Search results for ""Author Walter Benjamin""
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Correspondencia 19331940
La correspondencia entre Walter Benjamin y Gershom Scholem es una fuente inestimable para quien quiera conocer la amistad de estos dos pensadores en el contexto histórico e intelectual de los años 1933 a 1940. Las cartas arrojan especial luz sobre la figura de Benjamin, pues ayudan a documentar la última etapa de su vida, determinada por el exilio, las dificultades para publicar sus escritos y las penurias de la existencia material. Uno de los focos principales de la discusión con Scholem son las reflexiones sobre Kafka. Las afinidades y discrepancias del pensamiento de uno y otro se hacen tanto más patentes en este intercambio cuanto más similar es el universo de ideas filosófico-religiosas en el que se mueven sus interpretaciones divergentes. La obra de Kafka es una elipse, cuyos focos, muy alejados entre sí, están determinados, por un lado, por la experiencia mística (que es, sobre todo, la experiencia de la tradición), y por otro, por la experiencia del hombre moderno de la gran ci
Abada Editores Sueños
EL libro reúne por primera vez relatos de sueños y reflexiones teóricas sobre éstos publicados en vida de Benjamin o presentes en su legado.
Abada Editores Primeros trabajos de crítica de la educación y la cultura Estudios metafísicos y de filosofía de la historia
Ediciones Akal Calle de sentido nico Bsica de Bolsillo Spanish Edition
Bebra Verlag Stadt des Flaneurs Berliner Orte
Alexander Verlag Berlin Kleine Geschichte der Photographie
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Aura und Reflexion Schriften zur Kunsttheorie und sthetik
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Erzhlen Schriften zur Theorie der Narration und zur literarischen Prosa
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Medienasthetische Schriften
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Charles Baudelaire Ein Lyriker im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalismus
Casimiro Libros Breve historia de la fotografa
Abada Editores Escritos sobre cine
Este libro recopila todos los textos en los que Walter Benjamin reflexionó sobre el cine: desde el célebre ensayo sobre la obra de arte y la reproducción técnica hasta anotaciones sobre el genial Chaplin, pasando por fragmentos de sus diarios de viaje o una cuidada selección de entradas de la Obra de los pasajes.
Abada Editores El origen del Trauerspiel alemán
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Berliner Kindheit um neunzehnhundert Fassung letzter Hand
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Storyteller Essays
Editorial Periferica Infancia Berlinesa Hacia Mil Novecientos
Abada Editores Obra completa VI fragmentos de contenido miscelneo Escritos autobiogrficos
El lector tiene en sus manos un libro que es parte de un todo, con el cual comparte uniformidad en la traducción y unificación de los términos y conceptos fundamentales; el lector sabrá apreciar sin duda cuánto se beneficia de este intento el pensamiento de Benjamin, que dejará así de fluctuar según los intereses y el arbitrio que rigen el mercado y las modas, para al fin presentarse de manera íntegra y compleja en la presente edición.
Abada Editores Escritos polticos
La repercusión del pensamiento de Walter Benjamin trasciende los círculos habituales de la reflexión filosófica. Sus escritos son citados con entusiasmo por artistas visuales, sociólogos, arquitectos, cineastas, escritores o activistas. En esta recepción tan amplia ha desempeñado un papel esencial una evaluación muy positiva de su contribución a la teoría política. Los escritos de Benjamin desarrollan una crítica muy original del capitalismo y exploran sus posibilidades de transformación. Sugieren la existencia de alternativas sociales vivificantes y factibles y, de este modo, proponen herramientas intelectuales para superar la oclusión contemporánea del campo político.
