Search results for ""Author Wolfgang Bachmann""
Skript-Verlag Schroeder schreibt fast ein Krimi
De Gruyter Weiterbauen in der Pfalz / Rebuiding in the Palatinate: Substanz erhalten - Ressourcen schonen - Ortskerne beleben / Using Built Spaces - Saving Resources - Reviving Places
Nicht nur Wein und klassische Musik, auch eine Wertschätzung ihrer Alltagsarchitektur zeichnet die Pfalz zunehmend aus. Manchmal handelt es sich um Denkmäler, überwiegend sind es jedoch vernachlässigte, vergessene Immobilien, die man ehedem entweder gleich ganz abgerissen oder bis zur Unkenntlichkeit „saniert“ hätte. Inzwischen wird die Bausubstanz unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit und der regionalen Identität erhalten und wertgeschätzt. Gleichzeitig haben diese Gebäude oft den unschätzbaren Vorteil, dass sie nicht in gesichtslosen Ortsrändern sondern in gewachsenen Zentren stehen. Nach der Modernisierung ohne falsche Gemütlichkeitsattribute dienen sie nun, in ihrem zweiten Leben oft kulturellen Nutzungen oder als Ferienwohnungen, so dass alle etwas davon haben.
Park Books 4a Architekten – Setting Locations, Forming Spaces, Giving Light, Showing True Colors
Stuttgart-based 4a Architekten have gained much recognition especially for their public swimming pools and spas. Yet the firm, established in 1990 by Matthias Burkart, Eberhard Pritzer, Alexander von Salmuth, and Ernst Ulrich Tillmanns, has also created a formidable work of cultural and educational buildings, hotels, and housing. Having built mainly in Germany and Austria in their earlier years, they also opened an office in Moscow in 2008 when they obtained their first commission from Russia. This new monograph features seventeen realised projects that are exemplary for 4a Architekten's approach and vision. The selection also reflects the range of building tasks they cover. Richly illustrated with images and plans, the book also demonstrates the development of the firm's architectural language. Two essays take a look at their working process and history, alongside three shorter and more literary texts. The book is completed with a catalogue of all their built and unrealised projects.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Contemporary Home Design: 70 Plans and Projects
From the modern, flat-roofed concrete home to an energy-independent cob-walled house in the countryside, this guide shows seventy single-family homes that showcase the best of contemporary design. Each home is identified in terms of eight design considerations, including challenging lots, homes in the country, houses with a view, small spaces, unusual shapes, additions and remodels, zoning restrictions, and adding in-law or guest suites and office spaces. Packed with beautiful color images of both interiors and exteriors, floor plans, and details about the materials and types of construction used, this book is a valuable source of inspiration for architects and homeowners planning their dream house.