Search results for ""Clavis""
Aschendorff Verlag Clavis Origenes
Deutsche Bibelges. VulgataLesebuch. Clavis Vulgatae
Golden Hoard Press Pte Ltd Grimoire of St Cyprian Clavis Inferni
Peeters Publishers Clavis to the Metrical Homilies of Narsai
Narsai (d. ca. 500) is a foundational East Syriac theologian and exegete and among the most important and influential Syriac authors more broadly. The present volume serves as a clavis to the more than eighty metrical homilies (memre) attributed to him. The first part consists of the clavis itself: It is organized by homily providing for each a number, a short title, the incipit, the manuscript attestation, previous editions and translations, previous scholarship, and additional notes, when applicable. The second part is a study of manuscripts that contain collections of homilies attributed (primarily) to Narsai. For each manuscript, the following information is provided: date, catalogue-type description of contents, bibliography, and notes. The third part is a series of concordances that link the present work to previous publications as well as to the incipits. The volume also contains a curated bibliography on Narsai.
Golden Hoard Press Ltd Clavis or Key to Unlock the MYSTERIES OF MAGIC
This is the highpoint of calligraphic Victorian grimoires, full colour throughout. A very significant magical text with lots of detail not normally found in a grimoire
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. The Clavis or Key to Unlock the Mysteries of Magic
Harrassowitz Clavis Canonum: Selected Canon Law Collections Before 1140. Access with Data Processing
Dr Ludwig Reichert Ornamentale Purpurwirkereien: de Variis Purpureis Segmentis, Paragaudis, Clavis Et Ceteris Ornamentis Cum Ornamento
Hays (Nicolas) Ltd ,U.S. The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon: From an Original Talismanic Grimoire in Full Color
Clavis Little Tractor Wants to Fly
A cheerful picture book about appreciating your own talents. For everyone ages 4 years and up.A little airplane named Gaston has landed in the meadow. Little Tractor is impressed that Gaston, who has an engine and wheels just like him, can fly. He’d like to be able to do that too! His friends explain that flying is only one skill, and being a tractor is important, too. Little Tractor doesn’t believe them . . . until Gaston gets into trouble.
Clavis Whimsical Wonders. Through the Seasons with Nut and Shell
A beautiful nature book filled with facts about nature and search puzzles. For children with a heart for nature ages 4 years and up.Nut and Shell love nature. They love spring, when everything turns green and the animals awake. They love summer, when everything buzzes and blossoms. And they love fall, when the leaves on the trees change colors! In winter, the magic forest prepares for the cold. Embark on this story as Nut and Shell explore the four seasons together.
Clavis I Miss You
A beautiful and gentle story about saying goodbye and letting go. For everyone ages 5 years and up.There’s a hole in my heartin the shape of your laugh.But not because I don’t see you any longer.It’s because I keep seeing youwhere you aren’t anymore.Sometimes grieving children—and adults—can feel overwhelmed by memories. What happens when missing someone is all we can think about? Is there any way to move through the missing without forgetting the person we loved?
Clavis Wooly Learns Spanish. Search at School
A fun seek-and-find book full of English and Spanish vocabulary. For curious sheep with a knack for languages ages 2 years and up.Wooly the little sheep takes us to school. There, he plays with clay, blocks, and the many fun instruments in the music corner. Do you know what they’re called? As you follow along with Wooly’s day at school, you’ll learn many English and Spanish words.
Clavis Wow Traveling around the World. Discover the Most Beautiful Places on Earth
In this sixth book in the Wow! series, you’ll discover the most beautiful places on earth. For world travelers ages 5 years and up.This series is full of inspiring animals, plants, and phenomena that are so spectacular, you’ll be left in awe!In this book, you’ll journey to every continent on the earth. Our planet has many beautiful places! You’ll search for the oldest buildings, the most spectacular celebrations, and the most stunning scenes. Along the way, you’ll face mysterious statues, rare animals, and the remains of ancient temples. Each continent will leave you speechless. Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure?
Clavis The World of Worm. Seasons
A cheerful look-and-point book about the seasons. For children ages 3 years and up.Worm is busy all year round. In spring, he sows flowers, in summer, he visits the baby animals, in fall, he rakes leaves, and in winter, he dresses up nice and warm. Which things does he use? And what happens in the forest? Discover the four seasons together with Worm.
