Search results for ""Enid Blyton""
The History Press Ltd Enid Blyton: The Biography
Enid Blyton is known throughout the world for her imaginative childrens books and her enduring characters such as Noddy and the Famous Five. She is one of the most borrowed authors from British libraries and she holds a fascination for readers old and young alike. Yet until 1974, when Barbara Stoney first published her official biography, little was known about this most private author, even members of her own family. The woman who emerged from Barbara Stoney's remarkable research was hardworking, complex, often difficult and, in many ways. childlike. Now this widely praised classic biography has been fully updated for the twenty-first century and, with the addition of new colour illustration and an extended bibliography of Enid Blyton's books, it documents the growing appeal of this extraordinary woman and her writing. The fascinating story of one of the world's most famous authors will once again intrigue and delight all those with an interest in her timeless books.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Real Enid Blyton
She is the most prolific children's author in history, but Enid Blyton is also the most controversial. A remarkable woman who wrote hundreds of books in a career spanning forty years, even her razor sharp mind could never have predicted her enormous global audience. Now, fifty years after her death, Enid remains a phenomenon, with sales outstripping every rival. Parents and teachers lobbied against Enid's books, complaining they were simplistic, repetitive and littered with sexist and snobbish undertones. Blatant racist slurs were particularly shockingly; foreign and working class characters were treated with a distain that horrifies modern readers. But regardless of the criticism, Enid worked until she could not physically write another word, famously producing thousands of words a day hunched over her manual typewriter. She imaged a more innocent world, where children roamed unsupervised, and problems were solved with midnight feasts or glorious picnics with lashings of ginger beer. Smugglers, thieves, spies and kidnappers were thwarted by fearless gangs who easily outwitted the police, while popular schoolgirls scored winning goals in nail-biting lacrosse matches. Enid carefully crafted her public image to ensure her fans only knew of this sunny persona, but behind the scenes, she weaved elaborate stories to conceal infidelities, betrayals and unconventional friendships, lied about her childhood and never fully recovered from her parent's marriage collapsing. She grew up convinced that her beloved father abandoned her for someone he loved more, and few could ever measure up to her impossible standards. A complex and immature woman, Enid was plagued by insecurities and haunted by a dark past. She was prone to bursts of furious temper, yet was a shrewd businesswoman years ahead of her time. She may not have been particularly likeable, and her stories infuriatingly unimaginative, but she left a vast literary legacy to generations of children.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Real Enid Blyton
She is the most prolific children's author in history, but Enid Blyton is also the most controversial. A remarkable woman who wrote hundreds of books in a career spanning forty years, even her razor sharp mind could never have predicted her enormous global audience. Now, fifty years after her death, Enid remains a phenomenon, with sales outstripping every rival. Parents and teachers lobbied against Enid's books, complaining they were simplistic, repetitive and littered with sexist and snobbish undertones. Blatant racist slurs were particularly shockingly; foreign and working class characters were treated with a distain that horrifies modern readers. But regardless of the criticism, Enid worked until she could not physically write another word, famously producing thousands of words a day hunched over her manual typewriter. She imaged a more innocent world, where children roamed unsupervised, and problems were solved with midnight feasts or glorious picnics with lashings of ginger beer. Smugglers, thieves, spies and kidnappers were thwarted by fearless gangs who easily outwitted the police, while popular schoolgirls scored winning goals in nail-biting lacrosse matches. Enid carefully crafted her public image to ensure her fans only knew of this sunny persona, but behind the scenes, she weaved elaborate stories to conceal infidelities, betrayals and unconventional friendships, lied about her childhood and never fully recovered from her parent's marriage collapsing. She grew up convinced that her beloved father abandoned her for someone he loved more, and few could ever measure up to her impossible standards. A complex and immature woman, Enid was plagued by insecurities and haunted by a dark past. She was prone to bursts of furious temper, yet was a shrewd businesswoman years ahead of her time. She may not have been particularly likeable, and her stories infuriatingly unimaginative, but she left a vast literary legacy to generations of children.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Enid Blyton: A Literary Life
This book is a study of the best-selling writer for children Enid Blyton (1897-1968) and provides a new account of her career. It draws on Blyton’s business correspondence to give a fresh account of a misunderstood figure who for forty years was one of Britain’s most successful and powerful authors. It examines Blyton’s rise to fame in the 1920s and considers the ways in which she managed her career as a storyteller, journalist and magazine editor. There is discussion of her most famous series including the Famous Five, the Secret Seven, Malory Towers and Noddy, but attention is also given to lesser-known works including the family stories she published to acclaim in the 1940s and early 1950s, as well as her attempts to become a dramatist. The book also discusses Blyton’s fluctuating critical reputation, how she and her works were received and how Blyton the person has fared at the hands of biographers and the media.
