Search results for ""Author Zuzanna Celej""
Nórdica Libros Cors de Gofra
En un petit poble de la costa noruega, viuen la Lena i el Theo. Ella és intrèpida, divertida i aventurera. Ell la ment serena de tots dos. Són amics de l?ànima encara que a en Theo necessita que li diguin més vegades, com a tots ens passa moltes vegades. La Lena viu sola amb la seva mare i, de tant en tant, pensa que li agradaria tenir un pare. En Theo té una germana adoptada a Colòmbia i un avi magre i arrugat que viu al soterrani de casa i al qual adora. El que més li agrada és compartir les gofres calentetes amb la seva tieta àvia, i passar el dia junts gaudint d?aventures que, a vegades, quasi acaben en catàstrofes
Thule Ediciones SL A veces la lluvia
Los niños crecen muy deprisa. Cuánto tiempo seguirá queriéndose poner lo que tejes? Cuántos veranos más te dará la mano al cruzar la calle y te acariciará el dedo meñique cuando le entre sueño? Un día descubres que ya no eres todo su mundo, ni falta que hace, y que te conformas con ser parte de él. Entonces te preguntas cuánto te querrá, qué te reprochará, mientras ves cómo te quiere, cómo te odia, cómo se afirma, cómo se avergüenza... Un libro íntimo y emocionante sobre las sensaciones que produce en una madre ver crecer a los hijos.
Cuento de Luz SL Emmanuel Kelly - ¡Sueña a lo grande! (Emmanuel Kelly - Dream Big!)
Emmanuel Kelly was born and abandoned into war-torn Iraq. He was raised at an orphanage before being adopted and brought to Australia for life-changing surgery. Emmanuel’s sheer passion for singing, for life, and for ‘dreaming big’ in the face of huge obstacles led him to achieve his dream of becoming a singer. This is his inspiring story.Emmanuel Kelly nació y fue abandonado en una zona en guerra en Irak. Se crió en un orfanato hasta que unos años más tarde fue adoptado y comenzó una nueva vida en Australia. Su pasión por cantar, por la vida, por soñar a lo grande frente a enormes obstáculos, le están llevando a realizar su sueño y destacar en el mundo de la música. Esta es su inspiradora historia. Watch the book trailer:
Cuento de Luz SL Moon's Messenger
Moon knew it was unusual to see a green turtle. Out of all the sea turtles in the world, they were the species that was most at risk. "What is it Turtle? Why are you here?" The turtle beckoned, Come, with its strong front flipper, and, as if it had actually spoken, Moon knew that it wanted to show her something. Many animals are in danger because of human activities. An animal at risk of extinction is a species that will only be around for a short while longer, unless steps are taken to save it. Moon 's Messenger reminds us of the importance of conserving and respecting the environment, and that we can all help to protect nature and biodiversity. Lexile Level 880L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)
Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book Award. Some say that we always return to the places where we embraced life, where we were happy. Zoe, a girl who must flee her city with her family because of the war, remembers them before she leaves.Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. But the war broke out and she, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city… Her grandparents' house, a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school, where she met her friends and loved learning new things. Not to mention the downtown park, where She’d spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.Almost about to leave, Zoe spread the map of the city on a table and and started to mark all the places where she was really happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.Ganador del premio New York City Big Book Award en 2017. Dicen que siempre volvemos a los lugares donde amamos la vida, donde fuimos felices. Zoe, una niña que debe huir de su ciudad con su familia por causa de la guerra, los rememora antes de partir.Zoe lleva toda la vida viviendo en la misma ciudad. Se conocía cada edificio, cada parque, cada rincón. Pero la guerra estalló y, como muchos otros, tuvo que decirle adiós a su ciudad y marcharse sin saber cuándo podría volver. Zoe tiene tantos buenos recuerdos de su ciudad… La casa de los abuelos, su pequeño refugio lleno de sueños y juegos, su antigua escuela, ahí donde conoció a sus amigos y aprendió que le encantaba aprender cosas nuevas. Por no hablar del parque del centro, que tanto la vio divertirse entre columpios, artistas ambulantes y paseos en bicicleta.A punto de partir, Zoe extendió el mapa de la ciudad en una mesa y dibujó su «mapa de los buenos momentos», señalando todos los lugares donde fue realmente feliz, con la certeza de que siempre la acompañarán.
