Search results for ""Author Tobi Tana""
Altraverse GmbH Silent Witch 03
Altraverse GmbH Silent Witch 01
Altraverse GmbH Silent Witch 02
Little, Brown & Company Secrets of the Silent Witch, Vol. 1
Monica Everett is the Silent Witch, the only mage in the world who can use unchanted magecraft. But underneath all the fancy titles…she's also the shyest girl you'll ever meet! In fact, she learned unchanted magecraft just so she wouldn't have to speak in public. Monica may be talented, but she has zero confidence, and now she's being tasked with infiltrating a prestigious academy and protecting the kingdom's second prince! How will she survive?!
Little, Brown & Company Secrets of the Silent Witch, Vol. 2 (manga)
Monica, the powerful but incredibly shy mage, just wants to quietly carry out her mission to guard the second prince. But now he’s taken notice of her and even appointed her to the student council! Unfortunately, some of the other students don't appreciate Monica getting so cozy with the prince, and she must also receive instruction from the icy Cyril... When will her troubles end?