Search results for ""Author Walter Vandervelde""
BIS Publishers B.V. When the Box is the Limit: Drive your Creativity with Constraints: Drive your Creativity with Constraints
Innovators have long recognised that constraints very often stimulate or guide the process of creativity and innovation. When you work with limitation, creativity often comes to the surface organically as the most ultimate and natural solution. Restraints should never be a reason not to innovate. Often the contrary is true: restraints accelerate creativity, the driving force behind innovation. This book provides multiple inspiring examples from different industries, and offers the reader a real suite of techniques on how to use natural or self-imposed constraints to the benefit of creativity and innovation. The book is aimed at every professional who’s convinced that creativity plays a crucial role in the daily work environment, but is also aware of the boundaries that take away the illusion of ‘the sky is the limit’. Turning undeniable reality into a real creative advantage is the ultimate goal of this book.