Search results for ""Bristol University Press""
Bristol University Press Reablement in Long-Term Care for Older People: International Perspectives and Future Directions
Our societies are ageing, and we need to identify sustainable and person-centred solutions for supporting frail older people in their homes. Reablement offers a radical new integrated care approach which supports older people to regain and maintain functioning and independence. This interdisciplinary book provides an introduction to the remarkable, if haphazard, international growth in reablement policies and practices in aged care over the past 20 years. Incorporating theoretical and empirical research, it considers benefits for clients and care workers, cost-saving potentials and reablement provision for people with dementia. Finally, the book reflects on key findings, challenges and the way forward for long-term care for older people. The introduction, 'The concept, rationale, and implications of reablement', is available Open Access via Bristol University Press Digital.
Bristol University Press The Western Ideology and Other Essays
‘Capitalism may be teetering once again on the edge of a terminal crisis, but there are no gravediggers in sight. This time around not only are there no gravediggers there are no longer any rival economic systems either …’ In ‘The Western Ideology’ Andrew Gamble demonstrates the contradictions and the resilience of the doctrines that define liberal modernity, and examines the contemporary possibilities for dissent and change. This volume brings together for the first time this seminal essay with a collection of Andrew Gamble’s writings on political ideas and ideologies, which have been chosen by the author to illustrate the main themes of his writing in intellectual history and the history of ideas. Themes include the character of economic liberalism and neoliberalism, especially as expressed in the work of Friedrich Hayek, as well as critiques from both social democratic and conservative perspectives and from critics as varied as Karl Marx, Michael Oakeshott and Bob Dylan. The collection includes a new autobiographical introduction, notes on the essays and an epilogue putting the essays into the context of today’s society. Andrew Gamble provides a unique exploration of the debates and the ideas that have shaped our politics and Western ideology. A companion volume of Andrew Gamble’s essays, After Brexit and Other Essays, focusing on political economy and British politics, is also available from Bristol University Press.
Bristol University Press After Brexit and Other Essays
‘Being more like America again and less like Europe is the heart of the UK model of capitalism … [but] there are many respects in which Britain remains unlike America despite its strong appeal to the British political class ...’ In 'After Brexit' Andrew Gamble sets out the economic models and external relationships that Britain has pursued since the Second World War and examines the choices it now faces as it adjusts to life outside of the European Union. This volume brings together this essay with some of Andrew Gamble’s most important and influential writings on British politics and political economy from the last forty years. They reflect on many of the issues that animate British politics, from the relative decline of the economy and the reshaping of the welfare state to the transformation of the Conservative and Labour parties and the changing constitutional order with the devolution of power to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The volume is introduced by the author and includes his notes on each of the essays as well as an epilogue, which considers their original context and what has changed since. Taken together, the essays in this volume are testament to the acuity of one of Britain’s foremost political thinkers and provide rich insight into debates and ideas that continue to influence British politics and Britain’s place in the world. A companion volume of Andrew Gamble’s essays, The Western Ideology and Other Essays, focusing on political ideas and ideologies, is also available from Bristol University Press.
Bristol University Press Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication
This radical volume disrupts circular debates around diversity, equity, and inclusion in science communication to address the gaps in the field. Bringing to the fore marginalised voices of so-called 'racialised minorities', and those from Global South regions, it interrogates the global footprint of the science communication enterprise.
Bristol University Press The AgriFood System in Question
Bristol University Press Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis
Bristol University Press Queering Science Communication
Written by leading experts, this collection examines representations of queerness in popular science and media, asks what it means for the field to 'queer' science communication theories and research agendas and offers practical examples and case studies for fostering radical inclusivity and equity in the science communication field.
Bristol University Press Gender and Citizenship in Transitional Justice
Bristol University Press Controversial Encounters in the Age of Algorithms
This book explores how digital technologies shape our opinions and interactions, often in ways that limit our exposure to diverse perspectives and therefore can fuel polarization. Drawing on the ancient art of controversy, (arguing all sides of a case) it offers a way to revive public debate as a source of trust and legitimacy in our society.
Bristol University Press Education and Resilience in Crisis
This book provides an important lens for understanding how interlocking humanitarian crises caused by armed conflict, natural disasters, forced displacement and, more recently, a global health pandemic have adversely impacted teaching and learning.
