Search results for ""Birkhauser""
Birkhauser Le Corbusier. Le Couvent Sainte Marie de La Tourette / The Monastery of Sainte Marie de La Tourette
in 1952 Le Corbusier was commissioned "to dwell in the silence of men of prayer and study and to construct a church for them". The result was his impressive Convent of La Tourette, marking a significant step in modern religious architecture. Beginning with the rectangular form common to the Cirstercian monastic tradition, he created a building whose stark form contrasts beautifully with the organic elements of the interior court and the grasslands surrounding it. The church itself is a model of simplicity, the cement has been left rough and the well located sources of light evoke a feeling of silence and reflection. The order s precept of prayer, study and reflection is aptly mirrored in the architecture. Like the other Le Corbusier Guides published by Birkhäuser, this volume provides a wealth of plans, details, photographs and information on this building which today is also a conference centre.
Birkhauser Jean Prouvé – Œuvre complète / Complete Works: Volume 2: 1934–1944
jean Prouvé (1901-1984) was one of the most renowned design engineers of the 20th century. This volume, the second in Birkhäuser s 4-volume edition of Prouvé s Complete Works, covers the period between 1934 and 1944, including such significant works as the "semi-metal" Chair no. 4 and its variations, which went into serial production from 1935 onwards, office furniture for the Parisian Electricity Supply Works and seating for the lecture hall of the École des sciences politiques in Paris. In 1934 Prouvé s workshop commenced production of entirely pre-fabricated sheet metal buildings such as the Flying Club at Buc. One of the triumphs of this period is the Maison du Peuple communal hall in Clichy, an outstanding monument of functionalism and a "hymn to metal and folded sheet". This volume also includes texts of previously unpublished conversations with Prouvé about the Flying Club and Maison du Peuple.
Birkhauser Der Menschheit Würde. The Dignity of Man. Dustojnost cloveka. Ljudsko dostojanstvo.
There are many events to be commemorated in in Europe in 2014: The outbreak of World War I, the death of the first Nobel Prize winner Bertha von Suttner, the outbreak of World War II 75 years ago and the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago. The generations of witnesses, of victims and perpetrators who can (or could) still report on what was perhaps the time of the greatest loss of human dignity, the period of both World Wars, will not be among us for very much longer . The majority of the European population considers the idea of a war that could affect their continent as a whole an implausible concept. But - is that really the case? Which indicators of the loss of human dignity do we encounter in our daily lives? What strategies are available to defend and protect this basic human precept from instrumentalization and commercialization? The blurring and destruction of the conditions that are considered constitutive for the concept of "dignity" in relation to human life forms provides for the different approaches to artistic considerations
Birkhauser Transdiscourse 1: Mediated Environments
Transdiscourse 1 explores the ways that art, architecture, technology and science can shape urban societies and their rural alternatives. Readers will find a transdisciplinary perspective that encourages a more tangible approach to the ways society interprets environment through conditioned representations of media.
Birkhäuser Basics Masonry Construction
Nils Kummerworks asan architect by Gerber Architekten (Dortmund) and helps to plan the implementation of building projects.
Birkhauser Casas unifamiliares
The private single family house is still very much the preferred choice of home. Yet in recent years there have been many changes not only in the personal situations of the residents, their expectations and desires, but also in the rising costs of energy and raw materials. This has meant that issues such as multi-functionalism, the use of innovative building materials or energy-efficient building methods are increasing in significance. These topical developments have been taken into consideration. The authors introduce floor plan solutions using contemporary projects which bear in mind changing family structures. At the same time, the contributions provide an in-depth introduction to planning single family houses, from the design of the floor plan to useful tips for the realisation. In addition to this fundamental information, 22 projects are documented, providing ideas and inspiration for planners, students and clients. The international selection of projects highlights current trends in planning and designing single family housing and reveals the tried and tested basics.
