Search results for ""Author William McGuire""
Princeton University Press Bollingen: An Adventure in Collecting the Past - Updated Edition
This lively, intimate, sometimes disrespectful, but always knowledgeable history of the Bollingen Foundation confirms its pervasive influence on American intellectual life. Conceived by Paul and Mary Mellon as a means of publishing in English the collected works of C. G. Jung, the Foundation broadened to encompass scholarship and publication in a remarkable number of fields. Here are wonderful portraits of the central figures, including the Mellons, Jung himself, Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell, D. T. Suzuki, Natacha Rambova, Vladimir Nabokov, Gershom Scholem, Herbert Read, and Kurt and Helen Wolff.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 19: General Bibliography - Revised Edition
As a current record of all of C. G. Jung's publications in German and in English, this volume will replace the general bibliography published in 1979 as Volume 19 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. In the form of a checklist, this new volume records through 1990 the initial publication of each original work by Jung, each translation into English, and all significant new editions, including paperbacks and publications in periodicals. The contents of the respective volumes of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung and the Gesammelte Werke (published in Switzerland) are listed in parallel to show the interrelation of the two editions. Jung's seminars are dealt with in detail. Where possible, information is provided about the origin of works that were first conceived as lectures. There are indexes of all publications, personal names, organizations and societies, and periodicals.
Princeton University Press The Freud/Jung Letters: The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung
In April 1906, Sigmund Freud wrote a brief note to C. G. Jung, initiating a correspondence that was to record the rise and fall of the close relationship between the founder of psychoanalysis and his chosen heir. This correspondence is now available for the first time, complete except for a few missing letters apparently lost long ago. The letters, some 360 in number, span seven years and range in length from a postcard to a virtual essay of 1,500 words. In accordance with an agreement between the writers' sons, Ernst Freud and Franz Jung, the letters are published as documents, without interpretation, but with a detailed annotation that identifies more than 400 persons, 500 publications, and many literary and topical allusions. Anna Freud comments, "[The annotation] has turned the correspondence truly into a history of the beginnings of psychoanalysis, something that was very much needed and is not given anywhere else with the same attention to detail and inclusion of all the people in public life who cither came to psychoanalysis for a while or turned violently against it from the beginning...Every detail is necessary and enhances the value of the book." There are appendixes, facsimiles, and contemporary photographs. The index, with bibliographical details, is exhaustive. As historical documents, the letters reflect the early struggles of Freud and Jung in gaining acceptance for psychoanalysis. Freud, Jung's senior by twenty years, patiently assesses the opposition, cautioning the fiery Jung to concentrate more on his research than on answering the critics. The two exchange candid opinions on their colleagues, plan strategies for the advancement of their cause, and most important, share their experiences with patients and with the reading that led them to new scientific realizations. The correspondence provides an account of the composition of many papers, lectures, and books of Freud, Jung, and their colleagues, and describes the genesis of the journals, conferences, and international and local societies of the movement. The decline of the correspondence documents Jung's increasing reluctance to accept the entire Freudian code, and the growing bitterness that led to the mutual decision to end the correspondence and the relationship.
Princeton University Press Introduction to Jungian Psychology Notes of the Seminar on Analytical Psychology Given in 1925 Bollingen Series General
In 1925, while transcribing and painting in his "Red Book", C G Jung presented a series of seminars in English. This title features annotations, information from "the Red Book".
Princeton University Press Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido
"This book became a landmark, set up on the spot where two ways divided. Because of its imperfections and its incompleteness it laid down the program to be followed for the next few decades of my life." Thus wrote C. G. Jung about his most famous and influential work, the one that marked the beginning of his divergence from the psychoanalytic school of Freud. In this book Jung explores the fantasy system of Frank Miller, the young American woman whose account of her poetic and vivid mental images helped lead him to his redefinition of libido while encouraging his explorations in mythology. Published in 1912 as Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido, this is a key text for the study of the formation of Jung's ideas and for understanding his personal and psychological condition during this crucial time. Miller's fantasies, with their mythological implications, supported Jung's notion that libido is not primarily sexual energy, as Freud had described it, but rather psychic energy in general, which springs from the unconscious and appears in consciousness as symbols. Jung shows how libido organizes itself as a metaphorical "hero," who first battles for deliverance from the "mother," the symbol of the unconscious, in order to become conscious, then returns to the unconscious for renewal. Jung's analytical commentary on these fantasies is a complex study of symbolic parallels derived from mythology, religion, ethnology, art, literature, and psychiatry, and foreshadows his fundamental concept of the collective unconscious and its contents, the archetypes.