Search results for ""Author Teresa Solana""
Corylus Books Black Storms
A tense and atmospheric murder mystery set in present-day Barcelona, featuring a female police officer with a complex and entertaining family life.
Bitter Lemon Press The First Prehistoric Serial Killer and other stories
An impressive and very funny collection of stories by Teresa Solana but the fun is very dark indeed. The oddest things happen. Statues decompose and stink out galleries, two old grandmothers are vengeful killers, a prehistoric detective on the verge of becoming the first religious charlatan trails a triple murder that is threatening cave life as the early innocents knew it. The collection also includes a sparkling web of Barcelona stories--connected by two criminal acts--that allows Solana to explore the darker side of different parts of the city and their seedier inhabitants.
Herder Editorial La religión hilo de memoria
Si, por un lado, el interés por las grandes religiones históricas sigue en declive, desde los años setenta se ha observado, por el otro, una proliferación de nuevos movimientos religiosos de la más diversa índole. La supuesta pérdida de la religión propagada por las teorías de la secularización contrasta con este nuevo fenómeno de diseminación de lo religioso. La sociología se ha visto enfrentada a un dilema. O bien se define la religión en función de los contenidos que tradicionalmente la han caracterizado ?como la fe en una fuerza sobrenatural? y se pasan por alto manifestaciones de una especie de religiosidad moderna ?como los eventos deportivos de masas. O bien se aplica a todos los fenómenos que abordan la cuestión del sentido último y del significado del mundo en que vivimos, con lo que la religión se asimila a la categoría nebulosa de ?sistema de significación?.Danièle Hervieu-Léger propone emprender un nuevo análisis de lo religioso y redefinirlo. Su sagaz estudio sa
Bitter Lemon Press A Shortcut to Paradise
A writer is murdered at the Ritz on the night she wins an important literary prize, battered to death with the trophy she has just won. A satire of the Catalan literary scene dressed up as a hilarious murder mystery
Bitter Lemon Press The Sound of One Hand Killing
On assignment Eduard and Borja check out an exclusive meditation centre in the ritziest part of Barcelona, only to discover the director murdered, whacked in the head with a statuette of the Buddha. The violent death of a neighbour - who happens to be a CIA agent - simultaneously drags them into an international conspiracy complicated by Borja's attempt to smuggle a priceless Assyrian figurine, the "Lioness of Baghdad".
Bitter Lemon Press Not So Perfect Crime
Another day in Barcelona, another slimy politician's wife is suspected of infidelity. Lluis Font discovers a portrait of his wife in an exhibition that leads him to conclude he is being cuckolded by the artist. Concerned only about the potential political fallout, he hires twins Eduard and Pep, private detectives with a supposed knack for helping the wealthy with their 'dirty laundry'. Their office is adorned with false doors leading to non-existent private rooms, a mysterious secretary who is always away and a broken laptop computer picked up on the street. The case turns ugly when Font's wife is found poisoned by a marron glace from a box of sweets delivered anonymously. This is a deftly plotted, bitingly funny mystery novel. It is a satire of Catalan politics and a fascinating insight into the life and habits of Barcelona's inhabitants, diurnal and nocturnal.