Search results for ""Author Thomas E. Scruggs""
Emerald Publishing Limited Policy and Practice
In the study of learning and behavioral disabilities, effective practice and public policy enacted to implement this practice are closely intertwined. In this volume, a number of internationally prominent authors discuss issues and advances both in public policy, and in state-of-the art practice in providing service for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Topics include educational equity, imputations of malice in social policy, analytical discussions of Response to Intervention and No Child Left Behind legislation, policy implications of functional behavioral assessment, implications of poverty for educational policy, and public policy implications of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. In addition, chapters are included that address recent advances in practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. These topics include interventions for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, mathematics interventions for individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities, Response-to-Intervention and other literacy practices for students with learning and behavioral disabilities, and the design of functional assessment for challenging behavior. The chapters included in this volume provide important current information on policy and practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities, and will be of interest to teachers, administrators, graduate students, researchers, professionals in personnel preparation programs, and individuals interested in public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Assessment and Intervention
The recent emphasis on accountability in policy and practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities has placed a renewed focus on issues in assessment. However, assessment in itself is of little value unless it leads to more effective and systematic interventions. In this volume, a distinguished group of international authors provide important insights on recent advances on assessment and intervention, and the relation between the two. Included in this volume are chapters on curriculum based measurement and response to intervention, dynamic assessment and working memory, diagnostic accuracy and functional diagnosis, assessment of social behavior, assessment and intervention in reading and writing, assessment and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and assessment and intervention in social and emotional competence and self-determination. Taken together, these chapters provide significant new information that will be of interest to graduate students, clinicians, teachers, and other professionals concerned with effective assessment and intervention for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Literacy and Learning
Among the most commonly reported characteristics of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities are significant and persistent problems with literacy acquisition. Applied research has revealed a number of methods for facilitating literacy learning among individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Included in this volume are chapters from a group of internationally-prominent authors, addressing important issues in the conceptualizing, assessing, and treating problems in literacy. These chapters include conceptual factors in reading assessment, reading comprehension, and a critique of the 'dyslexia' concept, implementation of Response to Intervention models for treatment of literacy deficits, applications for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, reading instruction in the content areas, strategy instruction, and reading instruction for English learners with learning disabilities. In addition, current research in writing for students with learning and behavioral disabilities is described, including chapters on contextual factors in writing disabilities, persuasive writing for students with behavioral disabilities, writing instruction for young children with disabilities, and peer-mediated writing strategies. This volume is intended to be of interest to clinicians, teachers, researchers, graduate students, and many others interested in literacy and learning of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives
This volume is intended for researchers and graduate students of psychology, education, and special education. Because social, cultural, and economic conditions are varied from country to country, there is a need to explore how learning disabilities are identified, perceived, and addressed around the world. Up-to-date research from North and South America, Europe, and the United Kingdom is included to provide a global overview of a wide variety of learning and behavioral disorders. Internationally prominent authors discuss their research pertaining to the following areas: working memory, reading disabilities, ADHD, hearing impairments, motivational orientations, measurement of socio-cultural level, ecological perspectives on social behavior, and students with disabilities in international schools. International contributions ensure global coverage of subject matter. It includes unprecedented coverage of learning and behavioral disabilities in one volume.