Search results for ""Author Trutz Hardo""
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Erlebe dein Jenseits Einblick in vergangene Leben und jenseitige Erfahrungen Mit RckfhrungsCD
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Das Phnomen des Zufalls Die Signale des Lebens entschlsselt
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Wiedergeburt Die Beweise und die Bedeutung fr ein neues Bewusstsein
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Was uns Menschen trägt und weiterbringt
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Karma und seine Gesetze
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Entdecke deine frheren Leben
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Liebe aus karmischer Sicht
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Das groe Handbuch der Reinkarnation Heilung durch Rckfhrung
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Ich hab schon mal gelebt Kinder beweisen ihre Wiedergeburt
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Hab keine Angst vor dem Tod Was die Forschung herausgefunden hat
Vintage Publishing Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation today
In this book, children from all around the world remember their past lives, and eminent scientists explain how many of these children's stories have been followed up to verify whether their statements have any foundation in fact. Incredibly, when subjected to scientific investigation, children's memories about their past lives can invariably be confirmed in every detail.Supported by overwhelming scientific evidence, the children's stories in this book suggest that reincarnation is a reality for us all. Whether they are from England, Europe, the USA, Lebanon, South Africa, Israel, India, Brazil, Sri Lanka or Turkey, children who have lived before offer us insights into our global future, as well as profound messages from our collective past. This book is a must for anyone interested in the subject of reincarnation.'[Trutz Hardo presents] convincing evidence on reincarnation that will even give the toughest sceptic much to think about. I hope that finally many readers will learn the truth of reincarnation' Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, author of 'On Death and Dying'
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