Tesis sobre el concepto de historia y otros ensayos sobre historia y poltica
El enorme volumen de trabajos, interpretaciones y "apropiaciones" de la obra y las ideas de Walter Benjamin que se han realizado a lo largo de los últimos decenios amenazan con hacer parecer redundante cualquier nuevo intento de aproximación a él y a su obra. Sin embargo, como establecen los editores del volumen en su brillante introducción, es el propio Benjamin quien proporciona las claves para enfrentar su pensamiento con algún sentido, entre ellas mantener a raya toda forma de optimismo reconociéndola como ilusión paralizadora. El presente volumen, que pivota sobre sus indispensables tesis Sobre el concepto de historia, se redondea con ensayos no menos decisivos, como Fragmento teológico-político, Capitalismo como religión, Teorías del fascismo alemán, Para una crítica de laviolencia y Eduard Fuchs, coleccionista e historiador.Edición y traducción deJordi Maiso y José Antonio Zamora
Editorial Flâneur S.L. Kafka
Limbus Verlag Ich packe meine Bibliothek aus
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke und Nachlaß. Kritische Gesamtausgabe
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Denkbilder
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Deutsche Menschen Eine Folge von Briefen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Gesammelte Schriften BD 412
ERIS Unpacking My Library
Penguin Books Ltd The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
One of the most important works of cultural theory ever written, Walter Benjamin's groundbreaking essay explores how the age of mass media means audiences can listen to or see a work of art repeatedly – and what the troubling social and political implications of this are.Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves – and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives – and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
GEDISA Los empleados
En la Alemania del período de entreguerras se estaba produciendo un fenómeno que llamó la atención de Siegfried Kracauer: la emergencia de los empleados.Este colectivo de tres millones y medio de personas (de las cuales un tercio eran mujeres) ocupaba los puestos técnicos y administrativos en los sectores del comercio, los bancos y los transportes y constituía un ejército de asalariados intercambiables entre sí. Sus bajos sueldos hacían que su existencia fuera insegura y sus perspectivas de independencia prácticamente nulas.Con su mirada puesta en Berlín, por ser en la capital alemana donde la vida pública estaba siendo modificada ostensiblemente por las necesidades de los empleados, Kracauer se dedica a recopilar citas, conversaciones y observaciones realizadas in situ, con ánimo de realizar un diagnóstico sociológico, puesto que para el autor francfortés el conocimiento de esta situación no sólo es la condición necesaria para todas las transformaciones, sino que supone ya de po
Casimiro Libros Un artista del hambre
Casimiro Libros París
Ediciones Sequitur La tarea del traductor
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke und Nachlaß. Kritische Gesamtausgabe
Casimiro Libros La obra de arte en la poca de su reproduccin mecnica
Casimiro Libros Nápoles
Casimiro Libros Juguetes
Input Verlag Einbahnstraße
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke und Nachla Kritische Gesamtausgabe 8 Einbahnstrae
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Gesammelte Schriften Abhandlungen Volume 13
Verso Books Understanding Brecht
The relationship between philosopher-critic Walter Benjamin and playwright-poet Bertolt Brecht was both a lasting friendship and a powerful intellectual partnership. Having met in the late 1920s in Germany, Benjamin and Brecht both independently minded Marxists with a deep understanding of and passionate commitment to the emancipatory potential of cultural practices continued to discuss, argue and correspond on topics as varied as Fascism and the work of Franz Kafka. Faced by the onset of the ‘midnight of the century’, with the Nazi subversion of the Weimar Republic in Germany and the Stalinist degeneration of the revolution in Russia, both men, in their own way, strove to keep alive the tradition of dialectical critique of the existing order and radical intervention in the world to transform it.In Understanding Brecht we find collected together Benjamin’s most sensitive and probing writing on the dramatic and poetic work of his friend and tutor. Stimulated
Penguin Books Ltd One-Way Street and Other Writings
Walter Benjamin - philosopher, essayist, literary and cultural theorist - was one of the most original writers and thinkers of the twentieth century. This new selection brings together Benjamin's major works, including 'One-Way Street', his dreamlike, aphoristic observations of urban life in Weimar Germany; 'Unpacking My Library', a delightful meditation on book-collecting; the confessional 'Hashish in Marseille'; and 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction', his seminal essay on how technology changes the way we appreciate art. Also including writings on subjects ranging from Proust to Kafka, violence to surrealism, this is the essential volume on one of the most prescient critical voices of the modern age. Contains: 'Unpacking My Library'; 'One-Way Street'; 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'; 'Brief History of Photography'; 'Hashish in Marseille'; 'On the Critique of Violence'; 'The Job of the Translator'; 'Surrealism'; 'Franz Kafka' and 'Picturing Proust'.
