Search results for ""Author Yana Toboso""
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 06
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 04 German
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 09
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 26
While Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his indomitable butler, Sebastian, are away on the trail of Blavat and the Blue Star Cult, the sound of gunshots echoes through the halls of their London townhouse. What chaos awaits master and servant upon their return home? And why is the young earl shaken to his core by the message left behind by the invader?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 20
In the hinterlands of Germany, the servants of the Phantomhive house are at a loss when their master, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, is both physically and mentally debilitated by the curse of the Wolfman that roams the Werewolves' Forest. In the face of his master's pitiful new demeanour, consummate butler Sebastian, disillusioned, viciously takes Ciel to task, citing a breach of contract. As the Phantomhive household's crisis unfolds, the sulphurous miasma of the Werewolves' Forest encroaches ever more upon the village ruled by the Emerald Witch...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 31
In order to cut off their enemies' lifelines, the Phantomhive staff has scattered in all directions. To the north, Mey-Rin, having infiltrated Baron Heathfield's manor, engages in battle with the masterful maid, Jane! Meanwhile, in the east, at a sanatorium for veterans, Baldo and Lau receive a rough welcome from the nurse celebrated as a miracle healer...
Little, Brown & Company Yana Toboso Artworks Black Butler 3
Black has never looked so brilliant! Yana Toboso celebrates fifteen years of Black Butler with this third artwork collection. Featuring over 120 full-color illustrations, the contents cover the Public School and Emerald Witch arcs of the manga, the Circus arc of the anime, and more!
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 4
London - the capital of the Great Empire - is once again under siege, as a string of bizarre attacks on British citizens returned from India sends rumours flying and casts a pall upon Queen Victoria's rule. Sent in by Her Majesty, young Earl Phantomhive and his most capable butler, Sebastian, follow a trail that collides head-on with an Indian youth who claims to be a prince. And this prince possesses an extraordinary butler of his own! As an intense rivalry between the two butlers begins to form, will the kitchen be the dueling duo's final battleground?!
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 32
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 29 Paranormaler MysteryManga im viktorianischen England
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 08
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 01
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Twisted Wonderland Der Manga 2
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 25
A mysterious cult mesmerises legions of spectators with glorious rituals of song and dance. But the unbridled passion it inspires in its followers gives Queen Victoria cause for concern, and she urges Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his expert butler, Sebastian, to do some digging. Ciel has his own reasons for taking this lot to task, but the discovery of the cult's penchant for blood means the Queen's watchdog must make an immediate move. And when Sebastian goes probing behind the stages and into the shadows, he's met by a girl standing in his way, her sword ready to meet him head on...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 15
When students fail to return home from an English boarding school that numbers several elite bloodlines among its student body, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his indomitable butler, Sebastian, infiltrate the lush grounds and stately halls of this distinguished house of learning at Her Majesty's behest. But this cannot be accomplished without some masterful artifice. The butler takes on the role of tutor, his master that of student - parts to which both are more than just a little accustomed. As their dorm lives of deceit begin, they turn their eyes upon the conspicuous and colourful waistcoats of the four school prefects, from whose attention nothing at the school escapes...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 18
Their elaborate schoolroom deception at an end, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his peerless manservant, Sebastian, finally hit upon the truth behind the incident of the vanished students at Weston College. Just what tragic steps did the elites of the school, spurred on by their overwhelming sense of justice, take to stamp out the bullying with which the halls of their institution had run rife?! What began as a seemingly simple case of missing persons goes round and round, spinning out of control into a great menace, one capable of perplexing even a devil of a butler...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 22
Having escaped the wolves in sheep's clothing of Wolfsschlucht, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, indomitable butler Sebastian, and the rest of the Phantomhive household abscond with the Emerald Witch. They take refuge in the hideaway of an old family friend-Diedrich, the late Vincent Phantomhive's schoolmate and confidant. But as preparations are made and wounds rested for the passage home to England, word of the Undertaker and his odd behavior hangs over the proceedings. What little memory could have tripped up the ever-jovial reaper, causing his chartreuse eyes to well with tears...?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 12
The decks of the Campania run red with blood when the corpses brought back to a semblance of life by the Aurora Society's 'absolute salvation' turn on the ship's passengers in a ghoulish farce. With their investigation waylaid by this primitive struggle for survival, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his exceptional butler, Sebastian, are trapped at the mercy of both the unnatural and Mother Nature herself. For even as dead feet shuffle along the opulent decks of the luxury liner in search of living prey, in the distance there looms before the cursed vessel a massive iceberg that glows and crackles eerily in the gloom of night...
