Search results for ""Author Yanitzia Canetti""
Teacher Created Materials, Inc Brumm, brumm! Poemas acerca de cosas con ruedas (Vroom, Vroom! Poems About Things with Wh
Child's Play International Ltd Decisiones/Choices (Bilingual Mini-Library Edition)
La vida está llena de decisiones. Pueden ser grandes o pequeñas. Algunas son fáciles, y otras toman más tiempo. ¡Pero asegúrate de seguir siempre tu corazón! Life is full of choices. They can be big or small. Some are easy, and some take more time. But be sure to always follow your heart! 2021 Golden Pinwheel Special Mention.
Child's Play International Ltd Enzo es un enfermero/Enzo is a Nurse
¿Qué será Enzo hoy? Sigue a Enzo y sus amigos mientras exploran todo lo que hace un enfermero en un día. El juego de roles es fundamental para el buen desarrollo de un niño, ya que estimula el lenguaje y las habilidades sociales, y fomenta la confianza en sí mismo. Esta interacción divertida y fraternal de un grupo inclusivo de compañeros de juego, inspirará a los lectores jóvenes a crear sus propios roles, diversos y libres de estereotipos de género. What will Enzo be today? Follow Enzo and his friends as they explore the many things a nurse does in a day. Role-play is crucial to a child’s positive development, boosting language and social skills, and building self-confidence. This humorous and caring interaction of an inclusive group of playmates will inspire young readers to create their own diverse roles, free of gender stereotypes.
Child's Play International Ltd A la Rueda Rueda en el Jardín/Round and Round the Garden
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Child's Play International Ltd A Rosa le encanta jugar a la pelota/Rosa plays Ball
Let’s find out which toys Rosa and her friends are playing with today! An important series that celebrates inclusivity, promotes gender equality and embraces the uniqueness of every child.
Penguin Young Readers Bate bate, ¡disparate! Mad Libs: ¡El mejor juego de palabras del mundo!
Penguin Young Readers Group Esqueletos Y Escalofríos Mad Libs
Child's Play International Ltd Nieve en la Jungla/Snow in the Jungle
When Snow’s mother tells her that they’re going to move to an exciting new place, Snow isn’t so sure. She likes her home and her friends, and the fun they have together. The journey takes forever, and their new home is very strange. Everything is different – the weather, the food, the people and the language. Snow tries to make friends, but everyone seems too busy and preoccupied to care. Will anything happen to help Snow feel more at home? A charming debut picture book about the anxieties and hardships of moving, with a heart-warming, positive ending.
Houghton Mifflin Mike Mulligan Y Su Maquina Maravillosa
Child's Play International Ltd Rosa y el experimento del gran girasol/Rosa’s Big Sunflower Experiment
¡Rosa y sus amigos regresan por más diversión, haciendo experimentos básicos que involucran ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y habilidades numéricas! Rosa and her friends return for more fun, conducting basic experiments involving science, technology, engineering and number skills!
Child's Play International Ltd A Rosa le encantan los dinosaurios/Rosa loves Dinosaurs
Let’s find out which toys Rosa and her friends are playing with today! An important series that celebrates inclusivity, promotes gender equality and embraces the uniqueness of every child.
Child's Play International Ltd A Rosa le encantan los carros/Rosa loves Cars
Let’s find out which toys Rosa and her friends are playing with today! An important series that celebrates inclusivity, promotes gender equality and embraces the uniqueness of every child.
Treasure Bay The Ocean-El Océano
Penguin Young Readers ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Mad Libs: ¡El mejor juego de palabras del mundo!
Parenting Press Incorporated Así me siento yo
Through illustrations, text, color, and font to describe happy, disappointed, angry, jealous, and other feelings that kids experience, this book uses words and situations familiar to children to describe a wide variety of emotions, some seldom attributed to kids. The language is nonjudgmental, and free of bias and slang, and there are whimsical characters that appeal to both boys and girls.A través de ilustraciones, texto, color y fuentes para describir la alegría, la desilusión, el enojo, la envidia y otros sentimientos que experimentan los niños, este libro usa palabras y situaciones con las que están familiarizados los niños para describir una amplia gama de emociones, incluso algunas que no se asocian frecuentemente con los niños. El lenguaje que se usa carece de críticas, prejuicios y jerga, y el libro incluye personajes amenos que atraerán tanto a los niños como a las niñas.
Treasure Bay Habitats of the World-Hábitats de la Tierra
Penguin Young Readers ¡Feliz Navidad! Mad Libs: ¡El mejor juego de palabras del mundo!