Clavis The Tin Soldier
A beautiful edition with two stories: a modern retelling of The Steadfast Tin Soldier and a surprising story about a troublesome toy he encounters. With games and riddles, for children ages 5 years and up.When he arrives in Christian’s room, one toy catches the tin soldier’s eye: the graceful ballerina next to the paper castle. She stands on one leg, just like he does! At midnight, the toys come to life, and the soldier and the ballerina are enchanted with each other. But the very next day, the tin soldier finds himself on an unexpected adventure. He bravely faces danger and never gives up hope. After all, he must return to the toy room and see the beautiful ballerina again!In the second part of this book, the tin soldier has a new obstacle to overcome. The jack-in-a-box wants to get rid of him. Who will win?
Clavis Come Little One
Clavis Little Tractor Learns How to Share
A sweet picture book about hospitality, friendship, and learning to share. For everyone ages 4 years and up.The swallows are back, so spring is coming! Little Tractor is happy to see the cheery birds. But then the swallows build a nest in his barn. Now he has to share his space, and Little Tractor isn’t so happy anymore. Until one little swallow changes his mind . . .
Clavis I Hate Love
"A quirky tale of romance, hedgehog-style." - Kirkus ReviewsHenry the Hedgehog always goes with his friend Randy to look for worms. But today, Randy has plans with Becky. They’re going to watch the sunset together. Pff, how boring, Henry thinks angrily. Because he hates love. But you can’t stop the butterflies in your stomach . . .A picture book about love, for children with and without quills ages 5 years and up.
Clavis I Love You the Way You Are
A touching story about friendship and the importance of being yourself. For little critters ages 4 years and up.Hedgehog and Mouse are friends. Best friends. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, as long as they’re doing it together. One day, Hedgehog wants to thank Mouse for being his friend. But . . . Oh no . . . He falls and accidentally pricks Mouse. Wouldn’t Mouse be happier with a softer friend instead of one with quills?
Clavis Wow Life before the Dinosaurs. The Unbelievable Story of the Earth
In this seventh book in the Wow! series, you’ll discover the earliest history of our planet. For time travelers ages 6 years and up.Millions of years ago, the dinosaurs dominated life on Earth. They’re the most spectacular animals that ever lived. Believe it or not, though, before the dinosaurs, life on Earth might have looked even more wondrous. Land animals were many feet high, some wore big sails on their backs, forests consisted of gigantic moss trees, and fish developed into all-devouring monsters. Welcome to the unbelievable history of our Earth.
Clavis Alive
Clavis HideAndSeek
Clavis Furry Friends. In the City The Big Book of Vehicles
An informative and funny discovery book about the different vehicles in the city. For adventurous drivers and curious children ages 3 years and up.Vroom, vroom! Forklifts, buses, and trucks . . . Oh my! There are so many vehicles in the city! Buckle up and ride along with the Furry Friends as they explore. You can hop on the light rail, stop by the ice cream truck, and chase the chocolate thief with the police car. Get set and go!
Clavis My Animals
A book filled with recognizable images of animals in and around the house. For toddlers ages 12 months and up, with a focus on the world surrounding the child.Animals are fun! Some animals are pets, like dogs, cats, and rabbits. But you can also find all kinds of wild animals outside the house, like birds, butterflies, and ants.
Clavis Luke and Lottie. Summer Is Here
A sunny story about summer. For cheerful children ages 3 years and up.Get ready for summer fun! Join twins Luke and Lottie as they dash out to play in the yard. But don’t forget the sunscreen! Outside there’s so much to do: Luke and Lottie can swing, play in the sandbox, swim in the wading pool, and more. Then, surprise! Grandma and Grandpa stop by with something in a big bag. What could it be?
Clavis Is That Possible Books on the Roof
A silly seek-and-find book, with surprises or games on every page. For detectives with a sense of humor ages 5 years and up.Is that possible? Fish swimming in a drawer and a pool leading to the front door? Welcome to the house where William lives with his human family. It might be a bit different from where you live. But it’s mighty fun! Come inside and see for yourself!The Is That Possible? series invites readers to look at everyday objects and situations in a creative way. Filled with fun activities, these books will spark imagination and conversation. Bond and build your child’s vocabulary as you play along!
Clavis How Tito Loses His Nose
A charming character learns a preschooler-friendly lesson that being loved goes beyond what is found on the surface. - School Library Journal List Inclusion: 35 Board Books to Charm the Very Young Into ‘Reading’ Not ‘Screening’Clown Tito is the star of Circus Rondo. Every day, he performs. Tito runs, dances, and jumps . . . The people love his show. But one day, something strange happens. Tito loses his nose! A playful story about insecurity and popularity. For children ages 3 years and up.
