Search results for ""Author Vern""
Pearson Practical Classroom Management Enhanced Pearson Etext with LooseLeaf Version Access Card Package
Running Press,U.S. Vern Yip's Vacation at Home: Design Ideas for Creating Your Everyday Getaway
We've all heard that our home should be our sanctuary, but most of us fall short of that ideal. Too often, the reality is that our homes are just another place for stress and work. Now trusted HGTV interior designer Vern Yip is here to guide us on confidently creating a home where we can instantly feel relaxed and rejuvenated, while also reflecting our individual style and needs. In this lush, beautifully illustrated book, Vern shares the tips, tricks, and design principles that 5-star resorts and hotels use to help guests get into vacation mode, and shows how we can duplicate that sense of ease and relaxation (while fitting into our personal design flair). He also opens the doors to some of his clients' homes to show you how these key design principles can vary with different styles, tastes, and locations. With Vern's reassuring tone and clear, easy steps, readers can create spaces that can make everyday feel like vacation!
Playwrights Canada Press,Canada Bluebirds
St Martin's Press I See You, Sad Bear
A poetic and comforting story that explores emotional literacy and friendship, perfect for fans of The Rabbit Listened and Be Kind. Sad Bear, why are you so sad? As we follow Sad Bear through a gloomy day, we can only guess at why he's so blue. Did you drop your ice cream on the ground? Was it your birthday and did all your friends forget? Or maybe there is no reason at all. You are just simply sad. Soon a friend arrives and tries his best to cheer up Sad Bear. But the truth is, everyone gets sad, and sometimes all we need is a friend by our side. For readers big and small, this moving and gentle tale takes on big concepts like sadness and empathy, helping young readers learn that offering comfort can mean lending a hand or an ear, or simply just being there.
Crossway Books Redeeming Reason: A God-Centered Approach
Vern S. Poythress examines how all human reasoning reflects God’s nature. Providing a foundational understanding of God as the source of rationality, Poythress explores the 3 fundamental laws of logic with a strong focus on analogical reasoning.
Crossway Books Reading the Word of God in the Presence of God: A Handbook for Biblical Interpretation
This comprehensive resource on biblical interpretation argues for the importance of reading the Bible as both a human and a divine document, advocating an explicitly Christ-centered approach to understanding Scripture’s meaning.
Titan Books Ltd Yippee KiYay Moviegoer
With the hilarious “instant cult classic” Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal, Vern wrote a book that shook the very foundations of film criticism, broke their wrists, and then threw them through a window. Now he’s back, and this time he’s got all of ‘the films of badass cinema’ in his sights... From Die Hard to The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Transformers to Mary Poppins, Vern has an opinion on everything, and he’s not shy about sharing them...
Independent Institute,U.S. Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts
Probably no issue during the most recent financial crisis aroused more passion than financial institution bailouts. Focusing on the policymaking behind the decisions to bail out these institutions—not just during the most recent crisis, but also throughout history—this account argues that the genesis of financial crisis lies in government policy, whether in the mismanagement of monetary policy during the 1930s or in the extraordinary push of consumers into homeownership leading up to the current crisis. This detailed analysis is an essential read in order to understand why the United States has become so reliant on such interventions.
Mirador Publishing Demon Slayer: A novel of renewal, duty and love
Random House USA Inc Harold Loves His Woolly Hat
Random House Children's Books Harold Hates to Hibernate
Random House USA Inc Milo Is Missing Something
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Descent into Madness: The Diary of a Killer
P & R Publishing Co (Presbyterian & Reformed) The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation
Crossway Books Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach
We live in God's world, and today this world is continually experiencing the impact of science, scientific ideas, and technological fruits of science. So if this is God's world, then how does God relate to science?
Crossway Books In the Beginning Was the Word: Language--A God-Centered Approach
With scriptural teaching and broad-ranging application, this follow-up to Redeeming Science builds a Christian theology of language and reforms our thinking about words.
Random House USA Inc Lawrence: The Bunny Who Wanted to Be Naked
Crossway Books Redeeming Philosophy
This robust volume explores life's big questions related to God, human existence, meaning, and knowledge, sketching a distinctly Christian approach to philosophical inquiry that is founded on the Bible and informed by Christian theology.
Crossway Books Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought
An accessible introduction to the study of logic (parts 1 & 2), as well as an in-depth treatment of the discipline (parts 3 & 4), built on a robust Christian worldview. Includes helpful charts, diagrams, and review questions.
Random House USA Inc Milo Is Missing Something
Running Press,U.S. The Blue Songbird
It's springtime and a young songbird hears the joyous songs of her siblings and desperately wants to sing along-only she doesn't yet know what special tune she can add to their chorus. Encouraged by her mother to leave the nest, the songbird flies off on a quest to find the song that only she can sing. With courage and tenacity, she travels far beyond her golden island home, seeking advice from a crane, an owl, and a mean-looking crow until she finally discovers her own unique voice. Told in gentle, lyrical prose and with bright, beautiful watercolor illustrations that are rich in detail, The Blue Songbird is sure to become a perennial favorite-a story that teaches children to go on adventures and to discover what makes them truly unique. An empowering story for kids of all shapes, sizes, and singing ability.
