Search results for ""Author Ullrich Kockel""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Regional Culture and Economic Development: Explorations in European Ethnology
From an interdisciplinary perspective based primarily on European ethnology and political economy, this book explores issues and concepts concerning the link between culture and economy. A historical introduction to key theoretical problems is followed by five empirical chapters discussing aspects of development in rural as well as urban locations. The author considers local leadership, looking in particular at part-time farming, counter-urban migration, and pluriactivity. The classification of informal economy is illustrated with examples drawn from fieldwork, and urban poverty and migration are each explored in detail. A discussion of heritage and identity as a resource for development questions whether the concern with the authenticity of culture(s) may be an inappropriate approach to take. The book concludes with a theoretical reflection on the problematic of culture and economy and a call for a return to the roots of European ethnology as an essentially political science.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe
A Companion to theAnthropologyof Europe BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe “The volume also deserves a place on the shelves of academic libraries as well as the larger public library.” Reference Reviews “Summing Up: Highly recommended. All academic levels/libraries.”Choice “This important collection challenges all anthropologists to re-examine the importance of European perspectives on the most provocative debates of our time. It transcends regional interests to highlight the complex intellectual landscape of our field.”Tracey Heatherington, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee “This significant volume critically interrogates assumptions about Europe as an idea and a place for research. It provides fresh perspectives on the past and future of anthropological studies of Europe.” Deborah Reed-Danahay, SUNY at Buffalo, President of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe offers a survey of contemporary Europeanist anthropology and European ethnology, and a guide to emerging trends in this geographical field of research. Utilizing diverse approaches to the anthropological study of Europe, Kockel, Nic Craith, and Frykman provide a synthesis of the different traditions and contemporary practices. Investigating the subject both geographically and thematically, the companion covers key topics such as location, heritage, experience, and cultural practices. Written by leading international scholars in the field, the volume constitutes the first authoritative guide for researchers, instructors, and students of anthropology and European studies.
Lit Verlag Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, Or: Writing Heritage. a Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Heritage Studies
A Companion to Heritage Studies BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY A Companion to Heritage Studies “This Companion provides a gateway to heritage studies for students and scholars alike. Taken together, the essays testify to how exciting and dynamic this field has become.”Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, University of Iceland “Interdisciplinary and international in scope, A Companion to Heritage Studies succeeds in bringing together critical and practical, historicizing and future-oriented scholarship on what has become an all-pervasive global interest and industry, passion and resource.”Regina F. Bendix, Göttingen University, Germany “A vast and complete overview of the contemporary challenges of heritage preservation and management. This is an important book for practitioners, planners, and policy makers. The Companion fills a gap and helps address many of the uncomfortable questions heritage preservation is facing today.”Francesco Bandarin, Special Advisor to UNESCO for Heritage and Professor, University Iuav of Venice A Companion to Heritage Studies is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art survey of the interdisciplinary study of cultural heritage. Featuring a substantial framework-setting essay by the editors, and contributions from an international array of scholars, including some with extensive experience in heritage practice through UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and national heritage systems, this Companion offers a cutting-edge guide to this emergent and increasingly important field that is global in scope, cross-cultural in focus, and critical in approach. The selected essays have been innovatively organized into three sections on the expansion, use and abuse, and the recasting of heritage. The Companion covers all of the key themes in research, including old and new outlooks on cultural heritage and its management, heritage as a form of cultural politics, the emergence of critical heritage studies, the role of heritage in times of rapid change and conflict, heritage in environmental protection, the rise of intangible heritage, museums and digital heritage, World Heritage and tourism, and heritage ethics and human rights. A Companion to Heritage Studies will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of anthropology, archeology, and cultural studies, as well as anyone interested in better understanding the historical, social, and political significance of heritage.