Birkhauser Dry Construction: Principles, Details, Examples
Detail-Practice: Dry Construction provides an overview of the most widely used dry construction systems, organized according to the building components wall, ceiling, and floor and their applications. The volume is conceived as a practical manual for design and planning. Dry construction in interior design employs "dry construction systems" in place of moisture-retaining materials such as concrete and plaster. Not only is this construction method cost-effective, since the full range of physical requirements, including thermal, cold, and sound insulation, fire safety, etc., can be satisfied. Thanks to the use of new material technologies, it also affords the designer nearly unlimited freedom, since the surfaces involved are almost infinitely malleable as well as multifunctional, capable of assuming the tasks of lighting, heating, and cooling. The general section is supplemented by examples from existing projects with clearly visible reference details as well as from special constructions, for example, in damp locations. The book shows the potential this construction method obtains from the use of new materials and construction systems. As in the preceding volumes of the series, standard drawings are used to illustrate common construction details. Karsten Tichelmann is the director of the Institut für Trocken- und Leichtbau (Institute for Dry and Lightweight Construction) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt University of Technology). Jochen Pfau is professor of light-tech, dry, and lightweight construction at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Both are authors of the Trockenbau Atlas (Dry Construction Manual) published by the R. Müller Verlag (available in German only).
Birkhauser lost in space: Architecture and Dementia
Dementia presents immense challenges – both for individuals as well as for society as a whole. More than 35 million people all over the world currently live with dementia, a number that is expected to double by 2050. This also has implications for architecture and urban planning because dementia often affects people’s sense of orientation and their ability to perceive space. How can homes, apartments, public buildings, outdoor spaces, neighbourhoods and cities, as well as environments and infrastructure, be designed to meet the needs of people with dementia as well as those of their caregivers? And can a consideration of the problems of dementia lead to a better understanding of space that can improve architecture and the built environment for us all? This book addresses these and other questions in a series of professional essays that examine the specific requirements for different disciplines. In addition, international case study projects illustrate the breadth of current actual solutions. The book is intended as a guide for all those involved in the design and planning process – architects, interior designers, engineers, town planners, local authorities and clients – and as a reader for the users themselves: for people with dementia, their family and friends, and all those in their social environment.
Birkhauser Building for Everyday Life Bauen fur den Alltag 20102025
Baumschlager Eberle Berlin (BE Berlin) was founded in 2010 by Dietmar Eberle and Gerd Jäger with a very specific mission. In its early years, this renowned architecture firm designed global competition bids for Baumschlager Eberle. As a result of its successes, especially in residential architecture in and around Berlin, the Berlin office increasingly also took on the work of implementation planning. The guiding maxim of BE Berlin has always been to focus on projects that will stand the test of time. This dovetails with Dietmar Eberle's motto of building for everyday life. In addition to about 40 project profiles, this book contains an interview with Gerd Jäger by Jürgen Tietz, an essay on residential construction in Germany and especially Berlin by Gerd Jäger, and a photo essay by Claudia Klein. Monograph on BE Berlin Specialized in the design of subsidized public housing in Berlin and internationally Supplement to the monograph
Birkhauser forA on the Urban Issue #1: Eleven Frictions from an Urbanized World
Tense spaces: Towards an expanded concept of architecture The first issue of the interdisciplinary periodical forA on the Urban explores the open, multilayered, interconnected, complex, and unbridled nature of urban design. Through eleven contributions from eighteen international experts on architecture, art, social criticism, and activism, this issue illuminates specific realities of fraught spaces – urban frictions – in different parts of the world. Everyday frustrations, manifest inequalities, and social and political conflicts are examined throughout this issue in a process of description, discussion, and designation. The relationships between urban objects reflect the emergence of plurality and coexistence within and beyond what can be seen and understood as urban within an expanded concept of architecture. First issue of the periodical forA on the Urban from the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna With contributions by Keller Easterling, Phineas Harper, Hira Nabi, Ou Ning and Xu Tiantian, Lola Sheppard and Mason White, among others Elaborate and innovative design (Studio Lin)
Birkhauser Hans and Wassili Luckhardt
Birkhauser Open Heritage: Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice
Developing cultural heritage in a more sustainable way. New approaches and examples from practice. "Open Heritage" is a response to the urgent need for a more open definition of cultural heritage, of the parties involved in protecting and maintaining it, and of the relevant planning processes in order to ensure the sustainable reuse of cultural heritage in times of climate change, social inequality and social plurality. This book introduces in a clear and systematic manner the results of the EU-funded OpenHeritage project, which examined best practices in different European countries. It focuses on the idea of inclusive heritage management based on community-driven processes. It is designed to act as a guide for anyone involved in planning, researching, and deciding on the further development and use of cultural heritage. Systematic presentation of the results of the EU-funded project OpenHeritage A collection of different approaches to assessing the social impact of bottom-up cultural heritage reuse projects Presentation of numerous methods derived from OpenHeritage case studies and other European initiatives
Birkhauser Basics Modelbuilding
Models are spatial presentations of architectural concepts, miniature representations of the proposed buildings. Better than any drawing or computer simulation, they help to create a better spatial impression of the projected building, because anybody looking at a model can select the angle of view and thereby obtain a personal impression of the space. Designing and presenting a design concept with the help of a model is an important step in creating an awareness of the intended design. Basics Model Building provides students with concise knowledge of model typologies, materials, tools, and techniques for the professional creation of working and presentation models. The new edition of this successful volume has been updated and supplemented, in particular in the field of digital model building.