Bristol University Press From Capital to Commons
Bristol University Press Parents Talking Algorithms
Bristol University Press Platform Politics
Bristol University Press Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis
Bristol University Press Science Societies
Bristol University Press Research and Policy in Ethnic Relations
This unique book explores the interaction between the academic research community and those who use its research to inform their social policy interventions, thus raising awareness of the linkages between research and social policy in particular in the area of ethnic relations.
Bristol University Press Race Racism and Social Work
Lavalette and Penketh reveal that racism towards Britain's ethnic minority groups has undergone a process of change and affirm the importance of social work to address issues of race' and racism in education and training, presenting a critical review of a demanding aspect of social work practice.
Bristol University Press Ports, Crime and Security: Governing and Policing Seaports in a Changing World
The COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit and the US-China trade dispute have heightened interest in the geopolitics and security of modern ports. Ports are where contemporary societal dilemmas converge: the (de)regulation of international flows; the (in)visible impact of globalization; the perennial tension between trade and security; and the thin line between legitimate, illicit and illegal. Applying a multidisciplinary lens to the political economy of port security, this book presents a unique outlook on the social, economic and political factors that shape organized crime and governance. Advancing the research agenda, this text bridges the divide between global and local, and theory and practice.
Bristol University Press The Great Decline From the Era of Hope and Progress to the Age of Fear and Rage
Bristol University Press Applying Leadership and Management in Planning: Theory and Practice
Planning is central to economic, social and environmental life but its practice is frequently criticised by all who engage in it. Seen as too restrictive by those who promote development and too weak by those opposing it, planners who advise on proposals cannot sit on the fence. Is it the planning system that is problematic or is it the planners who work within it? This valuable book examines these issues at the continuing professional development level and discusses the ways in which management theories, tools and techniques can be applied to planning practice and used by all who engage in it. Written by an experienced author and widely respected academic, the book includes case studies and question and answer sections, and will be valuable through both initial and continuous professional education, helping candidates prepare for examinations and subsequent management.
Bristol University Press The dilemmas of development work: Ethical challenges in regeneration
Social development work takes place in the grey area between government and the voluntary and community sectors. This book, written by three well-known educators and researchers in the social policy and development field, explores the ways in which front-line professionals working with communities identify and address the dilemmas inherent in the current policy context. Drawing upon original material, the authors examine how 'community engagement' workers negotiate the ethical and emotional challenges they face; how they work through problems of community representation at interpersonal and team levels; how they manage the conflicting roles of local activist and paid worker and what role colleagues, management and others play when responding to such challenges. The dilemmas of development work reconnects to, and updates, an important tradition in social policy which explores the dilemmas of 'street-level' work. It draws on contemporary political theory and current debates concerning the modernisation of governance and psycho-social perspectives on identity, values and agency. Combining theory and practice, it will appeal to practitioners, policy makers and undergraduates in social and public policy.
Bristol University Press Community safety: Critical perspectives on policy and practice
Community safety emerged as a new approach to tackling and preventing local crime and disorder in the late 1980s and was adopted into mainstream policy by New Labour in the late '90s. Twenty years on, it is important to ask how the community safety agenda has evolved and developed within local crime and disorder prevention strategies. This book provides the first sustained critical and theoretically informed analysis by leading authorities in the field. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of the community safety legacy, posing challenging questions, such as how and why has community safety policy making become such a contested terrain? What are the different issues at stake for 'provider' versus 'consumer' interests in community safety policy? Who are the winners and losers and where are the gaps in community safety policy making? Do new priorities mean that we have seen the rise and now the fall of community safety? The book provides answers to these questions by exploring a wide range of topics relating to community safety policy and practice, including: anti-social behaviour strategies; victims' perspectives on community safety; race, racism and policing; safety and social exclusion; domestic violence; substance misuse; community policing; and organised crime. "Community safety" is primarily aimed at academics and students working in the areas of criminology and local policy making. However, it will also be of interest to community safety and crime prevention practitioners who need to have a critical understanding of the development and likely future direction of community safety programmes.