Enid Blyton. Me pido un cuento
Este precioso libro nos transporta a un mundo lleno de niños, seres mágicos, animales y muñecos que hablan, hechos extraordinarios, ternura, imaginación y humor. El texto se complementa magníficamente con unas preciosas y coloridas ilustraciones de Susana Hoslet. El encanto imperecedero de Enid Blyton en su máxima expresión!
Enid Blyton. Trece historias fantásticas
Una nueva colección de cuentos clásicos perfecta para todos los fans de este género y, especialmente, de Enid Blyton. Llenos de ternura, encanto, humor, imaginación y fantasía, harán las delicias de los más pequeños y los prepararán para dormir felices y sin sobresaltos.
Cuentos de Enid Blyton para soñar felices
Este precioso libro, enmarcado en la colección de cuentos cortos de Enid Blyton que tan buena acogida ha tenido, nos transporta a un mundo de fantasía, ternura, imaginación y humor. Niños, animales, duendes, hadas y otros seres mágicos protagonizan unos cuentos cásicos que, además, están magníficamente ilustrados.
Enid Blyton. Un cuento para cada estación
Celebra las maravillas de la naturaleza y la magia de los duendes y las hadas gracias a esta preciosa colección de cuentos (algunos de ellos recogidos en forma de libro por primera vez) de Enid Blyton. Dividida en cuatro secciones que se corresponden con las cuatro estaciones del año, en ella conocerás a Snips, un elfo que hace trajes con las hojas de los árboles, a una pandilla de juguetes que habla, a un corderito muy especial o a un cervatillo que se refugia de una tormenta de verano. Incluso aprenderás a hacer casitas para que los pájaros no pasen frío en invierno!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Los mejores cuentos de Enid Blyton
Niños, duendes, emperadores y magos son los protagonistas de estos relatos llenos de fantasía y humanidad que acercan a los pequeños lectores a un mundo en el que la realidad y la magia conviven con sencillez y naturalidad. Recopilación de tres cuentos llenos de magia escritos por Enid Blyton, una de las autoras de libros infantiles más leída en todo el mundo.
Enid Blyton Cuentos cortos para irse a dormir
Esta preciosa colección de cuentos (escritos entre 1920 y 1960) es un regalo perfecto para los fans de Enid Blyton, además de una maravillosa oportunidad para que los niños o los adultos que no la conozcan descubran la imperecedera obra de la autora británica. A lo largo de casi cuatrocientas páginas se despliegan veintiocho cuentos, bella y delicadamente ilustrados por Becky Cameron, que nos hablan de duendes, elfos, trasgos, hadas y un mundo mágico que está muy cerca de nosotros.
Editorial Juventud S.A. Enid Blyton in Spanish: Los Cinco Han De Resolver UN Enigma
Mis primeros libros de Enid Blyton. Lunita se va de pícnic
Ideal para acercar el mundo de Enid Blyton a los más pequeños!Lunita quiere preparar un pícnic, tiene muchísima hambre! Tendrá que prepararlo todo e invitar a sus amigos. Quieres echarle una mano?Divertidos libros con solapas, perfectos para jugar y divertirse.
