Search results for ""Author Terry Nichols Clark""
Emerald Publishing Limited Can Tocqueville Karaoke?: Global Contrasts of Citizen Participation, the Arts and Development
Are you sceptical about the importance of arts and culture, especially about their possible impact on politics and the economy? This volume outlines a new framework for analysis of democratic participation and economic growth and explores how these new patterns work around the world. The new framework joins two past traditions; however, their background histories are clearly separate. Democratic participation ideas come mostly from Alexis de Tocqueville, while innovation/bohemian ideas driving the economy are largely inspired by Joseph Schumpeter and Jane Jacobs. New developments building on these core ideas are detailed in the first two sections of this volume. But these chapters in turn show that more detailed work within each tradition leads to an integration of the two: participation joins innovation. This is the main theme in the book's third section, the buzz around arts and culture organizations, and how they can transform politics, economics, and social life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community and Ecology: Dynamics of Place, Sustainability and Politics
Humans live in social communities that are embedded ecologically within overlapping biophysical environments. This volume facilitates an ongoing dialogue between community sociologists and environmental sociologists about how humans interact with each other in social communities and with biophysical environments in an ecological community. The chapters in this volume contribute to three related areas of scholarship. First, chapters two through four deal with the ecological and social significance of place. The authors of these three chapters examine different theoretical and substantive dilemmas regarding place and ecology. Their scholarship investigates the significance of place across a range of natural, modified, and built environments. Second, chapters five through seven deal with the challenges of local sustainability. The authors of these three chapters perform scholarship on social, economic and ecological dimensions of local sustainability. Third, chapters eight through eleven deal with local environmental politics. The authors of these four chapters examine the various dynamics of local political processes in communities across three continents. These scholars explicitly examine how the structure of political opportunities in different localities affects the mobilization necessary to recognize and ameliorate environmental problems. We anticipate that this volume furthers the cross-pollination of ideas between community sociologists and environmental sociologists. Ultimately, the heightened and sustained communication between these two groups of scholars may lead to emergent theoretical, methodological, and substantive insights that may contribute to the discipline of sociology more generally. Different sections of the book address ecological and social significance of place, challenges of local sustainability, and local environmental politics. The book enhances the interplay of ideas between community sociologists and environmental sociologists, and stimulates thought that will contribute to the general field of sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Can Tocqueville Karaoke?: Global Contrasts of Citizen Participation, the Arts and Development
Are you sceptical about the importance of arts and culture, especially about their possible impact on politics and the economy? This volume outlines a new framework for analysis of democratic participation and economic growth and explores how these new patterns work around the world. The new framework joins two past traditions; however, their background histories are clearly separate. Democratic participation ideas come mostly from Alexis de Tocqueville, while innovation/bohemian ideas driving the economy are largely inspired by Joseph Schumpeter and Jane Jacobs. New developments building on these core ideas are detailed in the first two sections of this volume. But these chapters in turn show that more detailed work within each tradition leads to an integration of the two: participation joins innovation. This is the main theme in the book's third section, the buzz around arts and culture organizations, and how they can transform politics, economics, and social life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Politics of Policy Innovation in Chicago
This annual publication focuses on four interrelated urban processes: population and employment location; political leadership and policy outputs; bureaucratic processes and service delivery; and citizen preferences and participatory activities. This special volume concentrates on the city of Chicago.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Urban Policy: An International Perspective : European Consortium for Political Research Workshop on Local and Regional Bureaucracies in Western Europe : Selected Papers
This annual publication focuses on four interrelated urban processes: population and employment location; political leadership and policy outputs; bureaucratic processes and service delivery; and citizen preferences and participatory activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited The City as an Entertainment Machine
People both live and work in cities. And where they choose to live shifts where and how they work. Amenities enter as enticements to bring new residents or tourists to a city. Amenities have thus become new public concerns for many cities in the US and much of Northern Europe. Old ways of thinking, old paradigms - such as "location, location, location" and "land, labour, capital, and management generate economic development" - are too simple. So is "human capital drives development". To these earlier questions, we add: "how do amenities and related consumption attract talented people, who in turn drive the classic processes which make cities grow?" This new question is critical for policy makers. Urban public officials, business, and nonprofit leaders are using culture, entertainment, and urban amenities to (seek to) enhance their locations - for present and future residents, tourists, conventioneers, and shoppers. This volume explores how consumption and entertainment change cities. But it reverses the "normal" causal process. That is, many chapters analyse how consumption and entertainment drive urban development, not vice versa. It details the impacts of opera, used bookstores, brew pubs, bicycle events, Starbucks' coffee shops, gay residents and other factors on changes in jobs, population, inventions, and more. It interprets these processes by showing how they add new insights from economics, sociology, political science, public policy, and geography. Considerable evidence is presented about how consumption, amenities, and culture drive urban policy - by encouraging people to move to or from different cities and regions. The book also explores how different amenities attract the innovative persons who are catalysts in making the modern economy and high tech hum.
The University of Chicago Press Scenescapes: How Qualities of Place Shape Social Life
Let’s set the scene: there’s a regular on his barstool, beer in hand. He’s watching a young couple execute a complicated series of moves on the dance floor, while at the table in the corner the DJ adjusts his headphones and slips a new beat into the mix. These are all experiences created by a given scene—one where we feel connected to other people, in places like a bar or a community center, a neighborhood parish or even a train station. Scenes enable experiences, but they also cultivate skills, create ambiances, and nourish communities. In Scenescapes, Daniel Aaron Silver and Terry Nichols Clark examine the patterns and consequences of the amenities that define our streets and strips. They articulate the core dimensions of the theatricality, authenticity, and legitimacy of local scenes—cafes, churches, restaurants, parks, galleries, bowling alleys, and more. Scenescapes not only reimagines cities in cultural terms, it details how scenes shape economic development, residential patterns, and political attitudes and actions. In vivid detail and with wide-angle analyses—encompassing an analysis of 40,000 ZIP codes—Silver and Clark give readers tools for thinking about place; tools that can teach us where to live, work, or relax, and how to organize our communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Solving Urban Problems in Urban Areas Characterized by Fragmentation and Divisiveness
This work studies urban problems and policy. It addresses the socio-economic context of the Metropolitan region. It also discusses: fragmentation, divisiveness and governmental organization; divisiveness and law enforcement; divisiveness and the social services; and, divisiveness and regional development.