Birkhauser Basics Tendering
Tendering constitutes the transition from the drawing and planning stage to the construction phase. In addition to its economic and contractual dimension, it is also an essential tool for translating design quality into built quality. This volume presents various ways to put construction works out to tender. In addition, it explains in practical terms how to describe construction work and how to prepare all of the documentation required for a complete invitation to tender.Subjects: Allocating construction work; Different ways to specify construction work; The structure of a work specification; Quantity determination; Using invitations to tender to realize plan quality.
Birkhauser Reinhold Luger. Grafische Provokation
Der Katalog zur Ausstellung bietet einen Querschnitt durch Reinhold Lugers grafisches Werk und kulturelles Engagement von den 1970er-Jahren bis heute. Gemeinsam mit anderen kritischen Geistern war er Teil der 1968er-(Gegen-)Bewegung in Vorarlberg, die sich den internationalen studentischen Protesten anschloss. Seine Haltung prägte seinen grafischen Stil, der in seinen zahlreichen Plakaten sichtbar und deren provokativer Gestus über die Grenzen hinweg wahrgenommen wurde. 1983 engagierte ihn Alfred Wopmann für die Bregenzer Festspiele, für die er bis 2003 tätig war. 1991 entwarf er das Design für den Stadtbus Dornbirn, das später auch in anderen Städten angewandt wurde. Luger engagierte sich auch für den Erhalt traditioneller Vorarlberger Holzarchitektur.
Birkhauser The Artful Plan: Architectural Drawing Reconfigured
The Artful Plan explores the potentials of architectural drawing at a turning point where digitization is setting drawing free from its conventional function of conveying technical information. What can architectural drawing be today? What new options does it offer for creativity in design? Which new ways does it open for including knowledge and methods from the arts, academic research and current architectural practice? The Artful Plan lays out the theory and practice of alternative innovation in architectural drawing in three parts: reconfiguring the conventional drawing; drawing responding to the influence of the digital; and the expanded field of drawing today. The contributions comprise many high-quality drawings that are in themselves stunning examples of Artful Plans.
Birkhauser Interventions and Adaptive Reuse: A Decade of Responsible Practice
Adaptive reuse is a design practice where changes in the building structure go along with new programs and functions. Many concerns of the day that are the hallmark of current social discourse can equally be communicated through the vocabulary of design and reuse. Six common themes mirroring those of society in the new millennium are discernable in the current adaptive reuse practice: appropriation, ecology, equity, memory & redemption, identity and authenticity. Selected articles from the IntAR Interventions and Adaptive Reuse Journal of the last ten years speak to the social issues of the recent decade. The introductory essay positions shifting norms of working from home or remote learning in the light of their revision through adaptive reuse, for example the post-pandemic repercussions on office towers and the classroom.
Birkhauser urbanRESET: Freilegen immanenter Potenziale städtischer Räume / How to Activate Immanent Potentials of Urban Spaces
In recent years and decades, dealing with the architectural legacy of the industrial age has been an increasingly common task for urban planning: industrial buildings and sites, infrastructure, and residential areas that have become vacant lots as a result of structural transformation cannot, if only because of their dimensions, be ignored within the urban space. Innovative reinterpretations of such relics that update existing building fabric in a way that goes beyond critical reconstruction or revitalization, such as the Toni Site in Zurich or the Île de Nantes, can be observed throughout Europe these days. The publication urbanRESET brings together succinct examples of this separate category of urban-planning from throughout Europe. The projects are presented in detail with plans and color illustrations. Interviews with key players and theoretical essays show how local processes of reinterpretation and reactivation can produce sustainable effects. urbanRESET sheds light on the common foundations of these works and condenses them into methodological inferences for a forward-looking urban praxis.
