Search results for ""Featherstone Education Ltd""
Featherstone Education Ltd A Place to Talk in Children's Centres
The recent I CAN report suggests that over 50% of children in England are starting school with some form of speech and language disability. The EYFS states that 'the development and use of communication and language is at the heart of young children's learning.' This book is bursting with ideas about creating enabling environments for children to talk within Children's centres. Those working in children's centres will find this book inspirational as they search for new and effective 'places to talk'.
Featherstone Education Ltd Sand: Providing Continuity in Purposeful Play and Exploration
The 'Carrying on in Key Stage 1' series supports the continuing growth and development of independent learning and practical activities, which are features of early learning. The aim is to encourage teachers in Key Stage 1 to build on the best of practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage, balancing adult directed tasks with learning that children initiate and develop themselves. The activities covered by the series are the ones children often say they miss most when they move into Years 1 and 2. Sand offers ideas and guidance for providing children with a wide range of interesting challenges to use sand, gravel and other natural materials to explore, construct, imagine and experiment. It supports development in literacy, numeracy and creativity through active play and problem solving. The authors are all experienced educators who have worked in schools, settings and local authority support services, and are now in high demand as writers and trainers.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Resistant Materials: Little Books with Big Ideas (51)
Covering work with glass, metal, wood, plastics, fabrics, paper and card, this book has ideas of the many ways children in the Foundation Stage can work safely while exploring resistant materials.
Featherstone Education Ltd Sound and Music: Progression in Play for Babies and Children
This book gives ideas for introducing and extending experiences of sound and music for babies and young children. Each page spread contains a range of experinces and a selection of ideas for each of the four developmenta stages of the Birth to Three Matters Framework, and extends this progression into the early stepping stones for the foundation stage.
Featherstone Education Ltd Little Baby Books Set 1
Little Baby Books have been written to give straighforward and practical help in implementing the advice contained in the Birth to Three Matters guidance (DfES/Sure Start, 2003). they are by experts in child development and early learning. All the suggested activities have been tried and tested with children in the appropriate age group.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Living Things: Little Books with Big Ideas (37)
The Little Book of Living Things provides you with a range of ideas and activities to develop children's awareness of the world around them. The themes covered include plants as well as animals and involve both short and long term investigations. Included throughout the book are some key points and facts to remind you of some of the important concepts which lie behind the organisation and classification of the living world.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Language Fun: Little Books with Big Ideas (29)
An invaluable book for using with small groups and individuals. All the activities are linked to Stepping Stones and early learning goals, and use familiar objects and resources available in most settings.
Featherstone Education Ltd Mark Making: Progression in Play for Babies and Children
This book gives ideas for introducing and extending mark making activities and experiences for babies and young children. Each page spread contains a range of experiences and a selection of ideas for each of the four developmentas stages of the Birth to Three Matters Framework, and extends this progression into the early steppng stones for the foundation stage. The experiences with mark making materials described in this book encouragedevelopment and learning through active play using all the senses. Enhancing experiences of mark making from babyhood will encourage children's independence and involvement in communication through meaningful marks.