Mis primeros libros de Enid Blyton. Hadita se va a dormir
Ideal para acercar el mundo de Enid Blyton a los más pequeños!Hadita ha estado jugando todo el día con sus amigos en el árbol y está supercansada! Al llegar a casa, se prepara para ir a la cama. El niño la acompañará en su rutina antes de acostarse: leer un cuento, bañarse...Divertidos libros con solapas, perfectos para jugar y divertirse.
Cuentos fantsticos de Enid Blyton para leer en siete minutos
Sumérgete en los cuentos de Enid Blyton: están repletos de brujas, duendes traviesos, animales muy listos, hadas, niños, magia, encanto y humor, mucho humor. Quince nuevos cuentos de la genial Enid Blyton para disfrutar en familia!
Cuentos mgicos de Enid Blyton para leer en cinco minutos
Déjate envolver por la magia de Enid Blyton y su mundo de fantasía, lleno de globos que conceden deseos, duendes malhumorados, búhos, conejos y zorros que hablan, trasgos con pocas luces, gnomos, niños y alguna que otra princesa! Quince relatos con los que disfrutarán los más pequeños.
Enid Blyton. La niña más rebelde 9. La niña más rebelde quiere ganar
Elizabeth se enfurece cuando en vez de hacer jefa de las alumnas de Whyteleafe a una de sus amigas eligen a una recién llegada. Las normas lo permiten, sí, pero nuestra protagonista cree que es injusto y, además, sabe a ciencia cierta que la nueva no es tan maja como parece. Pero cómo demostrarlo sin volver a ganarse el mote de la NIÑA MÁS REBELDE?
Paperblanks The Famous Five Enid Blyton Midi Lined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Picnics, summer holidays and lashings of ginger beer… it’s hard not to picture the stories of Enid Blyton when thinking of these nostalgic moments. A prolific writer, Blyton penned over 700 books and thousands of short stories that captured an idyllic childhood full of adventure in the countryside. A common theme in Blyton’s writing is the atmospheric representation of life in a rural landscape. Though her works spanned multiple genres, it was stories that focused on family that were her favourite to write. One of Blyton’s most popular works was The Famous Five, a series of children’s adventure stories that centre around a group of four cousins – Julian, Dick, Anne and George – and George’s dog, Timmy. Reproduced here are the illustrations from the covers of two books in the series, Five on a Treasure Island and Five on Finniston Farm. These classic images are the works of Eileen Soper, whose illustrations bring the wonderfully nostalgic
Paperblanks The Famous Five Enid Blyton Mini Lined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Picnics, summer holidays and lashings of ginger beer… it’s hard not to picture the stories of Enid Blyton when thinking of these nostalgic moments. A prolific writer, Blyton penned over 700 books and thousands of short stories that captured an idyllic childhood full of adventure in the countryside. A common theme in Blyton’s writing is the atmospheric representation of life in a rural landscape. Though her works spanned multiple genres, it was stories that focused on family that were her favourite to write. One of Blyton’s most popular works was The Famous Five, a series of children’s adventure stories that centre around a group of four cousins – Julian, Dick, Anne and George – and George’s dog, Timmy. Reproduced here are the illustrations from the covers of two books in the series, Five on a Treasure Island and Five on Finniston Farm. These classic images are the works of Eileen Soper, whose illustrations bring the wonderfully nostalgic
Paperblanks The Famous Five Enid Blyton Ultra Lined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Picnics, summer holidays and lashings of ginger beer… it’s hard not to picture the stories of Enid Blyton when thinking of these nostalgic moments. A prolific writer, Blyton penned over 700 books and thousands of short stories that captured an idyllic childhood full of adventure in the countryside. A common theme in Blyton’s writing is the atmospheric representation of life in a rural landscape. Though her works spanned multiple genres, it was stories that focused on family that were her favourite to write. One of Blyton’s most popular works was The Famous Five, a series of children’s adventure stories that centre around a group of four cousins – Julian, Dick, Anne and George – and George’s dog, Timmy. Reproduced here are the illustrations from the covers of two books in the series, Five on a Treasure Island and Five on Finniston Farm. These classic images are the works of Eileen Soper, whose illustrations bring the wonderfully nostalgic
Enid Blyton. Huesos y galletas. Cartas de un perro llamado Bobs
En este entrañable libro, Bobs, el adorado terrier de Enid Blyton, nos da sus opiniones sobre todo, desde los fuegos artificiales hasta las ranas, los gatos y la Navidad, con sus propias palabras. Gracias a sus cartas, que recorren un año, descubriremos la vida más íntima y divertida de la famosa autora inglesa y su familia. El regalo perfecto para lectores de cualquier edad, de 8 a 98 años, amantes de los perros y de los clásicos de Enid Blyton.