Bristol University Press International approaches to prostitution: Law and policy in Europe and Asia
What is to be done about prostitution? Is it work or is it violence? Are women involved in prostitution offenders or victims? Is prostitution a private or a political issue? The answers to these questions vary depending on many factors, including where in the world you live. This book provides a valuable, detailed international comparison of the laws, policies and interventions in eight countries across Europe (England and Wales, France, Sweden and Moldova) and Asia (India, Pakistan, Thailand and Taiwan). The countries were chosen because of their contrasting social policy and legislative frameworks. Specific topics covered include national social and historical contexts in relation to prostitution; legal frameworks - with discussion of existing laws and policies and debates around legislation and decriminalisation; key issues faced - particularly relating to reasons for entering prostitution and analysis of policies and interventions. The case studies are brought to life by giving voice to the experiences of women involved in prostitution themselves together with the personal reflections of the authors. Aimed at a wide audience of students, academics, policy makers and practitioners, this book makes an important contribution to academic and policy debates in the fields of criminology, law, social policy, women's studies, sociology, politics and international relations.
Bristol University Press Working futures?: Disabled people, policy and social inclusion
Working futures? looks at the current effectiveness and future scope for enabling policy in the field of disability and employment. By addressing the current strengths and weaknesses of disability and employment policy, the book asks Is the dichotomy of 'work for those who can and support for those who cannot' appropriate to the lives of disabled people? Does current and recent policy reduce or reinforce barriers to paid employment? What lessons from other welfare regimes can we draw on to further disabled people's working futures? The book is original in bringing together a wide range of policy insights to bear on the question of disabled people's working futures. It includes analyses of recent policy initiatives as diverse as the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Draft Disability Bill, the benefits system, New Deal for Disabled People, job retention policy, comparative disability policy, the role of the voluntary sector and 'new policies for a new workplace'. Contributions from academics, NGOs, the OECD and the disabled peoples' movement bring multiple theoretical, professional and user perspectives to the debates at the heart of the book.
Bristol University Press East Asian welfare regimes in transition: From Confucianism to globalisation
Eastern welfare systems have largely been neglected by Western social policy. There is very little information in the West about their operation and the differences between them. Yet, as China and South-East Asia emerge as a major regional economic block, it is vital to understand the social models that are in operation there and how they are developing. This book puts the spotlight on the Chinese and South-East Asian welfare systems, providing an up-to-date assessment of their character and development. In particular it examines the underlying assumptions of these systems and how the processes of globalisation are impacting on them. As well as specific country case studies, there is a valuable comparative analysis of Eastern and Western welfare states. The book provides a unique insight into the main South-East Asian welfare systems written by experts living and working within them. It focuses on 'Confucianism' and globalisation to provide an account of tradition and change within the South-East Asian cultural context. Eastern welfare states in transition will be essential reading for students of social policy requiring an understanding of non-Western welfare systems. Policy makers and practitioners who are interested in how Eastern welfare systems are adapting to globalisation will also find it an important read.
Bristol University Press Family futures: Childhood and poverty in urban neighbourhoods
Family life in areas of concentrated poverty and social problems is undermined by surrounding conditions. This timely book, by acclaimed author Anne Power and her team, is based on a unique longitudinal study of over 200 families interviewed annually over the last decade. It examines the initiatives introduced to help such families and the impacts on them, their future prospects and the implications for policy. Accessibly written and with clear data presentation, the book will have wide appeal to people who work with, live in and care about families, children and low-income areas.
Bristol University Press Harmful Societies: Understanding Social Harm
While the notion of social harm has long interested critical criminologists it is now being explored as an alternative field of study, which provides more accurate analyses of the vicissitudes of life. However, important aspects of this notion remain undeveloped, in particular the definition of social harm, the question of responsibility and the methodologies for studying harm. This book, the first to theorise and define the social harm concept beyond criminology, seeks to address these omissions and questions why some capitalist societies appear to be more harmful than others. In doing so it provides a platform for future debates, in this series and beyond. It will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers across criminology, sociology, social policy, socio-legal studies and geography.
