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Jugar para ser feliz
Una guía esencial para aprender a hablar el lenguaje de la infancia y conectar con la familia.Jugáis en vuestro día a día? Dedicáis tiempo de calidad en familia? Sabéis disfrutar de la rutina?Jugar es divertirse, explorar y emocionarse. Jugar es ser feliz, es conectar con el aquí y el ahora. Sin embargo, no siempre nos acordamos de hacerlo: las prisas, las responsabilidades y el no parar de pensar en el futuro hacen que nos olvidemos de vivir el presente.En Jugar para ser feliz descubriréis la magia del juego en familia. Con ideas y actividades para explorar las emociones y entender el mundo que nos rodea, este libro nos invita a vivir en positivo para conectar con nuestros seres queridos. Porque cada juego es una oportunidad para estar presentes y crecer felices.Un libro para jugar con empatía, compartir con respeto y crecer con amor.
Skyhorse Publishing Screen-Free Family Activities: Things to Do Together at Home, around Town, and in Nature
365 activities for play and adventure without screens: having fun with your family and without technology is possible! Children spend a lot of time with their screens, and while it’s true that there are many alternatives to screen-time, many modern parents don’t know where to look for these opportunities. In the absence of inspiration, this book proposes 365 activities to play without screens for the whole family. Activities are designed to be enjoyed in different spaces such as at home, in the city or town, and in nature. Completing them as a family will create positive emotional bonds, reduce stress, and teach children empathy, love, and respect. Montessori-inspired Ideas range from crafts and hobbies to everyday activities (singing in the rain, jumping on the bed, taking bubble baths) to outdoor activities like treasure hunts and gardening. Each project has a photo or illustration; an appropriate age range listed; a season; and a time for how long to play. Each activity is a different idea with the same objective: to strengthen bonds and help pass the time in a way that helps you grow as a family.At Home: Mystery Box, Bubble Beards and Hairdos, Painting on the Windows, Art on Continuous Paper, Camping at HomeAround Town: Observe an Anthill, Feed the Pigeons, Crosswalks, Visit a Museum, Reusing Napkins, Playing "I Spy"In Nature: Pick Flowers, Count Rings in a Tree Trunk, Build Mandalas with Rocks, Get Muddy, and Make a Nature Candle