Search results for ""Author Whoopi Goldberg""
Blackstone Audiobooks,U.S. Bits and Pieces
If it weren''t for Emma Johnson, Caryn Johnson would have never become Whoopi Goldberg. Emma gave her children the loving care and wisdom they needed to succeed in life, always encouraging them to be true to themselves. When Whoopi lost her mother in 2010 - and then her older brother, Clyde, five years later - she felt deeply alone; the only people who truly knew her were gone. Emma raised her children not just to survive, but to thrive. In this intimate and heartfelt memoir, Whoopi shares many of the deeply personal stories of their lives together for the first time. Growing up in the projects in New York City, there were trips to Coney Island, the Ice Capades, and museums, and every Christmas was a magical experience. To this day, she doesn''t know how her mother was able to give them such an enriching childhood, despite the struggles they faced - and it wasn''t until she was well into adulthood that Whoopi learned just how traumatic some of those struggles were. Fans of personal mem
Rizzoli International Publications The Unqualified Hostess: I do it my way so you can too!
It's Whoopi here and I've written this book that, frankly, is the last book anyone would expect. You would never think of me as someone with the courage to say, 'You have everything you need to be fantastic in your own house, apartment, or trailer to set a great table.' Let's face it, you look at a lot of books on Entertaining and think 'I could never do this in my house, I don't have this stuff and it's not going to look like what I'm seeing.' That's not what's going to happen here! I want to show you there is great heart in setting the table. For two or four or the kids or Halloween or tea just for you. For dinners with friends or the holidays. I'm going to tell you stories about what I do when people come over and give you ideas about what you're seeing because Honey, everything in this book is what you can do in your house. You got a bodega or a 7-Eleven near you? They sell flowers. Take those bad boys and put them on your table. You got some crazy old plate from your grandmother (or a fancy silver one)? You got little kids' toys that have been annoying you forever, put them on the table too. Who's going to tell you it's wrong? Not me! I'm going to tell you it's right and I'm going to take you on a journey. And don't forget the bathroom; decorate it too, people are going to see it. It's all at your house. Come with me. I'll show you! P.S. I know the glass on the cover is broken. Accidents happen!'
Hyperion Dancing Diva
Fantagraphics The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960 (vol. 5)
Disney Book Publishing Inc. Sugar Plum Ballerinas in Two Acts: Plum Fantastic and Toeshoe Trouble
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Sugar Plums to the Rescue!
The fifth book of the award-winning and bestselling Sugar Plum Ballerinas series by Whoopi Goldberg—now featuring brand-new illustrations!At the Nutcracker School of Ballet in Harlem, young dancers learn to chassé, plié, and jeté with their Sugar Plum Sisters—but things don't always go to plan! As the girls encounter challenges both on and off stage, they'll need the support of their classmates to carry them through with aplomb.Jessica is worse than worried when she learns that the Nutcracker School of Ballet might lose its lease! Life just wouldn't be the same without the ballet classes she shares with her Sugar Plum sisters. Her problems mount when she rescues an adorable stray kitty on her way home from class. The animal shelters can't take the cat for weeks, so Jessica hopes the cat can live at the Nutcracker School in the meantime. But the school is already in trouble, and a cat could be just what the landlord needs to bring down the curtain on the ballerinas-permanently.
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Toeshoe Trouble
At the Nutcracker School of Ballet in Harlem, young dancers learn to chassé, plié, and jeté with their Sugar Plum Sisters-but things don't always go to plan! As the girls encounter challenges both on and off stage, they'll need the support of their classmates to carry them through with aplomb.Brenda Black prides herself on her logical and orderly mind. She studies anatomy books and idolizes Leonardo da Vinci. But things go haywire when her spoiled cousin Tiffany comes to visit. Fed up with Tiffany's bragging, Brenda snaps when Tiffany implies that Brenda is not cultured enough to know who Miss Camilla Freeman is-Miss Camilla Freeman, the very famous prima ballerina. Brenda tells Tiffany that not only does she know who Camilla Freeman is, but she happens to own an autographed pair of her toeshoes.The problem? Those shoes actually belong to Ms. Debbé, the headmistress of the Nutcracker School! Brenda's anatomy books might get her into medical school one day, but they can't get her off of this ballet slipper-y slope-for that, she'll need the help of her Sugar Plum Sisters!
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Plum Fantastic
At the Nutcracker School of Ballet in Harlem, young dancers learn to chassé, plié, and jeté with their Sugar Plum Sisters-but things don't always go to plan! As the girls encounter challenges both on and off stage, they'll need the support of their classmates to carry them through with aplomb.Alexandrea Petrakova Johnson does not want to be a beautiful ballerina, and she does not want to leave her friends in Apple Creek. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop her ballet-crazy mother from moving them to Harlem, or from enrolling Al at the Nutcracker School of Ballet. Life is hard when you're the new ballerina on the block, and it's even harder when you're chosen to be the Sugar Plum Fairy in the school recital! Al's ballet classmates are going to have to use all the plum power they've got to coach this scary fairy!