Cuento de Luz SL Dentro de mi imaginación (Inside My Imagination)
Todos tenemos una puerta con la que podemos acceder a nuestra imaginación… ¿Te atreves a participar en el mas maravilloso viaje a tu interior? This story, for children and adults alike, invites us to open the doors of our imagination and to discover the way it works. What lies there? Lexile Level: 700L
Whitefox Publishing Ltd I Am Always I
It's not always easy trying to figure out who you are in this ever-changing world. In this delightful book, author Rupert Spira takes you on a journey of discovery through a landscape of thoughts, feelings and circumstances to the essence of who you are. With exquisite artwork by award-winning illustrator Zuzanna Celej, this deceptively simple story shows readers of all ages that beneath our whirling thoughts and shifting emotions we can find an unshakeable peace and quiet joy. I Am Always I is not only a book you will fall in love with, it is also a guide to falling in love with your true self.
Cuento de Luz SL Emmanuel Kelly: Dream Big!
Emmanuel Kelly was born and abandoned into war-torn Iraq. He was raised at an orphanage before being adopted and brought to Australia for life-changing surgery. Emmanuel’s sheer passion for singing, for life, and for ‘dreaming big’ in the face of huge obstacles led him to achieve his dream of becoming a singer. This is his inspiring story:Watch the book trailer:
Cuento de Luz SL Dentro de mi imaginación (Inside My Imagination)
Winner of the Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 and Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. There is a door in every one of us that leads to our imagination, a world where anything is possible. Dou you dare to embark on the most wonderful journey to our inner-self?One day when I was reading my story, I breathed in one of the words and something magical happened… I entered my imagination!We have always been told about the power of imagination, but what is imagination? How does it work? There is a magical place where you can always be yourself. In there you can turn on your light and illuminate your life with it. That place is your imagination. Your imagination has a life and a voice of its own. It is like a voice that speaks inside of you and paints everything around you with vivid colors.Within your imagination you are the king or queen of your creation. Open the door and discover how that place where we can always be ourselves is like and how does it work. And within your imagination ... what is there?Ganador de los premios literarios Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 y Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. Todos tenemos una puerta con la que podemos acceder a nuestra imaginación… ¿Te atreves a participar en el más maravilloso viaje a tu interior?Un día, leyendo mi cuento respiré una de esas palabras, y sucedió algo mágico… ¡Entré en mi imaginación!Siempre nos han hablado del poder de la imaginación, pero ¿qué es la imaginación? ¿Cómo funciona?Hay un lugar mágico donde siempre puedes ser tú mismo. En ese mágico lugar puedes encender tu luz y con ella iluminar tu vida. Ese lugar es tu imaginación. Tu imaginación tiene vida y voz propia. Es como una voz que habla en tu interior y va pintando de colores todo a tu alrededor. Dentro de tu imaginación tú eres el rey o la reina de tu creación. Abre la puerta y juega a descubrir cómo funciona por dentro ese lugar donde siempre podemos ser nosotros mismos. Y dentro de tu imaginación… ¿qué hay?
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada Where Are You, Agnes?
This stunning picture-book imagining of artist Agnes Martin’s childhood gives readers a glimpse into the life and work of one of the most esteemed abstract painters of the twentieth century. Agnes Martin was born on the Canadian prairies in the early twentieth century. In this imagining of her childhood from acclaimed author Tessa McWatt, Agnes spends her days surrounded by wheat fields, where her grandfather encourages her to draw what she sees and feels around her: the straight horizon, the feeling of the sun, the movement of birds’ wings and the shapes she sees in the wheat. One day, Agnes’s family moves to a house in a big city. The straight horizon and wheat fields are gone, but Agnes continues to draw what she sees and feels around her. No one except her grandfather understands what she is trying to capture — not her mother, who asks, “Where are you, Agnes?” when she sees her daughter engrossed in her drawing; nor her siblings, who think her art is ugly. Still, Agnes keeps trying to capture what she sees inside her mind. Agnes Martin grew up to become a famous abstract expressionist artist. Tessa McWatt has written a beautiful story of Agnes’s childhood and how it might have shaped her adult work. Zuzanna Celej’s watercolors adeptly capture Agnes’s world, including hints of the grid paintings that she was later known for, against the backdrop of prairie and city landscapes. Includes an author’s note with more information about Agnes Martin’s life and the inspiration behind this story. Key Text Features author's note art history Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Cuento de Luz SL Con alas de mariposa (With a Butterfly's Wings)
Awarded at the 2023 Cuatro Gatos Foundation Awards - Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Book awards. A grandmother and her granddaughter explore together the secrets of nature and forge a bond that will live out forever. With Butterfly’s Wings is a tender story about a girl who loses her beloved grandmother finds comfort in remembering her through what she learned from her.It was my grandmother who taught me to listen to the song of the birds. Throw her eyes I learned to contemplate those little birds and to perceive what made them so special. Together we heard the blackbird sing among the rumble of the city that was slowly awakening, trying to guess where the bird was. Grandma was my best teacher: she taught me all the secrets of nature, the magic of flowers, the spirit of monarch butterflies… For this reason, even if she is now gone, she will live in me through the song of nature.Premiado por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos 2023. Una abuela y su nieta exploran juntas los secretos de la naturaleza y forjan un vínculo que perdurará para siempre. Con alas de mariposa es una tierna historia sobre una niña que pierde a su amada abuela y encuentra consuelo al recordarla a través de todo lo que aprendió de ella.Fue la abuela la que me enseñó a escuchar el canto de las aves. Sus ojos me enseñaron a contemplar esos pequeños pájaros y a observar aquello que los hacía tan especiales. Juntas escuchábamos al mirlo cantar entre los murmullos de la ciudad que se despertaba, intentado adivinar dónde se encontraba. La abuela era mi mejor maestra: me enseñaba todos los secretos de la naturaleza, la magia de las flores, el aliento de las monarcas… Por eso, aunque ella ya no esté, vivirá en mí a través del canto de la naturaleza.