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 26
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 17
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Twisted Wonderland Der Manga 1
Yen Press Yana Toboso Artworks Black Butler 4
Yen Press Black Butler Vol. 13
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 3
Terrorizing its populace, Jack the Ripper has shaken London to its very core. But when Sebastian Michaelis, singular butler of the Phantomhive house, lays bare the madman's true identity, all that is left for him to do is eliminate the perpetrator in the name of the Queen and Phantomhive. But inhumanly efficient skills don't guarantee victory when the opponent is just as supernaturally gifted! And though Sebastian may be able to save Ciel from physical harm in the battle that ensues, will the young earl ever recover from the emotional scars it will leave on his heart?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 16
Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his invincible butler, Sebastian, have thusfar been foiled in their attempts to seek an audience with the headmaster of Weston College. To further their investigation, the sole option that remains is the exclusive 'Midnight Tea Party' hosted by the elusive school head. And the only way Ciel, earl or no, can land a seat at that table is by earning the title of e Most Valuable Player in the College's annual cricket tournament. Selected from each house, students in the springtime of youth battle among the wickets on the spring-green lawn. Will the usually unperturbed young earl be bowled over by this unexpected turn of events?!
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler Vol 2
This butler is just too good to be true ... Or maybe he's just too good to be human
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Twisted Wonderland Der Manga 4
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 25
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 19
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 23
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 11
Whispers turn into screaming headlines in Earl Ciel Phantomhive's morning paper as word of the dead being resurrected takes society by storm. But when the unsavoury details of the business reach Ciel's ear, he and his superlative butler, Sebastian, book themselves on a luxury liner to look into these alleged miracles and the 'Aurora Society' conducting them. As the waters lap and crash all around the vessel, mysterious individuals gather under the banner of the 'Phoenix.' Ciel and Sebastian may be one step closer to the truth, but have they sealed their fates by conducting an investigation on what could easily become a floating coffin...?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 5
For an impeccable gentleman's butler like Sebastian Michaelis, the word 'impossible' is just not in his vocabulary. Everything demanded of him under the English sun is well within his grasp. But do his talents extend to things under the scalding Indian sun?! As Harold West-Jeb's plan to use Agni, Prince Soma's superhuman butler, in a curry battle to win himself a Royal Warrant is exposed, Earl Ciel Phantomhive sets Sebastian to the task of creating an incomparable curry to defeat the despicable West-Jeb. But how can Ciel's devil of a butler possibly best Agni, the man with the Right Hand of God?!
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 30
Mey-rin, the faithful maid of the Phantomhive household...but her first encounter withCiel was that of assassin and target! How did an orphan living on the streets come tobe a loyal servant of the Queen’s Watchdog?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 24
A mysterious cult mesmerises legions of spectators with glorious rituals of song and dance. But the unbridled passion it inspires in its followers gives Queen Victoria cause for concern, and she urges Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his expert butler, Sebastian, to do some digging. Ciel has his own reasons for taking this lot to task, but the discovery of the cult's penchant for blood means the Queen's watchdog must make an immediate move. And when Sebastian goes probing behind the stages and into the shadows, he's met by a girl standing in his way, her sword ready to meet him head on...
