Search results for ""Author brian d foy""
O'Reilly Media Learning Perl 6: Keeping the Easy, Hard, and Impossible Within Reach
If you’re ready to get started with Raku (formerly Perl 6), this is the book you want, whether you’re a programmer, system administrator, or web hacker. Raku is a new language—a modern reinvention of Perl suitable for almost any task, from short fixes to complete web applications. This hands-on tutorial gets you started. Author brian d foy (Mastering Perl) provides a sophisticated introduction to this new programming language. Each chapter in this guide contains exercises to help you practice what you learn as you learn it. Other books may teach you to program in Raku, but this book will turn you into a Raku programmer. Learn how to work with: Numbers, strings, blocks, and positionals Files and directories and input/output Associatives, subroutines, classes, and roles Junctions and sets Regular expressions and built-in grammars Concurrency features: Promises, supplies, and channels Controlling external programs and other advanced features
O'Reilly Media Mastering Perl
Take the next step toward Perl mastery with advanced concepts that make coding easier, maintenance simpler, and execution faster. Mastering Perl isn't a collection of clever tricks, but a way of thinking about Perl programming for solving debugging, configuration, and many other real-world problems you'll encounter as a working programmer. The third in O'Reilly's series of landmark Perl tutorials (after Learning Perl and Intermediate Perl), this fully upated edition pulls everything together and helps you bend Perl to your will. Explore advanced regular expressions features Avoid common problems when writing secure programs Profile and benchmark Perl programs to see where they need work Wrangle Perl code to make it more presentable and readable Understand how Perl keeps track of package variables Define subroutines on the fly Jury-rig modules to fix code without editing the original source Use bit operations and bit vectors to store large data efficiently Learn how to detect errors that Perl doesn't report Dive into logging, data persistence, and the magic of tied variables
O'Reilly Verlag Einfuhrung in Perl
O'Reilly Media Intermediate Perl 2e
Get a clear roadmap for improving your skills with Intermediate Perl, and gain working knowledge of Perl's objects, references, and modules-ingredients that make the language so versatile and effective. Written by the authors of the bestselling Llama book, Learning Perl, and updated for Perl 5.14, this book offers a gentle but thorough introduction to intermediate programming in Perl. Each chapter is small enough to be read in just an hour or two, ending with a series of exercises to help you practice what you've learned. If you're familiar with the material in Learning Perl and have the ambition learn more, this book will take you much further into Perl's capabilities. Topics include: * Packages and namespaces * References and scoping, including regular expression references * Manipulating complex data structures * Object-oriented programming * Writing and using modules * Testing Perl code * Contributing to CPAN
O'Reilly Media Learning Perl: Making Easy Things Easy and Hard Things Possible
If you're just getting started with Perl, this is the book you want—whether you're a programmer, system administrator, or web hacker. Nicknamed "the Llama" by two generations of users, this best seller closely follows the popular introductory Perl course taught by the authors since 1991. This eighth edition covers recent changes to the language up to version 5.34. Perl is suitable for almost any task on almost any platform, from short fixes to complete web applications. Learning Perl teaches you the basics and shows you how to write simple, single-file programs—roughly 90% of the Perl programs in use today. And each chapter includes exercises to help you practice what you've just learned. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer. Topics include: Perl data and variable types Subroutines File operations Regular expressions String manipulation (including Unicode) Lists and sorting Process management Use of third-party modules