corporate boardrooms, halls of power, and streets. This book is the prescription for returning our nation to a healthy culture for all.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC America's #1 Adversary: And What We Must Do About It – Now!
Three distinguished experts and policy practitioners declare: "Despite the wrongs committed against China in the past, the People’s Republic of China must not represent the future, for it is corrupt. Harking back to what Ronald Reagan did to spur the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States must enunciate that its objective is the peaceful end of the Communist Party of China. China existed for four thousand years before the formation of a communist junta within its borders; China can only achieve greatness combined with liberty and wealth if it frees itself from one-party rule and the despotism this type of government always brings.”America is doomed to collapse under a multi-pronged attack led by the PRC and by statists in our midst. We must return in great haste to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which we were founded, which made us the most prosperous, secure, and generous nation in human history.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Battle: Tactics for Biblical Manhood Learned from the 7th Cavalry in Vietnam
If you've seen the movie, We Were Soldiers, then you're familiar with the story of the U.S. Army's 1st Battalion/7th US Cavalry (Airmobile) and the Battle of the Ia Drang. Under the leadership of then-Lt. Colonel Hal Moore. Drastically outnumbered by the enemy, the men from "Garryowen" clawed their way to victory in the first major clash of the Vietnam War. Combining dialogue from the movie, personal interviews, and Biblical truth, The Battle will walk you through the techniques, tactics, and procedures of any successful campaign—including winning the battle as a father, husband, and man of God.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Gods Velvet Hammer
God called Sandy as a completely unremarkable little girl from a small town of 6000 in Southern Illinois. Her father didn't graduate from the 8th grade and left home at fifteen to go work in the CCC Camps to send money home to his struggling family. Sandy' s mother did not finish high school, sang, played basketball, and loved politics. Her parents met at a rodeo and married six weeks later. There's a great story about Sandy' s impatient dad-to-be being early to pick her mother-to-be up for one of their first dates only to find her on the roof of the barn playing her fiddle trying to dry her pin curled hair. This is the beginning of Rios' s story about how God uses unlikely people for great things.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Inferno: A Novel
The United States was founded on the noblest ideals. Yet, we have descended into a pit of cultural nihilism, an intellectual war zone fighting over its own identity. How did we get here? The Inferno tackles this question by mixing Dante’ s Inferno and Tolkien’ s Lord of the Rings and follows the journey of Evan Esco, a suicidal teenager who thought killing himself would free him from the perils of modern life. Little did he know his suicide attempt would be the beginning of a journey to repentance, faith, and redemption. Join Evan as he speaks with various figures from American history and learns what it means to repent.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Sweet Land of Liberty:: Reflections of a Patriot Descended from Slaves
Bishop E.W. Jackson’s life story unites Americans around a shared legacy of freedom. As a great grandson of slaves, he believes that the promise of liberty has always belonged to all Americans. For some, only their heirs would be the full beneficiaries. Nonetheless, the Declaration of Independence marked the inevitable death of the ancient world as surely as it proclaimed the birth of a new nation. Jackson sees the history of America as the epic story of flawed human beings achieving an unprecedented victory for freedom. He does not wallow in the bitterness of the past, but inspires all Americans to embrace the promise of liberty.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC American Gulags: Marxist Tyranny in Higher Education and What to Do About It
American Gulags show us how to overcome the Marxist indoctrination which has swept across the American government education system. America’s system of colleges and universities was once the best in the world. It contributed immeasurably to America’s status as the most powerful, productive, and prosperous nation on the globe. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Today from kindergarten through 12th grade in the government school system, teaching reading, writing, and math have been supplanted by Marxist indoctrination. Our colleges and universities have become the final training grounds and launching pads for the next waves of Marxist activists. This book equips every American to turn this travesty around.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC The Apostate: My Search for Truth
This book takes you on Mark’s journey as he tries to prove to himself Islam is the true religion. It shows the horror he feels as he faces the truth. It finally takes you to his greatest discovery, Jesus is love, and Jesus is the God he was searching for his entire life. Having now lived and ministered in America for years, he also has a message for America about the dangers to which we are headed based on his intimate knowledge of life in a dictatorial country (Egypt) and what he sees here.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Iron-Sharpened Leadership: Transforming Hard-Fought Lessons Into Action
