Search results for ""Author Yõko Ogawa""
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Hotel Iris
Liebeskind Verlagsbhdlg. Das Geheimnis der Eulerschen Formel Roman
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Augenblicke in Bernstein
St Martin's Press The Housekeeper and the Professor
Vintage Publishing The Housekeeper and the Professor (Vintage Classics Japanese Series)
He is a brilliant maths Professor with a peculiar problem - ever since a traumatic head injury, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory.She is an astute young Housekeeper, with a ten-year-old son, who is hired to care for him.Each morning, the Professor and the Housekeeper are introduced to one another. The Professor may not remember what he had for breakfast, but his mind is still alive with elegant mathematical equations from the past. He devises clever maths riddles - based on her shoe size or her birthday - and the numbers reveal a poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her son.With each new equation, the three lost souls forge an affection more mysterious than imaginary numbers, and a bond that runs deeper than memory.'This is one of those books written in such lucid, unpretentious language that reading it is like looking into a deep pool of clear water...Dive into Yoko Ogawa's world and you find yourself tugged by forces more felt than seen' New York TimesVINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - five masterpieces of Japanese fiction in gorgeous new gift editions.
Random House Minas Matchbox
On sleepless nights, I open the matchbox and reread the story of the girl who gathered shooting stars.After the death of her father, twelve-year-old Tomoko is sent to live for a year with her uncle in the coastal town of Ashiya. It is a year which will change her life.The 1970s are bringing changes to Japan and her uncle''s magnificent colonial mansion opens up a new and unfamiliar world for Tomoko; its sprawling gardens are even home to a pygmy hippo the family keeps as a pet. Tomoko finds her relatives equally exotic and beguiling and her growing friendship with her cousin Mina draws her into an intoxicating world full of secret crushes and elaborate storytelling.Rich with the magic and mystery of youth, Mina's Matchbox is an evocative snapshot of a moment frozen in time, and a striking depiction of a family on the edge of collapse.Praise for Mina''s Matchbox ''I read Mina's Matchbox like a besotted
Editorial Funambulista S.L. Hotel Iris
Mari, una muchacha de diecisiete años que ayuda a su madre en la gestión de un modesto hotel familiar cerca de la playa, en la noche escucha los gritos de una mujer que sale medio desnuda de una de las habitaciones imprecando a un misterioso hombre de avanzada edad. Este, imperturbable, le manda callar con unas palabras tajantes. La autoridad con que las pronuncia tiene el efecto de un hechizo en la joven, que se siente inmediata e irresistiblemente atraída por él. Algunos días después, lo encuentra por casualidad y siente la necesidad de seguirlo. El hombre es un traductor del ruso con un pasado oscuro ?su mujer murió en circunstancias extrañas? que vive en una solitaria villa de una isla casi desierta. A partir de ese encuentro, nace entre ellos una turbia relación, y la casa del hombre se convierte en un inquietante lugar de transgresión íntima.Yoko Ogawa, una de las novelistas más leídas en Japón, se adentra esta vez en el oscuro territorio de la psicología sexual, que, como le
El museo del silencio
Un joven museógrafo recibe un insólito encargo de una coleccionista fuera de lo común: organizar una especie de museo en el que se exhibirían objetos recogidos en el momento exacto de la muerte de los vecinos de la localidad?El protagonista intentará cumplir con tan peculiar encargo ayudado por la cautivadora hija adoptiva de su empleadora, pero acaso dicha misión le llevará a cometer algún acto irreparable?Las circunstancias que rodean la muerte de los vecinos, más perturbadoras a medida que avanza la novela, y la participación del narrador en ciertos actos de su extraña empleadora sumergen al lector en un thriller psicológico digno de un guión de Hitchcock. Un nuevo viaje, lleno de suspense, al siempre inquietante y atractivo mundo de la célebre autora japonesa Yoko Ogawa.