Cuento de Luz SL The Map of Good Memories
Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book AwardIn The Map of Good Memories, a young girl takes time to remember her home before her and her family must flee their war-torn city.Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. When the war broke out, Zoe, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city. There was her grandparents' house, which was a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school where she met her friends and loved learning new things, and of course, the downtown park, where she’d spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.Just before her and her family leave, Zoe spreads the map of the city on a table and marks all the places where she was truly happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.
Akiara Books Mi Abuelo Pirata
Cuento de Luz SL With a Butterfly's Wings
Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Books Award and awarded at the 2023 Cuatro Gatos Foundation AwardsWith a Butterfly’s Wings is a tender story about a girl who loses her beloved grandmother and finds comfort in remembering her through what she learned from her.It was my grandmother who taught me to listen to the song of the birds. Throw her eyes I learned to contemplate those little birds and to perceive what made them so special. Together we heard the blackbird sing among the rumble of the city that was slowly awakening, trying to guess where the bird was. Grandma was my best teacher: she taught me all the secrets of nature, the magic of flowers, the spirit of monarch butterflies. For this reason, even if she is now gone, she will live in me through the song of nature.
Cuento de Luz SL Con alas de mariposa (With a Butterfly's Wings)
Awarded at the 2023 Cuatro Gatos Foundation Awards - Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Book awards. A grandmother and her granddaughter explore together the secrets of nature and forge a bond that will live out forever. With Butterfly’s Wings is a tender story about a girl who loses her beloved grandmother finds comfort in remembering her through what she learned from her.It was my grandmother who taught me to listen to the song of the birds. Throw her eyes I learned to contemplate those little birds and to perceive what made them so special. Together we heard the blackbird sing among the rumble of the city that was slowly awakening, trying to guess where the bird was. Grandma was my best teacher: she taught me all the secrets of nature, the magic of flowers, the spirit of monarch butterflies… For this reason, even if she is now gone, she will live in me through the song of nature.Premiado por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos 2023. Una abuela y su nieta exploran juntas los secretos de la naturaleza y forjan un vínculo que perdurará para siempre. Con alas de mariposa es una tierna historia sobre una niña que pierde a su amada abuela y encuentra consuelo al recordarla a través de todo lo que aprendió de ella.Fue la abuela la que me enseñó a escuchar el canto de las aves. Sus ojos me enseñaron a contemplar esos pequeños pájaros y a observar aquello que los hacía tan especiales. Juntas escuchábamos al mirlo cantar entre los murmullos de la ciudad que se despertaba, intentado adivinar dónde se encontraba. La abuela era mi mejor maestra: me enseñaba todos los secretos de la naturaleza, la magia de las flores, el aliento de las monarcas… Por eso, aunque ella ya no esté, vivirá en mí a través del canto de la naturaleza.
Cuento de Luz SL The Lighthouse of Souls
What is a lighthouse of souls? It's the light that guides Leo and his grandpa over distant seas, to discover those who wait every night for a gentle word to help them fall asleep with a smile on their lips. The Lighthouse of Souls is not only a tender tale of the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, but also between all of those who look for something they share in common: a light that guides them towards hope. Lexile Level 1000L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL With a Butterfly's Wings
Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Books Award and awarded at the 2023 Cuatro Gatos Foundation AwardsWith a Butterfly’s Wings is a tender story about a girl who loses her beloved grandmother and finds comfort in remembering her through what she learned from her.It was my grandmother who taught me to listen to the song of the birds. Throw her eyes I learned to contemplate those little birds and to perceive what made them so special. Together we heard the blackbird sing among the rumble of the city that was slowly awakening, trying to guess where the bird was. Grandma was my best teacher: she taught me all the secrets of nature, the magic of flowers, the spirit of monarch butterflies. For this reason, even if she is now gone, she will live in me through the song of nature.