Enid Blyton La nia ms rebelde 6 La nia ms rebelde ayuda a una amiga
Cómo logrará LA NIÑA MÁS REBELDE portarse bien en el campamento teniendo que compartir tienda con la insoportable Arabella? Especialmente si esta sigue metiendo en líos a Joan, la mejor amiga de Elizabeth. Y encima parece que Arabella no es la única que les causará problemas a las dos chicas.
Paperblanks The Famous Five Enid Blyton Midi Unlined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Picnics, summer holidays and lashings of ginger beer… it’s hard not to picture the stories of Enid Blyton when thinking of these nostalgic moments. A prolific writer, Blyton penned over 700 books and thousands of short stories that captured an idyllic childhood full of adventure in the countryside. A common theme in Blyton’s writing is the atmospheric representation of life in a rural landscape. Though her works spanned multiple genres, it was stories that focused on family that were her favourite to write. One of Blyton’s most popular works was The Famous Five, a series of children’s adventure stories that centre around a group of four cousins – Julian, Dick, Anne and George – and George’s dog, Timmy. Reproduced here are the illustrations from the covers of two books in the series, Five on a Treasure Island and Five on Finniston Farm. These classic images are the works of Eileen Soper, whose illustrations bring the wonderfully nostalgic
Paperblanks The Famous Five Enid Blyton Ultra Unlined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Picnics, summer holidays and lashings of ginger beer… it’s hard not to picture the stories of Enid Blyton when thinking of these nostalgic moments. A prolific writer, Blyton penned over 700 books and thousands of short stories that captured an idyllic childhood full of adventure in the countryside. A common theme in Blyton’s writing is the atmospheric representation of life in a rural landscape. Though her works spanned multiple genres, it was stories that focused on family that were her favourite to write. One of Blyton’s most popular works was The Famous Five, a series of children’s adventure stories that centre around a group of four cousins – Julian, Dick, Anne and George – and George’s dog, Timmy. Reproduced here are the illustrations from the covers of two books in the series, Five on a Treasure Island and Five on Finniston Farm. These classic images are the works of Eileen Soper, whose illustrations bring the wonderfully nostalgic
Hachette Children's Group Stories for SevenYearOlds
A collection of short stories perfect for children aged seven from the world''s best loved storyteller!This exiting collection is brimming with adventure and magic! From a pixie painting flowers to the moon falling out of the sky, there''s something for everyone in these short stories from Enid Blyton, the world''s favourite storyteller.These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom.Enid Blyton remains one of Britain''s favourite children''s authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers.***Enid Blyton and Enid Blyton''s signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyr
Hachette Children's Group Stories of Mischief Makers: Over 25 stories
A collection of short stories about some extremely mischievous children from the world's favourite storyteller Enid Blyton. Perfect for children aged 5 and up!Are you ready for some delightfully dreadful tales? From cheeky pixies and naughty imps to hair-raisingly horrid children and tricks gone wrong, there is abundant mischief in these cautionary short stories by Enid Blyton.These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers. Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2022: Stories for BedtimeStories of Mischief MakersStories of Wonders and WishesChristmas Treats *** Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
RBA Molino Segundo grado en Torres de Malory
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Molino InolbidableNueva traducción para adaptar el lenguaje y las expresiones de Enid Blyton a día de hoy. 12 ilustraciones interiores en B/N con divertidos guiños de actualidad. Un clásico del fondo de Molino puesto al día. Por fin las niñas pequeñas también van a pedir a Enid Blyton! Una de las series con mayor éxito entre las lectoras femeninas de Blyton, gracias a su tema atemporal: un internado repleto de niñas uniformadas y estiradas profesoras.