Iron-Sharpened Leadership is a leadership book the reader will find valuable and inspiring. This leadership book is based on operational experience and is peppered with inspirational stories along with actions one can take to become a more effective leader. Gronski takes a values-based approach to leadership effectiveness and the book is oriented along the lines of his leadership philosophy which includes character, competence, and resilience.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces concerns a social credit score that has been implemented across the country, creating a devastating scenario for the hero and his family. The novel's first arc concerns a mandatory sixty-day social quarantine, and is reminiscent of the novel RUN by Blake Crouch in its depiction of a father desperate to protect his family, while a bad situation continues to get worse. Safe Spaces is full of biblical and religious themes. In the climax of the book, the truth shines brightest, as The Apostles Creed is used as an antithesis to the darkness of the world.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Holding Someday
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Think It Over
In the past, one of the most cherished American values was the truth. When people dealt with dilemmas, issues, opinions, and decisions, their first question was 'What is the truth in this situation?' Now people are concerned only with what they think, feel, and want. We have lost touch with the importance of truth in our lives. This reality has resulted in a society in abject turmoil and confusion. Perhaps the greatest failure of the American school system is in turning out generations without the ability to carefully think through what they see, read, and hear. This book is the path for our return to truth.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Eternal Justice: How God Intervenes for the Least of Us
Does God intervene in our lives? If so, why does God so often seem to ignore our prayers? There have been countless scholars throughout the ages who have attempted various answers to this most significant question. Thus, the issue isn’t new, but as old as The Bible. It was certainly true for Job, and David perhaps said it best, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?” Psalm 22:1. Yet, as Christians we believe God does intervene in our lives. We have faith. Is that faith based merely upon what we believe or is it also based upon experience? Certainly, the Bible provides countless examples of God’s intervention on behalf of His people, those reported in Exodus being perhaps the most vivid. Then there is the ultimate intervention in human history, the redeeming sacrifice of God’s only son, Jesus Christ. But the question still lingers, does God intervene in our lives today? Eternal Justice answers this question with a resounding, YES. It tells the stories of some of God’s most lost souls and how they made their way back to Him through His direct intervention in their lives.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Sgt. York His Life, Legend, and Legacy: The Remarkable Story of Sergeant Alvin C. York
War hero, Medal of Honor recipient, and subject of an Oscar-winning film, Sgt. Alvin York was the most famous soldier of his generation. But behind the honors and publicity was an uncompromising Christian patriot who suffered when his ideals were challenged by shifting views of faith, patriotism, and moral relativism. Untouched by German gunfire, York faced destruction from disease, disrespect, and the IRS. Sgt. York: His Life, Legend, and Legacy reveals the whole story of this great American figure based on original battlefield eyewitness reports, Hollywood archives, and interviews with York’s family and friends. This new edition includes a message from York’s ninety-year-old son, Andrew Jackson York.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Satan's Dare: A Novel
"Satan’s Dare is different from any other Jim DeMint book, and it very well may be his most important." —Glenn Beck“Satan’s Dare is a powerful story that will confirm the faith of Christians and challenge skeptics to search for real truth." —Dr. M. G. "Pat" RobertsonThe Bible is often presented as an antiquated document filled with mysterious prophesies, unbelievable fables, and arbitrary decisions by a God whose actions range from anger and vengeance to love and forgiveness. The Bible's creation story appears to be at complete odds with more credible scientific explanations of the origins and evolution of life. And believers in Biblical truth are further challenged by haunting questions about why a good God would create a world so full of evil, pain, suffering and death. Satan's Dare takes these issues and questions head on.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Making a Magnificent You: And the Role of Fruits and Vegetables
Solve the riddle of what makes a healthy YOU alongside fruits and vegetables of all sizes and colors! Making a Magnificent You! helps parents teach their kids about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Children will learn that fruits and vegetables are vital to making them healthy, strong, and more disease immune as they grow. Colorful art and interactive rhyming text introduce fun facts and healthy recipes using the fruit and vegetable characters. Features:a variety of familiar (apples, potatoes, asparagus) as well as less common (malanga, elderberry, papaya) fruits and vegetable charactersFive delicious recipes to make and enjoyFun facts about each fruit and vegetable introducedMaking a Magnificent You! will engage kids of all ages and encourage them to try all the colorful fruits and vegetables they are offered.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Tragic Consequences: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting God and How to Reclaim Our Culture for Christ