Birkhauser Wohn Raum Alpen / Abitare le alpi / Living in the Alps: Nachhaltiger Wohnbau in den Bergen – zeitgenössische Wohnformen mit Perspektive
The provision of attractive dwellings in Europe's population centers has long been a topic of central concern not only to architects but also to city planners, investors, and municipalities. Redensification and the creation of new residential developments are always accompanied by the question of sustainable approaches. In Alpine areas, such efforts must contend with topographical and structural framework conditions that raise the bar even higher. Living in the Alps presents intelligent ideas and approaches from selected residential developments and construction projects from Europe's eight Alpine countries, and it examines not just dwelling itself but also the integration of various functions. New photo essays produced especially for the volume show how the structures in question are actually used. The publication offers planners, architects, cities, and towns encouragement and ideas for pursuing approaches to residential development and housing construction.
Birkhauser Roswitha Ennemoser. Konkretisierung. Concretisation.
This publication presents, for the first time, the artistic life-work of Roswitha Ennemoser (1953 - 2008) to the public. Her oeuvre is in the tradition of constructive-concrete art and from early on it was distinguished by a reduced language of forms. Not only the serial and mainly multi-part objects (wall hung and free-standing) but also her writings come from in-depth analysis of perception. The continuous questioning of form, space and colour creates a multi-layered interplay in the physical form of the objects. Roswitha Ennemoser’s art is thus a symbiosis between intellectual thought and aesthetic form creation.
Birkhauser Die Nachricht, ein Medium: Generische Medialität, städtische Architektonik
With her inversion of McLuhan’s famous dictum that the medium be the message, the author attempts to sketch a concept of mediality that is capable of hosting and accommodating the self-referential agility of medialized instrumentality within an element of communicability. Mediality is conceived as virtual dis-positivity, and its core predication is to receive and index the totality of what can be a formally-symbolic, and hence a communicable, object. So conceived, mediality foils purely logical, as well as purely fictional notions of order and is capable of opening up the possibility of a civic architectonics, one capable of articulating its assemblages with polyvalent and discretely variable elements, and in a multitude of competing manners. In this book, the author traces the possibility of such an architectonics from a diagnostic and cultural-historical point of view.
Birkhauser The Politics of Knowledge Work in the Post-Industrial Culture: Understanding the Dissemination of Knowledge of the Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts
the book conducts in-depth inquiries into the practices, nature and theory of postindustrial cultural work and the humanities – and arts – based civic dialogues which cultural work promotes. Given the broad neglect of utopian thinking in the mainstream of critical social science, and in an attempt to sketch out a vision of an alternative future, the aim of the book is to outline an epistemology for cultural work as well as to reflect upon the prospects for educational cultural work practices and their function as a catalyst for civic dialogue and cultural change. A major focus of the book is on the epistemological, ecological, ethical and political dimensions of cultural work. This includes the prospects for a new form of communal workspace for knowledge and cultural learning. Cultural work and knowledge are the central topics of this book and intersect with many of the concerns on how to involve the general public in scientific, technological and economic developments to address urgent changes often deemed to be of a highly scientific nature – including climate change, sustainability, environment and development.
Birkhauser OSWALD OBERHUBER HOCH3. Werke / Works 1945-2012.: Skulpturen - Plastiken - Objekte - Verformungen - Assemblagen - Möbel - Mode - Raumkonzepte / Sculptures - Plastics - Objects - Re-Shapings - Assemblages - Furnitures - Fashion - Spatial Con
The present volume offers a comprehensive retrospective of all presently known three-dimensional works by Oswald Oberhuber. It does not make any claim of being complete, and also must remain an attempt: an “attempt” because several factors make it impossible to actually grasp all of the sculptural works. In the specific case of Oberhuber, there is also the additional problem of defining the works, not to mention the fact that an indeterminable number of works have been destroyed. The volume, with more than 1,000 objects, covers all creative periods from the artist’s beginnings to the present day. Such an overview is necessary to make fully clear the essence of Oberhuber’s work concept, which remains concealed behind fragmentary elements when viewing a single piece. We have thus been able to prove, for the first time, that in a conscious, artistic act Oberhuber sawed apart several plasters from his early informal phase believed to have been lost. The individual pieces remained unrecognized for quite some time in what are, de facto, separate sculptures. Fragmentation without visible fragment: yet not simply a deliberate act of confusion! Instead, it is a hidden challenge to beholders, and also, fundamentally, to the public, and an essential intellectual aspect of the oeuvre. Oswald Oberhuber’s motto for his entire creation, “One arrives at art only through seeing,” can thus be understood as a universal appeal for keen attention and observation.