Hachette Children's Group Tales of Tricks and Treats: Contains 30 classic tales
Meet fairies, witches and giants in this selection of 30 magical short stories by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! From to goblin games to never-ending wishes, there's mischief afoot in these fun-filled short stories by Enid Blyton! Who will be on the receiving end of a trick, and who will win out with a treat? Ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to enjoy independently, each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom.Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are the perfect way to introduce her work to a new generation of readers.Read all of these bestselling short story collections by Enid Blyton: Animal StoriesSpringtime StoriesSummer StoriesHoliday StoriesSummer Holiday StoriesSummertime StoriesSummer Adventure StoriesStories of Wizards and WitchesStories of Magic and Mischief Christmas StoriesChristmas TalesChristmas TreatsWinter Stories***Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Bones and Biscuits: Letters from a Dog Named Bobs
It's a dog's life! An adorable book of letters from Bobs the dog, by much-loved author Enid Blyton. The perfect gift for animal-lovers of all ages."Bones and biscuits! If a cheeky bird didn't fly down to my nose and eat a crumb off my left whiskers! Really, people have no manners at all these days!" In this very funny book, Bobs gives us his opinions on everything from fireworks to frogs, cats to Christmas, in his own words. This illustrated collection of his letters takes us through a year in the life of Bobs, the adored pet terrier owned by national treasure Enid Blyton. Written by Enid Blyton every week to entertain young readers in the 1920s-40s, these have never been published together in book form before. The perfect gift for readers of any age, from 7 to 97, who love dogs and funny stories.
Hachette Children's Group Bones and Biscuits: Letters from a Dog Named Bobs
It's a dog's life! An adorable book of letters from Bobs the dog, by much-loved author Enid Blyton. The perfect gift for animal-lovers of all ages."Bones and biscuits! If a cheeky bird didn't fly down to my nose and eat a crumb off my left whiskers! Really, people have no manners at all these days!" In this very funny book, Bobs gives us his opinions on everything from fireworks to frogs, cats to Christmas, in his own words. This illustrated collection of his letters takes us through a year in the life of Bobs, the adored pet terrier owned by national treasure Enid Blyton. Written by Enid Blyton every week to entertain young readers in the 1920s-40s, these have never been published together in book form before. The perfect gift for readers of any age, from 7 to 97, who love dogs and funny stories.
RBA Molino Tercer año en Torres de Malory
Nueva traducción para adaptar el lenguaje y las expresiones de Enid Blyton a día de hoy. 12 ilustracionesinteriores en B/N con divertidos guiños de actualidad. Un clásico del fondo de Molino puesto al día. Por fin las niñaspequeñas también van a pedir a Enid Blyton! Una de las series con mayor éxito entre las lectoras femeninas de Blyton,gracias a su tema atemporal: un internado repleto de niñas uniformadas y estiradas profesoras.
RBA Molino Primer curso en Torres de Malory
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Molino InolvidableNueva traducción para adaptar el lenguaje y las expresiones de Enid Blyton a día de hoy. 12 ilustraciones interiores en B/N con divertidos guiños de actualidad. Un clásico del fondo de Molino puesto al día. Por fin las niñas pequeñas también van a pedir a Enid Blyton! Una de las series con mayor éxito entre las lectoras femeninas de Blyton, gracias a su tema atemporal: un internado repleto de niñas uniformadas y estiradas profesoras.
