Search results for ""Author murata""
Little, Brown & Company Catch These Hands!, Vol. 3
After reuniting as working adults, former rivals Takebe and Soramori have starteddating. Now they're fighting over the chance to say something important. Who'll be thewinner of this rematch?! The laughs keep going in this story of blossoming lovebetween two former delinquents.
Little, Brown & Company Catch These Hands!, Vol. 4
There’s something different about what Soramori means by “like” and what Takabe means by “like” — but can the two come closer nonetheless? See how their unique love story will unfold in the final volume of this heartwarming ex-delinquent yuri comedy!
Little, Brown & Company Catch These Hands!, Vol. 2
For some reason, the high school rivals, Takebe and Soramori have decided to startgoing out. But they just can't get this “dating” thing right ...! These former delinquentgirls’ continue their relationship in this yuri comedy!
Little, Brown & Company Catch These Hands!, Vol. 1
One day, Takebe, a former delinquent trying to leave that part of her past behind forgood, runs into her high-school rival, Soramori. The two fight for the first time inyears, and thanks to being desperately out of practice, Takebe loses-leaving her nochoice but to accept Soramori's request to start dating her...?!