Birkhauser WERNER SCHMIDT architekt: Ecology Craft Invention / Ökologie Handwerk Erfindung
Werner Schmidt (1953) is one of the most interesting contemporary Swiss architects. After graduating from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, he established his practice in Graubünden. After building some inspiring and unconventional projects, in the 2000s he gained international reputation thanks to several convincing buildings made of straw bales in Switzerland, Germany and South Tyrol. This fascinating book is the result of a profound, comprehensive and evidence based analysis. Selected projects are described, giving information from different perspectives, so as to present the most important aspects of Schmidt's work - creative process, impact on the environment, alternative building techniques with natural materials, tendency toward autonomy, and quality of life in the buildings.
Birkhauser W. F. Adlmüller Mode – Inszenierungen + Impulse
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Birkhauser Explorations in Architecture: Teaching, Design, Research
The job description of the architect has fundamentally changed with the emergence of a globalized society, and it will continue to do so in the future. Already today, the demands of the job no longer correspond to the profile on which classical architectural training is based. In this context, the question that arises is no longer that of the building alone, but also that of a changed approach to building and new pathways within design itself. This is where Explorations comes in: internationally celebrated authors, all of whom are professors as well and hence directly involved in the processes they describe, address the principal topics of contemporary architectural research. Taking the works of their own design studios as examples (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule [ETH] Zürich [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich]: Marc Angélil, Fabio Gramazio/Matthias Kohler; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne [EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne]: Harry Gugger, Dieter Dietz), they offer concrete discussions of those topics and place them in the context of applied research and practice. Short and accessible essays on the most important architectural movements of the twentieth century clarify the relationship between the subjects discussed and canonical architectural research. Reto Geiser is an architect who studied at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) and Columbia University in New York. As the William Muschenheim Fellow and a lecturer in architecture and design, he spent the 2003–2004 academic year at the University of Michigan (USA). He is currently a doctoral candidate at the Institut gta (Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture) at the ETH Zürich. In addition to his academic work, Reto Geiser also works on projects at the shared frontiers of architecture, installation, and visual culture. In Basel, he is director of the series Standpunkte: Informelle Gespräche zur zeitgenössischen ArchitekturKultur (Points of View: Informal Conversations on Contemporary Architecture/Culture). Geiser is currently curating the Swiss contribution to the XI Biennale of Architecture in Venice. The exhibition at the Swiss Pavilion of the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale is merely intended as a springboard for further study of the subject.
Birkhäuser Smart Surfaces Intelligente Oberflchen und ihre Anwendung in Architektur und Design
Thorsten Klooster, architect and assistant, BTU Cottbus, Germany.
Birkhäuser Eidgenssische Frderpreise fr Design 2008 Bourses fdrales de design 2008 Swiss Federal Design Grants 2008 AhoZim Eidgenssische de design Swiss Federal Design Grants 2008
The Swiss Confederation has been promoting and supporting the field of design since 1917. 2002 saw the introduction of a new program that better meets the needs of today's designers. In the context of this new program, a book is published on the annual competition, put out by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.
Birkhauser Complexity: Design Strategy and World View
Digitalization has transformed the discourse of architecture: that discourse is now defined by a wealth of new terms and concepts that previously either had no meaning, or had different meanings, in the context of architectural theory and design. Its concepts and strategies are increasingly shaped by influences emerging at the intersection with scientific and cultural notions from modern information technology. The series Context Architecture seeks to take a critical selection of concepts that play a vital role in the current discourse and put them up for discussion. When Vitruvius described the architect as a "uomo universale," he gave rise to the architect’s conception of him- or herself as a generalist who shapes a complex reality. The architectural concept of complexity, however, failed to keep pace with industrial and social reality, becoming instead an increasingly formal and superficial notion that could ultimately be applied to almost anything. Against it, architectural modernism set the watchword of simplification: "less is more." In this situation, Robert Venturi reintroduced the notion of complexity into architectural discourse: his goal was not just to restore the complexity of architectonic forms and their history but also to explore the concrete reality of the existing built environment. Today it is complexity studies, with their starting point in physics, that define the current approach to the concept of complexity. They have established a new connection between the natural sciences and information technology and have thus become a central premise of computer-based approaches to design.
Birkhauser Illuminating: Natural Light in Residential Architecture
The image of open working and living spaces flooded with light has, more than any other, become fixed in our minds as a symbol of modernity and the spirit of the times. While the workplace has always been the focus of ergonomic studies and optimization with respect to a good provision of daylight, large glass surfaces have now become the order of the day for living spaces as well. But does this automatically make for better illumination? Taking this question as its starting point, the publication Illuminating thematizes central aspects of light planning, including the connection between the provision of daylight and architectural design, building orientation, the nature of the facade, the ground plan, comfort, and the proportions and atmosphere of rooms. In the process, general characteristics and fundamental principles as well as subtle facets of an intelligent treatment of daylight are discussed and critically examined within an expanded architecture- and culture-historical context.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier. La Chapelle de Ronchamp
La chapelle de pèlerinage Notre-Dame-Du-Haut à Ronchamp (1950-1954), emblème de l’architecture moderne, représente une des réalisations clés de Le Corbusier sur la fin de sa carrière. Situé dans les Vosges, sur une colline dominant Belfort, cet édifice est une œuvre d’art unique en son genre par le traitement de la forme et de l’espace, qui se fond de manière extraordinaire dans son environnement. Le toit en forme de conque, les murs courbes, les tours en maçonnerie de pierre ainsi que la façade rythmée par des baies vitrées colorées sont des composants essentiels de cette construction sculpturale. Comme tous les guides de cette collection, cet ouvrage est un incontournable pour les spécialistes ainsi que pour les touristes s’intéressant à l’architecture et à l’art moderne. C’est aussi un cadeau original.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier. The Villa Savoye
With its uncompromising and clear construction, the Villa Savoye, completed in 1931, established Le Corbusier s reputation as an undisputed master of twentieth-century architecture. André Malraux placed it on the historic register in 1964. In this guide, historic documents and new photographs provide an in-depth presentation both to visitors to the site and to interested readers at home.
Birkhauser Living Systems: Innovative Materialien und Technologien für die Landschaftsarchitektur
Revolutionizing landscape architecture through the use of intelligent materials and technologies Living Systems surveys a wide array of innovative approaches to material technologies within the field of landscape architecture. The selected projects and materials exhibit a contemporary demand for technological landscapes and the collaboration between designers, engineers, scientists and ecologists. The book proposes a synthesis between technology and theory,focusing on growth, flow, metabolism, climate, and atmospheric phenomena. Projects and materials are cross-referenced according to performance criteria, processes, and properties. Each of the 36 international projects and 23 material technologies is presented with drawing details and construction photographs. Descriptions of key processes and adaptive qualities provide an analysis of the various complex systems featured, such as vertical growth structures, flood prevention, stormwater infiltration and erosion control. Projects featured include works by West8, GROSS.MAX, Weiss-Manfredi Architects, Field Operations, Kathryn Gustafson, and Vogt Landschaftarchitekten.