Hachette Children's Group Stories of Wonders and Wishes
A magical collection of enchanting tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up!Prepare to be dazzled with stories of witches, wizards and magical folk. From spells and enchantments to potions and wishes, there's magic and wonder brewing in this bumper collection by Enid Blyton.These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom.Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers.Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2022:Bedtime StoriesStories of Mischief MakersStories of Wonders and WishesChristmas Treats***Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Pet Stories
A wonderful new collection of short stories about our favourite fluffy friends, from national treasure Enid BlytonEnjoy 30 charming tales about cats, dogs, budgies, rabbits and other adored family pets in this fantastic new bumper collection. Enid Blyton, author of The Famous Five, loved dogs and other animals. Her perfectly crafted short stories about children and their pets are ideal for young readers to enjoy alone or as read-aloud stories in the classroom or at bedtime. Ideal for children aged 5 and over.
Hachette Children's Group Summertime Stories: Contains 30 classic tales
Enjoy a whole summer of fun with this fantastic collection of 30 short stories - the perfect holiday read for children aged 7 and up. From picnics in the sunshine to daring outdoor adventures, celebrate the excitement and magic of summertime with these fun-filled short stories by Enid Blyton. Ideal for newly confident readers, these entertaining tales are the perfect length for reading aloud at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers.Read all of Enid Blyton's bestselling short story collections: Springtime StoriesSummer StoriesHoliday StoriesSummer Holiday StoriesStories of Wizards and WitchesChristmas TalesChristmas Treats***Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Christmas Treats: Contains 29 classic Blyton tales
Delight in the magic of Christmas with this bumper collection of short stories from the world's best-loved storyteller! Perfect for children aged 5 and up!This hugely popular short story collection, first published in 2017, is back with a shiny new cover...Curl up with this collection of festive short stories by Enid Blyton. From the proud rocking horse who learns the gift of giving to a snowman befriended by elves, these joyful tales celebrate the true spirit of Christmas. With lots of humour and fantastic characters, these stories will appeal to newly confident readers for reading alone as well as to younger children being read to.Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers.Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2022:Stories for BedtimeStories of Mischief MakersStories of Wonder and WishesChristmas Treats***Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Five-Minute Stories: 30 stories
A bumper collection of five-minute short stories by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up!Whizz through five-minute tales in this brilliant collection by Enid Blyton. From animal and school adventures to outdoor wanders and magical mischief and mayhem, there's a story for everyone!These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers. Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2023:Five-Minute StoriesStories of Tails and WhiskersSpellbinding StoriesStories for Christmas*** Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Stories for Christmas
Snuggle down with this charming collection of wintry and Christmas stories from the world's best loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up!From tales of hot roasted chestnuts to shared gifts and falling snow, celebrate the festive season with these short stories by Enid Blyton.These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom.Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers.Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2023:Five-Minute StoriesStories of Tails and WhiskersSpellbinding StoriesStories for Christmas***Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Stories for Bedtime
A dreamy collection of tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! From adventures with sleepy giants to bedtime stories about how Bobs the dog got a cold nose, drift into dreamland with these short stories by Enid Blyton. Look out for midnight parties and falling stars! These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers. Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2022: Stories for BedtimeStories of Mischief MakersMagical StoriesChristmas Treats *** Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Stories of Spells and Enchantments
A dazzling collection of magical tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! There are tales of the most powerful enchanters and conjurers in Fairyland in this bumper collection of short stories by Enid Blyton. But their spells don't always go smoothly! From witches who will cast an enchantment at the drop of a pointy hat to cheeky imps in search of spells to make some mischief, there's bound to be trouble! These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers. Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2021: Rainy Day StoriesPet StoriesStories of Spells and EnchantmentsChristmas Tales *** Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group Treasury of Bedtime Stories