Human Kinetics Publishers Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports Conditioning
Athletic Development offers a rare opportunity to learn and apply a career full of knowledge from the best. World-renowned strength and conditioning coach Vern Gambetta condenses the wisdom he's gained through more than 40 years of experience of working with athletes across sports, age groups, and levels of competition, including members of the Chicago White Sox, New York Mets, and U.S. men's 1998 World Cup soccer team. The result is an information-packed, myth-busting explanation of the most effective methods and prescriptions in each facet of an athlete's physical preparation. Gambetta includes never-before-published and ready-to-use training approaches in sport-specific demands analysis, work capacity enhancements, movement skills development, long- and short-term training program progressions, and rest and regeneration techniques. Athletic Development explains what works, what doesn't, and why. Gambetta's no-nonsense approach emphasizes results that pay off in the competitive season and reflect his work at the highest echelons of sport. Merging principles of anatomy, biomechanics, and exercise physiology with sports conditioning applications and four decades of professional practice, this is the definitive guide to performance-enhancing training.
Random House USA Inc Harold Hates to Hibernate
Crossway Books Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine
Author and scholar Vern S. Poythress explores major systematic theology topics through the lens of truth, explaining how truth informs and confirms what the Bible teaches.
Crossway Books The Lordship of Christ: Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart
Helping Christians understand the implications of Jesus’s lordship over all of life, Poythress explores the biblical call to serve Christ, detailing the many areas—including politics, science, art, and education—in which service is possible.
Crossway Books Redeeming Mathematics: A God-Centered Approach
This groundbreaking book lays a theistic foundation for the study of mathematics, exploring everything from simple concepts such as addition and subtraction to more complex topics such as set theory and the nature of infinity.
SPCK - Crossway Biblical Typology How the Old Testament Points to Christ His Church and the Consummation
Crossway Books Redeeming Our Thinking about History: A God-Centered Approach
Vern S. Poythress offers a providentialist approach to understanding history, giving Christians a strong, biblical foundation for recognizing God’s lordship and studying the past.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Deficit Reduction & Fiscal Policy: Considerations & Options
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc How to Rebuild and Modify Ford Flathead V-8 Engines
The ultimate Ford flathead resource for hot rodders and restorers.The last commercially produced Ford Flathead V-8 was cast over 60 years ago. Simple by today's high-tech standards, during its performance reign from the late '30s through the mid '50s, the flathead was unsurpassed for go-fast power on the cheap. It spawned the modern aftermarket speed-equipment industry and became a favorite of bootleggers, dry-lakes racers, dirt trackers, street racers, and a whole generation that just wanted fast cars.Whether you're restoring a classic Ford, building a traditional hot rod, or creating a period custom car, you'll want to get the most out of its vintage flathead V-8. In How to Rebuild and Modify Ford Flathead V-8 Engines, authors Mike Bishop and Vern Tardel, two of the most highly-regarded experts in hot rodding, give you the detailed and accurate information you need to build, restore, or just daydream about the engine that gave birth to hot rodding.Every aspect of buying, building, and owning a flathead V-8 engine is extensively covered. Go through the basics of selecting the right engine for the right project, building and rehabilitating engines, and final tuning. Diagrams and color photos bring these legendary engines to life for the hands-on hobbyist, collector, and aficionado.Keep it mild or build it wild, but either way, How to Rebuild and Modify Ford Flathead V-8 Engines will help ensure your flathead is delivering the power you need.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Broadband: Conflict and Convergence
Wireless Broadband utilizes a reader-friendly approach to clearly explain the business, regulatory, and technology issues of the future market for wireless services. It covers broadband and the information society; drivers of broadband consumption; global wireless market analysis; broadband IP core networks; convergence; and contention and conflict. Complemented with more than eighty illustrations, this book provides unparalleled insight into the emerging technologies, service delivery options, applications, and digital content that will influence and shape the next phase of the wireless revolution.
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Dictionary of Utah Fine Artists
University of Texas Press Meyerhold at Work
“Not a mirror but a magnifying glass”—such, in the poet Mayakovsky’s words, was the theater of Vsevolod Meyerhold. The first to insist on the primacy of the director’s role, indeed the first to conceive of it as a role, this passionately dedicated Russian director tore down the fourth wall and forced the actors and audience together into one inescapable community of experience. Yet Meyerhold recorded few of his theories in writing, and the intensity and brilliance of his work must be recaptured through the actors and artists who helped create the performances. Focusing on Meyerhold’s postrevolutionary career, Paul Schmidt has assembled in this book journals, letters, reminiscences, and, of special interest, actual rehearsal notes that build a fascinating, intimate picture of Meyerhold as a theorist and as a man. Included are Meyerhold’s frantic notes to his teacher, friend, and bête noire Stanislavsky; detailed descriptions of how he trained his actors in “biomechanics”; and memories by such students as Eisenstein and such friends as Pasternak and Ehrenburg. One chapter deals with Meyerhold’s never-realized conception of Boris Godunov, while another describes his direction of Camille, which starred Zinaida Raikh, his wife, and which played its 725th and last performance on the day Stalin’s government liquidated Meyerhold’s theater. Paul Schmidt’s introduction and headnotes enhance our understanding of Meyerhold as a pioneer of modern theater.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd World Gone Wild: A Survivor's Guide to Post-Apocalyptic Movies
A loving ode to a universal genre of film. An entire subculture of end-of-the-world themes was spawned from films like The Road Warrior, Escape From New York, and The Terminator. While those films are still being emulated today, film makers all around the world continue to produce radically unique films with startling perspectives of humanity facing the end of all things. This book offers pointers and a frame of reference on how the characters behaved when their worlds were on the brink of desolation. It covers the genre's biggest blockbusters like The Hunger Games, I Am Legend, Oblivion, and World War Z, while devoting equal time and attention to smaller, more obscure films that really deserve to be discovered. Containing over 800 movie reviews, 60 exclusive interviews with filmmakers and actors who've made films in the genre, and a vast subgenre index, World Gone Wild is a chronicle of humanity's struggles through nuclear war, global natural disasters, and the zombie apocalypse in film.