HarperCollins Focus Two Old Broads: Stuff You Need to Know That You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know
Written by renowned surgeon and expert on the art of aging, Dr. M.E. Hecht, with her friend Whoopi Goldberg lending her unique point of view, Two Old Broads is laugh out loud funny and?tells it like it is for all of us who left middle age in the dust and want to be present, positive, and as extraordinary as ever in our golden years.Whoopi joins Dr. Hecht in a lively conversation about growing older with no apologies. Dr. Hecht, who passed away a few short months prior to publication, shares her 93 years of wisdom with Whoopi and their fellow “broads.” Together, these two kindred spirits will help you: stay active physically and mentally make finalizing your will more rewarding than it sounds navigate tricky subjects, such as whether you need a home aide win friends and influence people or take a nap, depending on the day discover joy in relationships even when your excretions outweigh your secretions get up financially, physically, and emotionally after a fall keep a sense of humor about getting older (of course!) Imminently practical and?rooted firmly in the adage that getting older is not for sissies, Two Old Broads is the aging book for the ages. You've survived the past; why not embrace the present and prepare for the future so you thrive and find more time to laugh along the way?
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Dancing Diva
The sixth book of the award-winning and bestselling Sugar Plum Ballerinas series by Whoopi Goldberg—now featuring brand-new illustrations!At the Nutcracker School of Ballet in Harlem, young dancers learn to chassé, plié, and jeté with their Sugar Plum Sisters—but things don't always go to plan! As the girls encounter challenges both on and off stage, they'll need the support of their classmates to carry them through with aplomb.Epatha knows she's the perfect pick for the lead in the new Sugar Plum ballet. But her dream role isn't as fabulosa as she imagined. When she tries to spice up the choreography with her free-spirited style it's up to the rest of the Sugar Plum Ballerinas to keep Epatha's toes in line. Will Epatha listen to her friends or can she convince the other ballerinas that her way is the best?
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Tutu Many Problems (previously published as Terrible Terrel)
Terrel is always in charge, whether she's making lists for grocery shopping (her favorite hobby, AFTER ballet), keeping her brothers in line, or organizing father-daughter time in with her dad. Lately, though, her dad's been acting a little strange--wearing new clothes and way too much aftershave. Things get even weirder when he surprises Terrel with his new girlfriend during a night out at the ballet - a night that was supposed to be father-daughter time. What's more, his "date" brought her niece along. A niece who turns out to be Terrel's ballerina nemesis, Tiara Girl! With some Sugar Plum help, Terrel takes charge of breaking up her father's new relationship.
Little, Brown & Company Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Perfectly Prima
At the Nutcracker School of Ballet in Harlem, young dancers learn to chassé, plié, and jeté with their Sugar Plum Sisters-but things don't always go to plan! As the girls encounter challenges both on and off stage, they'll need the support of their classmates to carry them through with aplomb.Perfectionistic Jerzey Mae desperately wants to be a ballet dancer. But she's frustrated by her own lack of talent--and by her friends' jokes about her terrible dancing. Things get even worse when her little brother Mason attends her ballet class, totally embarrassing Jerzey in front of her prima ballerina idol, Miss Camilla Freeman. When Jerzey learns that Miss Camilla will be attending their recital, she's determined not to make a fool of herself again. But her efforts to learn her dance are continually thwarted--until she finds help in a very unexpected place.
Distributed Art Publishers Regeneration: Black Cinema, 1898–1971
The overlooked yet vibrant history of Black participation in American film, from the beginning of cinema through the civil rights movement From the dawn of the medium onward, Black filmmakers have helped define American cinema. Black performers, producers and directors—Bert Williams, Oscar Micheaux, Herb Jeffries, Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandridge, Ruby Dee and William Greaves, to name just a few—had a vast and resounding impact. Black film artists not only developed an enduring independent tradition but also transformed mainstream Hollywood, fueled and reflected sociopolitical movements, captured Black experience in all its robust complexity, and influenced generations to come. As harrowing as it is beautiful, this history of Black cinema and its legacy is often overlooked. Regeneration accompanies a first-of-its-kind exhibition at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures exploring seven decades of Black participation in American cinema. Amplifying this underrepresented history in colorful and striking detail, the book features an in-depth curatorial essay and scholarly case-study texts on topics such as early Black independent filmmaking, Black spectatorship during the Jim Crow era and home movies as an essential form of Black self-representation. The volume also makes meaningful connections to the present through interviews with award-winning contemporary Black filmmakers Charles Burnett, Julie Dash, Ava DuVernay, Barry Jenkins and Dawn Porter. An extensive filmography and chronology offer an essential resource for anyone interested in Black cinema, while images of contemporary visual artworks further illustrate the volume throughout.
HarperCollins Focus Two Old Broads: Stuff You Need to Know That You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know
Written by renowned surgeon and expert on the art of aging, Dr. M.E. Hecht, with her friend Whoopi Goldberg lending her unique point of view, Two Old Broads is laugh out loud funny and?tells it like it is for all of us who left middle age in the dust and want to be present, positive, and as extraordinary as ever in our golden years.Whoopi joins Dr. Hecht in a lively conversation about growing older with no apologies. Dr. Hecht, who passed away a few short months prior to publication, shares her 93 years of wisdom with Whoopi and their fellow “broads.” Together, these two kindred spirits will help you: stay active physically and mentally make finalizing your will more rewarding than it sounds navigate tricky subjects, such as whether you need a home aide win friends and influence people or take a nap, depending on the day discover joy in relationships even when your excretions outweigh your secretions get up financially, physically, and emotionally after a fall keep a sense of humor about getting older (of course!) Imminently practical and?rooted firmly in the adage that getting older is not for sissies, Two Old Broads is the aging book for the ages. You've survived the past; why not embrace the present and prepare for the future so you thrive and find more time to laugh along the way?