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Edition M Ein letzter Mord
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elements of Solid State Physics
Elements of Solid State Physics Second Edition M. N. Rudden and J. Wilson University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK This textbook provides a basic introduction to the principles of solid state physics and semiconductor devices and will prove essential for first and second year students of physics, materials science and electrical/electronic engineering courses. It assumes no prior knowledge of quantum or statistical mechanics and relies on simple models to illustrate the physical principles. However, the opportunity has been taken in this edition to extend the concept of energy bands to a consideration of E--k curves, and certain new material has been added, notably relating to superconductivity and optoelectronic devices, including lasers, following significant developments in these areas. Elements of Solid State Physics, Second Edition, presents the student with an essentially non-mathematical approach to the subject. Arranged in a logical sequence with many clear illustrations, each chapter has a number of worked examples and discussion points, as well as questions and answers. Readers of this fully revised and updated edition will receive a thorough grounding in the principles of solid state physics and should have sufficient knowledge about modern electronic devices to proceed to more advanced texts in this area. Main Contents: Some Aspects of Modern Physics; Structure of Crystalline Solids; Theories of Conduction and Magnetism; Energy Bands in Solids; Quantum Theory of Conduction; Semiconductor Devices.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nutrition and Health
Continuing accumulation of scientific evidence demonstrates that nutrition is one of the most important determinants of health for the individual, and that specific nutrition habits of various populations can significantly decrease the overall risk of several chronic diseases. This landmark publication, which contains papers presented at the 1st Nutrition and Health conference, covers the major topics relating to nutritional aspects of health. Chapters within this important book cover vital health issues, including details of the links between diet and cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. Further chapters within Nutrition and Health cover important nutritional issues, for example managing the human gut flora, vegetarianism and the role of phytoprotectants. Each chapter has been written by a well-known expert, and the whole has been drawn together and carefully edited, providing an important reference resource for the future. All health professionals interested or involved in nutrition and the impact of nutrition on health should have a copy of this book on their shelves, as should libraries in all medical schools, and universities and research establishments where nutrition, dietetics and food science are studied and taught. Also available from Blackwell Publishing A major series of textbooks from the Nutrition Society Introduction to Human Nutrition (0 632 05624 X) Nutrition and Metabolism (0 632 05625 8) Clinical Nutrition (0 632 05626 6) Public Health Nutrition (0 632 05627 4) Nutrition Bulletin (Journal) Published quarterly ISSN: 0141 9684 Adverse Reactions to Foods Edited by J. Buttriss (BNF) 0 632 055472 Principles of Human Nutrition Second edition M. Eastwood 0 632 05811 0