Tragic Consequences was written for Americans who are concerned about the cultural decline they see all around them, people who watch the nightly news and ask themselves, “What is happening to our country?” It seems we have become a nation of people who are offended by everything but sin. What is happening to our country is simple to explain but sad to observe: we are seeing what a culture of sin can do to a country. Within the problem is the solution. Biblical morality reestablished in America by an uprising of God’s people standing for righteousness will bring God’s forgiveness and our healing.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Strong and Courageous: A Call to Biblical Manhood
Strong and Courageous is a sequel to Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin’s book Man to Man, and the book explores further the five principles of biblical manhood (Man as Provider, Instructor, Battle Buddy, Defender, and Chaplain). With over thirty-six years’ experience in the Army, an original member of the Delta Force, and Commander of Army Special Forces, General Boykin knows a great deal about manhood. Based on the biblical book of Joshua, General Boykin’s favorite Bible character, the book counters the culture’s labeling of manhood and masculinity as toxic and offers a way forward for men.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Walking Through the Fire: My Fight for the Heart and Soul of America
Just two weeks after winning reelection to his ninth term in Congress, Steve King was stunned to learn the “Swamp” was poised to unleash a treacherous media blitzkrieg designed to kill his Congressional political career on the spot. The words, “They believe they can force you to resign” ring in his ears yet today. He knew Democrats and the media would pile on. Unfortunately, the threat was from within his party and it was far more dangerous. The Republican establishment, RINOs, elitists, globalists, and NeverTrumpers needed him out of the way. This is the full story.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Unshakable!: A 40-Day Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Emotional Distress
“If you struggle with anxiety, stress, or fear, this book was written for you. Larry covers a variety of topics, such as: loneliness, forgiveness, prayer, grace, death, and more. Unshakable! helps the reader keep their hope in God and their emotions in check during life’s darkest moments. This will be a book you will read over and over.” —Pastor Randy Cowart, City Church, Auburn/Opelika, AlabamaYou can be unshakable.What is keeping you up at night?Are you worried that God has forgotten you?If you're like many people, you no doubt have anxious moments. Just as Jesus faced his emotional distress head on by challenging every poisonous thought and feeling, you must so the same. What if you give God the next forty days of your life to find peace in the chaos?You can live unstoppable. When fear holds on tight, remember God travels broken roads looking for those crushed in spirit. Wounded hearts on winding backstreets call to him. He cannot stay away. Like a storm chaser, he runs into your tornado. It's your broken heart and crushed spirit that he can't resist. Drawing inspiration from the last three hours Jesus hung on the cross, best-selling author and pastor Larry Dugger sheds lights on what to do when you feel trapped in a dark place.You can trust God with the impossible. This forty-day action plan is designed to move you away from anxiety, worry, and emotional distress. It's time for you to stop seeking the predictable in times of crisis. God is not predictable. He is so much more than stained glass. He is creative, wild, and free to do as he wishes.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC We Didn't Fight for Socialism: America's Veterans Speak Up
As seen on Hannity“We Didn’t Fight for Socialism brings many powerful voices to bear against America’s greatest threat. I spent nearly forty years opposing foreign enemies only to realize freedom’s adversaries have been raised right here. My friends Ollie North and David Goetsch have delivered what may be the most important book you’ll read this year.” — LTG William G. “Jerry” Boykin – U.S. Army (Ret.), executive director of Family Research Council and author of Man to Man. Veterans we interviewed and surveyed for this book as well as veterans we have talked to over the years made it clear they did not join the military to fight for socialism. Many of the veterans interviewed and surveyed for this book said they served in the military because they loved the freedom and opportunity afforded them by our country as well as the values that have long characterized America. To them, America has always been the good guy in the community of nations. A socialist America, in the eyes of these veterans, will no longer be a good guy.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Earl
Richly colorful and detailed illustrations will draw you into the world of a story-telling donkey. Earl's grand-donkey is on a quest to tell fellow donkeys the stories he has heard his whole life about the choices of a Redeemer. With harassment, fortitude, and sheer donkey-ness, this storyteller finds himself in the middle of making history.