Clavis The World of Worm. Numbers
A fun picture book about numbers and counting to five. For children ages 2 ½ years and up.Today, Worm is going to the beach. What does he find along the way? Worm sees one dino skeleton, two carrots, three baby mice . . . and much more! He can also form the numbers with his long body. Will you count to five together with Worm?
Clavis Todos los helados del mundo
Una conmovedora historia sobre un pequeño oso polar y sus ayudantes, con un mensaje importante sobre el cambio climático. Para niños de 5 años en adelante.Al despertar de una siesta, un pequeño osito polar se da cuenta de que está flotando a la deriva en el mar abierto. Su casa se ha desprendido del témpano de hielo y se está derritiendo. Con el tiempo justo llega a una tierra nueva y extraña. El osito necesita ayuda, pero nadie le presta atención. Hasta que se encuentra con una niña amable y atenta que lleva un cono de helado en la mano...A sweet picture book about a little polar bear and his helpers. And about lots of ice cream, of course! For children ages 5 years and up.Waking from his nap, a little polar bear finds himself floating alone on the open sea. His home has broken off from the ice floe and is melting! Just in the nick of time, he arrives in a new land. He needs
Clavis Kiki Feels Funny
Included in the Hot Off the Press Spotlight: Big Feelings.Included in the Children''s Book Council''s March 2024 ''Hot Off the Press'' reading list.Kiki wakes up feeling funny. It’s not an itch on her nose or her toe, but a tingling in her tummy . . . What could she be feeling? Curious, Kiki asks her animal friends what they’re feeling. A playful and recognizable story about different feelings. For toddlers ages 30 months and up, with a focus on the child’s emotions.
Clavis Publishing Doris' Dear Delinquents
Silver medal winner of the 2020 Key Colors Illustrators Competition! "An alphabet book with just the right amount of toothy mayhem." - Publishers Weekly Doris the gharial crocodile has her motherly hands full with twenty-six misbehaved hatchlings. Follow along on a journey through the alphabet as she tries to bring peace back into her home. An amusing book about a crocodile and her cheeky hatchlings, whose names all start with a specific letter of the alphabet. For readers who know their ABCs ages 4 years and up. Key Colors is Clavis’ biennial contest for picture book creators. Held in international markets since 1996, the first US edition was inaugurated in 2020. Only a children’s book, intended for ages 2-7, can qualify for the award. A professional jury evaluates the artistic, literary, and child-oriented qualities of the works with the winner receiving a monetary prize in addition to being published by Clavis. For many illustrators, this unique award is the start of a successful international career.
Clavis Publishing What a Nice Car!
“The accessible text, eye-catching visuals, and underlying positive message make for an entertaining read for young ones.” - Booklist Mouse found a car on the side of the road. Who does it belong to? Mouse is joined by many animal friends and together they head out to find the car’s owner. A funny story about owning and sharing. For children ages 3 years and up. - Guided Reading Level I At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Mermaid Counting Book
"This is a great book for teaching and learning new vocabulary! I can see myself reading it to my daughter with her curled up in my lap. I also like that the author used varying prepositions. Great vocabulary and counting book!" - Charles County Public Schools One little mermaid swimming in the sea. Off on an adventure—come along with me! A sweet counting book that encourages reading together. For toddlers ages 30 months and up, with a focus on the child’s language development. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Mia and Molly: The Same and Different
"A colorful tale of twins who are not always identical. " - Kirkus Reviews From the author-illustrator of the bestselling series Zaza, Mylo Freeman! Mia and Molly are twins. They look the same and they like the same things. But they are also different in many ways! A lovely flip book about similarities and differences—and twins! For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s daily life. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Getting Dressed
"Sweet illustrations and efficient text deftly reinforce early learning concepts." - Kirkus Reviews Playing outside is always fun . . . as long as you wear the right clothes! What’s the best way to get dressed for winter, spring, summer, and fall? And what do you wear to a party? A cheerful book with flaps about picking out clothes and having fun. For toddlers ages 18 months and up, with a focus on the child’s daily life. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing New Friends For Zaza