Birkhauser Glass Structures: Design and Construction of Self-supporting Skins
Flat glass opens up more possibilities for the planner than virtually any other material. Because of the technological complexity of using it, however, no specific structural forms have been developed for glass supporting frameworks as they have been for wood, concrete, and steel. This book is thus the first to present a coherent guide to the planning and design of glass supporting frameworks. The focus is on the pressure-resistant, flat supporting element as a basic building block for broad supporting structures. The spatial and constructive forms of multifunctional, self-supporting glass envelopes are vividly illustrated and systematically explained. The constructions presented exhibit new aesthetic qualities, based not on the dictum of "dematerialization” but on the poetry of gleaming and transparent planes. They ring in a new chapter in the history of glass architecture.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996
Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron (with their partners Harry Gugger and Christine Binswanger) undoubtedly rank amongst the leading architects worldwide. Volume 3 of their Complete Works is now being published in an updated new edition, enlarged by some 40 pages and approximately 80 colour illustrations. At the time of the first edition, a number of the projects were under construction. These have now been completed and are documented with photographs: the Laboratory Building of Hoffmann-La-Roche in Basel, the Project in the City Center “Five Courtyards” in Munich, the St. Jakob Football Stadium in Basel and the residential buildings on the Rue des Suisses in Paris.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier. Die Kapelle von Ronchamp / La Cappella di Ronchamp
Die Wallfahrtskirche Notre-Dame-Du-Haut in Ronchamp (1950-54), Ikone der modernen Architektur, stellt einen der zentralen Bauten in Le Corbusiers Spätwerk dar. Auf einem Hochplateau der Vogesen oberhalb Belforts gelegen, ist dieser Bau ein in Raum- und Formgestaltung einzigartiges Kunstwerk, das sich einmalig in seine Umgebung einpaßt. Das muschelförmige Dach, die gerundeten Mauern, die Türme aus Steinmauerwerk sowie die durch farbige Glasöffnungen rhythmisierte Fassade sind wesentliche Bestandteile dieser skulpturalen Konstruktion. Die Kapelle von Ronchamp ist in ihren Maßstäben und Proportionen nach dem von Le Corbusier entwickelten "Modulor" entworfen und erhält auch von daher ihre besondere räumliche Wirkung. Wie alle Guides dieser Reihe ist das Buch sowohl für das Fachpublikum als auch für an Architektur und moderner Kunst interessierte Touristen unentbehrlich. Es eignet sich zudem als apartes Geschenkbuch.
Birkhauser Future Living: Collective Housing in Japan
Single-family houses are becoming increasingly outdated. They offer no response to demographic change or to the fact that there are fewer and fewer life-long relationships. They are often too inflexible for new family models or ways of cohabitation.This publication presents projects in recent years in Japan, which respond to the need for new forms of housing. The architects are developing solutions that allow residents to live together but still maintain enough distance and privacy. The presented apartment types and their layout allow for a variety of life models. Particularly interesting here is the use of spaces that provide a gradual transition from public to private space—an approach to building that, according to experts, could revolutionize western residential architecture.The publication portrays these new forms of building and living based on prominent Japanese examples that include Shigeru Ban, Sou Foujimoto, and Akihisa Hirata.
Birkhauser Resilience and Adaptability
Design interventions for the reuse of existing structures must face the question of the past and the extent to which it should be included in the design for the future. This is the point of departure of Int | AR, a yearly publication on current issues in international adaptive reuse.The 21st century has witnessed a climate of crisis, most often immediate and unpredictable but, at times, foreseen, impending and even expected. Such events and the ability for continuity, recovery and change, require strength borne from adaptability. This volume explores the idea of resilience, from anticipatory strategies to shock absorption, from the reduction of material needs to the widening of the array of resources, from the liberation of traditional constraints to new forms of collaborations, from built-in redundancies to risk mitigation. The examples range from places of resilience in post-industrial cities and in the suburbs of Paris to the rebuilding of post-war Beirut and different resilient approaches to Italy’s and Japan’s earthquake experience. Linking the theoretical concept of resilience to the planning practice of adaptive reuse, the volume demonstrates the interdisciplinary usefulness of this concept in the design disciplines.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Transforming Park Avenue Armory New York
How to deal with historic buildings has long been a core issue of the international architectural discourse. Herzog & de Meuron began addressing the potential of existing structures very early on: the maintenance and alteration of buildings are among the key strategies of the architects. For the Park Avenue Armory in New York, Herzog & de Meuron have designed a new model for dealing with monuments. The historical building was opened in 1881 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan as a meeting place and training ground for the National Guard, and boasts a rich mixture of different styles. Herzog & de Meuron developed a multifaceted strategy for the transformation of the building, now used as a cultural center, that allows for a combination of restoration, transformation, and innovation. From the exposing of historic structures to the addition of new elements, the architecture gained new vibrancy from the considered entanglement of different aspects. In the current debate, this departure from the practice of historic preservation in the United States is, beyond its value as an actual example, a unique contribution that unfolds in close reference to material. It is exemplary and groundbreaking.
Birkhauser Driving Desired Futures: Turning Design Thinking into Real Innovation
Headed by the slogan “Design Thinking,” a debate has unfolded over the last ten years about design methods, which goes far beyond the specialist boundaries of design disciplines. Executives and business owners today recognize the potential for economic innovation lying in the creative and analytical mindset of designers. The extensive literature available on “Design Thinking” focuses on the methodology of the design process, while the conditions necessary to spark innovation processes in the first place, have long remained more or less unnoticed. Driving Desired Futures starts here and asks how established innovations arise from a simple idea. What criteria are mostly likely to be the basis from which the ideas of an individual can take hold in a social system? What are conditions, under which they can become incorporated into a diverse group of people? What topics induce managers to choose and then to invest in a specific idea? Questions such as these are pursued in international contributions by renowned experts, using the first digital camera as a case study. They identify the individual and social processes associated with the exchange and implementation of new ideas.
Birkhauser Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei: Text und Abbildungen des Atlas von 1834
Die Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei, das Hauptwerk von Pückler-Muskau, sind ein Klassiker der Landschaftsarchitektur und seit der Erstveröffentlichung 1834 in zahlreichen Ausgaben erschienen. In Zusammenarbeit mit der amerikanischen Foundation for Landscape Studies werden sie hier in einer zuverlässigen und attraktiven Ausgabe mit einer Einleitung der führenden Pückler-Kennerin Linda Parshall vorgelegt. Die 44 Ansichten und 4 Karten aus dem großformatigen Atlas zu den Andeutungen, der das Original begleitete, sind als zweiter Teil in das Buch integriert und werden in einer zusätzlichen EPUB-Ausgabe in der Originalgröße des Atlas von ca. 51 x 35 cm wiedergegeben. Die marginal beigegebene Seitenkonkordanz ermöglicht präzise Referenzen auf das Original.
Birkhauser Hospitals: A Design Manual
Birkhauser Wo Architekten arbeiten / Where Architects Work
What does it actually look like in the offices of people who think on a day-to-day basis about good architecture? Where do the ideas and designs of contemporary architecture originate? Seventy-six architectural firms, in German-speaking countries and internationally, open their doors and show us the spaces in which they work. There is a view of the outside of each architectural firm, one of the interior, and a floor plan, where the work places of the owners are highlighted. This not only exemplifies the similarities and differences between the architects, but also the internal organization of the offices as well as the attitude expressed by each respective building. The rooms in which architects work and receive visitors today tell of a profession that is itself a polyglot, down to earth, makeshift, honest, ironic, serious, or playful. Employees work in skyscrapers and barns, in townhouses and storage buildings, on the water and in the woods. The exemplary views of the seventy-six architectural firms are accompanied by a fundamental observation of continuities and discontinuities of the “atelier/studio.”
Birkhauser Behordlich autorisiert. Staatlich beeidet. Im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt.
Über die Geschichte der österreichischen Ingenieurkammern Das vorliegende Buch untersucht erstmals die Geschichte der österreichischen Ingenieurkammern und ihrer Mitglieder von der Gründung des Ziviltechnikerwesens 1860 bis zum Ziviltechnikergesetz 1957. Der Fokus liegt neben der Rekonstruktion der Organisationsgeschichte auf der Aufarbeitung der Kollaboration mit dem NS-Regime und dem Schicksal jener Ziviltechniker:innen, die verfolgt wurden. Ausgewählte Biografien machen Handlungsspielräume innerhalb der Kammern, Karriereverläufe und -brüche von Mitgliedern und Auswirkungen diskriminierender Maßnahmen sichtbar. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist dabei, die Erinnerung an jene Ziviltechniker:innen wachzuhalten, die dem NS-Regime zum Opfer fielen. Mit der wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung der Kammergeschichte übernimmt die Bundeskammer der Ziviltechniker:innen eine wichtige Verantwortung. Ein zentraler Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der
Birkhauser Conceptual Design of Structures
Most of the embodied energy can be saved in the load-bearing structure! Conceptual Design of Structures is working at the interface between structural engineering, architecture, and art. The book seeks to answer the complex question of what needs to be considered when conceiving a building structure. What influences the process of conceptual thinking? How do space and structure interact? In what ways do architects and engineers work together? The book thus sheds light on the topic of multidisciplinary interrelationships in design, showing numerous different perspectives. Renowned practitioners and researchers from architecture and engineering share their insights, as do artists and historians who cross the disciplinary boundaries. Furthermore, this book also provides an outlook on possible future developments and aspects of sustainable design and construction. Bridging practice, academic, and research Holistic perspectives through