Featherstone Education Ltd Little Baby Books Set 4: Me and My World, Get the Message, Let's Explore, Me and You
Little Baby Books have been written to give straighforward and practical help in implementing the advice contained in the Birth to Three Matters guidance (DfES/Sure Start, 2003). they are by experts in child development and early learning. All thesuggested activities have been tried and tested with children in the appropriate age group. Each book covers one area of learning, an four broad stages of development. Visual links make it easy to see which is the focus group for the activity. No special equipment is required - most activities rely on things you already have, or can easily collect. Activities are fun and easy to use. Each page: - has clear instructions for the activity - shows how the activity can be matched to individual children, including those with additional needs - points out what to watch for and note during the activity, so you see the learning in action - describes how thw child's learning develops and how it links with later skills
Featherstone Education Ltd I Can Do it
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Treasure Boxes: Collections for Exploration and Investigation (47)
A Treasurebox is a collection of themed resources carefully chosen to engage children's attention, encourage their curiosity, and spark their imagination. Treasureboxes are designed to provide starting points for young children's investigation and exploration of the world around them, building on their own ideas and understanding. The ideas in the Little Book of Treasureboxes can be used with children in the Foundation Stage, but are also useful for trasition into Key Stage 1.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Bags, Boxes & Trays: Little Books with Big Ideas (35)
Children love containers, and this book uses many different sorts to extend children's natural interests in collecting, sorting, transporting and filling bags, boxes and trays. Weaving, maths, pattern, language, stories and exploration are all included.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Celebrations: Little Books with Big Ideas
Arranged by season, this book enables you to celebrate a wide variety of festivals from cultures and religions of the world. Appropriate activities are suggested, as well as information about the background of the celebration.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Painting: Little Books with Big Ideas
Featherstone Education Ltd What If We Went on Safari
If Publications develop knowledge and understanding of the world and stimulate creative thinking in role play by asking children 'What If?' Each What If? pack consists of a CD ROM and guidance booklet. The CD contains stunning, high resolution photographs and images which can be printed, projected or used with an interactive white board.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Listening: Little Books with Big Ideas (21)
A book crammed full of ideas for helping with listening skills - something every child needs! Activities range from those suitable for pairs and threes to those suitable for larger groups. Each activity is linked to the stepping stones and goals forthe foundation stage. Useful for children who need extra support or those who have additional needs.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Growing Things: Little Books with Big Ideas (22)
You can grow something in every setting! This book helps you to offer the magic of plants and flowers even in the most difficult situations. Seeds, pips, stones and cuttings are all explored, and there are suggestions for hanging baskets, window boxes and growing your own food.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Puppets in Stories (43): Little Books with Big Ideas
Ideas for making and using puppets you have made yourself with the children or using bought puppets. Ideas and activities for using puppets in stories, circle time, rhythm, phonics etc and story starter ideas.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Bricks and Boxes: Little Books with Big Ideas (18)
Building and construction in the Foundation stage is a popular activity with many children - use this book to expand the opportunities and involve children in thinking about and planning construction sessions, and extending construction into water play, making environments, using recycled materials and extending mathematical and communication skills.
Featherstone Education Ltd A Place to Talk in Pack-Away Settings
The recent I CAN report suggests that over 50% of children in England are starting school with some form of speech and language disability. The EYFS states that 'the development and use of communication and language is at the heart of young children's learning.' This book considers the significant role that the physical environment can play in supporting children's speaking and listening skills and in supporting inquisitive, verbal experimentation. Not only providing examples of an 'instant' space or an enclosed, child height space, this book also has action points and useful resources to inspire all early years practitioners.
Featherstone Education Ltd Construction
Carrying on in Key Stage 1 is written to help teachers continue key practical activities and child focused learning throughout Key Stage 1. The activities are mapped onto the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for this age group. With the child at the centre of the activities, the book offers many exciting suggestions for topic based work, following on from and building upon the work children have done in the Foundation Stage. There is a host of ideas for using everyday materials such as paper and wood, along with purpose-designed construction materials such as Lego. The tasks included in the book are active, varied and challenging - guaranteed to interest both boys and girls. Construction is the first in a lively and detailed series of books. The knowledge, experience and national profile of the authors will ensure a strong demand for what is bound to be a popular resource.
Featherstone Education Ltd Dealing with Feelings Developing Emotional Literacy Through Books and Stories Early Years Library
The main part of the book summarises over 100 popular children's story books (many of which are likely to already be in your setting) and shows how each can be usd to encourage children to think anf talk about their feelings. The included CD ROM contains additional resources, games and templates.
Featherstone Education Ltd Messy Play: Progression in Play for Babies and Children
Messy play is an essential element of all Early Years Ssettings. The experiences help babies and childrean to develop eye and hand control, fine motor skills. muscles and language. The messy experiences in this book encourage development and learning through sensory play. They all use sight, touch and smell, and of course, many babies and children will want to taste the experience as well.