Bristol University Press Community development A Critical Approach Second Edition BASWPolicy Press titles
Bristol University Press Challenging governance theory: From networks to hegemony
Theories heralding the rise of network governance have dominated for a generation. Yet, empirical research suggests that claims for the transformative potential of networks are exaggerated. This topical and timely book takes a critical look at contemporary governance theory, elaborating a Gramscian alternative. It argues that, although the ideology of networks has been a vital element in the neoliberal hegemonic project, there are major structural impediments to accomplishing it. While networking remains important, the hierarchical and coercive state is vital for the maintenance of social order and integral to the institutions of contemporary governance. Reconsidering it from Marxist and Gramscian perspectives, the book argues that the hegemonic ideology of networks is utopian and rejects the claim that there has been a transformation from 'government' to 'governance'. This important book has international appeal and will be essential reading for scholars and students of governance, public policy, human geography, public management, social policy and sociology.
Bristol University Press Family policy paradoxes: Gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010
Family policy paradoxes examines the political regulation of the family in Sweden between 1930 and today. It draws attention to the political attempts to create a 'modern family' and the aspiration to regulate the family and establish gender equality, thereby shedding light on ongoing policy processes within Europe and how these can be understood in the light of a particular political experience. The book is valuable for researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students who study gender, gender equality and welfare state development in gender studies, sociology, social and public policy, social work, politics and social/contemporary history
Bristol University Press Education, disability and social policy
Disability is an increasingly vital contemporary issue in British social policy especially in education. Education, disability and social policy brings together for the first time unique perspectives from leading thinkers including senior academics, opinion formers, policy makers and school leaders. Key issues covered include: law and international human rights frameworks; policy developments for schools and school leaders; educational inequalities for disabled children and young people and curriculum design and qualifications changes for children who are being failed by the current education system. The book is a milestone in social policy studies, of enduring interest to students, academics, policy makers, parents and campaigners alike.
Bristol University Press Population ageing and international development: From generalisation to evidence
Over the next 40 years the number of people aged 60+ in the world, many of whom live in developing regions, will grow by 1¼ billion. What will old age be like for them? This original book provides an analysis of links between development, population ageing and older people, challenging some widely held misconceptions. It highlights the complexity of international experiences and argues that the effects of population ageing on development are influenced by policy choices. The book will be of interest to a range of academic disciplines, including economics, gerontology, social policy and development studies as well as policy-makers and practitioners concerned with developing countries.
Bristol University Press Managing transitions: Support for individuals at key points of change
Everyone will experience a number of transitions throughout their life. Many of these will be positive, others may present challenges. This book addresses significant transitions relevant to policy and practice, covering key transition points in social care from childhood to old age. Drawing on the best available research evidence, 'Managing transitions' highlights issues common to all experiencing transition as well as the dilemmas specific to particular situations. Individual chapters explore what we know about how transition is experienced by young people leaving care and by those with learning disabilities and mental health problems. For young people seeking asylum there are multiple transitions, of age, of country and of culture. Further contributions address the current transformation from service provision to self directed support, the major transition for older people who move to supported living, and the enduring challenges that surround the transition from hospital to community. The practice orientation of this volume is reinforced by the inclusion of evidence-based practice guidance for each of the areas addressed and a strong emphasis throughout on the implications for practice development. It will be of interest to practitioners, policy makers and researchers looking at generic transition challenges and solutions, as well as researchers, academics and students of health and social care and social work.
Bristol University Press Moomin Management
Bristol University Press Ecological Reparation: Repair, Remediation and Resurgence in Social and Environmental Conflict
The threat of social-environmental destruction is a fundamental challenge for those who are interested in creating and maintaining liveable worlds. This volume will bring together international scholars in science and technology studies, environmental studies, ecological humanities, art and design, geography and other social sciences to explore practices of repairing damaged and precarious ecologies through various societal, environmental and material involvements across different locations and geographies. Contributions will offer novel theoretical perspectives and empirical insights on the reparative and insurgent capacity of mending ecologies to craft relations of care and sustenance of human and nonhuman communities. The volume will be divided into several sections that are organized around a series of concepts that denote countervailing forces, processes and movements of damaging and repairing. Each section will consist of two or three contributions that offer experimental explorations of what ecological reparation means, and each section will begin with a short note that briefly describes the key concepts and issues that will be explored within.