“The illustrations are adorable and the colors are vibrant. The children at the daycare are diverse and the book has a positive message... if you face your uncertainties wonderful adventures can ensue. This book is highly recommended.” – Storywraps Children’s Book Council’s Hot Off the Press Selection! Zaza is going to daycare for the first time. Will she and Rosie make new friends? A warm book about cuddly friends and new friends. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s world. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Fall with Lily and Milo
"A brightly colored seasonal read-aloud that will engage children and allow for natural questioning and conversation." - School Library Journal Fall is here! Lily and Milo go exploring in the woods. They see a hedgehog, nuts, apples, mushrooms, and lots of colored leaves. The woods are so pretty in fall! Milo wants to take everything home. A simple and interactive story about the woods in the fall. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s world. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Luke and Lottie. It's Easter
We’ve celebrate Halloween ("Just right for very little trick-or-treaters" ― Kirkus Reviews) and Christmas (“A merry little Christmas Eve story.” – Kirkus Review) with the twins, Luke and Lottie! Now let’s celebrate Easter with them! It’s Easter! Luke and Lottie are going to an Easter egg hunt at the farm. Daddy is dressed up as an Easter Bunny. And Luke and Lottie are dressed up as bunnies too! They look in the henhouse, in the meadow, and in the bunny hutch. Easter egg hunts are so much fun! A sweet and recognizable story about celebrating Easter together. For children ages 3 years and up. Guided Reading Level J At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing My Bed
"The views of Reindeer awkwardly sprawled atop or wedged into hammocks or different types of too-small or otherwise unsuitable bedsteads are positively chuckleworthy….The bright, matte colors are eye-catching, offering just the right balance of busyness to help guide board-book readers into more-complicated compositions….."We all sleep best," the simply phrased narrative concludes, "in our own bed."” - Kirkus Reviews It’s Late. Everyone is tired. “Time to go to bed!” Reindeer says. But which bed belongs to Reindeer? A funny story with flaps for sleepy toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s daily life. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Hundred Kisses Before Bedtime
“A sweet bedtime tale that will delight young children and their caregivers. Children will delight in the simply drawn mixed-media illustrations that accurately depict recognizable animals. A wonderful addition to picture book collections and early literacy kits on bedtime.” - School Library Journal "I'm really good at giving kisses. Every night I make sure all the animals get a good-night kiss. Then they can sleep tight." Before going to bed, Chick wants to give all the animals a good-night kiss. Meet the crocodile who's floating in the water, the rooster who's crowing loud, the horst running in the meadow, and the cutest art ever. From the big lion to the little hedgehog, they all get a sweet kiss from little Chick. Until he gets tired himself…. A sweet and endearing bedtime book. For good-night-kiss-givers ages 12 months and up, with a focus on the child’s world. At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
Clavis Publishing Are You Stronger Than an Ant Fun Facts about Extraordinary Animals
An immersive and informative guide to 11 animals and the fascinating things they can do. For animal lovers aged 6 years and up. Embark on an extraordinary journey into the captivating world of nature, where animals showcase remarkable abilities that leave humans in awe. Can you imagine drinking 20 gallons of water in under 15 minutes? Camels can! How about carrying 100 times your own weight? Ants can! While you may not be able to eat stones, crocodiles surely can! Prepare to be amazed as you discover the incredible feats of animals in this enlightening and educational book.Designed for children aged 6 years and above, this book offers a wealth of fascinating facts about animals from around the globe. With detailed information presented in a concise and engaging format, young readers will delight in learning about 11 animals with extraordinary characteristics.Each page invites readers to ponder the question, “Could you?” followed by interesting a
CLAVIS PUB Tractorcito aprende a compartir
Clavis Publishing Dándole de comer a los patitos con Lily y Milo
¡Qué divertido es darle de comer a los patitos en el parque! ¡Hay una lagunita con patos, un parque infantil, un arenero y más! Pero, espera. ¿Has traído comida para ellos?Lily y Milo van al parque a darle de comer a los patitos. Se ponen sus abrigos y sus botas, y también llevan un poco de pan. En el parque hay una lagunita con patos, pero también hay un parque infantil. Lily y Milo juegan en el tobogán, en el subibaja y en el arenero. Luego alimentarán a los patitos. Al menos eso es lo que ellos piensan.Una divertida historia sobre un paseo al parque para darle de comer a los patitos. Para niños pequeños de 24 meses en adelante, con un enfoque en el mundo que los rodea.
Clavis Publishing Counting Book 1 2 3