Harvard University Press Origin of the German Trauerspiel
Origin of the German Trauerspiel was Walter Benjamin’s first full, historically oriented analysis of modernity. Readers of English know it as “The Origin of German Tragic Drama,” but in fact the subject is something else—the play of mourning. Howard Eiland’s completely new English translation, the first since 1977, is closer to the German text and more consistent with Benjamin’s philosophical idiom.Focusing on the extravagant seventeenth-century theatrical genre of the trauerspiel, precursor of the opera, Benjamin identifies allegory as the constitutive trope of the Baroque and of modernity itself. Allegorical perception bespeaks a world of mutability and equivocation, a melancholy sense of eternal transience without access to the transcendentals of the medieval mystery plays—though no less haunted and bedeviled. History as trauerspiel is the condition as well as subject of modern allegory in its inscription of the abyssal.Benjamin’s investigation of the trauerspiel includes German texts and late Renaissance European drama such as Hamlet and Calderón’s Life Is a Dream. The prologue is one of his most important and difficult pieces of writing. It lays out his method of indirection and his idea of the “constellation” as a key means of grasping the world, making dynamic unities out of the myriad bits of daily life. Thoroughly annotated with a philological and historical introduction and other explanatory and supplementary material, this rigorous and elegant new translation brings fresh understanding to a cardinal work by one of the twentieth century’s greatest literary critics.
Verso Books Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism
Walter Benjamin, one of the foremost cultural commentators and theorists of this century, is perhaps best known for his analyses of the work of art in the modern age and the philosophy of history. Yet it was through his study of the social and cultural history of the late nineteenth-century Paris, examined particularly in relation to the figure of the great Parisian lyric poet Charles Baudelaire, that Benjamin tested and enriched some of his core concepts and themes. Contained within these pages are, amongst other insights, his notion of the flaneur, his theory of memory and remembrance, his assessment of the utopian Fourier and his reading of the modernist movement.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Correspondence 1930-1940
‘We must see to it that we put the best of ourselves in our letters; for there is nothing to suggest that we shall see each other again soon.’ So wrote Walter Benjamin to Gretel Adorno in spring 1940 from the south of France, shortly before he took his own life. The correspondence between Gretel Adorno and Walter Benjamin, published here in its complete form for the first time, is the document of a great friendship that existed independently of Benjamin’s relationship with Theodor W. Adorno. While Benjamin, alongside his everyday worries, writes especially about those projects on which he worked so intensively in the last years of his life, it was Gretel Karplus-Adorno who did everything in her power to keep Benjamin in the world. She urged him to emigrate to the USA and told him about Adorno’s plans and Bloch’s movements, thus maintaining the connection between the old Berlin friends and acquaintances. She helped him through the most difficult times with regular money transfers, and organized financial support from the Saar region, which was initially still independent from the Third Reich. Once in New York, she attempted to entice Benjamin to America with her descriptions of the city and the new arrivals from Europe – though ultimately to no avail.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Correspondence 1930-1940
‘We must see to it that we put the best of ourselves in our letters; for there is nothing to suggest that we shall see each other again soon.’ So wrote Walter Benjamin to Gretel Adorno in spring 1940 from the south of France, shortly before he took his own life. The correspondence between Gretel Adorno and Walter Benjamin, published here in its complete form for the first time, is the document of a great friendship that existed independently of Benjamin’s relationship with Theodor W. Adorno. While Benjamin, alongside his everyday worries, writes especially about those projects on which he worked so intensively in the last years of his life, it was Gretel Karplus-Adorno who did everything in her power to keep Benjamin in the world. She urged him to emigrate to the USA and told him about Adorno’s plans and Bloch’s movements, thus maintaining the connection between the old Berlin friends and acquaintances. She helped him through the most difficult times with regular money transfers, and organized financial support from the Saar region, which was initially still independent from the Third Reich. Once in New York, she attempted to entice Benjamin to America with her descriptions of the city and the new arrivals from Europe – though ultimately to no avail.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Complete Correspondence 1928 - 1940
The surviving correspondence between Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. This is the first time all of the surviving correspondence between Adorno and Benjamin has appeared in English. Provides a key to the personalities and projects of these two major intellectual figures. Offers a compelling insight into the cultural politics of the period, at a time of social and political upheaval. An invaluable resource for all students of the work of Adorno and especially of Benjamin, extensively annotated and cross-referenced.