Bristol University Press Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping and Aid Critiquing the Past Plotting the Future
Bristol University Press Digital Technologies Smart Cities and the Environment
Examining the environmental impacts of digitalisation in smart cities, this book asks how we can reconcile the adoption of smart technologies into sustainable projects. It traces the material and environmental costs of daily realities for smart cities and asks how promises are broken when cities become 'smart.'
Bristol University Press The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain
Published in collaboration with BUIRA, this book provides a critical review of the field of industrial relations (IR) and evaluates its future in the rapidly evolving world of work. Written by key names in IR, the book captures the significant transformations that have taken place within the field over the past decade. It traces the historical development of IR, exploring its ongoing impact on our lives. The chapters delve into various aspects, including union organization and mobilization, the influence of new technology, and the examination of intersectionality in the context of work and employment. This is an invaluable resource for academics and students of employment and industrial relations, as well as HR professionals, trade union organizations and representatives.
Bristol University Press Biomedical Innovation in Fertility Care
Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.This book analyses the clashes between evidence-based medicine and the dynamics of an increasingly privatised fertility care industry. With a unique focus on add-on treatments, it reveals how these controversial treatments are now widespread and can border on hopemongering.
Bristol University Press Embodying Irish Abortion Reform
This book explores the experiences of people affected by Ireland's constitutional abortion ban. Through in-depth research and interviews, the author uncovers how the 8th Amendment led women and gestating people live their bodies as future aborting bodies, and how the need to 'prepare' for crisis pregnancies shaped everyday practices.
Bristol University Press Patterns of Sustaining Peace The Complex Impact of Peacebuilding Institutions in PostConflict Societies
Bristol University Press A Realist Philosophy of Economics
EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Economic theory relies heavily on the idea of rational action, but how are we to understand the empirical content of rational choice when we can only observe the outcome, not what goes into making the choice? With contributions from Alan Kirman and Rod O'Donnell, Karl Mittermaier's posthumously published work establishes a new conceptual framework that will enable economic theorists to forge new paths of empirical analysis. Introducing readers to the work of a profound thinker who was not recognized in his lifetime, this book, featuring previously unpublished material, is poised to become a seminal text in the philosophy of social sciences.
Bristol University Press Education for Sustainable Development in an Unequal World
Bristol University Press The Essence of Interstate Leadership
Bringing together eminent International Relations (IR) scholars from China and the West, this book examines moral realism from a range of different perspectives. Through its analyses, it verifies the robustness of moral realism in IR theory.
Bristol University Press Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics
Though children have never been absent from international studies discourse, they are too often reduced to a few simplistic and unidimensional framings. This book seeks to recover children’s agency and to recognize the complex variety of childhoods and the global issues that affect them. Written by an international list of contributors from Europe, Africa, North America, and Australasia, chapters present highly nuanced accounts of children and childhoods across global political time and space split into three broad sections: imagined childhoods, governed childhoods, and lived childhoods. Through its analysis, the book demonstrates how international relations is, somewhat paradoxically, quite deeply invested in a particular rendering of childhood as, primarily, a time of innocence, vulnerability, and incapacity.
Bristol University Press Contesting County Lines: Case Studies in Drug Crime and Deviant Entrepreneurship
Combining a compulsive read with rigorous academic analysis, this book tells the real-life stories of drug dealers involved in county lines networks, including their methods, motives and misfortunes. Conventional wisdom surrounding county lines often portrays drugs runners as exploited victims and gang proliferation as a market-driven exercise, and suggests a business model facilitated exclusively by smart phone technology and routinely regulated by violence. Aimed at students, scholars, practitioners and policymakers, this myth-busting, accessible book offers a novel way of thinking about county lines in relation to gangs and serious organised crime and presents new ideas for drug crime prevention, intervention and enforcement.
Bristol University Press Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean: Global Forces and Local Responses
Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC). The book covers all Spanish-speaking countries of the CALC region and examines the effects of macro-economic pressures, geopolitical intervention, neo-colonial relationships, global pandemics, transnational gang networks, and the influence of international organizations. Chapters analyse the challenges and opportunities these global forces present to education systems in the region as well as highlighting the local efforts to address, mitigate, and counteract them. In doing so, the book illuminates how education can contribute to either maintaining or challenging inequalities and exclusion in the face of pressures from the global to local levels.
Bristol University Press Diverse Voices in Tort Law