Liebeskind Verlagsbhdlg. Der Duft von Eis
Liebeskind Verlagsbhdlg. Augenblicke in Bernstein
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Der Duft von Eis
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Das Museum der Stille
Random House USA Inc Minas Matchbox EXP
Vintage Publishing Minas Matchbox
On sleepless nights, I open the matchbox and reread the story of the girl who gathered shooting stars.After the death of her father, twelve-year-old Tomoko is sent to live for a year with her uncle in the coastal town of Ashiya. It is a year which will change her life.The 1970s are bringing changes to Japan and her uncle''s magnificent colonial mansion opens up a new and unfamiliar world for Tomoko; its sprawling gardens are even home to a pygmy hippo the family keeps as a pet. Tomoko finds her relatives equally exotic and beguiling and her growing friendship with her cousin Mina draws her into an intoxicating world full of secret crushes and elaborate storytelling.Rich with the magic and mystery of youth, Mina's Matchbox is an evocative snapshot of a moment frozen in time, and a striking depiction of a family on the edge of collapse.Praise for Mina''s Matchbox ''I read Mina's Matchbox like a besotted
El embarazo de mi hermana Literadura Spanish Edition
En El embarazo de mi hermana la narradora nos describe, con insólito talento y bajo forma de diario, el embarazo de su hermana mayor; y lo hace de una manera aparentemente fría y analítica aunque no exenta de ironía, sin ahorrarnos ningún detalle sobre los problemas de peso, la bulimia, los antojos. Así, pasada la fase de las náuseas, la embarazada recupera su voraz apetito y se pone a engullir compulsivamente una mermelada de pomelo que le prepara su hermana, episodio clave que llevará el relato a un inesperado desenlace. Metáfora de la soledad y del sentimiento de pérdida para la mujer japonesa de hoy en día, esta parábola se empieza leyendo con fascinación y luego no sin algo de pavor.Creadora de un universo obsesivo y poseedora de una escritura de exigencia, economía y agudeza notables, Yoko Ogawa, autora de culto en Japón, Francia y Alemania, gracias a esta obra ?que vendió más de 300 000 ejemplares y que fue galardonada con el prestigioso Premio Akutagawa en 1991?, logró situ
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Schwimmen mit Elefanten
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Das Geheimnis der Eulerschen Formel
Vintage Publishing The Housekeeper and the Professor: ‘a poignant tale of beauty, heart and sorrow’ Publishers Weekly
He is a brilliant maths professor with a peculiar problem - ever since a traumatic head injury seventeen years ago, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is a sensitive but astute young housekeeper who is entrusted to take care of him. Each morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are reintroduced to one another, a strange, beautiful relationship blossoms between them. The Professor may not remember what he had for breakfast, but his mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past. He devises clever maths riddles - based on her shoe size or her birthday - and the numbers reveal a sheltering and poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her ten-year-old son. With each new equation, the three lost souls forge an affection more mysterious than imaginary numbers, and a bond that runs deeper than memory.
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Zärtliche Klagen
Random House USA Inc Minas Matchbox
St Martin's Press Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales
Vintage Publishing The Diving Pool
Beautiful, twisted and brilliant - discover Yoko Ogawa.A lonely teenage girl falls in love with her foster-brother as she watches him leap from a high diving board into a pool - sparking an unspoken infatuation that draws out darker possibilities. A young woman records the daily moods of her pregnant sister in a diary, but rather than a story of growth the diary reveals a more sinister tale of greed and repulsion.Driven by nostalgia, a woman visits her old college dormitory on the outskirts of Tokyo. There she finds an isolated world shadowed by decay, haunted by absent students and the disturbing figure of the crippled caretaker.
Vintage Publishing The Memory Police
Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2020, an enthralling Orwellian novel about the terrors of state surveillance from one of Japan's greatest writers.'Beautiful... Haunting' Sunday Times'A dreamlike story of dystopia' Jia Tolentino__________Hat, ribbon, bird rose.To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed.When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in danger of being taken away by the Memory Police, she desperately wants to save him. For some reason, he doesn't forget, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his memories. Who knows what will vanish next?__________Finalist for the National Book Award 2019 Longlisted for the Translated Book Award 2020New York Times 100 Notable Books of the Year'This timeless fable of control and loss feels more timely than ever' Guardian, Books of the Year'Echoes the themes of George Orwell's 1984, but it has a voice and power all its own' Time'A novel that makes us see differently... A masterpiece' Madeleine Thien
Vintage Publishing Hotel Iris
In a crumbling, seaside hotel on the coast of Japan, quiet, seventeen-year-old Mari works the front desk as her mother fusses over the off-season customers. When, one night, they are forced to eject a prostitute and a middle-aged man from his room, Mari finds herself drawn to the man's voice, in what will become the first gesture of a long seduction. Mari begins to visit the mysterious man at his island home, and he initiates her into a dark realm of both pain and pleasure. As Mari's mother and the police begin to close in on the illicit affair, events move to a dramatic climax.By the author of The Housekeeper and the Professor
Random House USA Inc The Memory Police: A Novel