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Twisted Wonderland Der Manga 3
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 12
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 07
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 17
Following the outcome of the annual cricket tourney and due in no small part to Sebastian, his uncommon butler, Earl Ciel Phantomhive has earned a seat at the Midnight Tea Party hosted by Weston's enigmatic headmaster. As moon-pale petals bloom on the lapels of the students who have been granted a place at the Midnight Tea Party, the man who holds all authority at the school reveals himself to his guests. Will his appearance shed light on the fate of the missing students,or conceal the path to truth in yet more darkness?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler Vol. 33
In their mission to sever the enemy's lifeline, Baldo and Lau investigate a veterans' sanatoriumbut their opinions on how to handle the situation cause them to clash! Meanwhile, Finny and Snake visit a newly established orphanage to the east, where Snake is reunited with a person he never thought he'd see again...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 29
On the run from the Phantomhive family, Ciel and those still loyal to him seek refuge with the Chinese mobster, Lau. Still not safe from persecution, Ciel, Sebastian, and the others must devise a strategy to regain the Earl's seat in the Phantomhive hierarchy!
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 28
The truth of what happened three years ago comes to light, as the past Ciel sought to erase is thrust back into his face. The revelations shake the Phantomhive manor to its foundations, and even Sebastian, the resident devil, can only look on in admiration at the consummate gamesmanship at play. The Phantomhive blood, it would seem, runs thick with the thirst for vengeance...
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 23
In the heart of London stands Sphere Music Hall, a venue that enjoys immense popularity amongst the populace. However, the fervour with which its visitors return causes consternation in the mind of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, who suspects the organisation of cult practices and sends Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his impeccable butler, Sebastian, to infiltrate the hall. They are met with none other than the disgraced erstwhile prefects of Weston College and an otherworldly fortune-teller called Blavat, who takes one look at Sebastian and divines his true nature without faltering...!
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 6
The cheer of the holidays has passed, but the Noah's Ark traveling circus has been making the rounds, bringing fun and joy to children of all ages. However, as the ringmaster's cries fade away, a disturbing trend begins to surface in the wake of the colourful entourage. Children seem to disappear whenever the circus packs up for its next destination, and there are no clues...or be found. But when the situation calls for Ciel and Sebastian to infiltrate the big top, will Sebastian's inhuman skills be enough to see him and his young master through a treacherous tightrope act that may well end in death?
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 1
Just a stone's throw from London lies the manor house of the illustrious Phantomhive earldom, its master one Ciel Phantomhive. Earl Phantomhive is a giant in the world of commerce, Queen Victoria's faithful servant . . . and a slip of a twelve-year old boy. Fortunately, his loyal butler, Sebastian, is ever at his side, ready to carry out the young master's wishes. And whether Sebastian is called to save a dinner party gone awry or probe the dark secrets of London's underbelly, there is practically nothing Sebastian cannot do. In fact, one might even say Sebastian is too good to be true . . . or at least, he is too good to be human . . .
Little, Brown & Company Black Butler, Vol. 32
Baldo is currently a loyal servant of the Phantomhive estate, but who was he before? What led to his legacy as the immortal soldier, and what convinced him to put down his musket for a chef's knife? His mission at the hospital for veterans brings up memories buried deep within!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Disney Twisted-Wonderland, Vol. 2: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Yu is formally enrolled in Night Raven College. He’s even a prefect…of Ramshackle Dorm. But that doesn’t mean things are getting any easier for him. When his classmate Ace shows up on his doorstep after getting in trouble, Yu faces his biggest challenge yet!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Disney Twisted-Wonderland, Vol. 1: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Yu is whisked away to Night Raven College, an arcane academy in the world of Twisted Wonderland. Stranded until he can find a way home, Yu is allowed to stay on campus despite having no magic of his own. But when his new friends land him in trouble with the headmage, his future at the school looks bleak. Now Yu’s fate hinges on bringing together a pair of argumentative first-years and a fire-breathing monster cat…
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Black Butler 28