Pearson Education Mathematical Ideas
Crossway Books Interpreting Eden: A Guide to Faithfully Reading and Understanding Genesis 1-3
Highlighting proper hermeneutical principles for interpreting Genesis 1–3, this book offers a clear direction for approaching these early chapters correctly.
ACC Art Books Desperately Young: Artists Who Died in Their Twenties
Desperately Young introduces the masterpieces left behind by some of the greatest rising stars in fine art - all of whom died before their thirtieth birthday. Precocious talent seeps from each artist's work, along with a sense of unfulfilled potential. Informative biographies detail their legacies, while their tragic deaths lead us to wonder what heights they might've reached, had their lives not been cut short. Richly illustrated, Desperately Young presents prime examples of each artist's work, demonstrating how our cultural heritage is just a little narrower for their loss. From Europe to America to Japan and the Indian Subcontinent, the mid-14-hundreds to the late 20th century, this book hails the acknowledged greats and introduces those who died before they could leave an indelible mark on history. A compendium of 109 artists who fell prey to sickness, warfare, heartbreak or bad luck, Desperately Young is the only book to provide an in-depth study of artists who died young. Contents: With works from Tommaso Masaccio, Frédéric Bazille, Thomas Girtin, Egon Schiele, Henri Regnault, Ernst Klimt, Jeanne Hébuterne, Kaita Murayama, Hermann Stenner, Maurycy Gottlieb, Fyodor Vasilyev, Marie Bashkirtseff, Richard Parkes Bonington, Luisa Anguissola, Walter Deverell, August Macke, Pauline Boty and Jean-Michel Basquiat - among many others.
University of Texas Press Speech Genres and Other Late Essays
Speech Genres and Other Late Essays presents six short works from Bakhtin's Esthetics of Creative Discourse, published in Moscow in 1979. This is the last of Bakhtin's extant manuscripts published in the Soviet Union. All but one of these essays (the one on the Bildungsroman) were written in Bakhtin's later years and thus they bear the stamp of a thinker who has accumulated a huge storehouse of factual material, to which he has devoted a lifetime of analysis, reflection, and reconsideration.
Pearson Education (US) Financing Education in a Climate of Change
A user-friendly, practical examination of the issues impacting education finance today Retaining the practical tone and superior presentation that made the previous editions best sellers, this new edition of Financing Education in a Climate of Change presents the most up-to-date information and material available in the dynamic field of school finance. Easy-to-understand tables and figures, thought provoking end-of-chapter assignments, new chapter learning objectives, and practical budget and accounting examples help readers gain a firmer understanding of all facets of financing education. The 13th Edition adds information on classic and current topics, including the economics of education, recent court decisions, 50-state comparison tables, state taxes, and the ongoing debate about school vouchers, tax credits, church-state issues, and charter schools.
Emerald Publishing Limited Macrofoundations: Exploring the Situated Nature of Activity
This volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations explores the institutional macro foundations of action, providing an array of insights into the constitutive and contextualizing powers of institutions, and an agenda for further exploration of these themes. The recent increase in attention to the micro foundations of institutions has been fruitful, but risks obscuring institutions' constitutive and contextualizing powers. This volume addresses this risk by focusing attention on how institutions shape the workings of the social and material world, our fundamental experiences, and the real-time unfolding of activity. It examines these institutional macro foundations, and provides rich accounts of the ways in which macro foundations shape and are shaped by micro-dynamics, in a co-constitutive interplay. This volume will be essential reading for management researchers, students, and all those interested in organization and organizational life.
Bristol University Press Dystopian Emotions: Emotional Landscapes and Dark Futures
As nations reel from the effects of poverty, inequality, climate change and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, it feels as though the world has entered a period characterized by pessimism, cynicism and anxiety. This edited collection challenges individualized understandings of emotion, revealing how they relate to cultural, economic and political realities in difficult times. Combining numerous empirical studies and theoretical developments from around the world, the diverse contributors explore how dystopian visions of the future influence, and are influenced by, the emotions of an anxious and precarious present. This is an original investigation into the changing landscape of emotion in dark and uncertain times.