Search results for ""Author Thomas Großbölting""
Herder Verlag GmbH Die schuldigen Hirten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Der Verlorene Himmel: Glaube in Deutschland Seit 1945
Aschendorff Verlag Alfred Muller-Armack: The Political Biography of an Economist
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Politisches Entscheiden im Kalten Krieg: Orte, Praktiken und Ressourcen in Ost und West
Anyone who is interested in the critical intensifications in Cold War politics cannot avoid analyzing the cultures of decision-making behind these processes. As a top event, the Cuban Missile Crisis stands for how setting the wrong course on the part of the politicians involved could have led the world to the nuclear war. "Whoever shoots first is dead second," was how an American general summed up the game theory dilemma in these decades. But not only in the military, but also in many other political contexts, West and East confronted each other politically, economically and with regard to the respective social policy and shaped their own styles of decision-making in delimitation and in parallel with each other. The competition to the respective opponent, the belief in the feasibility of political visions and the control of society drove the theoretical as well as practical efforts. How politicians in East and West, in their heads, but also in the subordinate instances, designed and carried out the decision-making process, how to get advice from experts in science and business in these processes, and in which way political institutions received and processed information - These are the key questions in this volume, which the authors address using various case studies from the USA and USSR, FRG, GDR and Czechoslovakia.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Welche Wirklichkeit Und Wessen Wahrheit?: Das Geheimdienstarchiv ALS Quelle Und Medium Der Wissensproduktion
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Der Tod Des Diktators: Ereignis Und Erinnerung Im 20. Jahrhundert
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kommunismus in der Krise: Die Entstalinisierung 1956 und die Folgen
On 25 February 1956 at the XX KPdSU Party conference Chruschtschow held his famous secret speech on the "personality cult" and crimes of Stalin. This triggered developments characterized by moderation in judgements, alleviation of power and more political freedom. The beginning of this political thaw forms the basis of this book. Situations in various communist satellite states are compared; global bloc confrontations and means to stabilize the system are discussed as well as key issues of the social policies and militarism.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Contergan: Hintergrunde Und Folgen Eines Arzneimittel-Skandals