A stunning treasury of favourite bedtime stories from one of the world's best-loved storytellers. With gorgeous full-colour illustrations by Becky Cameron throughout, this special book is a gift to treasure forever.Both a gorgeous gift for fans of Enid Blyton and a striking introduction to her work for new readers, this glorious hardback contains over 300 pages of beautifully illustrated short stories to read and share at bedtime. Each short story stands alone and takes the reader on a brand-new adventure. From the pixie seamstress who makes dresses for the Fairy Queen, to the little boy who turns into a steam engine, meet a host of magic and memorable characters, brought to life by Becky Cameron's charming illustrations. The stories first appeared in magazines and anthologies published between 1920-1960s.Look out for these other gorgeous Enid Blyton gift books: Enid Blyton's Magical TreasuryThe Famous Five TreasuryJolly Good Food (a children's cook book)Favourite Stories from Enid Blyton*Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group The Enchanted Library: Stories for Cosy Days
A gorgeous picture book to delight all little readers, featuring sparkling showers and chilly spells. Collect the whole series for a year-round library of beautiful books. Follow a little fawn as he hides from the rain and a pixie looking for shelter in the winter in this beautiful collection of stories by the world's best-loved storyteller, Enid Blyton. With charming colour illustrations by Becky Cameron, acclaimed illustrator of Treasury of Bedtime Stories by Enid Blyton and of Paddington and the Christmas Wish, this is the perfect gift.Step into a world of magic and nature with The Enchanted Library series. Look out for:Stories of Nature's TreasuresStories of Favourite FriendsStories of Animal SecretsStories of Dreamy AdventuresStories for All SeasonsStories of Starry NightsStories of Fairy FunStories of Woodland AdventuresStories of Tasty Treats * Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group The Enchanted Library: Stories of Tasty Treats
A gorgeous picture book to delight all little readers, featuring ice creams and hot potatoes. Collect the whole series for a year-round library of beautiful books. Share surprise ice creams on sandy beaches and hot roast potatoes on bonfires made of old twigs in this beautiful collection of stories by the world's best-loved storyteller, Enid Blyton. With charming colour illustrations by Becky Cameron, acclaimed illustrator of Treasury of Bedtime Stories by Enid Blyton and of Paddington and the Christmas Wish, this is the perfect gift.Step into a world of magic and nature with The Enchanted Library series. Look out for:Stories of Nature's TreasuresStories of Favourite FriendsStories of Animal SecretsStories of Dreamy AdventuresStories for All SeasonsStories of Starry NightsStories of Fairy FunStories of Woodland AdventuresStories for Cosy Days * Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group The Enchanted Library: Stories of Fairy Fun
A gorgeous picture book to delight all little readers, featuring pixies, elves, fairies and other magical friends. Collect the whole series for a year-round library of beautiful books. In this beautiful collection of stories by the world's best-loved storyteller, Enid Blyton, a pixie searches for confetti for his friends' wedding, a poppy meets a magical pal and two children discover a fairy party at the bottom of their garden. With charming colour illustrations by Becky Cameron, acclaimed illustrator of Treasury of Bedtime Stories by Enid Blyton and of Paddington and the Christmas Wish, this is the perfect gift. Step into a world of fairies, magic and nature with the Stories of Fairies and Fun series. Look out for:Animal AdventuresExciting Treasures Shining Secrets Sunshine and Snowflakes Starry Nights Delightful Treats Special Surprises Twinkling Raindrops Dreamy Adventures * Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.
Hachette Children's Group The Enchanted Library: Stories of Nature's Treasures
A gorgeous picture book to delight all little readers, featuring Easter chicks, seaside trips and fairy toys. Collect the whole series for a year-round library of beautiful books. There are Easter chicks and chocolate eggs, magical seashells and wonderful toys made from acorns, chestnuts and sycamore keys to be found in this beautiful collection of stories by the world's best-loved storyteller, Enid Blyton. With charming colour illustrations by Becky Cameron, acclaimed illustrator of Treasury of Bedtime Stories by Enid Blyton and of Paddington and the Christmas Wish, this is the perfect gift. Step into a world of magic and nature with The Enchanted Library series. Look out for:Stories of Favourite FriendsStories of Animal SecretsStories of Dreamy AdventuresStories for All SeasonsStories of Starry NightsStories of Fairy FunStories of Woodland AdventuresStories for Cosy DaysStories of Tasty Treats * Enid Blyton ® and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner.