Search results for ""Author nigozyu""
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead Vol. 7
Kimihiko's adventure with the detective began a thousand meters in the air. They saved clients, solved cases, battled powerful enemies, and traveled the world-and all of it ended the day the detective died. A year later, the story began again, thanks to one girl's powerful emotions. After many battles and sacrifices-a miracle occurred. Now, Kimihiko is sinking into the routine of daily life again. That's what comes next, isn't it? Aren't they allowed this? No one's being inconvenienced. After all, the detective is already--
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 1
"You will be my assistant."During a plane hijacking four years ago, Kimitsuka Kimihiko wound up becoming theassistant to a beautiful detective named Siesta. The pair traveled the world, solvingcrimes and battling criminal organizations. Until Siesta died, anyway. Kimitsukathought that would spell the end of his adventures and a return to ordinary life, butan encounter with a girl who bears an uncanny resemblance to Siesta suggests thatfate has other plans.
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 4
Once the assistant to a great detective, Kimihiko Kimizuka took on a challenge Siestabequeathed to him after her death and arrived at a conclusion that surpassed hiswildest expectations. To bring back the great detective-the stuff of miracles-Kimihikoand Natsunagi fly to London yet again to obtain evidence that can bring down Seed. Onthe flight there, however, he hears the same words as he did four years ago: "Is therea detective on the plane?"
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead Vol. 8
Kimihiko Kimizuka was once the assistant to two ace detectives, and after achieving a miracle, the sequel was ordinary life. The Ritual of Sacred Return was supposed to be the moment world peace was achievedbut instead, it was discovered that this was a product of false memories. As the search for the truth begins, it seems the memories of another Tuner, Rill, may hold the key...
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 3 (manga)
Due to my penchant for getting dragged into things, I, Kimihiko Kimizuka, an ordinaryhigh-school student, suddenly was asked to protect national idol Yui Saikawa's Threebillion-yen sapphire!?When there's a detective, there's always a case, and so, another case begins for meand Siesta's heart's recipient, Nagisa Natsunagi!
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 1 (manga)
The only surivor, me, and the detective's dying wish: their unfinished story.I, an ordinary highschool student, Kimihiko Kimizuka,I was embroiled completely flawlessly into a plane hijacking,Where I became the assistant to the angelically beautiful detective girl I met.In three years, the great detective and her assistant unfolded a dazzling adventuredram--Before long, we were seperated by death.This takes place a year after that.The only survivor, me, and the detective's dying wish--
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 3
After being kidnapped, Kimizuka, Natsunagi, Saikawa, and Charlie have learned thetruth about Siesta’s death...or have they? A girl who looks just like the deceaseddetective appears and informs them that the footage they’ve been investigatingcontains an error. As they hunt for an answer to a mystery that even Siesta couldn’tuncover, the group will learn what it truly means to inherit the legacy of an acedetective. The detective is already dead, and the truth of her death has been alreadybeen revealed, but it’s still too early for the epilogue.
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 2 (manga)
She wants him to find out who she’s looking for...What an appropriate request for a girl who believes nothing is less reliable than subjective opinions. Ex-ace detective’s assistant Kimihiko Kimizuka’s initial lead on Nagisa Natsunagi’s odd demand leads him to an old acquaintance-a convict named Bat with extraordinary hearing. As they reminisce about their initial encounter of when Bat hijacked a plane because he was desperately bored, Nagisa wonders if there’s more to the story...
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 6
Siesta and Kimihiko’s first meeting did not take place during that fateful plane jacking, but rather four years earlier. During that time, the federal government tasked Siesta with locating a spy in Japan, where she happened upon her future assistant. The secret of why the great detective took Kimihiko under her wing is finally revealed in this prequel!
Little, Brown & Company The Detective Is Already Dead, Vol. 2
While on an outing one day, a woman who looks exactly like Kimitsuka Kimihiko’s deadmentor, Siesta, kidnaps the former detective’s assistant and his three friends! There,she reveals a long-forgotten truth about Siesta's death. Will this be the clue that finallyunlocks the secrets of his past?