Search results for ""Author William Gurstelle""
O'Reilly Media ReMaking History, Volume 1
William Gurstelle begins his remarkable journey through history with this volume, Early Makers. Each chapter examines a remarkable individual or group of people from the past whose insights and inventions helped create the world we live in. What sets this series apart from other history books - including other histories of technology - is that each chapter also includes step-by-step instructions for making your own version of the historical invention. History comes to life in a way you have never experienced before when you follow the inventors' steps and recreate the groundbreaking devices of the past with your own hands. In this volume you will discover: The Cave Dwellers of Lascaux and the Oil Lamp Pythagoras and the Tantalus Cup Heron and the Gin Pole Egypt's Bag Press Otto von Guerke and the Magdeburg Hemispheres Levi ben Gershon and the Jacob's Staff Juliana Berners and the Fishing Lure Archimedes and the Water Screw China's Differential Windlass Be sure to also check out ReMaking History, Volume 2: Industrial Revolutionaries and ReMaking History Volume 3:Makers of the Modern World.
O'Reilly Media ReMaking History Volume 2
Industrial Revolutionaries is the second volume in William Gurstelle's unique exploration of history's great inventors. Each chapter revisits the life and times of one of the forward-thinking revolutionaries who helped create the world we live in. You will not only learn about their great inventions, you'll also get step-by-step instructions for recreating them yourself. History will come to life as you have never experienced it before when you build it with your own hands. Inside this volume, you will discover: Joseph McKibben and the Air Muscle Squire Whipple and the Iron Bridge Abe Lincoln and the Campaign Torch Samuel Morse and the Telegraph J.F. Daniell and the Storage Battery Ben Franklin and the Leyden Jar Charles Goodyear and the Vulcanization of Rubber Be sure to also check out ReMaking History, Volume 1: Early Makers and ReMaking History, Volume 3: Makers of the Modern World.
Chicago Review Press The Art of the Catapult: Build Greek Ballistae, Roman Onagers, English Trebuchets, And More Ancient Artillery
Calling all pumpkin chuckers, wannabe marauders, and tinkerers of all ages! Flinging things and playing at defending your own castle has never been more fun. Whether playing at defending their own castle or simply chucking pumpkins over a fence, wannabe marauders and tinkerers will become fast acquainted with Ludgar the War Wolf, Ill Neighbor, Cabulus, and the Wild Donkey—ancient artillery devices known commonly as catapults. Updated and improved instructions and diagrams illustrate how to build 10 authentic working model catapults, including an early Greek ballista, a Roman onager, and the apex of catapult technology, the English trebuchet. Additional projects include learning how to lash and make rope and how to construct and use a hand sling and a staff sling. Building these simple yet sophisticated machines introduces fundamentals of math and physics using levers, force, torsion, tension, and traction. The colorful history of siege warfare is explored through the stories of Alexander the Great and his battle of Tyre; Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, and the Third Crusade; pirate-turned-soldier Jon Crabbe and his ship-mounted catapults; and Edward I of England and his battle against the Scots at Stirling Castle. For the legions of Tolkien fans, budding backyard warriors, and engineering wizards, this book is a must-have.
Chicago Review Press Backyard Ballistics 2nd Edn.
This bestselling DIY handbook now features new and expanded projects, enabling ordinary folks to construct 16 awesome ballistic devices in their garage or basement workshops using inexpensive household or hardware store materials and this step-by-step guide. Clear instructions, diagrams, and photographs show how to build projects ranging from the simple match-powered rocket to the more complex tabletop catapult and the offbeat Cincinnati fire kite. The classic potato cannon has a new evil twin—the piezo-electric spud gun and the electromagnetic pipe gun has joined the company of such favorites as the tennis ball mortar. With a strong emphasis on safety, the book also gives tips on troubleshooting, explains the physics behind the projects, and profiles scientists and extraordinary experimenters such as Alfred Nobel, Robert Goddard, and Isaac Newton. This book will be indispensable for the legions of backyard toy-rocket launchers and fireworks fanatics who wish every day was the fourth of July.
A Cappella Books Absinthe and Flamethrowers
O'Reilly Media ReMaking History v3
Makers of the Modern World is the third volume of William Gurstelle's unique, hands-on journey through history. Each chapter examines a remarkable character from the past, one of the people whose insights and inventions helped create our modern world. What sets this series apart from other history books - including other histories of technology - is that each chapter also includes step-by-step instructions for making your own version of the historical invention. History comes to life in a way you have never experienced before when you follow the inventors' steps and recreate the groundbreaking devices of the past with your own hands. This volume brings you to the early modern era and the invention of the electric light, the movie projector, and the automobile. Inside, you will discover: Alessandro Volta and Electroplating Humphrey Davy and the First Electric light George Cayley and the Aeronautical Glider The Lumiere Brothers and the Movie Projector Rudolf Diesel and the Automobile Engine Hans Goldschmidt and the Thermite Reaction August Mobius and the Mobius Strip Louis Poinsot's Loads, Moments, and Torques Be sure to also check out ReMaking History, Volume 1: Early Makers and ReMaking History Volume 2 :Industrial Revolutionaries.