Featherstone Education Ltd Little Baby Books Set 2
Little Baby Books have been written to give straighforward and practical help in implementing the advice contained in the Birth to Three Matters guidance (DfES/Sure Start, 2003). they are by experts in child development and early learning. All thesuggested activities have been tried and tested with children in the appropriate age group.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Prop Boxes for Role Play: Little Books with Big Ideas (6)
Have a different focus for your role play by collecting resources and equipment for some specific settings. These suggestions are all for easily managed and stored selections for popular subjects
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Games with Sounds: Little Books With Big Ideas (57)
A good understanding of phonics is essential for reading but work that is too formal, presented too soon, is not helpful to young children. This book contains ideas for phonic activities for the Early Years Foundation Stage, for use both indoors andout. All are planned to help you support children in the development of phonological awareness as they work towards a structured programme. A good companion to The Little Book of Phonics, and of course L is for Sheep.
Featherstone Education Ltd Sculpting Stuffing and Squeezing
The final book in this series explores three dimensional art and craft - sculpting, stuffing and squeezing - clay, malleable materials sculpture, weaving, sewing and other creative activities that can all be linked to the Key Stage 1 Programme of Study. Ros Bayley, Lyn Broadbent and Sally Featherstone combine their experience to offer a wealth of inspirational ideas. Like the other books in the Carrying on in Key Stage 1 series it is comprehensively illustrated with photos, diagrams and charts to help practitioners tackle the activities with confidence and map them on to the KS1 Programmes of Study.
Featherstone Education Ltd Philosophy for Children
Philosophy for children is one of the Key Issues series. Key Issues are written by experts and based on extensive knowledge supported by the latest research, and address some of the major challenges facing Early Years settings and Primary Schools. The aim is to provide sound, clear advice which will help practitioners and teachers deliver the objectives of Every Child Matters. Philosophy for children focuses on the importance of encouraging children to think, reason and express their thoughts in language. These skills are not only at the heart of the EYFS but are essential to all successful learning.
Featherstone Education Ltd Water
The 'Carrying on in Key Stage 1' series supports the continuing growth and development of independent learning and practical activities, which are features of early learning. The aim is to encourage teachers in Key Stage 1 to build on the best of practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage, balancing adult directed tasks with learning that children initiate and develop themselves. The activities covered by the series are the ones children often say they miss most when they move into Years 1 and 2. Water offers ideas and guidance for providing children with a wide range of interesting challenges to use this fascinating, free resource in a variety of ways and using a range of tools and equipment, extending their work in other subjects through motivating practical activities. The authors are all experienced educators who have worked in schools, settings and local authority support services, and are now in high demand as writers and trainers.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Storyboards: Little Books with Big Ideas (54)
Make a storyboard and use it to enhance your stories. Storyboards are easy to make and give children hands-on activities, which involve them in the story you are telling. They can also use the boards independently to make up or retell stories.
Featherstone Education Ltd Little Baby Books Set 3
Little Baby Books have been written to give straighforward and practical help in implementing the advice contained in the Birth to Three Matters guidance (DfES/Sure Start, 2003). they are by experts in child development and early learning. All thesuggested activities have been tried and tested with children in the appropriate age group.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Time and Place: Little Books with Big Ideas (31)
The Little Book of Time and Place focuses on two aspects of the Foundation Stage curriculum area of Knowledge and Understanding of the World, a sense of time and a sense of place. The activities also provide many opportunities for children to develop their skills of communication, to broaden their experience of different cultures and beliefs and to develop positive dispositions and attitudes to learning.
Featherstone Education Ltd The Little Book of Maths Activities: Little Books with Big Ideas
Linked to the stepping stones and the mathematical concepts, these simple activities will enable you to plan and provide activities for children at different levels of mathematical under-standing.