Harvard University Press Berlin Childhood around 1900
Begun in Poveromo, Italy, in 1932, and extensively revised in 1938, Berlin Childhood around 1900 remained unpublished during Walter Benjamin’s lifetime, one of his “large-scale defeats.” Now translated into English for the first time in book form, on the basis of the recently discovered “final version” that contains the author’s own arrangement of a suite of luminous vignettes, it can be more widely appreciated as one of the masterpieces of twentieth-century prose writing.Not an autobiography in the customary sense, Benjamin’s recollection of his childhood in an upper-middle-class Jewish home in Berlin’s West End at the turn of the century becomes an occasion for unified “expeditions into the depths of memory.” In this diagram of his life, Benjamin focuses not on persons or events but on places and things, all seen from the perspective of a child—a collector, flâneur, and allegorist in one. This book is also one of Benjamin’s great city texts, bringing to life the cocoon of his childhood—the parks, streets, schoolrooms, and interiors of an emerging metropolis. It reads the city as palimpsest and labyrinth, revealing unexpected lyricism in the heart of the familiar.As an added gem, a preface by Howard Eiland discusses the genesis and structure of the work, which marks the culmination of Benjamin’s attempt to do philosophy concretely.
Verso Books The Storyteller: Tales out of Loneliness
The Storyteller gathers for the first time the fiction of the legendary critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin, best known for his groundbreaking studies of culture and literature, including Illuminations, One-Way Street and The Arcades Project. His stories revel in the erotic tensions of city life, cross the threshold between rational and hallucinatory realms, celebrate the importance of games, and delve into the peculiar relationship between gambling and fortune-telling, and explore the themes that defined Benjamin. The novellas, fables, histories, aphorisms, parables and riddles in this collection are brought to life by the playful imagery of the modernist artist and Bauhaus figure Paul Klee.
Stanford University Press Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition
Marking the centenary of Walter Benjamin's immensely influential essay, "Toward the Critique of Violence," this critical edition presents readers with an altogether new, fully annotated translation of a work that is widely recognized as a classic of modern political theory. The volume includes twenty-one notes and fragments by Benjamin along with passages from all of the contemporaneous texts to which his essay refers. Readers thus encounter for the first time in English provocative arguments about law and violence advanced by Hermann Cohen, Kurt Hiller, Erich Unger, and Emil Lederer. A new translation of selections from Georges Sorel's Reflections on Violence further illuminates Benjamin's critical program. The volume also includes, for the first time in any language, a bibliography Benjamin drafted for the expansion of the essay and the development of a corresponding philosophy of law. An extensive introduction and afterword provide additional context. With its challenging argument concerning violence, law, and justice—which addresses such topical matters as police violence, the death penalty, and the ambiguous force of religion—Benjamin's work is as important today as it was upon its publication in Weimar Germany a century ago.