Search results for ""Divus""
Divus Rip
Divus Punk's Dead
Divus Autopsia: Thanatopolis
Divus Josef Bolf: Black Book
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Julian Basilica: Architecture, Sculpture, Epigraphy
Early-20th-century explorations of the Roman Forum at Ancient Corinth revealed a massive early imperial building now known as the Julian Basilica. The structure stood on a podium over four meters high, and it dominated the east end of the forum in size, aspect, and function until its destruction in the 4th century A.D. Within it was one of the largest known shrines to the imperial cult and the likely site of the imperial court of law for the Roman province of Achaia. The basilica housed 11 or more large-scale statues most likely to members of the Julio-Claudian family (including Augustus, Augustus's heirs Gaius and Lucius, and arguably Divus Iulius, Germanicus, Nero Caesar, and Claudius), as well as an altar to Divus Augustus and dedications to the genius Augusti, the gens Augusta, and other family members. This richly illustrated volume provides a contextual study of this important building, the remains of which were first published by Saul Weinberg in 1960 (Corinth I.5). Scotton treats the architectural remains, Vanderpool the sculptural remains, and Roncaglia the epigraphical material, each providing extensive catalogues with new photos, in addition to colour reconstructions of the basilica and its grand interior.
Harvard University Press Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 108
This volume includes Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui, “‘Trust the God’: Tharsein in Ancient Greek Religion”; Jordi Pàmias, “Acusilaus of Argos and the Bronze Tablets”; Karen Rosenbecker, “‘Just Desserts’: Reversals of Fortune, Feces, Flatus, and Food in Aristophanes’ Wealth”; Yosef Z. Liebersohn, “Crito’s Character in Plato’s Crito”; Alexandros Kampakoglou, “Staging the Divine: Epiphany and Apotheosis in Callimachus HE 1121–1124”; Christopher Eckerman, “Muses, Metaphor, and Metapoetics in Catullus 61”; Christopher P. Jones, “The Greek Letters Ascribed to Brutus”; Jefferds Huyck, “Another Sort of Misogyny: Aeneid 9.140–141”; Mark Heerink, “Hylas, Hercules, and Valerius Flaccus’ Metamorphosis of the Aeneid”; Lowell Edmunds, “Pliny the Younger on His Verse and Martial’s Non-Recognition of Pliny as a Poet”; Eleanor Cowan, “Caesar’s One Fatal Wound: Suetonius Divus Iulius 82.3”; Graeme Bourke, “Classical Sophism and Philosophy in Pseudo-Plutarch On the Training of Children”; Jarrett T. Welsh, “Verse Quotations from Festus”; Benjamin Garstad, “Rome in the Alexander Romance”; James N. Adams, “The Latin of the Magerius (Smirat) Mosaic”; Lucia Floridi, “The Construction of a Homoerotic Discourse in the Epigrams of Ausonius”; Massimilliano Vitiello, “Emperor Theodosius’ Liberty and the Roman Past”; and Thomas Keeline and Stuart M. McManus, “Benjamin Larnell, the Last Latin Poet at Harvard Indian College.”