Child's Play International Ltd Las Ruedas del Autobús/Wheels on the Bus
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Child's Play International Ltd ¡Brrrum, Brrrum!/Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Houghton Mifflin Jorge Y Marta
Child's Play International Ltd Enzo es un maestro/Enzo is a Teacher
¿Qué será Enzo hoy? Sigue a Enzo y sus amigos mientras exploran todo lo que hace un maestro en un día. El juego de roles es fundamental para el buen desarrollo de un niño, ya que estimula el lenguaje y las habilidades sociales, y fomenta la confianza en sí mismo. Esta interacción divertida y fraternal de un grupo inclusivo de compañeros de juego, inspirará a los lectores jóvenes a crear sus propios roles, diversos y libres de estereotipos de género. What will Enzo be today? Follow Enzo and his friends as they explore the many things a teacher does in a day. Role-play is crucial to a child’s positive development, boosting language and social skills, and building self-confidence. This humorous and caring interaction of an inclusive group of playmates will inspire young readers to create their own diverse roles, free of gender stereotypes.
Child's Play International Ltd Rosa y el experimento de la gran pizza/Rosa's Big Pizza Experiment
¡Rosa y sus amigos regresan por más diversión, haciendo experimentos básicos que involucran ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y habilidades numéricas! Rosa and her friends return for more fun, conducting basic experiments involving science, technology, engineering and number skills!
Child's Play International Ltd Conejitos Dormilones/Sleeping Bunnies
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Child's Play International Ltd A Rosa le encanta montar en su patineta/Rosa Rides her Scooter
Let’s find out which toys Rosa and her friends are playing with today! An important series that celebrates inclusivity, promotes gender equality and embraces the uniqueness of every child.
Child's Play International Ltd Nieve en la Jungla/Snow in the Jungle
When Snow’s mother tells her that they’re going to move to an exciting new place, Snow isn’t so sure. She likes her home and her friends, and the fun they have together. The journey takes forever, and their new home is very strange. Everything is different – the weather, the food, the people and the language. Snow tries to make friends, but everyone seems too busy and preoccupied to care. Will anything happen to help Snow feel more at home? A charming debut picture book about the anxieties and hardships of moving, with a heart-warming, positive ending.
Child's Play International Ltd Ay, Tirirín/Hey Diddle Diddle
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Child's Play International Ltd Haz un Pastel/Pat A Cake
This charming series has been specifically designed for babies. A great introduction to books through well-known nursery rhymes and interactive text. Singing songs and rhymes is the perfect way to bond with your baby and share quality time. It also aids language development by introducing them to the natural sounds and patterns of speech. Combining these with actions also stimulates the brain and helps muscle development.
Penguin Young Readers ¿Quién fue Walt Disney?: ¿Quién fue? Un libro de cartón
Treasure Bay The Mouse in My House/Un Raton En Mi Casa
Treasure Bay Frank and the Tiger/Sapi y El Tigre
Treasure Bay About Bats/Acerca de Los Murcielagos
Penguin Young Readers ¿Quién fue Celia Cruz?: ¿Quién fue? Un libro de cartón
Treasure Bay The Frog Prince-El Principe Rana
Treasure Bay Museum Day-Día del Museo
Penguin Putnam Inc El pulpo se escapa
Nancy Paulsen Books El mundo era nuestro
Two children’s book superstars join forces to celebrate the joy and freedom of summer in the city, which is gloriously captured in Jacqueline Woodson’s rhythmic text and Leo Espinosa’s lively art.Cuando hace tanto calor como para hacer estallar los hidrantes, eso solo significa una cosa: ¡por fin llegó el verano! Liberados de la escuela y disfrutando de su libertad, los niños de una cuadra de Brooklyn hacen de las calles su patio de recreo. Desde la mañana hasta la noche, crean su propia diversión, dejan volar su imaginación y aprenden a trabajar y jugar juntos. Es un mundo donde todo es posible... al menos hasta que sus madres los llamen a casa para cenar. Pero no hay que preocuparse: saben que siempre hay un mañana para volver a hacerlo, porque la calle les pertenece y ellos gobiernan en su mundo. Rebosante de energía, el texto rítmico y las vívidas ilustraciones de Jacqueline Woodson y Leo Espinosa capturan gloriosamente la alegría y la libertad del verano, así como el crecimiento que conlleva la independencia.
Nancy Paulsen Books El año en que aprendimos a volar
Los creadores del best seller número 1 del New York Times The Day You Begin se unen de nuevo para deslumbrar a los lectores con una historia que rinde homenaje al poder que hay en cada uno de nosotros para soñar algo y hacerlo realidad. En un día triste y aburrido, un hermano y una hermana prestan atención al consejo de su abuela:«Utilicen esas mentes hermosas y brillantes que tienen. Alcen los brazos, cierren los ojos, respiren profundo y crean en algo. En algún lugar, en algún momento, alguien estuvo tan aburrido como ustedes ahora».Y antes de que se den cuenta, su imaginación los eleva y los saca del aburrimiento. Luego, en un día lleno de peleas, siguen el consejo de Abuela y descubren que son capaces de dejar atrás su ira. Esta preciosa habilidad, les dice su abuela, se remonta a días mucho antes de que nacieran, cuando sus antepasados mostraron al mundo la fuerza y la resistencia de sus hermosas y brillantes mentes.
Treasure Bay How Many?-Cuantos Hay? (a Counting Book)